1 MAXScript 2 MAXScript 3 Invalid coordsys context: 4 MAXTracker by Lyric Media, info@lyric.com 5 MAXScript 6 MAXScript 2000 AboutBox 2001 ACCEL_PAN 2002 access to active grid not yet implemented 2003 access to renderer not yet implemented 2004 ACTGRIDOBJ 2005 ACTHOMEGRID 2006 Active grid must be a scene node, got: 2007 ADAPTIVE_PERSP_GRID_TOGGLE 2008 ALIGN 2009 ALIGNNORMALS 2010 All files (*.*)|*.*|Text files (*.txt)|*.TXT|Data files (*.dat)|*.DAT| 2011 , and 2012 ANGLE_SNAP_TOGGLE 2013 animatable 2014 Animatable:%s 2015 Appending keys directly not yet supported 2016 Appending to modifier array not yet implemented 2017 APPLY_IK 2018 Argument count error: %s wanted %d, got %d 2019 ARRAY 2020 Cannot directly set MAX filename 2021 array index must be +ve number 2022 array index out of bounds: 2023 Assign needs controller 2024 Assigning to key array directly not yet supported 2025 Attempt to access deleted 2026 BACKFACE 2027 BACKGROUND 2028 BINDWSM 2029 2030 Boolean op: unable to convert to mesh - 2031 BOX_MODE 2032 BOX_TOGGLE 2033 buildTVFaces: mesh has no texture vertices - 2034 Button Script 2035 Call needs function or class 2036 called in %s%s\n 2037 Cannot access keys for this controller: 2038 Cannot assign to system global: %s 2039 Cannot create bones system directly - create each bone individually 2040 Cannot directly set animatable property: 2041 Cannot directly set children array 2042 Cannot directly set children via array, use .parent property 2043 Cannot directly set properties in a rollout: 2044 Cannot directly set isAnimated flag 2045 Cannot directly set objectTransform matrix 2046 Cannot directly set shape spline count 2047 Cannot directly set the size of a string 2048 Cannot get keys for this kind of controller: 2049 Cannot move keys for this kind of controller: 2050 Cannot set controller 2051 Cannot set hardware lock ID 2052 Cannot set heap free space 2053 Cannot set key array directly 2054 Cannot set keys for this controller: 2055 Cannot set ObjectSet center 2056 Cannot set objectset count 2057 Cannot set ObjectSet max 2058 Cannot set ObjectSet min 2059 Cannot set PathName center 2060 Cannot set pathname count 2061 Cannot set PathName max 2062 Cannot set PathName min 2063 Cannot set position controller 2064 Cannot set rotation controller 2065 Cannot set scale controller 2066 Cannot sort keys for this kind of controller: 2067 Not creatable: 2068 Cannot directly set bounds 2069 Cannot directly set children array size 2070 Cannot directly set animation context time - use "at time...".\n 2071 Cannot directly set key array size 2072 Cannot directly set material library size 2073 Cannot set matrix3 property: 2074 Cannot directly set modifier array 2075 Cannot directly set modifier array size 2076
2077 Change Handler 2078 Choose Editor File 2079 Choose file name for save 2080 Close 2081 Compile error: %s %s\n-- In line: %s 2082 CONFIGURE_PATHS 2083 2084 control already defined: 2085 controller 2086 Controller not yet assigned to: 2087 2088 Courier New 2089 CREATE_MODE 2090 Current View 2091 CYCLE_SELECT_METHOD 2092 CYCLE_SUBLEVEL 2093 Deformer Percent 2094 Delete item in modifier array not yet implemented 2095 deleteModifier not yet implemented 2096 DISPLAY_MODE 2097 DOLLY 2098 DRAWINGAIDS 2099 during OLE automation function call\n 2100 Cannot directly set MAX file path 2101 Ease curve index out of range: 2102 Edit control out of space. 2103 EDIT_DELETE 2104 EDIT_REDO 2105 EDIT_SELECTALL 2106 EDIT_SELECTINVERT 2107 EDIT_SELECTNONE 2108 EDIT_UNDO 2109 end of script 2110 error in setting position controller 2111 error in setting rotation controller 2112 error in setting scale controller 2113 Error occurred in %s%s\n 2114 EulerAngles random needs another EulerAngles 2115 Exception 2116 Exit: not inside a loop 2117 Expect value for parameter: 2118 faces argument must be an array 2119 2120 FETCH 2121 FILE_IMPORT 2122 FILE_MERGE 2123 FILE_NEW 2124 FILE_OPEN 2125 FILE_PREFERENCES 2126 File read error 2127 FILE_SAVE 2128 FILE_SAVEAS 2129 fileIn: can't open file - 2130 FileStream cannot create: 2131 findPattern not yet implemented 2132 findString argument must be a string 2133 Float Script 2134 format needs a string formatting argument 2135 format: not enough arguments 2136 FOV 2137 FREEZE_INV 2138 FREEZE_SELECTION 2139 FULLINTERACT 2140 No "%s" function for 2141 getEdgeSelection modifier must be an edit mesh modifier 2142 getFaceSelection modifier must be an edit mesh modifier 2143 getVertSelection modifier must be an edit mesh modifier 2144 GRID_NUDGE_DOWN 2145 GRID_NUDGE_UP 2146 GRID_TOGGLE 2147 GRIDS_ALIGN 2148 GROUP_ATTACH 2149 GROUP_CLOSE 2150 GROUP_DETACH 2151 GROUP_GROUP 2152 GROUP_OPEN 2153 GROUP_UNGROUP 2154 HELP_ABOUT 2155 HIDE_CAMERA_TOGGLE 2156 HIDE_HELPER_TOGGLE 2157 HIDE_INV 2158 HIDE_LIGHT_TOGGLE 2159 HIDE_OBJECT_TOGGLE 2160 HIDE_SELECTION 2161 HIDE_SHAPE_TOGGLE 2162 HIDE_SYSTEM_TOGGLE 2163 HIDE_WSM_TOGGLE 2164 HIERARCHY_MODE 2165 HOLD 2166 IK_TERMINATOR 2167 Unknown property: "%s" in 2168 Include cannot open: 2169 Incompatible controller type for property: 2170 Incompatible types: 2171 2172 Index must be number 2173 ** interrupted **\n 2174 openfile: mode parameter should be "a" or "r" 2175 Invalid about context: 2176 openlog: mode parameter should be "a" or "w" 2177 Invalid coordsys context: 2178 Invalid curve number: 2179 Invalid interpolation parameter: 2180 Invalid knot type: 2181 Invalid line type: 2182 Invalid path object 2183 Invalid setFace vertex index: 2184 Invalid setTVFace vertex index: 2185 Invalid tangent type: 2186 Invalid time range value for deelectKeys 2187 Invalid time range value for DeleteTime 2188 Invalid time range value for reduceKeys 2189 Invalid time range value for reverseTime 2190 Invalid time range value for scaleTime 2191 Invalid time range value for selectKeys 2192 Invalid time range value for setTimeRange 2193 Invalid time value for addNewKey 2194 Invalid time value for moveKeys 2195 IPAN 2196 2197 IZOOM_IN 2198 IZOOM_OUT 2199 Key index out of range in deleteItem: 2200 Key index out of range in deleteKey: 2201 Key index out of range in getKey: 2202 Key index out of range in isKeySelected: 2203 Key index out of range in moveKey: 2204 Key index out of range in selectKey: 2205 KEY_MODE 2206 Key no longer exists in controller: 2207 No such font: 2208 2209 Invalid editor tab width: 2210 Cannot set local time 2211 Error occurred during fileIn in %s\n 2212 LINK 2213 Listener 2214 material 2215 material library 2216 Material library index must be number or name 2217 Material library index out of range: 2218 materialIDs argument must be an array 2219 MAX object 2220 MAXScript 2221 MAXScript 2222 MAXScript Deformer 2223 MAXScript doesn't know about this kind of object: 2224 MAXScript error - unable to show details 2225 MAXScript exception 2226 MAXScript Listener 2227 MAXScript_pick_event 2228 Scripter utility (Kinetix) 2229 Float Script 2230 Position Script 2231 Mesh edge index out of range: 2232 Mesh face index out of range: 2233 Mesh has no TVFaces 2234 Mesh operation on non-mesh: 2235 Mesh TVertex index out of range: 2236 Mesh TVFace index out of range: 2237 Mesh vertex index out of range: 2238 MIRROR 2239 Modifer script error 2240 modifier 2241 Modifier array index must be number or name 2242 MODIFY_MODE 2243 MOTION_MODE 2244 MOVE 2245 MSDeformer Mod 2246 MTLEDIT 2247 Multiplier curve index out of range: 2248 \n stack:\n 2249 NEXT_MOD 2250 no local declarations at top level 2251 No such modifier in node: 2252 Object as Ray needs an object with a target (tape, camera, etc.), got: 2253 2254 objectoffsetscale access not yet implemented 2255 openLog: can't create/open file - 2256 Out of scripter memory - use options to increase 2257 OVERRIDE 2258 PANCAMERA 2259 PANVIEW 2260 parameter already defined: 2261 Parameters 2262 Particle index out of range: 2263 Particle operation on non-particle-system: 2264 Point3 Script 2265 Rotation Script 2266 pathname needs a collection root set 2267 Scale Script 2268 Modifier is not appropriate: 2269 Percent 2270 PERSP 2271 Point3 Script 2272 Position Script 2273 PREV_MOD 2274 PREVIEW 2275 PROPERTIES 2276 Push Button Tooltip 2277 Question 2278 QUICK_RENDER 2279 Radio button needs labels array 2280 Radiobutton state index out of range 2281 Read past end of file 2282 Really Cancel 2283 Reducing Keys 2284 RENAMEPREVIEW 2285 RENDER_LAST 2286 RENDER_SCENE 2287 repalce start out of range: 2288 replace end out of range: 2289 RESET_FILE 2290 Return: not inside a function 2291 RNS 2292 ROLL 2293 2294 2295 Rollout Handler 2296 ROTATE 2297 Rotate wants Quat or AngleAxis 2298 ROTATEVIEW 2299 Rotation Script 2300 Runtime error: %s%s 2301 %s - MAXScript 2302 SAFEFRAME_TOGGLE 2303 SAVEPLUS 2304 SCALE 2305 SCALE_CYCLE 2306 Scale Script 2307 scene object 2308 Script files (*.ms)|*.ms|Text file (*.txt)|*.txt|Data files (*.dat)|*.dat|All (*.*)|*.*| 2309 Select 2310 SELECT 2311 SELECT 2312 SELECT_BY_COLOR 2313 SELECT_CHILD 2314 SELECT_PARENT 2315 Set center not yet implemented 2316 Set material library not yet implemented 2317 Set MAXScript heap size: heap size can only be increased 2318 setEdgeSelection index out of range: 2319 setFaceSelection index out of range: 2320 Setting Material library entries not yet implemented, use append to add 2321 Setting modifier array not yet implemented 2322 setVertSelection index out of range: 2323 sformat not yet implemented 2324 SHADE_SELECTED 2325 SHADE_TOGGLE 2326 Shape operation on non-shape: 2327 shape operation on non-SplineShape: 2328 shape spline index out of range: 2329 SHOW_LAST_IMG 2330 SHOWAXISICON 2331 showClass to: argument must be a stream, got: 2332 SHOWHOMEGRID 2333 showProperties to: argument must be a stream 2334 SNAP_TOGGLE 2335 SPACEBAR 2336 Spinner range must be a Point3 2337 Spinner type must be #integer or #float 2338 SPINSNAP_TOGGLE 2339 spline knot index out of range: 2340 Spline operation on non-spline: 2341 Spline segment index out of range: 2342 Startup Script 2343 startup.ms 2344 string index out of range 2345 Struct apply takes only keyword arguments 2346 Submaterial index out of range 2347 SUBOBJECT_SEL 2348 substring end out of range: 2349 substring start out of range: 2350 SWAP_LAYOUTS 2351 Syntax error: at %s, expected %s\n-- In line: %s 2352 ** system exception **\n 2353 TEXTURE_CORRECT 2354 texture map 2355 textureVerts argument must be an array 2356 TIME_BACK 2357 TIME_CONFIG 2358 TIME_END 2359 TIME_FORWARD 2360 TIME_PLAY 2361 TIME_START 2362 to type: %s 2363 TOGGLE_IK 2364 TOGGLE_SOUND 2365 TOOL_ANIMMODE 2366 TOOL_CENTER 2367 TOOL_DUALPLANES 2368 TOOL_HLIST 2369 TOOL_MAXIMIZE 2370 TOOL_X 2371 TOOL_XY 2372 TOOL_Y 2373 TOOL_Z 2374 TOOL_ZOOM 2375 TOOL_ZOOMALL 2376 TOOL_ZOOMEXTENTS 2377 TOOL_ZOOMEXTENTS_ALL 2378 TOOL_ZOOMREGION 2379 TRAJECTORIES 2380 TREEVIEW 2381 TRUCK 2382 TTI 2383 Type conversion needs a class argument 2384 Type error: %s, got: 2385 Type error: %s requires %s, got: 2386 Unable to convert: 2387 Unable to create %s\n 2388 UNFREEZE_ALL 2389 UNFREEZE_BY_HIT 2390 UNFREEZE_BY_NAME 2391 UNHIDE_ALL 2392 UNHIDE_BY_NAME 2393 UNITSETUP 2394 Unknown MAX object class during classOf: 2395 Unknown parameter type in create: 2396 Unknown property type: 2397 Unknown struct member: 2398 Unknown system exception 2399 FileIn 2400 UNLINK 2401 Unrecognised MAX command: 2402 Unrecognized flag for addNewKey 2403 Unrecognized flag for deleteKeys 2404 Unrecognized flag for DeleteTime 2405 Unrecognized flag for getTimeRange 2406 Unrecognized flag for moveKey 2407 Unrecognized flag for moveKeys 2408 Unrecognized flag for reverseTime 2409 Unrecognized flag for setTimeRange 2410 Untitled 2411 updateShape: curve with insufficient knots, knots added: 2412 UTILITY_MODE 2413 vertices argument must be an array 2414 VIDEOPOST 2415 VIEW_FILE 2416 VIEW_REDO 2417 VIEWPREVIEW 2418 VIEWS_REDRAW 2419 VIEWS_UNDO 2420 VPT_BACK 2421 VPT_BOTTOM 2422 VPT_CAMERA 2423 VPT_DISABLE 2424 VPT_FRONT 2425 VPT_GRID 2426 VPT_ISO_USER 2427 VPT_LEFT 2428 VPT_PERSP_USER 2429 VPT_RIGHT 2430 VPT_SHAPE 2431 VPT_SHIFTTAB 2432 VPT_SPOT 2433 VPT_TAB 2434 VPT_TOP 2435 VPT_TRACK 2436 VPTCONFIG 2437 Welcome to MAXScript.\n\n 2438 Wild-card pathnames on arrays not yet implemented 2439 WIRE_FACET 2440 WIRE_SMOOTH 2441 You are running an out-of-date version of MAXScript. Access to certain objects and 3rd-party plug-ins has been disabled. 2442 ZOOM_IN_2X 2443 ZOOM_IN_2X_ALL 2444 ZOOM_OUT_2X 2445 ZOOM_OUT_2X_ALL 2446 ZOOMEXT_SEL 2447 ZOOMEXT_SEL_ALL 2448 Unexpected end-of-script 2449 Unexpected end-of-script during compile. 2450 bindSpaceWarp() 2nd argument not a spacewarp: 2451 Spacewarp not appropriate: 2452 Error creating NURBS torus, invalid arguments 2453 Error creating NURBS cone, check for invalid arguments 2454 Error creating NURBS sphere, check for invalid arguments 2455 Error creating NURBS lathe, check for invalid arguments 2456 Error creating NURBS cylinder, check for invalid arguments 2457 NURBSLatheNode needs shape object, got: 2458 Error making NURBSLatheNode, check for invalid arguments 2459 Error making NURBSNode, check for invalid NURBSSet 2460 Error making NURBSExtrudeNode, check for invalid arguments 2461 Stack overflow. Check for recursion loops. Increase using stackLimit system variable. 2462 BreakSurface object is not a NURBS surface: 2463 BreakSurface parameter of out range: 2464 Delete requires a node or node collection, got: 2465 Path Deform path must be a shape, got: 2466 Surface Deform surface must be a NURBS surface, got: 2467 Unabled to get NURBSet for: 2468 Invalid object in NURBS operation 2469 Invalid ID supplied in NURBS operation 2470 Invalid parameter supplied in NURBS operation 2471 NURBS operation failed 2500 addNURBSSet: node is not a NURBS object: 2501 Append not implemented for NamedSelectionSet 2502 Append not implemented for SelectionSetArray, use indexed-assign 2504 Atmosphere gizmo index out of bounds: 2505 Attempt to access deleted named selection set: 2506 breakCurve: node is not a NURBS object: 2507 breakSurface: node is not a NURBS object: 2508 BuildVCFaces - mesh has no color-per-vertex vertices: 2509 Button images: array must have 7 elements 2510 Can't load Button images: bitmap file: 2511 Cannot change mesh with modifiers present: 2512 Cannot directly assign rollout controls: 2513 Cannot directly set key array 2514 Cannot directly set numAtmospherics 2515 Cannot directly set size of NamedSelectionSet 2516 Cannot directly set size of SelectionSetArray 2517 Cannot directly set TrackViewNode properties 2518 Cannot read camera FOV type 2519 Cannot read camera showCone 2520 Cannot read camera showHorizon 2521 Cannot set center 2522 Cannot set globalTracks variable 2523 Cannot set hotspot/fall angle separation 2524 Cannot set max 2525 Cannot set min 2526 Cannot set scene materials 2527 Cannot set scripts path 2528 Cannot set trackViewNodes variable 2529 Cannot set videoPostTracks variable 2530 createOLEObject: can't create instance 2531 createOLEObject: can't find server 2532 createOLEObject: can't get IDispatch interface 2533 deleteItem not yet implemented for NamedSelectionSet 2534 deleteTrackViewController - controller not found: 2535 deleteTrackViewNode - node not found: 2536 encryptScript cannot create: 2537 encryptScript cannot open: 2538 end of string 2539 enumerateFiles function arg 2540 Error opeing bitmap: 2541 Error opening bitmap: 2542 explodeGroup selection: selection empty 2543 explodeGroup() requires a node or node collection, got: 2544 extrudeFace - invalid dir: argument: 2545 extrudeFace - invalid face selection: 2546 File not open. No I/O allowed: 2547 fileIn cannot open file: 2549 FileStream cannot open: 2550 generic apply 2551 getAtmospheric index out of range: 2552 getEdgeSelection modifier must be an Edit Mesh or Mesh Selection, got: 2553 getFaceSelection modifier must be an Edit Mesh or Mesh Selection, got: 2554 getNURBSSet invalid argument: 2555 getNURBSSet: node is not a NURBS object: 2556 getPropNames() invalid argument: 2557 getVertSelection modifier must be an Edit Mesh or Mesh Selection, got: 2559 group selection: selection empty 2560 group() requires a node or node collection, got: 2561 Illegal constrained curve type: 2562 Illegal mirror axis: 2563 Illegal self-reference in controller script 2564 Illegal surface approx type: 2565 Illegal trim direction type: 2566 Illegal view config: 2567 importFile: Unknown argument - 2569 indexed assigned not yet implemented for NamedSelectionSet 2570 Invalid 3rd argument to newTrackViewNode(): 2572 Invalid compare mode : 2573 Invalid motion blur kind: 2574 Invalid setVCFace color-per-veretex vertex index: 2575 joinCurves: node is not a NURBS object: 2576 joinSurfaces: node is not a NURBS object: 2577 makeIndependent: node is not a NURBS object: 2578 Mesh attach, 2nd argument not convertable to mesh: 2579 Mesh color-per-vertex face index out-of-range: 2580 Mesh Color-per-vertex vertex index out of range: 2581 Mesh has no color-per-vertex faces: 2582 Mesh select modifier not found in object: 2583 motionTracker: No pixel data in bitmap 2584 Named selection set index out of range: 2585 NamedSelSet index out of range: 2586 NameSelectionSetArray operation requires a node or node collection, got: 2588 noButton or hidden 2589 NURBSCurve CV index out of bounds: 2590 NURBSCVCurve CV index out of bounds: 2591 NURBSCVCurve knot index out of bounds: 2592 NURBSCVSurface CV U index out of bounds: 2593 NURBSCVSurface CV V index out of bounds: 2594 NURBSCVSurface U knot index out of bounds: 2595 NURBSCVSurface V knot index out of bounds: 2596 NURBSIsoCurve parameter out of range: 2597 NURBSPointCurve knot point out of bounds: 2598 NURBSPointCurve point index out of bounds: 2599 NURBSPointSurface point U index out of bounds: 2600 NURBSPointSurface point V index out of bounds: 2601 NURBSSet object index out of bounds: 2602 NURBSSurface texture UV index must be between 1 and 4: 2603 NURBSULoftSurface curve index out of bounds: 2604 OLEObject get property failed: 2605 OLEObject method call failed: 2606 OLEObject property put failed: 2607 operation requires a collection of nodes, got: 2608 perspectiveMatch: camera argument not a free camera 2609 perspectiveMatch: camera argument not a target camera 2610 perspectiveMatch: camera has no target 2611 perspectiveMatch: object array size and tracker count do not match 2612 Pickbutton filter: parameter must be a function, got: 2613 playAnimation: Unknown argument - 2614 Property not animatable: 2615 Property not settable: 2616 quitMAX: Unknown argument - 2617 Radio button index out of range: 2618 Renderer must be #draft or #production, got: 2619 resetMAXFile: Unknown argument - 2620 saveNodes selection: selection empty 2621 saveNodes() requires a node or node collection, got: 2622 set featureBounds needs a 4 element array, got: 2623 set motionBounds needs a 4 element array, got: 2624 Atmospheric index out of range: 2625 Slider range must be a Point3 2626 Slider range must be a vector 2627 Slider type must be #integer or #float 2628 Sorry, cannot directly set capsule aspect 2629 Too many arguments for struct creation: 2630 Tracker index out of range in: 2631 transform: node is not a NURBS object: 2632 Unable to increase heap size to: 2633 ungroup selection: selection empty 2634 ungroup() requires a node or node collection, got: 2635 Unrecognized enumerateFiles parameter: 2636 Unrecognized mergeMAXFile parameter: 2637 Unsupported arg type in OLE call: 2638 Unsupported OLEObject property type: 2639 Unsupported OLEObject return type from method: 2640 Unsupported type in OLE property put: 2650 invalid array index: