1 This call has been canceled. Your information has been saved. Please try again later. 2 There was a problem completing this task.##Would you like to try again? 3 Modem is busy or cannot be found.##Please make sure that your modem is connected properly and turned on. 4 Your call was canceled.##The modem connection was dropped. 5 There is not enough memory available to complete signup.##Try closing other windows and quitting other programs. 6 There was a problem completing this task.##Please try again. 7 Get the latest product details and information about MSN's free trial offer. 8 Update your list of local phone numbers. 9 Send your account information. 200 Please type your member ID. 201 Please type your password. 203 Please type a password with at least eight letters or numbers. 204 Member IDs cannot contain spaces. 205 Passwords cannot contain spaces. 210 Signup cannot be completed at this time.##Please try again later. 211 This ID is already in use. Please try a different one.##If you are already a member and were trying to adjust settings, sign in to The Microsoft Network instead of running Signup. 212 This member ID is not valid. Please try another one.##Member IDs are between 3 and 64 characters, and can contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, and _. They cannot contain spaces or extended characters. 213 This password is not valid. It is too similar to your member ID.##Please use a different password. 214 This password contains invalid characters.##Passwords can contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, and . They cannot contain spaces or extended characters. 215 There is a problem with your credit card.##Please contact your bank or credit card company. 216 You do not have permission to sign up at this time. 217 No subscription plan is available for your area.##Please call Customer Service. To look up Customer Service phone numbers, click the Settings button, and then the Help button. 218 Credit verification has failed. ##Please check the information you provided for the payment method. 219 Your call was canceled.##The call timed out. 220 Are you there? Disconnecting in 30 seconds. 221 Disconnecting in 30 seconds. 800 The information provided by the registering program has an invalid format.##You can try again, or contact the manufacturer of the registering program. 801 - Send your product registration information. 806 Your registration information cannot be sent at this time.##Please try again later. 807 OK 1000 The Microsoft Network 1001 An important part of Signup cannot be found.##Please run Signup again. To do this, click Start, click Run, and then in the Open box, type Signup.exe. 1002 You cannot use double-byte (DBCS) characters in this dialog box. 1003 Software\Microsoft\Mos\Connection 1004 Phone 1005 BackupPhone 1006 CurrentCommDev 1007 ConnectProtocol 1008 Sign Up needs to restart Windows to complete the installation of system files. Please close all applications, including DOS sessions, after saving any current work and then return to this dialog box and click OK. 1009 The Microsoft Network 1010 The Microsoft Network (Backup) 1011 LoginPrefix 1012 Your account cannot be upgraded to include full Internet access at this time.##Please try again later. 1013 MSN/ 1014 Some files required for this program may be missing or corrupted.##Please reinstall The Microsoft Network. To do this, look up Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Help Index. 1015 CityBaud 2500 Software\Microsoft\Mos\Connection\SavedNumbers0 2501 Software\Microsoft\Mos\Connection\SavedNumbers1 2502 Software\Microsoft\Mos\Connection\SavedNumbers2