*** IMPORTANT *** ALL FILES ON THIS DISK ARE NECESSARY FOR PROGRAM OPERATION. YOU CAN RUN INSTALL THROUGH WINDOWS FILE MANAGER. HOWEVER, IT DOESN'T WORK QUITE AS SMOOTHLY. ------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM CREATION SYSTEM: 386SX | VGA 640 x 480 256 COLORS DOS VERSION: 5.0 PKWARE VERSIONS: PKZ204C and PKZ204G ------------------------------------------------------------ ANSI.SYS This program requires that the Device Driver ANSI.SYS be installed. To do this, you need to edit your CONFIG.SYS file. If you have DOS 5.0, editing can be done by typing EDIT CONFIG.SYS at the prompt in your Root Directory. (EXAMPLE: C:\>EDIT CONFIG.SYS). Then add the line: DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS Make sure that DOS is in the PATH. If the path to your ANSI.SYS file differs from the example, type the directory name where the ANSI.SYS file can be found. If you have an older version of DOS, you can edit files with the EDLIN Command available in the DOS Directory. (EXAMPLE: C:\>EDLIN CONFIG.SYS) If you need more information about editing files, or the ANSI.SYS Device Driver, please consult your DOS Manual. ------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION OPTIONS The default configuration of the install program is set for systems with the ANSI.SYS Device Driver installed, and the capability to view graphics files, in Windows, with 256 colors. To install with default settings type: INSTALL at the command prompt of the drive that the installation disk is in. <> <> If you do not have the ANSI.SYS Driver installed, but can view graphics files in 256 colors type: INSTALL NOANSI at the command prompt of the drive that the installation disk is in. <> <> If you do have the ANSI.SYS Driver installed, but can view graphics files in only 16 colors type: INSTALL 16 at the command prompt of the drive that the installation disk is in. <> <> If you do not have the ANSI.SYS Driver installed, but can view graphics files in only 16 colors type: INSTALL NOANSI16 at the command prompt of the drive that the installation disk is in. <> <> FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PROGRAM, AND ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS, PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR.TXT FILE. HAVE FUN!