*** SEVEN *** The Klingon cruiser Fury defolded from hyperspace followed closely by the Intruder's ship. They were only on the rim of the territory claimed by the Klingonese, yet if traffic had not been diverted, they would have already encountered many spacefaring merchants, miners and trade vessels of all kinds. The Trinary System before them had been the agreed rendezvous site. Specifically, they were to meet in orbit around the ninth planet of the system. Kang stepped onto the bridge in full dress uniform. This consisted of black armor and cape with the red family crest of his House of Klinzhai, on his chest. His armor hid many weapons besides the disrupter that hung at his side. He was prepared to meet his Emperor, whether to fight by his side or die at his hand, he could not tell. "We have arrived, my lord," spoke the Science Officer. "Do we have full power yet?" "No, my lord. Power level is only at eighty percent," she responded. "Have repairs been completed on the cloaking device?" He took his chair of command and sat heavily in it. "No, lord Kang." "No?" He turned his head in anger towards Mara. He looked at her for a moment and regained his equanimity. "It was to be completed before we broke light." He could see her tremble slightly, trying to hide her concern for her husband. "The device failed incorporeality twice in simulation, Sir. At last report, its completion was near, but no definite timeframe was given. I will apprise you when it is operational." "I do not suppose it will matter until we have full power restored. Advise me when we have both." "Yes, my lord," 'and my love', she added in her thoughts. It had been two standard days since the enemy had entered Klingon space and every moment weighed heavily on Kang. In his crew, he could see a turmoil of emotions. Some were afraid of the Emperor's anger at their failure. Most were afraid of what the enemy had in store for the Empire, and all, including Kang himself, had a blind hatred for the foe. Many strategies on how to battle the intruder were discussed, planned and discarded, for by Imperial command, the Fury was ordered to make no further attempts of aggression, a directive any Klingon would find most difficult to obey. If not for his crew's fierce loyalty, he might have had mutiny in the ranks. The greatest advantage to being named a 'Hero PAGE 40 of the Empire', was being able to hand pick his ship's detail. They were more than a crew to him, they were a tempered force, a team. They would, he was certain, follow him to the ends of the universe, if need be. Just now, however, he did not feel worthy of their devotion. "Sir, long range scanners are registering five contacts. Distance, point eight, bearing seventy-two mark three. It is the Imperial Command Ship and escort." "Gor, open a channel and stand by to receive." "Channel open, Sir," replied the communications officer. "Standard orbit achieved around Tukom Tal nine, Sir. Intruder ensuing at eight kel's astern," said the helmsman. "Transmission coming in now sir," spoke Gor. "On screen," commanded Kang. The forward view of the planet they were now in orbit about, dissolved into the ominous presence of Klinzhai's greatest monarch. Kang rose from his command chair only to kneel before his Emperor. "Rise," spoke the Emperor to Kang, though strangely not quite in the form of a command. Kang stood in silence before the image of his lord. "Kang the Destructor, you return from your assignment without victory for your Emperor?" Kang remained silent. "Do you now await my wrath?" the Emperor inquired in his bass voice. "I expect it for myself and request my lord's mercy towards my crew." He now awaited the death command. "Do you believe that you will serve my purposes better alive or dead?" He spoke in an even tone. "I have failed you, my Emperor, whatever your purposes." "I see no failure in realizing the need not to throw your life and that of your crew away. Had Volte and Pakor not acted so rashly, they might have been able to share in our soon coming victory over the Federation." Kang held his peace, not knowing for sure if his life was to be spared or not. He did know that whatever was stated by Tromok at this moment, could by no means be construed as irrevocable. "Commander Kang, by using your intelligence, and restraint, you have not only brought me the weapon our best scientists could not have conceived of developing, but an ally to my realm." the Emperor tossed a bejeweled ceremonial dagger to the floor, by his own feet. "I give you back your life, and impart honors to you as well." Kang stood from the deck and with both hands to his side, he PAGE 41 bowed his head. "Thank you, my Emperor," he said stiffly, unaccustomed to gratitude, wary of flattery. Had he turned his head, he would have seen Mara wiping a tear from her eye. "You will now fall back while I approach the escorted vessel behind you," the Emperor commanded. Then Kang saw it. It was the truth behind the words he had heard. In the Emperor's eyes, rage. Rage at the terrible power Kang had loosed in his empire. It was the reaction that Kang had expected from him all along. Now it was confirmed. Kang inwardly began to prepare himself for his own death. "As you command, my lord," Kang said, and the screen went dark. "Torvak, move us out slowly, but do not exceed photon distance from the enemy." Kang walked back to his Science Officer. "We are not out of this yet, my wife," he whispered to her, confident of the fact. "He gave you your life, would he retreat from his word?" she asked under her breath. "Military men say many things they do not mean, while under enemy observation. We will see how forgiving he really is when I present myself before him, officially and in private." He rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand. "He is going to try something. I do not know what, but he is doing his best to play the gentleman for our enemy's benefit." He placed his hand behind her head and felt the softness of her hair. "It is I who fear for his life now. And that of the Empire." * * * The four ships leading the Emperor's massive battle cruiser slowed, allowing it to pass between them. Its size boasted of great power and its weaponry epitomized danger. The intruder's ship paled before its presence, as it moved within five hundred meters to its broadside, then stopped. The Emperor observed his opponent's vessel on his view screen, noting all was as Kang had reported. It was indeed an older class Starfleet ship, no longer bearing the markings of her commission. Only standard Federation registration numbers and running lights adorned her, with the name 'Fringe Ranger' lettered across her circular prow. "My liege, your guard awaits you in the main transporter room," the Captain of the Thunder announced. The Emperor donned his new pair of gloves and made sure his weapons belt. He glanced over to Admiral Sorr, who saluted him PAGE 42 with fist to chest, then arm extended. "You serve me well, Sorr. Let every ship know that when I return, we will bring news of our victory back to Klinzhai, that they may see how none challenge their Emperor and triumph!" With that, he turned on his heel and left for the transporter room. "Captain Kom, I want all sensors on that ship until the Emperor returns. If there is anything out of order, I want you to transport him back and reverse our course, at maximum warp. Understood?" "Understood, Admiral Sorr!" "Transporter room," the Admiral spoke into wall communicator. "Yes, Sir," responded the officer on duty. "The Emperor is on his way, take great care in what you do until he has safely returned!" "Yes, My lord!" "Now all we can do is sit." He spoke again to the Captain. "Our triumph is near, if only it were sure," he reflected. It was then that Sorr felt an irrational but powerful dread in his heart. He felt the deadly jaws of a trap close around his soul and he could do nothing but inwardly despair. PAGE 43