======================================================================= Acc2Date.exe Readme File September 30, 1999 ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | |This software, including any accompanying documentation (the | |"Software"), is provided to you at no additional charge. Microsoft | |Corporation owns all rights, title, and interest in and to the | |Software. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and | |the use of the Software. | | | |COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft| |and/or its suppliers, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington | |98052-6399 U.S.A. All rights reserved. | | | |TRADEMARKS. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, MSN, The Microsoft | |Network and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either | |trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft. 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You warrant and represent that neither the U.S.A. | |Bureau of Export Administration nor any other federal agency has | |suspended, revoked or denied you export privileges. | | | |This EULA is governed by the laws of the State of Washington, U.S.A. | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ The Acc2Date.exe file contains three updated files that modify the way Microsoft Access 2.0 interprets two-digit years. By default, Access 2.0 interprets all dates that are entered by the user or imported from a text file to fall within the 1900s. After you apply the updated files, Access 2.0 will treat two-digit dates that are imported from text in the following manner: 00 to 29 - resolve to the years 2000 to 2029 30 to 99 - resolve to the years 1930 to 1999 Years that are entered into object property sheets, the query design grid, or expressions in Access modules will be interpreted based on a 100-year sliding date window as defined in the Win.ini on the computer that is running Access 2.0. The Acc2Date.exe file contains the following files: File name Version Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- MSABC200.DLL 2.02 The Updated Access Basic file MSAJT200.DLL 2.50.2819 The Updated Access Jet Engine Library file MSAJU200.DLL 2.50.2819 The Updated Access Jet Utilities file Readme.txt n/a This readme file For more information about the specific issues solved by this update, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Article ID: Q75455 Title : ACC2: Years between 00 and 29 Are Interpreted as 1900 to 1929 Article ID: Q230593 Title : ACC2: Two-Digit Dates Not Interpreted Correctly Importing from Text File Installation ------------ NOTE: Because there are several versions of Windows, the following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, please consult your product documentation to complete these steps. 1. Download the Acc2Date.exe file to any folder on your hard disk. 2. Search for the file, MSABC200.DLL, on your hard disk and rename the file to MSABC200.OLD. The MSABC200.DLL file is typically located in the Windows System folder (C:\Windows\System). 3. Search for the file, MSAJT200.DLL, on your hard disk and rename the file to MSAJT200.OLD. The MSAJT200.DLL file is typically located in the Windows System folder (C:\Windows\System). 4. Search for the file, MSAJU200.DLL, on your hard disk and rename the file to MSAJU200.OLD. The MSAJU200.DLL file is typically located in the folder where Access 2.0 is installed (C:\Access). IMPORTANT: You may have more than one copy of the MSAJU200.DLL file on your computer. For example, if you have installed the Access 2.0 Service Pack, you will have a second copy of MSAJU200.DLL in the Windows System folder (C:\Windows\System). It is important that you rename all copies of the file for this update to work. 5. Run the downloaded file, ACC2DATE.EXE, by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer or in File Manager. By default, the program will expand the files into the C:\ACCUPD folder on your hard disk. If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created automatically. If you decide to change the folder, remember the folder name where you expanded the files. 6. Copy the MSABC200.DLL file from C:\ACCUPD to the Windows System folder (C:\Windows\System). 7. Copy the MSAJT200.DLL file from C:\ACCUPD to the Windows System folder (C:\Windows\System). 8. Copy the MSAJU200.DLL file from C:\ACCUPD to the Windows System folder (C:\Windows\System). 9. Open the C:\Windows\Win.ini file in any text editor, such as Notepad. NOTE: If you did not install Windows to the default folder, replace C:\Windows with the folder that you did install Windows into. 10. Scroll down to the end of the Win.ini file, and then type the following lines at the end of the Win.ini file: [Microsoft Access 2.0] TwoDigitYearMax=2029 IMPORTANT: If you do not set the value for the sliding date window, Access 2.0 will assume that the two-digit years fall within the 1900s. 11. Save the changes, and then close the Win.ini file. The next time that you run Access 2.0, the interpretation of dates will be changed.