Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
In the continued effort to provide you with Year 2000 remediation tools, Microsoft offers a list of companies that offer Year 2000 remediation tools and may be able to assist you in your Year 2000 remediation efforts. For this tool to be listed on this site does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation on the part of Microsoft for either the manufacturer, its products or the underlying technologies being used. You will need to do your own assessment to determine if the tools offered meet your needs. For information regarding this company or its Year 2000 solutions, please contact the company directly.

Marcus Clarke

Y2K Organizer

Y2K Organizer

The Y2K Organizer Ö is a powerful, easy to use program that allows you to accurately record, efficiently manage and clearly report your entire Year 2000-compliance program using a single integrated database.

Using intuitive forms with intelligent defaults, Y2K Organizer leads you through the compliance process by mapping how your organization operates by using Business Process modeling. Once identified, you 'step through' each Process from start to finish and identify all the Resources that are used, such as hardware, software, peripherals, equipment, third party services and data structures.

The Y2K Organizer documents every step of your compliance effort by creating date-stamped entries in the Activity log to provide a complete, accurate audit trail of all events and activities. A built in interface to MS Word and customizable letter templates enable you to generate detailed requests for Y2K Compliance information with the appropriate Resource and Vendor information embedded automatically. If you have a scanner, Y2K related documents that you receive from third parties can be indexed and managed by the Organizer. The program comes with a library of highly customized reports that allow easy management and clear reporting of your compliance program's progress. is a division of Meridian Group Inc., a consulting and engineering firm founded in 1988. We offer complete training in the use of the Y2K Organizer and also provide a suite of Year 2000 consulting services such as Audit, Remediation, Validation and Business Continuity Planning. Call (505) 243-1010 or email and get Organized today!

The Y2K Organizer was created in early 1998 as an internal audit tool for our consultants to fully and accurately record their work. Late last year, several of our larger clients persuaded us to make the software available so that they could have their audit data easily available and be able to create custom reports. Although we are primarily a consulting and network engineering firm, we agreed to make the necessary changes to the software for client use, and to make sure that we had the resources available to provide first class support. We now offer the Y2K Organizer to others who have need of such a product. The Y2K Organizer is offered both as a standalone single user program, and as a multi-user network version.

The Organizer is a database consisting of a schema, forms, macros, reports and intelligent agents. This template runs on the Commence software platform that is available from Commence Corporation ( We have used Commence for many years for a variety of projects and it has proved itself to be a robust, scalable platform for our highly specialized applications. Commence 4.1 is a 32bit application that runs on Windows 95, 98 and NT and provides programmatic interfaces to word processors, browsers, email software and Windows telephony. The network version employs Commence's unique distributed database technology that allows clients to be operational even when physically disconnected, allowing use on notebooks at remote locations.


Friday, July 15, 1999
1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.