TexScout is a text search and retrieval program that uses a thesaurus to find related concepts. It allows you to use plain questions to quickly and easily read, research, and locate word phrases in any file format. To install the TexScout type SETUP . This will create a directory called \RW, and move the program and sample data files into the directory. Call 516-265-3518 for technical support. This is a shareware version of TexScout for MS-Windows. It is limited to searching single-file reading lists. With the full version of TexScout you can search up to 4,000 reading lists, with up to 4,000 files in every list. We invite you to order the full version at a special introductory price of $150. Send check or money order to: Management Information Technologies, Inc. 5 Vanderbilt Motor Pkwy Suite 403 Commack, New York 11725 Telephone: (516) 265-3518 When you register the full version, you will qualify for free updates during 1993 and future updates at a special savings. What is READWARE ? ------------------- READWARE is a new technology based on language research probing the archetypes of meaning in many different languages. TexScout is the first PC product of the READWARE second generation technology. READWARE has been in use in large information systems such as the U.S. Library of Congress since 1987. The READWARE Concept --------------------- READWARE is the only product that begins to recognize the meaning of words, enabling the user to retrieve information from a file without first knowing what's in there. It accepts plain talk. Not obtuse technical jargon that takes the fun out of using computers, but natural language the way real people speak and write. The patented calculation techniques measure how closely words and phrases are related to each other. This gives the user two remarkable features. * A reliable searching tool * A smart research partner to sit down and "brainstorm" with How well does READWARE understand language ? --------------------------------------------- The first application of READWARE, "The Research Assistant," scored higher than average on an the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) college admissions test. READWARE now ushers in a second generation of information retrieval systems. Simpler and more powerful. It is a portable (ANSI C) fast search program with new proprietary algorithms featuring: * A concept base that organizes the words of the English language into useful structures including synonym classes (thesaurus), function classes (grammar) and more relations not available in any other product. * Different search strategies ranging from "exact match" to "comprehensive" which incorporate normal keyword search and four additional proprietary search algorithms using archetypes of meaning (semantic matrix) and the concept base. * Text search in ANY file format (plain ASCII, word processor, typeset, UNIX files, data base memos, CD ROMs and even binary and system files) and you can read and print the responses, too. READWARE has been ported to large information systems at the U.S. Library of Congress, the Canadian National Archives, and Clemson University. "READWARE is setting an industry standard for multi-media information systems." --Clemson University "We needed retrieval software that would be easy to use. After analyzing the text retrieval software packages on the market, we chose READWARE and the system has delivered beyond our expectations." --National Archives of Canada Now this trend-setting technology is available for the PC under the name TexScout. "I used it to scan a number of sizable plain text files on my system and found its performance to be good and the program easy to use." --Lin Varnum, PC Support Why be satisfied with finding keywords when you can have so much more, including real matching concepts? For example, enter the word "judge" and TexScout will find related references to "court" and "law" and even "wisdom." TexScout is so easy to use, children can learn to use it right away to get more out of their home and school computer libraries. Yet it is powerful enough to satisfy the needs of business and academic users, too. Other READWARE product applications ------------------------------------ A programming toolkit (in ANSI Standard C) is available to port READWARE to any computer platform. The code is small and simple to integrate into custom applications. Domain specific concept bases (medical terms, legal terms, etc.) will soon be available. Foreign language concept bases (Arabic, Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, Swedish) are available in MS-DOS version, and will soon be available in MS-Windows version. Some of the ways you can use The READWARE TexScout --------------------------------------------------- * Legal text search (lawyers, courts and police) * Medical search (physicians and hospitals) * Customer service and records * Municipal and state records * Scanning environmental impact reports and other public interest records * Easy access to CD encyclopedias and the reams of government documents * Researching college papers and theses * Writing fiction and non-fiction * School and community libraries * Analyzing files from computer networks * Reading computer programs and system files * Genealogical research * . . . READWARE is a registered trademark of Management Information Technologies, Inc. U.S. Patent No. 4,849,898 All Rights Reserved