Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and Resource Center
Year 2000 Tools
In the continued effort to provide you with Year 2000 remediation tools, Microsoft offers a list of companies that offer Year 2000 remediation tools and may be able to assist you in your Year 2000 remediation efforts. For this tool to be listed on this site does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation on the part of Microsoft for either the manufacturer, its products or the underlying technologies being used. You will need to do your own assessment to determine if the tools offered meet your needs. For information regarding this company or its Year 2000 solutions, please contact the company directly.

New Art Technologies, Inc.

Rebecca Lakser, (800) 276-1118


NA2000 SCAN is an easy-to-use, reliable, language-independent programming utility that first finds all of your source program files on stand-alone PCs or LAN networks and then scans them for date-related references. NA2000 provides a detailed Analysis report that programmers can use to make their changes as well as a Management report that managers can use to estimate job size and cost. NA2000 SCAN cuts your analytical time from months down to mere hours.

NA2000 SCAN provides several hundred Y2K "seeds" that you may modify, add to, or exclude from the scanning process. You may also elect to ignore or exclude any text strings from the scanning process. Any programming language source code fileùincluding COBOL, C, HTML, JAVA, FORTRAN, BASIC, VISUAL BASICùmay be analyzed. Output analyst reports pinpoint matches per program, showing actual lines of code and why that line of code was reported. A cross reference report is sorted alphabetically via variable. All output may be exported to your favorite spreadsheet and/or database program.

New Art Technologies, Inc. is a ten-year old software tools and services company that specializes in re-engineering toolsets, practices and techniques. Our staff has written or edited twelve well-known books and several hundred articles and leads many seminars on the topics of productivity, re-engineering and technology trends. New Art Technologies is the developer of the NA-Series line of re-engineering tools whose mission is to provide the highest possible value for the lowest possible price coupled with extraordinary customer service.

NA2000 SCAN Features:
  • Processes over 500 programs at a time on a Windows PC.
  • Over 450 specific "intelligent" selection criteria find date-related variables.
  • Optional user input file permits you to enter up to 499 data names specific to your particular company or industry.
  • Optional user "exclude" file permits you to enter up to 50 data names that you wish to exclude from the scan. You may exclude from anywhere in the line of code or specify to exclude if variable is at start of line of code only.
  • Optional "ignore" file lets you bypass particular words in a line of code to be scanned.
  • NAXREF is an included cross reference facility that lets you see exactly where each variable or routine name is used.
  • Processes any language as long as the file is in an ASCII format.
  • An included file locator finds files on drives you specify - even your network drive.
  • Processes file extensions that you specify (i.e., .cbl, .cob, .cpy, .for, .bas, C, etc.).
  • Scan processing report details specific program and line number of date related "hits."
  • Alternate "short report" limits the number of "redundant hits."
  • Exports results to spreadsheet or database.
  • Management report details number of lines of code requiring modifications.
  • Management report details number of hours/years required to perform this job and total estimated cost of job.
  • Excellent tool for auditing the work of consultants and outsourcers.

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Wednesday, May 26, 1999
1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.