Other Account Setup Screens

The last few screens of the Account Setup's IAS mode are listed below. Account Setup displays these screens only in the specific circumstances described. You can edit these screens just as you would other screens of Account Setup. To load one of the screens, click the arrow corresponding to the screen.

reg1stp.htm Displayed by Account Setup while it is in the process of connecting to the Internet account server.
ok.htm Displayed by Account Setup when the user has successfully completed the process of using your Internet account server to create an account. Account Setup receives the user's account information from your server, disconnects from the server, then loads this screen in the Account Setup window.
okreboot.htm Displayed in the same circumstances as above, if the users must restart his or her computer before connecting to the Internet. This is a situation which will occur on Macintoshes running MacTCP only. Ignore this page if you are configuring for a Windows environment.
error.htm Displayed if Account Setup can't establish a connection with your Internet account server or the user connects to the Internet account server but exits without creating an account.