Compute Adjustment
Photo4D can compute the adjustment value for a
synchronization point.
The "Compute..." button in the 'Compute Sync' subpage of the
Compute page can be used to invoke the "Compute
Adjustment" dialog which contain the following elements.
- Compute Param: the parameter setting in the dialog
is similar to the 3D computation dialog.
- Use Constraint: select to use constraint
information set in the Setup page.
- Sync completed: displays the computed offset parameter.
- Compute button: starts the adjustment computation process.
- Abort button: halts the computation process.
- OK button: accepts the computation result and closes the dialog.
- Cancel button: closes the dialog without accepting result.
Similar to the requirement for the fixed camera,
videos need to be marked with three or more fixed and four or
more moving points in three frames around the sync point frame. For
example, if the sync point is "Video A at frame 3 -> Video B at frame 7",
frame 2,3,4 of video A and frame 6, 7, 8 of video B must be marked
You should select frames that contain points moving rapidly in the
direction that is perpendicular to the camera setup plane. This will help to
achieve the highest possible accuracy.