Using Modem Setup (Macintosh only)

The Modem Setup tool helps you specify the modem that you want to use when connecting to your Internet account. Before you use Modem Setup, make sure that your modem is properly installed, connected, and turned on.

To use Modem Setup, follow these steps:

  1. Open Modem Setup from Account Setup or from the Netscape Communicator folder.
  2. When Modem Setup opens, wait as the program automatically tries to determine what modem is connected to the computer.
  3. If Modem Setup finds your modem and correctly identifies its manufacturer and model, click Use This Modem. Modem Setup closes.

If Modem Setup isn't able to find your modem, or if it finds your modem incorrectly, follow these steps:

  1. Check to make sure that your modem is installed correctly and that it is plugged securely into the Modem Port or Printer Port on the back of your Macintosh. Make sure the modem's power is on.
  2. In the Modem Setup window, click Detect Again to let Modem Setup try to determine what kind of modem is connected to your computer. If it finds your modem correctly, click Use This Modem. If it still doesn't identify your modem correctly, click Choose From List to specify your modem by hand. Two lists appear in the Modem Setup window.
  3. Select the your modem's manufacturer from the list on the left. If you don't see the manufacturer's name, choose "Hayes Compatible," a generic setting that supports most modem types.
  4. Next, choose the model number of your modem from the list on the right. If your model number isn't in the list, choose your modem's speed (for example 14.4 Kbps or 28.8 Kbps). Add info about (enhanced)(regular) here...
  5. Specify the port (on the back of your computer) to which your modem is connected. You might double-check this on the back of your computer before specifying a port in Modem Setup.
  6. When you have selected from both lists and specified the port that your modem is connected to, click Use This Modem. Modem Setup closes.