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How to Determine the Version of Windows 95 in Use

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Windows 95 OEM Service Release versions 1, 2, 2.1, 2.5


This article describes how to identify the following information about your Windows 95 installation:

  • Which version of Windows 95 you are running

  • Whether your installation of Windows 95 is an OEM installation

  • Whether your installation of Windows 95 is an international version


To determine the version of Windows 95 you are running, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, double-click System.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Locate the version number under the System heading and then see the following table:
          Version number   Version of Windows 95
          4.00.950         Windows 95
          4.00.950A        Windows 95 plus the Service Pack 1 Update,
                           or OEM Service Release 1.
          4.00.950B        OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2)
          4.00.950C        OEM Service Release 2.5 (OSR2.5) 


  • Note that if you are running OEM Service Release version 2.1, you see the version number 4.00.950B (the same as OSR2) when you follow the steps above. To determine whether you are running OSR 2.1, check for "USB Supplement to OSR2" in the list of installed programs in the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel, and check for version 4.03.1212 of the Ntkern.vxd file in the Windows\System\Vmm32 folder.

  • If you are running OSR2.5 and you uninstall the USB Supplement using the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel, the version number changes to 4.00.950b on the General tab in System properties.

  • If you have installed a program that uses Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA), the updated User.exe file version number may change to 4.01.0970 or 4.01.970 followed by either a blank or the letter (" ",a,B,C) reflecting the original version of Windows 95.

Windows 95 may have been preinstalled on your computer. These installations are referred to as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) installations. To determine whether you have an OEM installation of Windows 95, follow these steps:
  1. In Control Panel, double-click System.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Locate the Product ID number under the Registered To heading. This number typically contains 20 digits. If digits 6, 7, and 8 contain the letters "OEM," you have an OEM installation of Windows 95. For example, the following sample Product ID number indicates an OEM installation:

If you are using an OEM installation of Windows 95, you should contact your computer's manufacturer for general Windows 95 support. For information about year-2000 compliance issues, including OEM installations of Windows 95, please see the Year 2000 Compliance section later in this article.

To determine the language version of Windows 95 you are using, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Start button, point to Find, and then click Files Or Folders.

  2. In the Named box, type winver.exe, and then click Find Now.

  3. When the file is located, use the right mouse button to click the file, and then click Properties on the menu that appears.

  4. Click the Version tab.

  5. In the Item Name box, click Language. The language version is then displayed in the Value box.

Year 2000 Compliance

For information about year-2000 compliance issues, please consult the Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center at:

Additional query words: servicepack1 imuwr 950a 950b 950 950c

Keywords          : kb2000 osr1 osr2 win95 
Version           : WINDOWS:95
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: September 7, 1999
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