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WD6X: How to Set a Default DATE Field Format in Word 6

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0c
  • Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, version 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.1a


This article describes how you can set a default date format in Word 6.0 for Windows by adding a line to the WINWORD6.INI file. In Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, version 6.0 the same results is achieved by adding a line to the Word Settings (6) file.

This default applies whenever you insert a DATE field with no Date-Time Picture switches (\@). It does not apply when you insert the date using the Date And Time command on the Insert menu or when you insert the date using the ALT+SHIFT+D (CTRL+SHIFT+D on the Macintosh) shortcut key combination. This is because dates inserted from the menu use their own fields and formats. The ALT+SHIFT+D (CTRL+SHIFT+D on the Macintosh) shortcut key inserts the date with the format you selected most recently from the Insert Date And Time menu ({DATE \L}); therefore, it is unaffected by the DATEFORMAT setting.


Word Version 6.0 for Windows

To change the default DATE field format, add the following setting to the [Microsoft Word] section of your WINWORD6.INI file:


Note: <format> is the default format you want Word to use when you insert a DATE field. The following are a few sample formats:

   Setting                               Result
   -------                               ------

   DATEFORMAT=MMMM d, yyyy               January 2, 1994

   DATEFORMAT=MMMM dd, yyyy              January 02, 1994

   DATEFORMAT=dddd, MMMM d, yyyy         Sunday, January 2, 1994

   DATEFORMAT=h:mm am/pm dddd, MMMM d    10:00 am Sunday, January 2

You can use any Date-Time Picture switch format for this setting. To display all the available Date-Time Picture switch formats, double-click the Help button on the Standard toolbar and then type "Date-Time Picture" (without the quotation marks).

TIP: If you want Word to use the default date format when you press ALT+SHIFT+D, you can create a WordBasic macro that inserts a DATE field with no Date-Time Picture switches ({DATE}) and assign that macro to the ALT+SHIFT+D key combination.

For more information about the DATEFORMAT setting in the WINWORD6.INI file, refer to the Word Readme Help file, which you can open using one of the following procedures:

  • Double-click the Word Readme Help icon in the Word program group. Select the WINWORD6.INI Options topic.


  • Double-click the Help button on the Standard toolbar (or choose Search from the Help menu) and type "readme" (without the quotation marks) in the Search dialog box.

Note: In Word 2.x, the DATEFORMAT setting is in the [Microsoft Word 2.0] section of the WIN.INI file. The same formats are available.

Word Version 6.0 for the Macintosh

To set a default date format in Word for the Macintosh, access the Word Setting (6) file by adding the ToolsAdvancedSetting command to a menu:

1. From the Tools Menu, choose Customize.

2. Select the Menu tab, and then select Tools in the Categories list and

   select ToolsAdvancedSetting from the Commands list.

3. Choose the Add button and then the Close button.

4. From the Tools Menu, choose Advanced Settings.

5. In the Option Text box, type "DateFormat" (without the quotation marks),

   and in the Setting box, type the default format.

This is different from earlier versions of Word for the Macintosh, where the default date is derived from the system setting.

TIP: You can use an AutoText entry and assign the formatted date setting to a keystroke combination:

1. From the Insert menu, choose Date And Time. From the Available Formats

   list, select the format you want.

2. View field codes (press ALT+F9).

3. Select the resulting field code and from the Edit menu, choose AutoText.

4. Give the entry a name and choose the Add button.

5. From the Tools menu, choose Customize, choose the Keyboard tab and

   assign a keystroke combination.

Additional query words: change changing
Keywords          : kbfield winword macword word6 
Version           : WINDOWS: 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0c; MACINTOSH: 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.1a
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: February 7, 1998
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