20280 Error Parsing Expression 20281 Duplicate Name 20282 Can't Create Variable 20283 No Such Variable: %s 20284 Can't Change Offset 20285 No Current Variable 20286 Can't Delete %s 20287 Expression Controller 20288 Nothing to Delete 20289 Expression Files (*.xpr) 20552 Invalid variable name 20553 Position Expression 20554 Point3 Expression 20555 Float Expression 20556 Scale Expression 20557 Rotation Expression 20558 Circular Dependency 20559 Can't Assign Controller 20560 Need a vector expression 20561 Need a scalar expression 20562 Save Expression As 20563 Load Expression 30135 Percent 30136 Path Parameters 30137 None 30148 Rotational Joints 30151 Path Joint 30247 Strength: 30532 Path 30533 Euler XYZ 30534 Euler Parameters 30535 X Rotation 30536 Y Rotation 30537 Z Rotation 30538 Noise Float 30539 Noise Position 30540 Noise Point3 30541 Noise Rotation 30542 Noise Scale 30625 Path Controller 30626 Using this path would create a circular dependency. 30655 Noise Controller : 30656 Expression Controller : 30663 Pick Path 30664 sin(x) trigonometric sine of x 30665 noise(x,y,z) 3D noise function 30666 if(c,t,f) conditional: value is t if c is true, else value is f 30667 min(x,y) minimum of x and y 30668 max(x,y) maximum of x and y 30669 pow(x,y) x raised to the power y 30670 mod(x,y) remainder of x divided by y 30671 degToRad(x) x converted from degrees to radians 30672 radToDeg(x) x converted from radians to degrees 30673 cos(x) trigonometric cosine of x 30674 tan(x) trigonometric tangent of x 30675 asin(x) arcsine of x 30676 acos(x) arccosine of x 30677 atan(x) arctangent of x 30678 sinh(x) hyperbolic sine of x 30679 cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine of x 30680 tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent of x 30681 ln(x) natural logarithm (base e) of x 30682 log(x) common logarithm (base 10) of x 30683 exp(x) e raised to the power x 30684 sqrt(x) square root of x 30685 abs(x) absolute value of x 30686 ceil(x) smallest integer greater than or equal to x 30687 floor(x) largest integer less than or equal to x 30688 comp(v,i) i'th component of v 30689 unit(v) unit vector in the direction of v 30690 length(v) length of v 30691 pi the constant pi (3.1415...) 30692 e the constant e (2.71828...) 30693 TPS number of ticks per second 30694 vif(c,v1,v2) "vector if" - value is v1 if c is true, else v2 30695 Noise Strength 30696 Set Path % 30697 On/Off 30698 Position XYZ Parameters 30699 Position XYZ 30700 X Position 30701 Y Position 30702 Z Position 30703 Attachment 30704 Attachment Parameters 30705 Edit Attachment Key 30706 Attachment Controller 30707 Illegal Object 30708 Attachment Controller: 30709 Point3 XYZ 30710 Point3 XYZ Parameters 30711 Color RGB 30712 Color RGB Parameters 30713 Link Control 30714 Transform 30715 Link Parameters 30716 Set Link Time 30717 Delete Link 30718 Pick Link 30719 Follow/Bank 30720 Multiple Selected 30721 None Selected 30722 Apply Follow 30724 Surface 30725 U 30726 V 30727 Change UV 30728 Surface Controller Parameters 30729 Surface Joint 30730 XYZ 30731 XZY 30732 YZX 30733 YXZ 30734 ZXY 30735 ZYX 30736 XYX 30737 YZY 30738 ZXZ 30739 X 30740 Y 30741 Z 30742 X Axis 30743 Y Axis 30744 Z Axis 30745 Euler %s 30746 LOD Controller 30747 Level of Detail 30748 All Level of Detail objects must be grouped. 30749 Standard controllers (Kinetix) 30750 Change Strength