50000 Video Post 50001 New Sequence 50002 Open Sequence 50004 Save Sequence 50005 Cut Event 50006 Copy Event 50007 Paste Event 50008 Add New Event 50009 Edit Current Event 50010 Delete Current Event 50011 Execute Sequence 50022 Zoom Region 50023 Pan 50024 Zoom Time 50027 Drag a region box to define zoom area. 50028 Drag horizontally in Track Window to pan time display. 50029 Drag horizontally in Track Window to scale time display. 50031 Scene 50032 Filter Image 50033 Layer Image 50034 Output Image 50035 Input Image 50036 External Event 50037 Loop 50038 Undefined 50039 N/A 50040 No Cameras Defined 50041 Built-In 50042 Confirm event deletion? 50043 Delete Event 50044 Confirm deleting all events? 50045 Clear Event Queue 50046 Edit In/Out Points, pan event. 50047 Edit Range Bar 50048 Zoom Extents 50049 Align Selected Left 50050 Align Selected Right 50051 Make Selected Same Size 50052 Undefined Image 50053 None Available 50054 Queue 50055 Undefined Plug-In 50056 Edit Scene Event 50057 Edit Input Image Event 50058 Abut Selected 50059 Add Scene Event 50060 Add Image Input Event 50061 Add Image Output Event 50062 Add Image Filter Event 50063 Add Image Layer Event 50064 Add External Event 50065 Add Loop Event 50066 Swap Events 50067 Edit Output Image Event 50068 Edit Filter Event 50069 Edit Layer Event 50070 Edit External Event 50071 Edit Loop Event 50072 Video Post Queue 50073 Pause 50074 Stop 50075 Resume 50076 Close 50077 Start 50078 Video Post - Secondary Queue 50079 Video Post - %d of %d 50080 Video Post - Done 50081 Idle 50082 File Overwrite Warning 50083 Confirm overwriting %s? 50084 %s (Subsample %d of %d) 50085 S:%s 50086 E:%s 50087 F:%s 50088 W:%d 50089 H:%d 50090 Video Post files (*.vpx) 50091 All files (*.*) 50092 Open Sequence 50093 File %s not found.\n Please verify that the correct file name was given. 50094 Open File 50095 Save Sequence 50096 N/A 50097 Error creating VP Bitmap 50098 Foreground Switch 50099 User Canceled 50100 Error executing %s 50101 Waiting for frame... 50102 Programs 50103 Browse external events 50104 External Event 50105 Command Line Options 50106 Image File 50107 Image Driver 50108 Loop 50109 Ping Pong 50110 %s once 50111 %s twice 50112 %s %d times 50113 Number of Times 50114 Order 50115 No mask available 50116 Select Mask Image 50117 Filter Plug-In 50118 Layer Plug-In 50119 Execution Error 50120 Rendering Monitor 50121 Error loading *.max file 50122 Unnamed 50123 Max Error Message 50124 *** Undefined Log Message *** 50125 Video Post Error 50126 Error writting %s\n 50127 Error reading %s\n 50128 Starting network rendering\n 50129 Stop network rendering\n 50130 Starting network\n 50131 Entering UDP Thread\n 50132 Error creating instance of gComm.dll\n 50133 Error initializing instance of gComm.dll\n 50134 Error creating UDP server\n 50135 Loaded alternate port %d\n 50136 Initializing UDP Thread\n 50137 Max is going down\n 50138 Max is ready to begin render\n 50139 Frame %d assigned\n 50140 Frame started at: %02d:%02d:%02d\n 50141 Frame error\n 50142 Frame completed\n 50143 Stop network\n 50144 Log File Maintenance 50145 Log Type 50146 Log File Longevity Type 50147 Number of Days 50148 Log File Size 50149 Log File Creation 50150 Confirm Log File Expiration? 50151 Log File Reached Expiration 50152 Load Video Post File 50153 The Queue Has Been Modified. Save Changes?