What's New in Netscape Communicator

What's New in Netscape Communicator 4.5

Netscape Navigator
Netscape Messenger
Netscape Composer
Netscape Calendar
Netscape AOL Instant Messenger
New Features that Span the Communicator Suite

Netscape Navigator

Smart Browsing(tm)

Smart Browsing can intelligently recommend other Web sites and information related to what you are currently viewing, filter out pages with inappropriate content, and even understand regular words in order to guide you to the correct information. With Smart Browsing, you find the information you need more quickly and easily.

What's Related

How often do you wish to know more about a topic or information on a Web page that you are browsing? For example, if you're reading a news article about Indonesia, you may want more in-depth information on the country's history, location, economic and political structure, etc. Or, if you're looking for information about a particular automobile, you might also want information about similar cars or information from independent sources (such as magazines or reviews).

With the What's Related feature of Netscape Navigator, you can easily view a list of other sites and information related to the Web page you are currently viewing by simply clicking the "What's Related" drop down list next to the Location field on the toolbar.

Internet Keywords

URLs can sometimes be complex and difficult to remember. With Internet Keywords, you simply type common words or brand names you are looking for into Navigator's Location field and get what you really want. Typing "shoes" delivers you a list of places to buy or research shoes while "Air Jordan" delivers you to the Nike Web site. You no longer have to remember or bookmark the exact URL. For example, typing "Ford Ranger" from any Web page delivers you to the Ford Web site.

"My Netscape" Button

My Netscape is a new free Netcenter service that lets you create your own personalized start page. Your personal start page is:
  • private
  • fast and easy to set up
  • accessible anywhere
  • customizable
  • You can set up your own dynamically updated news and sports stories, stock quotes, e-mail account, favorite links, and many other services for free - simply by becoming a Netcenter member.

    Whether you're at work, home, or on the road, you'll be able to access your own start page and enjoy all the information you want from a wide variety of compelling sources.


    Select the types of Web sites you want you and your family to view. Navigator intelligently screens which pages you can view based on these settings. NetWatch uses an Internet rating standard known as PICS - the Platform for Internet Content Selection. PICS is designed to help parents, teachers, and employers screen out material they feel is inappropriate for children or employees. NetWatch settings are protected by a personal password. NetWatch has support for two independent PICS-compliant ratings systems, RSACi and SafeSurf.

    Enhanced Performance

    Netscape Navigator includes the latest enhancements in Java and JavaScript so Web applications run quickly and reliably.

    Netscape Messenger

    Fast And Accurate Addressing with Pinpoint Addressing

    Using Pinpoint Addressing, you can easily address mail from the compose window without hunting for contacts in a separate address book or corporate directory. Messenger prevents mistakes by showing all possible choices with additional information if similar names are encountered.

    Quickly Find The Right Name As You Type With Pinpoint Addressing 

    Address a message without leaving the compose window. Messenger automatically checks a centralized directory that supports LDAP (such as the Netcenter Member Directory) and all of your personal address books to complete the name when a unique match is found.

    Pop-Up Selector Prevents Mistakes By Resolving Ambiguous Names 

    If there is more than one match, a selector appears with all possible matches. Additional information such as organization and phone number helps you send mail to the correct person.

    IMAP Speed Enhancements

    IMAP users will enjoy faster performance with Messenger. Enhancements include:

    Share Your Mail With Others

    Messenger supports folder sharing via IMAP so you can share information within your own mailbox. For example, as a manager you can allow your assistant to read and manage your mail. You can also can set up shared folders with messages of interest to a wide audience.

    Choice in How Messenger Handles Deleted Messages

    You can choose to have deleted messages stored in a Trash folder (from which they can be retrieved) or to mark them for deletion under the traditional IMAP delete model. Also, you can choose to have messages deleted automatically when exiting Messenger.

    Confirm That Your Mail Has Been Received With Read Receipts

    Do you ever need to know whether a recipient has seen an important message? You can now request notifications (message receipts) when messages you send are opened by a recipient.

    Delivery Receipts Based On The DSN Internet Standard 

    Delivery receipts send you a notification when your message has been received by the recipient's mail server. Delivery receipts are based on the Delivery Service Notification (DSN) standard.

    Read Receipts Based On The MDN Internet Standard

    Read receipts send you a notification when the recipient opens your message. Read receipts use the Message Disposition Notification (MDN) standard.

    Preferences To Protect Privacy

    You can choose to ignore requests for message receipts or tell Messenger to only send message receipts in certain cases.

    Coexistence with Lotus cc:mail and Eudora

    Respond to proprietary return-receipt-to requests generated by cc:mail.

    User Interface and Productivity Enhancements 

    Messenger has been improved with dozens of user interface enhancements to make it simpler and easy to use.

    Three Pane Interface For Simplified Message Management

    All folders and newsgroups appear in the folder pane for simplified reading of mail and newsgroups.

    Two Pane Address Book For Improved Contact Management

    The address book interface is substantially improved to simplify contact management. It integrates personal address books, directories, and mailing lists into one easy to use contact manager.

    Re-usable Message Templates

    Save any message as a template which can reused at any time. Templates are useful for messages that you send in the same form on a regular basis, such as weekly status reports.

    Keep Mail Organized With Improved Searching And Filters

    Managing received or incoming mail has never been easier.

    Choice Of Multiple Forwarding Options

    You now have the flexibility to forward a message as inline text, as quoted text, or as an attachment (to maintain message integrity).

    Keep Track Of Replied And Forwarded Messages

    Actions performed on messages are automatically tracked within the message list pane.

    Autodownload Of IMAP Headers Or POP Mail Messages

    Messages now download in the background automatically. No need to click the Get Msg button to retrieve new messages.

    Easy Migration From Other Mail Clients

    Messenger includes an integrated wizard that allows you to import mail folders, address books, and preferences from Eudora and Microsoft Outlook Express.

    Exchange Address Book Information With Other Applications

    Import address book information using the popular LDIF, CSV, and Tab delimited formats of the address book. Export information to LDIF, CSV, Tab delimited, and HTML.

    Tested Against A Wide Range Of Messaging Servers

     To ensure interoperability, Netscape Messenger has been tested  with the following servers:

    Flexible Roaming Access

    You can now access your messages from any location whether at work, home, or on the road. Messenger gives you flexible access to your information with popular PDAs such as the PalmPilot, while traveling and disconnected from the network, or from multiple desktops (via IMAP and LDAP).

    Take Communicator Information On Your 3Com PalmPilot 

    Carry your important Communicator information anywhere with a PalmPilot.

    Access Your Communicator Contacts With Address Book Synch

    Synchronize your address books and corporate directory with a PalmPilot.

    Read And Compose Mail Messages With Mail Synch

    Read messages from your inbox and compose mail on your PalmPilot to be sent later using Messenger.

    Take Important Information With You On Your Laptop

    If you're a laptop user who needs to work disconnected from your company's network, Messenger makes it easy to synchronize server based messages (IMAP) as well as the corporate directory (LDAP) for offline messaging and contact management.

    One Step Synchronization Of Server-based Messages And Directories

    Synchronize mail folders, newsgroups, and directories in one step.

    Offline Addressing And Access To Corporate Directory

    Take the corporate directory offline by taking advantage of LDAPv3 replication.

    Fast Synchronization

    Synchronizing for offline is a fast operation even over a slow link.

    Improved Offline Mail Management

    Work as efficiently offline as when online. When re-connecting to the network, Messenger automatically synchronizes offline changes: file or delete IMAP or POP mail, create folders, and search mail (IMAP or POP).

    Prompt To Synchronize When Quitting

    When exiting, Messenger reminds you to synchronize your mail, directory, and newsgroups.

    Access Your Mail From Any Location

    All mail folders including Trash, Sent, Drafts, and Templates can be centrally stored on an IMAP mail server so you can access them from desktop computers in different locations.

    Netscape Composer

    Support For Text Files In Addition To HTML

    You can open plain Text files in addition to HTML files. You can also save documents as either text or HTML files.

    Print From Mail Compose

    Print documents you are composing in Messenger directly from the message composition window.

    Netscape Calendar

    Improved User Interface

    Netscape Calendar features an updated, streamlined user interface similar to Netscape Messenger. A consistent user interface between messaging and calendaring means you need only learn one set of actions that can be applied to both mail and calendar information.

    Collapsible Toolbars

    You can hide the Calendar toolbars from view, to free up space for content.

    Creating A Meeting Is As Easy As Sending An Email

    The window in which you create or modify a meeting now looks similar to the mail composition window.

    Enhanced Resources Button

    Select a room or resource by clicking the Resource button in the meeting compose window.

    Meeting Right-Click Actions

    Right-clicking a meeting displays a menu with reply options so you can act on a meeting without opening it.

    Drag And Drop Meetings To Change Time

    Change a meeting's start time by dragging and dropping it to another time.

    Drag To Change Meeting Duration

    Drag the edges of a meeting to increase or decrease meeting duration.

    Easily Modify Repeating Meetings

    Repeating meetings are easier to work with via the meeting compose window.

    Show/Hide Details In Meeting Block

    You can set a preference for the amount of detail displayed in meeting blocks.

    View Meeting Details At A Glance

    Mousing over a meeting shows the meeting's title and location.

    Visual Distinction Of Weekends

    When a you choose to display weekend days, they are color coded to visually distinguish them from week days.

    Week Numbers

    European users can correlate their calendar to other calendars via the display of week numbers.

    Today Button In The Tool Bar Of Agenda Views

    Calendar now has one-button access so you can view the current day and make navigating your calendar easier.

    Import/Export Support for Multiple Formats 

    Import Schedule+ 7.x, vCalendar, HP 100LX/200LX, and multiple text formats. Support for Schedule+ 7.x import enables import from Microsoft Outlook via a common file format.

    Flexible Roaming Access

    Important information is available wherever you go with Netscape Calendar, whether you use a PalmPilot, a laptop, or are set up to be a roaming user.

    Schedule Meetings Offline

    Not only can you download your own schedule but also the free/busy time of other users and resources. This enables you to schedule meetings offline with up to date information.

    Work With Your Calendar From Navigator

    With Calendar express, the Web-based interface for Calendar, you can view your calendar and schedule meetings from any Web browser.

    Find Other Users By UserID

    Inviting others to meetings is faster since you can uniquely identify attendees based on UserID.

    Synchronization With Palm Pilot

    Synchronize your Calendar and To Do lists with the 3Com PalmPilot.

    Netscape AOL Instant Messenger

    Netscape AOL Instant Messenger enables millions of Communicator users to easily chat in real time. Users at work or at home can immediately send and reply to personalized messages.

    Add Rich Text and Color to Your Messages

    Personalize your messages with richly styled and colored text and links to Web pages.

    Instant Communication

    Carry on an online conversation without the delays of email.

    Buddy List

    When colleagues log on to Instant Messenger, your Buddy List can play a tone or flash your screen. Click a name to send a message that instantly appears on their screens.

    Take Your Buddy List With You

    Easily copy your personal Buddy List and preferences to different computers.

    Use Over Any Internet Connection

    Use Instant Messenger over any Internet connection - through your office, school network, or local Internet service provider.

    Integrated With Communicator

    You access Instant Messenger from the Communicator menu.

    New Features That Span The Communicator Suite

    Flexible Roaming Access

    Roaming Access enables you to access your personal Communicator environment when you are away from your desk, are using a shared machine, or when you are working from home on a machine you keep synchronized with your work machine. You can check your mail, view your calendar, or access the Web from any machine and have Communicator look and act exactly the same as it does on your "home" machine.

    As a roaming user, your profile (preferences, bookmarks, address book, security files, etc.) is stored centrally in either a directory server that supports LDAP or an enterprise server that support HTTP. This allows you to easily login to another computer and access your own personalized Communicator environment.

    One Simple Login To Access Personal Communicator Environment

    As a roaming user, you can easily access your personal Communicator environment.

    Access To All Or Part Of Your Personal Environment

    Choose among all aspects of your personal environment including access to your own Messenger, Calendar, and Navigator environment. If you are away from your desk, you can still easily access your address information through the address book, in addition to reading your mail via IMAP mail. Security works as it does on your desk, and your own bookmarks and history are available in Navigator. Even auto-completion of URLs works as if you were sitting at your own desk.

    Choose the Level Of Roaming Access You Want

    If you don't want your entire profile to roam with you, you can decide which files should be stored on the roaming server.


    In the past, installing and updating software involved obtaining media or downloading the entire product, locating the product on the hard disk or CD, running an installer program, and making decisions about where and how the product was to be installed. Netscape Communicator 4.5 streamlines this process with SmartUpdate, a technology incorporated into Communicator for software distribution and installation. It is uniquely suited to software distribution on the Web because it intelligently handles all details of distribution and installation in one step - without ever having to leave the Communicator environment. This includes the file download, placing files in the proper location on your hard drive, and recording version information for the later determination of whether a particular update is necessary. Furthermore, each installer is signed with a digital certificate, thus ensuring that it was in fact created by a trusted source.

    Easy Installation Of Communicator and Associated Software

    Netscape Communicator software can easily be installed with a single click using SmartUpdate. In addition, you can easily install upgrades, additional components, plugins, etc., at any point after the initial installation.

    Easy upgrade From Communicator 4.0x

    Using SmartUpdate, you can upgrade from Communicator 4.0x to Communicator 4.5 with one easy click, rather than the traditionally time-consuming process of downloading a file, locating it on the hard drive, and running a separate installer.


    Patching is a process for upgrading software without completely reinstalling the software. This is done by applying a "patch," or a piece of software that only contains changes. All of the code that remains the same from one version of the software to the next is excluded from the patch. This provides two advantages over complete reinstallation; smaller upgrade sizes and faster downloads. SmartUpdate in Netscape Communicator 4.5 has the ability to patch files as well as replace them or install them from scratch. This reduces the size of Communicator upgrades (from 4.5 to later versions of Communicator) upwards of 50% to 80%.


    All software installed using SmartUpdate can be un-installed via SmartUpdate. The preferences dialog has an interface to enable you to selectively uninstall software installed via SmartUpdate.