TRIDENT TVGA8900C VIRTUAL SCREEN Drivers BY Jun Tang Beijing Trident Contents README.TXT ........ This File T256V.DRV ........ 1024x1024 256-color (1M required) VIRTUAL SCREEN Driver T16V.DRV ........ 1024x768 16-color (512K required) VIRTUAL SCREEN Driver BIOS.EXE ........ DOS BIOS extension to support T16V.DRV. If your WINDOWS dose not work properly with T16V.drv, copy this file to your hard disk, add it to your AUTOEXEC.BAT with its path to it and restart your system and WINDOWS VGA.3GR ........ Replace your *.3GR with this file if your WINDOWS does not work well with T16V.DRV VGA.2GR ........ Replace your VGA.3GR with this file if your WINDOWS does not work well with T16V.DRV OEMSETUP.INF ........ Setup file for VIRTUAL SCREEN Driver Installation . First install MS Windows 3.x using the standard IBM VGA driver. . Make sure Windows 3.x is working properly. . Change to Windows 3.x directory (e.g. c:\windows), run SETUP.EXE. Please be sure to use the Windows 3.1 diskettes if SETUP asks for Windows disk. . Insert enclosed disk, change display driver to "Other...". If you have previously installed any Trident Windows 3.x drivers, please delete OEM?.INF (e.g. OEM0.INF) in Windows SYSTEM directory. . Enter the path of TRIDENT VIRTUAL SCREEN driver (e.g. A:\ ). Make sure you select the Trident driver from directory \VSCREEN Of this disk. . Select a suitable TRIDENT VIRTUAL SCREEN driver. . Follow instructions to finish SETUP.