18 3D Studio MAX Direct3D Driver 19 This driver does not support 8-bit or truecolor displays.\nPlease use either the HEIDI or OpenGL driver, or change your display depth to a high-color mode (15 or 16 bits per pixel). 20 Direct3D initialization failed.\nTo switch to HEIDI or OpenGL, please start 3D Studio MAX with the -h command line option. 21 DirectDraw failed to initialize. 22 Direct3D failed to initialize. 23 Can't access the primary Direct3D surface. 24 Can't create the Direct3D clipper. 25 Warning: can't create backbuffer in video memory. 26 Can't create backbuffer! 27 Can't create z-buffer. 28 Can't attach z-buffer to backbuffer. 29 Warning: can't access hardware renderer. 30 Can't create renderer. 31 Direct3D (MP) 32 Direct3D (SP) 33 Can't create viewport. 34 Can't initialize viewport. 35 Can't initialize 3D state.