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Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
Developing Year 2000 Compliant Applications in Microsoft Visual Basic
9.  Find Out More about Your DateÆs Background

There is one last piece in the date jigsaw. Visual Basic relies on the underlying operating system for some of its date functionalityùyou have already seen how it takes its date windowing from the system file OLEAUT32.dll and how the Short Date and Long Date are based on the Regional Settings in Control Panel. Both of these dependencies can alter the way applications interpret and report dates.

Unfortunately, retrieving this information in Visual Basic can be a tricky. Listing 8-7 is a module that provides functions to get this information from the system. It contains functions that retrieve the Long Date and Short Date formats for the current System Locale. There is also a function to retrieve the version number of OLEAUT32.dll and another to work out which date window it provides.

This information can be used in a number of ways. You could make it available on your applicationÆs About box. Alternatively, you can check it as part of your application startup routines. If the OLEAUT32.dllÆs version number is not one you expect, you can abort the startup and display a message to the user about contacting the Help desk.

Note   This application is on the companion file in the Chap08\Date Environment folder.

Option Explicit

' Used to hold the date format passed to
' sPiEnumDateFormatsProc so that it can be passed to
' the GetLongDateFormat and GetShortDateFormat functions.
Private m_sDateFormat As String

Private Declare Function WinGetFileVersionInfo Lib "version.dll" _
Alias "GetFileVersionInfoA" _
(ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _
ByVal dwHandle As Long, _
ByVal dwLen As Long, _
ByVal lpData As String) As Long

Private Declare Function WinGetFileVersionInfoSize _
Lib "version.dll" _
Alias "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" _
(ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _
lpdwHandle As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function WinEnumDateFormats Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "EnumDateFormatsA" _
(ByVal lpDateFmtEnumProc As Long, _
ByVal Locale As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long

Private Declare Sub WinCopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal lpDestination As Any, _
ByVal lpSource As Long, _
ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare Function Winlstrlen Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As Long) _
As Long

Private Const LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT As Long = &H400
Private Const DATE_LONGDATE As Long = &H2
Private Const DATE_SHORTDATE As Long = &H1

Public Function GetLongDateFormat() As String
' 32-bit VB function to retrieve the system "Long Date" format.

' Call the API routine that will enumerate the system date
' format. This will call back the bPiEnumDateFormatsProc
' routine in this module, passing it a string containing the
' Long Date format.
Call WinEnumDateFormats(AddressOf bPiEnumDateFormatsProc, _

' Return the date format that will have been stored module
' wide by the bPiEnumDateFormatsProc.
GetLongDateFormat = m_sDateFormat
End Function

Public Function GetShortDateFormat() As String
' 32-bit VB function to retrieve the system "Short Date" format.

' Call the API routine that will enumerate the system date
' format. This will call back the bPiEnumDateFormatsProc
' routine in this module, passing it a string containing
' the system Short Date format.
Call WinEnumDateFormats(AddressOf bPiEnumDateFormatsProc, _

' Return the date format that will have been stored module
' wide by the routine bPiEnumDateFormatsProc.
GetShortDateFormat = m_sDateFormat
End Function

Public Function GetOLEAUT32Version() As String
' 32-bit VB function to retrieve the string version number of
' the OLEAUT32.DLL to which our process is linked. The routine
' returns the string version number.

Dim sVerInfo As String
Dim sVersion As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim nPos As Integer
Dim sVer As String

Const sOLEAUT32 As String = "OLEAUT32" ' Don't need the '.DLL'.

' Allocate space for the string version information.
SVerInfo = String$(WinGetFileVersionInfoSize(sOLEAUT32, 0), 0)

' Retrieve info. If sVerInfo is "" it's OK, we don't need to
' test it.
If 0 <> WinGetFileVersionInfo(sOLEAUT32, 0, Len(sVerInfo), _
sVerInfo) Then

' We might have to search for the info twice, the first
' time as an ANSI string, and if that doesnÆt work,
' the second time as a Unicode string.
For n = 1 To 2

' Copy the version info, converting it to ANSI
' from Unicode if this is the second attempt to
' get it.
If n = 1 Then
sVersion = sVerInfo
sVersion = StrConv(sVerInfo, vbFromUnicode)
End If

' Got version stuff - search for 'file version'.
' This looks like :- FileVersion ?.?.?.?
nPos = InStr(1, sVersion, sSEARCH, 1)

' If we found it.
If 0 <> nPos Then

' The version comes after the 'FileVersion'
' string so chop off everything until the first
' byte of the version from the front of the
' string.
sVersion = Trim$(Mid$(sVersion, nPos + _

' Clear any remaining leading NULLS
Do While Left$(sVersion, 1) = vbNullChar
sVersion = Right$(sVersion, _
Len(sVersion) - 1)

' The version is terminated by a Null (Chr$(0)).
NPos = InStr(sVersion, vbNullChar)

' Found the end so pull off nPos bytes
' to get the version.
If 0 <> nPos Then
' String version is ...
sVer = Left$(sVersion, nPos - 1)
End If
End If

' If we are left with some text, the
' Version Info was found.
If sVer <> "" Then Exit For
Next n
End If

' Set function return value to the string version in full.
GetOLEAUT32Version = sVersion
End Function

Private Function bPiEnumDateFormatsProc(ByVal lpstrFormat As Long) _
As Long
' The address to this function is passed to the API function
' EnumDateFormatsA that will then call it, passing a pointer
' to a string containing the requested system Date format.

' Store the date format module wide, so that it can be
' read by the originating VB function. As the value passed
' to this function is a pointer to a string, something that VB
' does not directly understand, we use another function to
' retrieve the string that the pointer points to.
m_sDateFormat = sPiGetStringFromPointerANSI(lpstrFormat)

' Return True, indicating that
' EnumDateFormatsA can continue enumerating.
BpiEnumDateFormatsProc = True
End Function

Public Function GetSystemDateWindow() As Integer
' This routine calculates the extremes of the date window
' currently provided by OLEAUT32. It does this by finding
' where the century assigned to the years 0 to 99 changes.
Dim nYear As Integer
Dim nWindowedYear As Integer
Dim nLastYear As Integer

' Setup the initial year to compare to.
NlastYear = Year(DateSerial(0, 1, 20))

' Setup the return value to default to the year assigned to
' "00". If this routine does not detect a shift in the century
' applied to the values 0 û 99, the window must start at
' the century.
GetSystemDateWindow = nLastYear

' Go through each year in a single century 0 - 99. Look for
' a change in the century assigned to these years. This will
' be the pivot date, the bottom date in the date window.
For nYear = 0 To 99
nWindowedYear = Year(DateSerial(nYear, 1, 20))

' Compare the current year to the previous one; if the
' century assignment has changed we have the Pivot year.
If (nWindowedYear \ 100) <> (nLastYear \ 100) Then
GetSystemDateWindow = nWindowedYear
End If

NLastYear = nWindowedYear
Next nYear
End Function

Private Function sPiGetStringFromPointerANSI _
(ByVal lPointer As Long) As String
' This function will return the text pointed to by the passed
' pointer. VB does not support pointers, which are often
' returned by API calls. This function might be used to retrieve
' a string passed to VB by an API call as a pointer.
Dim sBuffer As String
Dim lSize As Long

' Get the length of the string pointed to.
lSize = Winlstrlen(lPointer)

' Size the destination, so that it is large enough.
Sbuffer = String$(lSize + 1, vbNullChar)

' Copy the contents of the memory pointed to
' by the passed Long value into the Buffer.
WinCopyMemory sBuffer, lPointer, lSize

' Return the contents of the buffer, up to
' the first NULL (Ascii 0) which will have been
' used by the API to indicate the end of the string.
sPiGetStringFromPointerANSI = _
Left$(sBuffer, InStr(sBuffer, vbNullChar))
End Function

Listing 8-7   The Date Information module

This handbookÆs companion .zip file contains an ActiveX .exe project named DateInfo that uses this module to provide this information as properties of a CDateInfo class, once you have included SystemDateInfo in your applicationÆs References. Additionally, because it is an .exe the module can be launched manually to provide this information visually. Figure 8 shows the DateInfo application.

Figure 8   The DateInfo application when launched from the desktop.

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Wednesday, April 14, 1999
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