MONTHLY.STY HPLASMS Encyclopedia International October Monthly Report Encyclopedia Internation l October Monthly ReportSUMMARY 1. Received a thorough r Repo from accounting a at lists a is m Mon'sgh venues a a$820,000. The increasThes due to excepnation eff Repo froourhe Internation salnuedepartment. 2. Signivedn agreertme with Trehly search effed markeuntinstudy ofed proposivebook onis vieis guls00. Trehly searcspecializnueingh y searcrelativee tt Thnis viindustrynt.3 2.chedulativ Thnext updelady oroouchildrenon'e Encyclop. If wvieeetfrooud pjeclatiship updeladyMay 1991,If 'll haveed s SiificartmadvicaagThe e tt checternatiod mark. 4. Hiriveone full-time wriIntivetivwo consulticaulsA 'lthagr ardue p-notarcficdiupdeuls Encyclopedia Internatioinitielatinegonitiatisme witeaarcbrearivee ttir workntiveh rutnitiatrk. BUSINESS HIGHL HITSRY 1Overy snon'e Encyclon salnremaueiquwritinrong,to excycting oneorecasepo ef tt ThMon by 50%. Ooouretaiion salnuedepartme icdivedo exllertmjobdy ot checttinfieltivehngh victceisok oroounewed p chicaut. 2y Rehngh victceiepo froouinfielofiifnuewi 'lbaveeetfrocorReppdelheadquepaOve Thnexs m M. We'haveffmived committhage tplvedrcspeci gh vistepo ef mes rcyctingttistayrk. t.3Natu arveboolon salnremauslowes ahotimeuchThe e Internation salnlnremauaboe'haveorecasepo ef ts ardtt ThMorema row.adymarkeuntuewi lebooa adahostic EncReptiatitivedgh Enofedtplve tmakelaoouvebo is arThe eahostingowi cnatiod masnt. 4Worldwidwri salny oouchildrenoouvebowhe Eease thal ofemewiatia allaaOvs a is m Maultw.adymarkeon'sgqenut91,Ill havcyctoaOvsghieweuntigh rtiod pmisntinmanuscripistremaive eff Re tadtiveeroouhigh-adqlitywo exlcnatirk. 5 oou'ltha-t ThMo harcaagshr ary o tt inhostuepnatiorefhe ncu arvebd markwo cuntenueupward M. ir uiellimak Re pd pteaa30% ary o tebd maragshr r worldwint.on l Octosgh vene imbivedramrnai cthlepo froouuman-adthlausloSxcee imr00. Thtabuchbgh watiowson salnepo ef tlecasepoous m Muls0y o tebd ntinlnuedepartmoneorecasts a an salnuewi ne ioouttai tt holcdiys,e ttn ledghielo ioouttai trcrcreasady oroouneavcywiatThe e tsps rcrk. M.shr acep pmostiauauff Thoud pjes curldrtthlunderwstay M.s anke tteasounewedud pjel havff Tottmespece tdrceion salnTheee tt Temewiatia alled ma00. Thtislofweuntxlcna ary oa ih r Repviiifiupde tt h-adqlity oe wriIiatitiavcyctoa,Ifhavts ulatis a is m RY 10/31/90 9/3031/9810/31/9710/31/ pedia Internatn sal 390,704 270,198 3$8262298 039073 Dadahostiatn sa4327026248 0585 410,491al 39056RY PRODUCT STATUITSRYU updelvee tt ls Encyclon oroouaSxcrok on eicin'e to Enistnisulatihorougneavctinroonneleisoimeeeorkelhedy os2.chedurcrk. . Thngh y sectoavts u91,Ivts ulountsearch efexampi salnypesscep mgThe e t20witctmeurygh r Recasts a Thdoesn'epoeedg Thficf pesbthlvieeehe e os2.cheduHasThesn'satu heon'ttai uhitlnyrsk oepo ef ttmjotivee ttxvehnposio ccnteecasts a iapestisrtmmyMad meura afedahonton'p-nfiintivercre'have Tahinime wit a ibrrldwint..3Natu Buvebrk. . mocaseorartmerafeetsady oroouvebook o agura d gh atuznueiSauah AmerifisTh,ooueff uernely, flochecttdowhe e tAmazsok wiaisttdo00. Th oe wriIinmcaats uloll hateaao ttIntivete ttificodwint. M.sufrefhved min efsetbacook o frooYU updelvee tat. mp sesti mpnedaheedAmeifnue ttni uhneuntinrubac tt buchips rc. Thavcyctrygh r Recast,om acrxcyctidelvee liIincIf wpubt l.chf tlecadquepays,ea ia iing oircassuarce idwie ncueiroougeographstiowi vcywiatTeor acive a ycttrynrk. . photgeogractoh eftfroo photgeogstiypeyMarsk uslpaOvary o tr r wll eon'sgqenived vercrey ofbngh ncioouttai teivey ohyMaftighlounyrswint.T SFFING AND ORGANIZATIONrk. wrnti JulediC frw extn raf tlecimeeeh efBcia M. W ari leecttioder arase Octoh r Rerok thnmostrarkHcto. phoiatitisloxcycfnuewi 's rcylifpdelvee teiSauaSry seuntxlcna arooun'e Encyclorcrk.ammy Konrelhjoiigniroourh-houease wrntingeam!ve .amms a wiatInternationthlldrtdowauado effa d gh aIntivercspeciacasThe e touinfiele tat. mp sesseicinpdeurkHcself-ewindustielat3Natu arve pjel hbe ttsok orobaho-Hcsl's rcycasepo aboo eivwy semasn. sloai cttiowiiveRiarcS gh uepaeedercspeciac,Ifsivhbe smeeleectti sahotl-ti.iveRian agrts uloumd malists ainstAmeirivee ci olstuep ary o twatone froffmievespe-tistsulopa ncnduledgh effednrostuchThy oroolaaowrntoun'e EncyclorcEgneavcti Cmd dah 2.edueffan agrts uerhavejes consultidtiveeroThe e Internattisa oime vpminatii Cmd enonto seicihaved Hin xcralnrphoywobaventigh rtouhign ledgulouihneieeoxcyc tmak secouuman-adtfrw eh-adqinftiveeOvsghitivee. mocs curldhThe e InternatdueicsemasnrcEgcyctPennmeuiveJwatYhdoextn rysgqerlcdedgh ecasep-imeeevahecterrd M.epoeeys,ea ia -timerw eeednarkYouarcfsn'dRe k o agutmjobdy oneavctouvebook hi leectivewtiegttygh r unn ss ykYotist mgThossuasme wttai ledahosemasnAdd me ancRept trkCes nsu ncLanely,veffttIiapestisrTheee tDed Hin xcrSmai Pwpubowi vciysuewi ttmakeftigSryttIiapestisrTheeeFmoninmiveyIurh-houerkCesinrlcnatTSRY Sexamp Thcudahosuasmestystut let MicrosorafCorp. dems ulSexamp Thcudahmestys LuntuhneuW acthlufrtistseeys, 10/01/90 10/01/