Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
Vinca Corporation
In the continued effort to provide you with Year 2000 remediation tools, Microsoft offers a list of companies that offer Year 2000 remediation tools and may be able to assist you in your Year 2000 remediation efforts. For this tool to be listed on this site does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation on the part of Microsoft for either the manufacturer, its products or the underlying technologies being used. You will need to do your own assessment to determine if the tools offered meet your needs. For information regarding this company or its Year 2000 solutions, please contact the company directly.

Matt Barton

Vinca Corporation

Y2K TimeLab for Windows

Safely see today what will happen to your server or workstation in the new Millenium.

Vinca's Y2K TimeLab is a low-cost solution that creates an environment for to safely see how a server or workstation will perform through the Year 2000 date change. Y2K TimeLab is specifically designed for small and medium-sized organizations that have done little or no testing, or for organizations that want an accurate, easy-to-use tool that provides a second opinion about Y2K readiness.

Y2K TimeLab enables users to view the effects of the Y2K date change on an entire system by testing the interdependencies between production data, hardware and applications in a production-like environment. It tests an entire system by creating an exact virtual copy of production data, locking the live data against modification and corruption. Once the testing is completed, the virtual copy is discarded and original data is restored.

Y2K TimeLab may be used on systems that have not undergone any Y2K testing, or as a final confirmation for systems where component diagnostic tools and vendor certification was used to determine Y2K preparedness. As a second opinion, Y2K TimeLab provides a way to do final testing to make sure that all hardware, application and data interdependencies have been tested together on the production system.

Y2K TimeLab provides the missing link---complete final validation.

Although other tools may have been used to test components of a system, it is hard to know if the fixes applied are actually going to work. Y2K TimeLab allows you to use your production hardware and your production data while running tests while your original data is fully protected.

Using Vinca's patented and proven SnapShotServer technology, Y2K TimeLab creates an ad hoc test bed on your production system, allowing you to see all components of the system working together. First, the user selects which drives on a system need to be tested. Next, point-in-time copies of these drives and the TimeLab data buffers are created. The point-in-time copies are also used to lock away a safe copy of the original data during testing. The TimeLab buffers are used to store all system updates while in testing mode.

Users then select a known critical date from a menu, or other dates can be manually entered to test against. Once the data buffer location and test dates are configured, the system is put in test mode and the date is rolled forward. Users can now verify the readiness of their system by running through critical business processes such as printing out payroll, order entry, distribution, etc. to identify any problems. Once final validation is complete and the user is satisfied or the testing is complete, the system is rolled back to the current date and time. With the system now rolled back, the test data is discarded and the original production data is unlocked and ready for regular business.


Friday, July 15, 1999
1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.