Wydawca: Media Service Zawada Sp. z o.o. Al. Stanów Zjednoczonych 51 04-028 Warszawa © 2003 Discovery Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. © Media Service Zawada Sp. z o.o. Redakcja: Redaktor naczelny: Bo¿ena Latif Koncepcja: Pawe³ S³owiakowski Produkcja: Animagic.com Pawe³ S³owiakowski pawel.slowiakowski@post.pl Projekt graficzny i realizacja: Agencja Relamowa PoProstu http://www.arpoprostu.pl Narrator: Miko³aj Klimek Opracowano na podstawie: Film video The ultimate guide: Big Cats Produced & Directed by Brian Leith Narrator Will Lyman Music Composed By Chris Whitten Camera Mike Fox Camera Assistant Matt Fox Film Editor David Thrasher Graphics 4:2:2 Videographic Design Rostrum Camera Dave Blackman Online Editor Chris Gilbert Sound Design Wounded Buffalo Re Recording Mixer Andrew Wilson Sound Recordist Michael Lax Assistant Producer Anna Roberts Production Manager Mandy Gittings Production Coordinator Doug Manuel Production Team Rachel Lucas Jeanne Clenet Script Editors Garry M Kluger Lori Oliwenstein Scientific Advisors Craig Packer Douglas Richardson Peter Jackson David Macdonald Andrew Kitchener For Discovery Channel Executive Producer Steve Burns Line Producer Annabel Leee Production Manager Mickey McKenzie Financial Co Ordinator Erika Wolff Production Assistant Monika Cebulla Business Affairs Bob Reeedy Executive In Charge of Production Michael Quattrone (Specjalne podziêkowania dla:) With Special Thanks Anna Club Plush IBTT Leiden Holland Eric Christin Nature Discovery Copex Air Serengeti Balloon Safaris Natural History Museum London Mauricio Anton Columbia University Press Mechanical Engineeering Dept Edinburgh University Royal Museum of Scotland Edinburgh Film & Picture Credits British Library Oriental & India Office Collections Divyabhanusinh Belinda Wright Wildlife Protection Society of India BBC Worldwide Americas BFI's National Film Archive American Museum of Natural History Dr R. Lammers WGBH Boston Telenova Productions Inc Series Produced by David Hickman Films LTD Produced by Scorer Associates for Discovery Channel Discovery Channel® ©MCMXCVI Discovery Communications, Inc. Autorzy do³o¿yli wszystkich starañ aby umo¿liwiæ dzia³anie programu na wiêkoszoœci komputerów, jednak nie mo¿emy zagwarantowaæ poprawnej pracy programu na wszystkich komputerach