Mark Texture Image
A texture image needs to be marked in order to be used to create texture-mapped surfaces. However, the normal
marking methods cannot be used to mark an un-tagged image, since it is
impossible to find the exact corresponding feature point on the smooth
The following describes how it can be done using Back-projection:
- Mark a few points in the texture image. Find a few feature
points and mark them accurately. The
marks need to be scattered across the entire image, not just in one
small area. Also, make sure that they are merged correctly to the
points in the other images. These points will be used to compute the
camera parameters of the texture image.
- Set the camera parameters of the texture image: Open the Camera
Parameters window and set the initial camera parameters the same
way you would in another image.
- Compute the camera parameters of the texture image: Invoke the
Compute 3D dialog. Only select the texture image in the Image List
box. Make sure to check the button "Computed P as Ref". This tells
Photo4D to use the computed x, y, z value as reference to compute the
camera parameters of the texture image. Select other computation
parameters as describe in the previous chapter. After proper setup,
press "Compute" to compute the camera parameters. After
computation, verify the the location and look-at direction
of the texture image camera.
- Back-project points to the texture image: With computed camera
parameters, any point with valid x, y, z values can be projected to the
texture image. This can be achieved by using the "Proj" subpage in the
Mark page of the Main Window.
- Find an image which contains the points to be projected, select this
image as the reference image.
- Select the points to be projected in the Image window of the
reference image.
- Select the texture image as the working image.
- Press the button "Back-project selected point to the working