Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and Resource Center
Year 2000 Tools
In the continued effort to provide you with Year 2000 remediation tools, Microsoft offers a list of companies that offer Year 2000 remediation tools and may be able to assist you in your Year 2000 remediation efforts. For this tool to be listed on this site does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation on the part of Microsoft for either the manufacturer, its products or the underlying technologies being used. You will need to do your own assessment to determine if the tools offered meet your needs. For information regarding this company or its Year 2000 solutions, please contact the company directly.

SysTech International, Inc.

John Pluchino

Year 2000 Inspector

As a Microsoft Solution Provider, SysTech International, Inc. has been developing solutions for the IT marketplace for more than 10 years. Building industrial strength tools has always been a big part of our business. We build tools to solve complex problems. The Year 2000 Inspector is an industrial strength tool. Our clients on Wall Street have successfully used this tool to become Y2K compliant.

The Year 2000 Inspector can serve you now by effectively identifying Y2K problems in your source code. Every character string in every cell or formula of every Excel Workbook, every line of code in every Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications project can be screened by this tool.

The Year 2000 Inspector is a heavy-duty commercial grade tool that can be used to comb through Excel Workbooks, Visual Basic source code, and Visual Basic for Applications source code to find and fix potential Y2K problems. An inventory of every Y2K problem is logged and tracked to resolution. The tool suggests corrective actions and can even apply fixes directly to the affected item.

The Year 2000 Inspector generates reports to provide overall status or drill down detail. Three levels of detail are provided; Inventory Summary, Inspection Summary, and Detail Analysis.

Log on to our web site for a sample usage, see the thoroughness and power of the Year 2000 Inspector tool.

The Year 2000 Inspector is an industrial strength tool.

Use the Year 2000 Inspector tool to certify Y2K Compliance of Excel, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic for Applications source code. The tool first allows you to inventory every item, then use the inventory to track the status of each item until it is resolved.

The tool analyzes every cell, formula, or line of source code for Y2K problems. Using keywords taken directly from Microsoft applications, the tool searches for every possible character string that could be infected with a Y2K problem. Every potential problem is logged in an Access database. The tool then inspects every problem and suggests a correction if one is known. Reports allow you to determine what corrective to take for each item.

The tool can post corrections to the actual Excel Workbook, Visual Basic, or Visual Basic for Application source code. Use the tool to develop test plans for integration testing. Track the progress of every Serial Numbered test case!

Reports display each Y2K problem. Report drill downs allow management and developers ability to track progress at three levels of detail. The Inventory Summary gives a quick look at the overall extent of the problems, the number of Excel or Visual Basic applications affected and their current status relative to resolution. The Inspection Summary gives the status of each cell or line of code. The Detail Analysis exposes the current source code and the proposed Y2K compliant source code for every cell or line of code.

Use Year 2000 Inspector.  Get Y2K compliant today!

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Wednesday, May 26, 1999
1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.