Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and Resource Center
Year 2000 Tools
In the continued effort to provide you with Year 2000 remediation tools, Microsoft offers a list of companies that offer Year 2000 remediation tools and may be able to assist you in your Year 2000 remediation efforts. For this tool to be listed on this site does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation on the part of Microsoft for either the manufacturer, its products or the underlying technologies being used. You will need to do your own assessment to determine if the tools offered meet your needs. For information regarding this company or its Year 2000 solutions, please contact the company directly.

cellutions, incorporated

for spreadsheets

(877) 235-5884 (toll free)

Spreadsheet Inventory and Analysis for Year 2000 Compliance

Organizations large and small are striving to complete Year 2000 (Y2K) analysis and remediation work on the mainframe and midrange software systems that they depend on for daily operations. Just ahead for many is the daunting challenge of examining the many desktop and laptop PCs and network file servers for the other "systems" on which they depend. These systems, such as budgeting, proposal generation, reporting, decision analysis, etc. are built upon thousands and thousands of spreadsheets located everywhere in the organization.

Millennium Advisor was built specifically to meet that challenge. Based on innovative technology that allows native access to spreadsheet files without using spreadsheet programs or Windows support modules, Millennium Advisor handles the inventory and detailed cell-by-cell analysis of all the spreadsheets in your organization. Spreadsheets are identified and the common and not-so-common date handling errors are automatically examined, as well as issues noted by the spreadsheet vendors in technical support forums.

Designed for quick non-invasive installation, low resource requirements and simple operation on client workstations, Millennium Advisor installs and is scanning in less than two minutes. No changes are made to key sensitive workstation files such as the Windows registry, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI, etc. Removal is accomplished by deleting a single subdirectory. The network version requires no client-side software installation.

The detailed scan results from individual workstations and network file servers can be combined to produce workgroup or enterprise spreadsheet inventories. Millennium Advisor reduces your remediation effort by identifying and tracking duplicate spreadsheets, which can be common in team-oriented and cross-department communications, as well as spreadsheets that have not been updated for long periods of time. A risk-based Action Plan is produced to show you what spreadsheets should be done first and where they were found. 

Key Product Features

  • Fast, efficient scanning engine
  • Date pattern scanning and in-depth formula/macro logic analysis
  • Uses no spreadsheet programs to access and scan discovered files
  • Optionally scan spreadsheets stored in ZIP archive files
  • Optionally scan embedded spreadsheets inside Word and WordPerfect word processing documents
  • Automatically recognizes supported spreadsheets by file suffix; allows 36 additional custom file suffixes
  • Produces detailed Action Plan with flexible reporting via spreadsheets or data export
  • Scans selected subdirectories or automatically identify and completely scan all local PC hard drives
  • Up to 10,000 log files from standalone and network scans can be combined for analysis

Supported Spreadsheets
Inventoried and scanned
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Works for Windows
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS/Windows
Lotus Symphony
Corel Quattro Pro

Inventoried only
ClarisWorks for Windows
Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2
Lotus Improv
Sundial Systems Mesa for OS/2

Supported Environments
Workstation Operating Systems
Microsoft MS-DOS or IBM PC-DOS 3.1 or later
Microsoft Windows 3.1x
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
Microsoft Windows 95/98
Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0

Network Operating Systems
Novell NetWare 3.0 or later
Microsoft NT Server 3.51 or later
Microsoft Networking (peer-to-peer client scanning)
Supports local and dial-up clients

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Wednesday, May 26, 1999
1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.