1 Create Biped 2 Display 3 General 4 Track Selection 5 Footstep Creation 6 Track Operations 7 Structure 8 Biped Authorization 9 Biped Files 10 Figure Files 11 Step Files 12 Biped 13 Footstep Operations 14 Show/Hide Bones 15 Show/Hide Objects 16 Show/Hide Footsteps 17 Show/Hide Footstep Numbers 18 Show/Hide Fingers' 19 Show/Hide Toes 20 Biped Playback 21 Body Vertical Track 22 Body Horizontal Track 23 Body Rotation Track 24 Footstep Track 25 Symmetrical Tracks 26 Opposite Tracks 27 Buffer Mode 28 Figure Mode 29 Scale Stride Mode 30 Adapt Locks 31 Load File 32 Save File 34 Delete Key 35 Set Key 36 Bend Links Mode 37 Anchor Left Arm 38 Anchor Right Arm 39 Anchor Left Leg 40 Anchor Right Leg 41 Copy Posture 42 Paste Posture 43 Paste Posture Opposite 44 Select Object Space Object 45 Create Footsteps (append) 46 Create Footsteps (at current frame) 47 Create Multiple Footsteps . . . 48 Walk 49 Run 50 Jump 51 Create Keys for Inactive Footsteps 52 Deactivate Selected Footsteps 53 Delete Selected Footsteps 54 Copy Selected Footsteps 55 Insert Footstep Buffer onto Footsteps 56 Paste Footstep Buffer at Current Frame 57 Head 58 Pelvis 59 Footsteps 60 L Finger 61 R Finger 62 L Toe 63 R Toe 64 Spine 65 Neck 66 Tail 67 L Hand 68 R Hand 69 L Arm 70 R Arm 71 L Foot 72 R Foot 73 L Leg 74 R Leg 75 Body 76 Click and drag up to create a Biped. 77 Select the object in whose space the left hand will move. 78 Select the object in whose space the right hand will move. 79 Select the object in whose space the left foot will move. 80 Select the object in whose space the right foot will move. 81 Click to create a RIGHT footstep. Q key will switch to creating a left footstep. 82 Click to create a LEFT footstep. Q key will switch to creating a right footstep. 83 Walk Footstep 84 Double Support 85 Run Footstep 86 Airborne 87 2 Feet Down 88 - - - UNAUTHORIZED - - - 89 Biped Object 90 Bip 91 BipSlave Control 92 Posture Paste 93 Delete Key 94 Set Key 95 Key Increment 96 Biped Create 97 File Load 98 Footstep Create 99 Footstep Delete 100 Footstep Bend 101 Stride Scale 102 Biped Files 103 Figure Files 104 Step Files 105 Incorrect file extension 106 Extension must be .bip or .stp. 107 The footstep timing in this file is illegal. 108 An error occurred while loading this file. 110 Double Support period must be less than half the footstep duration. 111 Inserting a footstep would create two nonsequential groups of inactive footsteps. This is not allowed. 112 Cannot add new footstep due to temporal overlap with existing footsteps. 114 Existing footsteps overlap in time with new footstep number 115 Existing footsteps overlap in time with pasted footstep number 116 Cannot paste footstep buffer due to temporal overlap with existing footsteps. 117 Footstep track and other tracks in the same biped cannot be changed simultaneously. 118 You must create keys for the inactive footsteps in the buffer before you can paste the buffer. 119 Create Multiple Footsteps: 120 Rubber Band Mode 121 Center of Mass Object 122 Selection 123 Animate Mode is not applicable in Figure Mode. 124 Left 125 Center 126 Right 127 Tail Key Scale 128 You can only save and load .fig files when in figure mode. 129 Key Creation 130 Footstep Deactivation 131 End Figure Mode 132 Begin Figure Mode 133 Begin Buffer Mode 134 End Buffer Mode 135 Height Change 136 Balance Factor Change 137 Ankle Attach Change 138 Tail Link Change 139 Spine LInk Change 140 Neck Link Change 141 Leg Link Change 142 Fingers Change 143 Toes Change 144 Arms Change 145 GravAccel Change 146 Tail Key Scale 147 There must be at least one frame inbetween hopping footsteps. 148 Biped animation must take place in positive frames. 149 Footsteps which are being pasted cannot be deleted. 150 Only inactive footsteps, and not all the inactive footsteps may be deleted when inactive footsteps exist. 151 This operation is not possible because adapting keys to the new footstep timing results in the following overlapping keys: 152 Keys may not be set when in figure mode. 153 Keys may not be set when no footsteps exist. 154 Keys may not be set before the first footstep. 155 Keys may not be set after the last footstep. 156 Keys may not be set when inactive footsteps exist. 157 Warning! Some keys in this file are not within footprint boundaries. 158 Keys may not be deleted when no footsteps exist. 159 Paste is not allowed when inactive footsteps exist. 160 L: 161 R: 162 touch 163 plant 164 lift 165 move 166 One or more leg keys cannot be deleted. There must be at least one move state leg key inbetween liftoff and touchdown state keys. 167 Extension must be .bip. 168 Extension must be .stp. 169 File not found. 170 Please verify the correct file name was given. 171 already exists. Do you want to replace it? 172 Left Arm 173 Right Arm 174 Left Leg 175 Right Leg 180 Keys: 181 Body Vertical 182 Body Horizontal 183 Body Rotation 184 Warning! The file you are loading contains arm or leg keys in object space IK. These will be set to body space with an IK Blend value of 0.0. To preserve object space IK animation of biped limbs, you must store the animation in a .max file. 185 Warning! The animation you are saving contains arm or leg keys in object space IK. These cannot be properly loaded from a .bip file. To preserve object space IK animation of biped limbs, you must store the animation in a .max file. 186 Warning! If you attach this limb to a new object, all of your existing object space IK keys will be set to body space with an IK Blend value of 0.0. 187 This object cannot be selected because it would cause a cycle. 188 Standard 189 The frame rate change was not successful due to internal quantization causing the following overlapping keys: 190 Some restrictions are: 191 - must be at least one frame between two sequential footsteps on the same side 192 - footsteps must be at least two frames long 193 - no footsteps in negative frames 194 This operation is not possible because it results in illegal footstep timing. 195 This operation is not possible because it results in illegal timing. 196 Some restrictions are: 197 - keys on the same track cannot overlap or pass one another 198 - no keys before the first or after the last footstep 199 - no keys in negative frames 200 Warning! This file contains the following overlapping keys or keys at negative frames: 201 This is the first problem found in this biped. There may be others. 202 Incorrect authorization string. 203 Vertical 204 Horizontal 205 Turning 206 You are not allowed to paste when inactive footsteps exist. 207 Biovision Files 208 Extension must be .bvh 209 Warning! Inserting a key when there are no footsteps results in a purely free-form animation. You will be unable to create footsteps when in this mode. 210 If you wish to combine free-form with footsteps, you must first create footsteps. 211 Do you really want to create a purely free-form animation? 212 Purely free-form animation is not allowed in buffer mode. 213 Purely free-form animation cannot be pasted. 214 Purely free-form animation cannot be saved in a .stp file. 215 Biped keys cannot be set on subframes.