1 Local Max Rays 2 Local Max Rays 7 Param Change 8 None 9 Color Change 30 Max Levels 32 Max Level Color 89 Antialiasing 90 Raytracer Controls 101 Param Copy 102 Global Include... 103 Global Exclude... 104 Local Include... 105 Local Exclude... 106 Copy global antialiasing parameters to this raytrace material? 107 Copy this raytrace material's antialiasing parameters to the global settings? 108 Confirm Parameter Copy 109 Raytrace Engine Global Parameters 111 Raytrace Engine Globals 112 Acceleration 113 Blur 114 Balance 115 Scene Voxel Tree 116 Recursion Control 117 Initial Rays 118 Max Rays 119 Threshold 120 Blur Aspect 121 Defocus 122 Defocus Aspect 123 Max Depth 124 Max Dimension 125 Object Voxel Tree 126 Enable 127 Ray Engine 128 Feature Flags 129 Raytracing On 130 Antialiasing On 131 Self Reflect/Refract On 132 Atmosphere On 133 Objects in Raytraced Objects On 134 Atmosphere in Raytrace Objects On 135 Refraction Effects On 136 Hybrid Voxel Tree 10045 Ambient 10046 Diffuse 10047 Specular Color 10051 Specular Shininess 10052 Specular Shininess Strength 10053 Opacity 10054 Self-Illumination 10055 Transparency Falloff 10058 Basic Parameters 10059 Extended Parameters 10060 Maps 10067 Bump 10068 Reflection Env 10069 Refraction Env 10070 Maps 10071 Filter Color 10072 IOR 10073 Wire Size 10074 Reflect Color 10082 Blur 10084 Flat 10085 Gouraud 10086 Phong 10087 Metal 10114 Wire Size 10115 Index of Refraction 10121 Constant 10122 Parameters 10183 Param Change 30313 Low Threshold 30314 High Threshold 30415 Back 30416 Facing 30442 Amount 30443 Lock Ambient and Diffuse? 30444 Lock Colors 30460 Lock Diffuse and Specular? 30464 None 30465 Opacity 30466 None 30467 File Not Found: %s 30468 Raytrace 30469 Soften 30470 Default Material and Textures 30471 Texmaps 30472 Front 30473 Back 30474 Cubic map %s is not square. 30475 Cubic map %s is not same size as other maps. 30476 Reflect/Refract Map Error 30477 Select "_UP" file to write. 30478 Clip U Offset 30479 Clip V Offset 30480 Clip U Width 30481 Clip V Width 30482 Specify Cropping/Placement 30483 Shadow Color 30484 Dynamics Properties 30485 Bounce Coefficient 30486 Static Friction 30487 Sliding Friction 30488 RGB Multiply 30489 RGB Multiply Parameters 30490 Mask Parameters 30491 Tint Parameters 30492 Output Parameters 30493 Near Value 30494 Far Value 30495 Falloff 30496 Falloff Parameters 30497 Perpendicular Value: 30498 Parallel Value: 30499 Towards Value: 30500 Away Value: 30501 Noise Amount 30502 Noise Size 30503 Noise Levels 30504 Noise Phase 30505 Vertex Color 30506 Vertex Color Parameters 30507 Particle MBlur 30508 Particle Motion Blur Parameters 30509 Sharpness 30510 Thin Wall Refraction 30511 Thin Wall Refraction Parameters 30512 Thickness Effect Scaling 30513 Bump Map Effect Scaling 30514 Dim Level 30515 Reflection Level 30516 Jitter Amount 30517 Blinn 30518 Near Range 30519 Far Range 30520 Reflect 30521 Translucency 30522 Extra Lighting 30523 Phosphorescence 30524 Filter Density 30526 Reflected Environment 30527 Fog Color 30528 Refracted Environment 30529 Translucency Map 30530 Extra Lighting Map 30531 Phosphorescence Map 30532 Filter Density Map 30533 Fog Color Map 30534 Face Limit 30535 Raytracer Engine 30536 About Raytrace Material 30537 Fluorescense Bias 30538 Specular Softness 30539 Blur Map 30540 Defocus Map 30541 Raytrace Material 30542 Antialiasing is currently enabled 30543 Antialiasing is currently disabled 30544 Ambient 30545 Diffuse 30546 Specular Color 30547 Specular Shininess 30548 Specular Shininess Strength 30549 Luminosity 30550 Opacity 30551 Opacity Falloff 30552 Transparecy 30553 Wire Size 30554 Index of Refraction 30555 Bounce Coefficient 30556 Static Friction 30557 Sliding Friction 30558 Dim Level 30559 Dim Multiplier 30560 Reflect 30561 Translucency 30562 Extra Lighting 30563 Fluorescence 30564 Color Density Color 30565 Fog Color 30566 Environment 30567 Transparent Environment 30568 Fluorescence Bias 30569 Soften 30570 Override Global Antialiasing Settings 30571 Adaptive Antialiasing On 30572 Local Min. Rays 30573 Local Max. Rays 30574 Local Threshold 30575 Local Blur Offset 30576 Local Blur Aspect 30577 Local Defocus 30578 Local Defocus Aspect 30579 Blur Map 30580 Defocus Map 30581 Options: Raytracer Enable 30582 Options: Antialiasing Enable 30583 Options: Self Reflect/Refract 30584 Options: Raytrace Atmospherics 30585 Options: Raytrace Objects in Glass 30586 Options: Raytrace Atmospherics in Glass 30587 Options: Color Density / Fog Enable 30588 Enable Raytraced Reflections 30589 Enable Raytraced Refractions 30590 Enable Reflection Falloff 30591 Reflection Falloff Distance 30592 Enable Refraction Falloff 30593 Refraction Falloff Distance 30594 Reflection Falloff Mode 30595 Attenuation Start 30596 Reflection Falloff End Distance 30597 Attenuation Exponent 30598 Attenuation Near 30599 Attenuation Control 1 30600 Attenuation Control 2 30601 Attenuation Far 30602 Options: Reflect/Refract Material ID's 30603 Attenuation Color Mode 30604 Attenuation Color 30605 Color Density Enable 30606 Color Density Start 30607 Color Density End 30608 Color Density Amount 30609 Color Density Color 30610 Use Color Density Map 30611 Fog Enable 30612 Fog Start 30613 Fog End 30614 Fog Amount 30615 Fog Color 30616 Use Fog Map 30617 Inter-Object Interface Fusing Enable 30618 IIF Tolerance 30619 Use Reflection Map 30620 Reflection Map Amount 30621 Tint 30622 Tint Amount 30623 Tint Color 30624 Use Tint Map 30625 Enable Raytraced Reflections 30626 Enabel Raytraced Refractions 30627 Refraction Falloff Mode 30628 Refraction Falloff End Distance