Crosstalk Mk.4 (v2.0+) to Crosstalk for Windows v2.0 Conversion Utility -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This conversion requires both Crosstalk Mk.4 version 2.0 or later and Crosstalk for Windows version 2.0 or later. This archive includes four files used to convert Crosstalk Mk.4 dialing directory entries to Crosstalk for Windows v2.0 phone book entries: X4TOWIN2.XTC, X420CONV.XTC, X421CONV.XTC, X4ICONS.DAT You must copy the above .XTC and .DAT files to your Crosstalk Mk.4 directory (usually, C:\XTALK4). Then start Crosstalk Mk.4, access the command line, and run the X4TOWIN2 script by typing the following command: DO X4TOWIN2 The first thing the conversion program will do is create a file called XTALKDDR.BAK, which is a backup copy of your Crosstalk Mk.4 dialing directory file, XTALK.DDR. (It's a good idea to keep a backup copy of your XTALK.DDR file at all times.) The conversion program will then ask you for the name of your Crosstalk for Windows v2.0 directory, and for the name of a directory where you wish the new Crosstalk for Windows .XWP files to be saved. After that, just follow the instructions on the screen to convert your dialing directory entries. To select an entry to convert, move the highlight bar onto it and press the Enter key. The script will create an .XWP file of the same name in the \XWPX4 subdirectory. Copyright (C) 1992 DCA, Inc., All Rights Reserved.