From!fuug!mcsun!!!!!!caen!!!ulowell!!oneill Tue Feb 2 09:23:36 EET 1993 Article: 4126 of Newsgroups: Path:!!fuug!mcsun!!!!!!caen!!!ulowell!!oneill From: (CBIP Moderator) Subject: v21inf01: policy, CBIP policy (part 01/01) Message-ID: Followup-To: Originator: Keywords: cbip, policy Sender: (News manager - ulowell) Organization: University of Massachusetts at Lowell Computer Science Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 14:33:38 GMT Approved: Lines: 111 Checksum: 3849761228 (Verify with "brik -cv") Submitted-by: Posting-number: Volume 21, Issue inf01 Archive-name: admin/policy [Date of last change - 20-Jan-93] CBIP Submissions and Posting Policy Brian O'Neill, Moderator, INTRODUCTION, or CBIP for short, is a UseNet newsgroup for the purpose of distributing programs for the IBM PC and clones. The exact definition of a PC is fuzzy, but generally an Intel 80*86-based computer running MS-DOS or PC-DOS. A separate newsgroup exists for OS/2 users. WHAT TO SUBMIT Programs that are of general use or interest to many people are good submissions. Programs that would only be useful to a select group of people would not be ideal, because of the method of distribution and costs involved. Such programs should run directly under MS-DOS. MS Windows programs should be submitted to OS/2 programs should be submitted to comp.binaries.os2. HOW TO SUBMIT Submissions can be packed with any major archiver, but I prefer that they be submitted in either zoo or zip format. However, avoid send self-extracting archives. There are two ways to submit, via e-mail or ftp. By e-mail: The submission should be sent in UUencoded format to the address "". Programs which when encoded are larger than 50k in size should be split and e-mailed as separate parts. the subject of the submission should be of the form: Subject: progname (part XX/XX) description Where progname should be the program identifier, such as the name of the zoo or zip file, without the zoo or zip at the end. If there is only one part, still include the (part XX/XX) section, and use 01 for both of the XX's. part01 should also contain a good description of the program before the beginning of uuencoded text. By ftp: Submissions can be uploaded to the system (currently, but use the name if you can, as it moves around) into the directory cbip-submit. Once the transfer is completed, _immediately_ send e-mail to, telling me what name it was under and what it is (good descriptions help), with "FTP:" being the first thing in the Subject. POSTING POLICIES All submissions are rigorously checked by several people using the latest available virus scanners, and checked to see if they work as advertised. Naturally, not all combinations of hardware and software configurations can be checked, so it is possible for a posted program not to work in some cases, and it is possible that a virus program may esacpe detection. Use the posted programs at your own risk - I accept no responsibility. Anything that is of interest will be posted. Utilities are usually considered to most useful. Games will be posted as well, but utilities get top billing. Please make an effort to insure that what you have is the latest version. Out-of-date programs slow down the process. PROCESSING Generally, things are tested in order, the posted in the same order they arrive. However, some programs may have special requirements which all the testers might not be able to meet, so testing may be delayed. Updates to previous programs which had possibly dangerous bugs will go out more quickly. Extremely important packages, such as virus protection software, will be posted almost immediately after verification. All postings will be posted in ZOO 2.10 format. This will require ZOO 2.10 or better or BOOZ 2.0 to extract the posting. Possible exceptions would be the posting of other archivers in self-extracting format, or programs using the authentication routines of the archiver. All parts of a posting will contain a brik checksum for verification, and the first part will contain BSD checksums for all parts and the resulting file. All parts are compatible with the combine shell script for decoding the parts. QUESTIONS Questions should be referred to REPOSTS Parts will be reposted only if a large number of sites is missing the part or there was some curruption of the post. I will _NOT_ repost a part because one or two people didn't get it, nor will I e-mail the part. parts are available via ftp from in directory, or via e-mail to with a message body containing lines of the form sendme vXXiYYY where XX is the volume number and YYY is the issue number. Parts are available from the server for 30 days. You can also give the command 'help' to get more extensive information about this server.