CurvePlots 32Bit Readme File (Please Read Completely) -Version 2.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SHORT HISTORY 2. VERSION HISTORY 3. WISH LIST 4. INSTALLATION 5. UNINSTALLING 6. KNOWN PROBLEMS 7. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 8. DISTRIBUTION 9. CONTACTING AUTHOR 1. SHORT HISTORY ABOUT CURVEPLOTS (3D PLOTTER) : I Go to School full time and dabbled in software development, and I'm not always there for my sister. CurvePlots was first made with the idea of helping my sister visualize mathematical function much easier. Most people have problems picturing 3D functions in their head. Even with a piece of graph paper and pencil on hand it would nearly be impossible to plot Multiple complex 3D graphs accurately. With a Tool like CurvePlots, understanding how a curve act in relation to different points in a plane is quick and easy. Features Like tracing coordinates, merging multiple graphs, and color-coding graphs to represent quadrants are a few of the tools available in CurvePlots that you can look forward to. With the added bonus of a power calculator that performs multiple calc- ulations, CurvePlots will make learning math more efficiently. 2. VERSION HISTORY Version 1.01: First public release. Fast graphing, and Calculator. Version 1.01b: a. Help menu is fixed. b. Executable size is smaller.(No speed reduction) Version 1.02: (exclusive release) a. Windows now resize correctly and appear better when executed in different screen resolution. Added menu feature to reset form size and position to its respected placement. b. Added help index menu item. c. Registration file works with 16-bit and 32-bit version. d. Fixed Color changing for calculating box. Version 2.00 (new and current): a. Windows positions and size have the options to be saved. b. Rebuild appearance for different resolution. c. Graph Viewer and Control panel are now on the same window. d. Separation of rotation buttons and switching of axis of rotation buttons for easier control. e. printing has a preview box and are now printing with data. f. Since the merging of graph viewer and control panel, Main window has the option to stay on top of all windows. g. Calculation box now keeps a log of all answers for the current session: Log information may be delete with few clicks of the mouse. h. More color options have been added for visual pleasure of graph and calculator boxes. The ability of color schemes has been added for quick color changing. i. Color changer are separated for calculator box and 3D box. j. Graphs colors have been decrease to 16 colors to save space. k. When graphs are processing, you can still use the calculator or do other task without having to wait for a long time. Curveplots is more efficient in the use of cpu time. l. Memory is more efficiently used for different amount of details. Limit of segments has been increase to one thousand. m. The addition Formula variables. Calculator and graphs are more linked in data. Families of Formula variables example: f1, f1.x, f1.y, f1.z, f1.x.y, f1.x.z, f1.y.x, f1.y.z, f1.z.x, f1.z.y f2, ... and so on to f6... n. The addition of Families integrals and Derivative functions, and other functions and operators. see help file for list of all functions and operators. o. fix up 'ans' variable to change for every line of calculation. 3. WISH LIST a. Grid lines in graphs. b. A True 2D graph with all necessary tools instead of having to set rotation to 0 or 90 degrees on 3D graph. c. Better printing tools. d. More Functions and Operators. e. Other methods of graphing: Polar, vectors, and more. f. Faster rotations. g. And some suggestion from you. Even if you don't register, Please I would like to hear what you think. 4. INSTALLATION a. Unzip to an empty Folder b. Read Readme File(This file) for up to date information c. YOU MUST AGREE TO THE LICENSE(License.txt) AGREEMENT TO USE THIS PRODUCT d. Run the Setup Program and follow Directions. e. You may delete the setup files when done. f. Icons should be created for you in the start menu. (default group is under the CurvePlots folder); click it and run the program. 5. UNINSTALLING a. Click Start Menu/Settings/Control Panel b. Double Click Add/Remove Programs Icon c. Choose CurvePlots and click Add/Remove button. d. Registered user may have Additional files in your setup folder. Restart and remove folder. 6. KNOWN PROBLEMS (NONE) : All bugs are fixed. Please report if you find any problems. 7. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION CURVEPLOTS IS SHAREWARE: Difference Between Registered and Unregistered Versions: Both Version Are Fully Functional and are the Same Speed. Unregistered Version reset to default every time you start. The Registered Version Automatically recall the programs last state; more color schemes, function list and more detailed information in help file. Register users also have their personal information decorates on the Splash Screen and About Box. Registered Users are entitled to free Updates to CurvePlots and Discounts to new software. (Registering provide an incentive to further produce quality programs; Due to Current Funds, Updates are made through E-mail only) About FuncLst.txt: This contain Some Sample Functions you can test out. This file is automatically loaded at startup for register users Unregistered user can cut and paste functions into the program. 8. DISTRIBUTION You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of this software and documentation as you wish, and distribute the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. Registered user are prohibited from distributing their personal password or Registration File. There is no charge for any of the above. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission by the Author. 9. CONTACTING AUTHOR Author : Quyen H. Ho E-mail : (preferred address) or