0 Replay Awarded 1 Ball Locked 2 Center Post\n%ld 3 Bonus Awarded\n%ld 4 Bonus Activated 5 Weapons Upgraded 6 Engine Upgraded 7 Bonus up 1 Million 8 Extra Ball Available\n%ld 9 Extra Ball 10 Reflex Shot Award\n%ld 11 Final Battle Won 12 Hyperspace Bonus\n%ld 13 Hyperspace Bonus Available 14 Jackpot Awarded\n%ld 15 Jackpot Activated 16 Multiball 17 Ramp Bonus Awarded 18 Light Added 19 Ramp Bonus On 20 Light Reset Off 21 Skill Shot\n%ld 22 Game Paused\nF3 to Resume 23 Continue Play 24 F2 Starts New Game 25 Careful... 26 Player 1 27 Player 2 28 Player 3 29 Player 4 30 Demo\nPlayer 1 31 Demo\nPlayer 2 32 Demo\nPlayer 3 33 Demo\nPlayer 4 34 Game Over 35 TILT! 36 This program requires an 80386 or later CPU. 37 80386 Required 38 3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet 39 One or more of the player controls is set to the same key,\nfor best performance use unique keys for each control. 40 Clear High Scores? 41 Confirm 42 WAVEMIX.INF is missing - it must be in the pinball directory! 43 Warning: 44 Ship Re-Fueled 45 Gravity Well 46 Time Warp Forward 47 Time Warp Backward 48 Maelstrom! 49 Wormhole 50 Awaiting Deployment 51 Flags Upgraded 52 Bonus Hold 53 Level One Commendation 54 Level Two Commendation 55 Level Three Commendation 56 Field Multiplier 2x 57 Field Multiplier 3x 58 Field Multiplier 5x 59 Field Multiplier 10x 60 Target Practice 61 Launch Training 62 Re-Entry Training 63 Science 64 Stray Comet 65 Black Hole 66 Space Radiation 67 Bug Hunt 68 Alien Menace 69 Rescue 70 Satellite Retrieval 71 Recon 72 Doomsday Machine 73 Cosmic Plague 74 Secret 75 Time Warp 76 Maelstrom 77 Mission Accepted\n%ld 78 Mission Completed\n%ld 79 %s Mission Selected 80 Black Hole\n%ld 81 Gravity Normalized\n%ld 82 Gravity Well\n%ld 83 Promotion to %s 84 Cadet 85 Ensign 86 Lieutenant 87 Captain 88 Lt Commander 89 Commander 90 Commodore 91 Admiral 92 Fleet Admiral 93 Wormhole Opened 94 Crash Bonus\n%ld 95 Replay Ball 96 Re-Deploy 97 Player 1 Shoot Again 98 Player 2 Shoot Again 99 Player 3 Shoot Again 100 Player 4 Shoot Again 101 This 3D Pinball Table was created for Microsoft by Maxis.\nFor more information call (800)-336-2947\n(US and Canadian customers only).\nCopyright (c) 1995 Maxis. 102 This 3D Pinball Table was created for Microsoft by Maxis.\nCopyright (c) 1995 Maxis. 103 About 3D Pinball 104 Hit Mission Targets To Select Mission 105 Re-Fuel Ship 106 Launch Ramp To Accept %s Mission 107 Attack Bumpers Hits\nLeft: %d 108 Target Training Passed 109 Mission Aborted 110 Launches Left: %d 111 Launch Training Passed 112 Re-Entries Left: %d 113 Re-Entry Training Passed 114 Drop Targets\nLeft: %d 115 Science Mission Completed 116 Warning -- Low Fuel 117 Fill Right Hazard Banks 118 Hyperspace Launch 119 Comet Destroyed 120 Enter Wormhole 121 Radiation Eliminated 122 Upgrade Launch Bumpers 123 Enter Black Hole 124 Black Hole Eliminated 125 Targets\nLeft: %d 126 Xenomorphs Destroyed 127 Upgrade Flags 128 Hyperspace Launch 129 Survivors Rescued 130 Aliens Repelled 131 Hit Fuel Targets 132 Remote Attack Bumper Hits\nLeft: %d 133 Satellite Repaired 134 Lane Passes\nLeft: %d 135 Shoot Ball Up Fuel Chute 136 Survey Complete 137 Out Lane Passes\nLeft: %d 138 Doomsday Machine Destroyed 139 Roll Flags: %d 140 Hit Space Warp Rollover 141 Plague Eliminated 142 Hit Yellow Wormhole 143 Hit Red Wormhole 144 Hit Green Wormhole 145 Plans Recovered 146 Rebound Hits\nLeft: %d 147 Hit Hyperspace Chute or Launch Ramp 148 Drop Target Hits\nLeft: %d 149 Spot Target Hits\nLeft: %d 150 Lanes Passes\nLeft: %d 151 Shoot Ball Up Fuel Chute 152 Hit Launch Ramp 153 Hit Flags 154 Hit Worm Hole 155 Hyperspace Chute to end Maelstrom 156 pinball.mid 158 1 UseBitmapFont 159 90 Left Flipper Key 160 191 Right Flipper Key 161 32 Plunger Key 162 88 Bump Left Key 163 190 Bump Right Key 164 38 Bump Bottom Key 165 Software\Microsoft\Plus!\Pinball 166 SpaceCadet 167 1c7c22a0-9576-11ce-bf80-444553540000 168 PINBALL.DAT 169 Space Cadet 170 Error: 171 Unable to find other tables. 172 3D Pinball\nSpace Cadet 173 Promotion to %s 174 Demotion to %s 175 Upgrade Attack Bumpers 176 Fill Left Hazard Banks 177 HIGH SCORE 178 pinball.hlp 179 Not enough memory to run 3D Pinball. 180 Player 1's Score\n%ld 181 Player 2's Score\n%ld 182 Player 3's Score\n%ld 183 Player 4's Score\n%ld 184 High Score 1\n%ld 185 High Score 2\n%ld 186 High Score 3\n%ld 187 High Score 4\n%ld 188 High Score 5\n%ld 189 255 255 255 (R G B default font color)