PRODUCT INFO You're about to enter a world of no-holds-barred auto racing - life in the really fast lane. Across exotic countries and around some of the most punishing race tracks ever devised you'll have to conquer a variety of other vehicles in a nitrous sprint for the finishing line. But if you think that racing lines, pit stops and aerodynamic car design is the way to win one of these races, then you're in for a serious surprise. Out on these race tracks you must use all means at your disposal to win - if that means ramming someone off a 200ft cliff then so be it - they shouldn't have got in your way. The brave survive and the weak well, they end up as jam on the Tarmac. Which is kind of poetic if you think about it. How you approach each of the races in Ignition is entirely up to you, but remember - if you decide to play fair you're sure to get nudged into the nearest river. Learn the tracks, pick your vehicle wisely and drive in the most devious manner you can and you might, just might, win. REQUIRED SPEC WIN95 & DOS Pentium 90 16MB, CD-ROM Pentium 133 32MB, CD-ROM CONTACT INFO Doug Johns Virgin Interactive Entertainment (London) Tel.: +44 (0)171 368 2255 DEVELOPER: Peter Zetterberg Unique Development Studios (UDS) Tel.: +46 (0)11 126620