Load images

Photo4D uses multiple images to compute 3D information. A Photo4D project must have at least two images. The Image page in the Main Window is for manipulating images in a Photo4D project.

The following steps import an image file into Photo4D:

  1. Select the Image Page in the Main Window by clicking the 'Image' tab of the notebook area.
  2. Click button 'Add...' in the Image Page. A dialog box called Image Type will pop up. Select 'Still Image' or 'Video'.
  3. A File Selection Dialog will pop up. Select an image file.
  4. An image window will be opened to display the newly added image. The image name will also be added in the "Image in Project" listbox in the Main Window.

The above steps can be repeated to add more images.

Note: The Image Type dialog only appears when the first image is added.