WordPerfect Graphics This disk contains a sample selection of graphics converted to .WPG files for use with WordPerfect Version 5.0 For a complete disk of .WPG files that contains many more graphics send us $7.00 to cover costs and ask for the WPG DISK. WRITE: WEST HILL SALES P.O. BOX 304 WEST HILL, ONT. CANADA M1E 4R8 Also available for ADULTS ONLY are risque graphics converted to the .WPG format. Send $7.00 and ask for the WPG(XXX) DISK. Enclose a signed statement that you are at least 21 years of age and include your drivers license number. WordPerfect is a registered trade style of the WordPerfect Corporation. Press X to exit. Then enter DIR for a list of graphic files.