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OL97: Year 2000 Compliance for Outlook 97

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook 97


An updated Outllib.dll file is available to allow Microsoft Outlook 97 to meet the Microsoft standard for year 2000 compliance. Outlook 97 includes versions 8.0, 8.01, 8.02 and 8.03. The updated file is included in the Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 2 (SR-2). After upgrading to SR-2, Outlook 97 upgrades to version 8.04.

Microsoft Office 97 Service Release-2 (SR-2) is available in two distinct distributions.

1. SR-2 Patch Compact Disc (CD)

   The patch contains only the differences between Microsoft Office 97 
   Service Release-1 (SR-1) and SR-2 files. The patch is applied to an
   SR-1 installation to upgrade it to SR-2. The patch may be obtained
   as a downloadable file at the following Microsoft Web site: 

   There are two ways to order the SR-2 Patch on CD if you are
   unable to download the patch. The SR-2 Patch CD can be ordered
   online at:

   or by calling the following number:

      (800) 370-9272

2. Complete SR-2 CD

   The complete SR-2 CD contains all of the Office 97 files, whether they
   changed for SR-2 or not. Setup from this CD installs a full copy of
   SR-2 even if the computer has no existing version of Office 97
   installed. You can order the complete SR-2 CD online at the following
   Web address:

Microsoft Office 97 SR-2 Patch must be installed over Microsoft Office 97 SR-1, with Outlook 97 version 8.02, or Outlook 97 version 8.03. The patch will not install over Outlook 97 version 8.0 or 8.01.

If you use Outlook 97 version 8.0, you must first use the SR-1 patch included on the SR-2 Patch CD.

To update Outlook version 8.01, you must first remove Outlook, and then install the complete SR-2 compact disc (CD).

NOTE: If you used the previously available Update.exe year 2000 patch, version, your installation of Outlook is already compliant, but it does not include the other SR-2 updates. Outlook 98 (version 8.5.5104.6) is year 2000 compliant.


For more information about year 2000 compliance in Outlook, please see the following Microsoft World Wide Web site: 


For additional information about Outlook versions, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    ARTICLE-ID: Q172623
    TITLE     : OL97: Microsoft Outlook Version Information

For additional information about SR-2, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    ARTICLE-ID: Q151261
    TITLE     : OFF97: How to Obtain and Install MS Office 97 SR-2

Additional query words: Y2000 Y2K
Keywords          : kbdta kb2000 GnlFilem GnlCal 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: April 16, 1999
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