Stunt Island Update for February 23, 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Chapter 1: About Stunt Island & Stunt Island Update A Review by Steven Wartofsky from The Electronic Gamer Magazine Chapter 2: Setting Up The Program Chapter 3: Aircraft Checkout Procedures Chapter 4: Stunt Pilot of the Year Contest Chapter 5: Production - Set Creation and Filming Chapter 6: Setting Up Special Events Chapter 7: Tutorial - Creating Sets and Events Tutorial #1: Radio Control Flying Tutorial #2: Bombing a Ground Target Tutorial 2A: Hit the C&W Bar Tutorial 2B: Hit the Cathedral Tutorial #3: Smoke Trails Tutorial #4: Realism in Set Design Tutorial #5: Intercepting And Colliding With Another Object Tutorial #6: Making A Car Turn A Corner Tutorial #7: Heat Seeking Missiles Tutorial #8: Making Cameras Pan Around Objects Chapter 8: Post Production - Editing and Special Effects Chapter 9: Tutorial - Editing a Film Appendices Appendix A: Prop List Appendix B: Locations and Altitudes List Appendix C: Sound File Information Appendix D: Files available for Stunt Island Appendix E: Contacting Disney Software Customer Service America On-Line Compuserve Delphi GEnie Prodigy FIDONET INTERNET RIMENET Appendix F: The Future of SIUPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 1: About Stunt Island & Stunt Island Update --------------------------------------------------- This is the document discussed in the manual on page 167 & 168. We will be changing it as often as possible. The majority of our feedback on the program is coming from information services like Compuserve, Prodigy and America On-Line, GEnie and our Bulletin Board System. We felt that the easiest way to get the maximum amount of information to our users would be via this text file that can be downloaded from these services (Prodigy excluded). If you have a problem with Stunt Island, or if there is something in the manual that is not covered, we will try to cover it here. Keep those comments and suggestions coming! If you really like Stunt Island, we would really appreciate it if you would write to your favorite games magazine and let them know. We have received over 5000 comments ranging from "Wow!" to a detailed dissertation on the "incredible intricacies of Stunt Island" (and comments about negative aspects too!) here in our offices. Rather than toot our own horn to the magazines, we would appreciate it if you, our users, would take a minute and write to the editor of your favorite games magazine and tell them how you feel about our program. Positive and negative comments are appreciated, since they help us to learn what you like and don't like! Get Into The Action ------------------- We don't have to be the only ones contributing to SIUPDATE, if you want to write a tutorial to demonstrate a technique that you have discovered, please send it to us for inclusion in the next issue. A program is only as good as it's users, so here's your chance to get in on the action! Send all submissions to: Disney Software c/o Dave Arnspiger: SIUPDATE 500 South Buena Vista Street Burbank, CA 91521-6385 All submissions become the property of Disney Software, and will be evaluated for possible inclusion in future issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Review by Steven Wartofsky from The Electronic Gamer Magazine ============================ === THE ELECTRONIC GAMER === ============================ STUNT ISLAND One minor problem in the genre of flight simulation is that the whole endeavour is sometimes too deadly serious. Too much time is spent on expert assessment of performance, not enough on just having fun. What a delight, then, to encounter Disney's STUNT ISLAND, in which the emphasis is definitely on fun, served up with a delicious sense of humor. (This review is based on the IBM version.) Whereas most flight simulations these days focus on air combat details, STUNT ISLAND (as the title makes clear) is oriented around the metaphor of stunt flying. No battles, tactics, or strategy here; just a set of highly challenging stunt opportunities that will test the skills of even the best air combat sim player. The game provides an option to fly any of the 48 or so aircraft available without getting into the stunt flying shell. While this gives you a chance to see the varieties of aircraft included in the design (from Space Shuttle to Duck, with everything in between), it doesn't really do justice to the core of the game. The flight models are in fact quite good, and unlike some other recent releases (BIRDS OF PREY comes to mind), the distinctions in performance between the different aircraft are very clear. The Hang Glider, for instance, does turns like a hang glider; the F-16C flies like an F-16; the DC-10 feels like a heavy. But these are in some ways the least important features of STUNT ISLAND. Where STUNT ISLAND really shines is in the Stunt Pilot of the Year Contest. Included is a series of increasingly difficult stunts, which offer such activities as taking off over a burning airplane to shoot down a Mitsubishi Zero, landing on the Golden Gate bridge in a Cessna, picking up a convict on Alcatraz in a Sopwith Camel, and parking at a hamburger stand in a Piper Cherokee. Or, for something really different, try crashing into a hotel in a meteor. Many of these stunts are chock full of amusing details (for example, try accidentally clipping the con with your wings), and the after-results should you fail in a stunt are attractive as well (except for, maybe, the good doctor). The stunts are all cleverly designed to be a bit subtle; you'll have to do a certain amount of experimentation and replay just to figure out the basic parameters for doing a stunt right. For instance, in the Convict Pickup scenario, those who've never lived in the San Francisco Bay Area might easily be fooled into thinking they're flying over the right island with the convict nowhere in sight. This is not a bug. He's out there. The graphics in STUNT ISLAND are wonderfully balanced. Whereas some recent designs have opted for high-density air and ground graphics (to the detriment of frame rate and usability on lower-end machines), Disney has seen fit to combine basic solid-fill polygons for mountain and ground scenery with lovingly shaded and textured graphics for the aircraft. This provides the optimum in smooth frame rate with detail where it's needed most -- an effective compromise. Sound in STUNT ISLAND is also quite carefully considered. The various engine sounds are probably some of the best in flight simulatordom, and are specific for jets, prop planes, and other aircraft (no quacks for the ducks, unfortunately). Engines rev up and down with the throttle, and sputter when they're cut (on the appropriate planes). The game is replete with various sound effects, and includes extensive use of digitized voice for the pre-and post-flight aspects of the design. Good use is made of digitized voice and voice acting that really works to give you the sense of participating in a real contest. For example, the director, prior to the second, third, and fourth takes, has _just_ the right combination of encouraging cheeriness and hysteria to be believable. Voices throughout the game are equally convincing. The feature of STUNT ISLAND most deserving of comment (and the one that's likely to be least utilized by the majority of players) is the program's incredibly comprehensive Set Creation, Filming, and Event engine. Going far beyond anything provided in flight simulation, and rivaling systems included in games such as Origin's OMEGA or Ezra Sidran's UNIVERSAL MILITARY SIMULATOR II, STUNT ISLAND's editing, filming, and set construction utilities provide a complete creation kit for producing almost any kind of stunt event imaginable. With enough work, you can produce stunts as effective and as subtle as the 32 included with the game. The amount of involvement with set and event construction required to fully design a scenario is significant. The system is easy to use, but as with any game design engine, fine-tuning placement of objects, co-ordination of aircraft, arrangement of scenery, setting up camera locations, and so on takes lots of time and patience. Add to this a BASIC-like programming language that is implemented to sequence and organize events (such as rewarding the pilot with cheers should s/he pass within 100 feet of a boat), and the task ahead of the eager event designer looks rather daunting. As there are 32 events already in STUNT ISLAND, it seems logical for the manual to get to the design system as the last part of its clear explanation; scenario design is likely to become appealing only after much time is invested in the other aspects of the program. After managing to produce a set and event, you can then go even further, and edit filmed takes of any of the events played, either from the original 32 included in the game, or from constructed sets and events. The editing system is as comprehensive as the other production aspects of STUNT ISLAND, and provides options to edit either on the fly or in frame-by-frame mode. Footage can be deleted, visual and aural effects and music that weren't there in the original performance can be incorporated, and even user-designed .VOC sound files can be brought into an edited performance. The editing system provides a source deck and a destination deck, so that the original is preserved along with the edited copy. STUNT ISLAND comes on seven 5.25" 1.2Mb high-density disks (3.5" disks are also available), and requires 14 megabytes of hard disk space free for installation. Only 12 megabytes or so are used after installation, but the design features will need at least another megabyte or two of hard disk space beyond that to save files. The game auto-detects and calibrates a wide range of joysticks, from single digital joysticks to dual joysticks to Thrustmaster's FCS. The program is compatible with QEMM 5.0 and 6.0, EMM386.SYS and HIMEM.SYS, 386MAX and BlueMAX, and Helix Software's Netroom memory management utilities. As much extended or expanded memory as you have will be used automatically by the program to cache itself and speed up operations (extended and/or expanded memory are not necessary to play the game, however). PC Speaker, Sound Blaster, Thunder Board, Tandy Sound, AdLib, Roland MT- 32/LAPC-I, PS/1 Audio Card, and The Sound Source are all supported for sound effects (only those cards with DAC chips will do the digitized voices, however). A mouse with a 100%-compatible Microsoft driver is supported as well. VGA 256-color graphics card and monitor, PC or MS DOS 3.3, a high- density floppy drive, 570K of 640K of base RAM, and a 386/16SX or faster is required (386/33DX or faster highly recommended). Suffice it to say that STUNT ISLAND's set construction, event set-up, and filming and editing features make it a mini film-studio simulation more than anything else. Nevertheless, a viable flight simulator is at its core. Learning and mastering all the different aspects of the STUNT ISLAND design system could give you a useful understanding of what's involved in the successful creation and filming of a movie stunt -- a subject covered nowhere else in computer gaming. STUNT ISLAND is published and distributed by Disney Software. This review is copyright (c) 1993 by FT Reviews. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without permission. Reprinted here in it's entirety with the permission of the author. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunt Island Update ------------------- One point we want to make before we proceed, you absolutely must read the manual to understand the features of Stunt Island. We have received lots of phone calls that start off with "Hi, I didn't read the manual, but I want to know about....". Most of these callers could have saved themselves some time and money by just reading the manual. Don't get me wrong, we love hearing from you and we are always happy to help, but we would appreciate it if you would try this before calling, as it allows us more time to research other issues involving Stunt Island. We appreciate your assistance. Q: How can I get a demo of this game? A: Call the Disney Software Customer Service Department at 818-841-3326 and ask for a copy of the Stunt Island Demo by mail, or you can download it from any of the Online Information Services listed in Appendix E that have download capabilities. Q: Did Disney Software purposely leave stuff out of the handbook just to sell us the 300 page book that is coming out soon? A: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Any company that would stoop to such a ploy deserves to lose their customers! Disney Software is committed to FULL support of their products, and this SIUPDATE is a great example of that ideal. We want you to have the most up-to-date information possible so that you will enjoy Stunt Island completely. We would never purposely leave out any information that is required to enjoy our programs. Q: I have heard Stunt Island was released once before and pulled back due to bugs, is this true? A: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! There has only been one version of Stunt Island. This is only an unfounded rumor. Q: How does your plane algorithm work, i.e.: the same for every plane with weights? A: Each plane utilizes it's performance figures as given by Jane's "All The World's Aircraft" and formulas found in "Aerodynamics For Naval Aviators". Q: Any plans to come out with an object editor/creator? A: No, not at this time. Q: Any new aircraft to add? Maybe a C-130? A: Add on disks are in the works, and a C-130 is planned. Other aircraft that may be included are the B-52, B-1, Saab Fighters and some other great aircraft. There will also be some helicopters! Q: Do you have any bug fixes for Stunt Island? A: The first "bug fix" (we prefer the more graceful "patch") is available now, and fixes a minor problem with the INSTALL.EXE file. Some systems were experiencing a system lockup after the hardware auto-detect was run. Look for SI_UP1.EXE on any of the Online Information Services listed in Appendix E that have download capabilities. Patch #2 is also out now (12/09/92) and fixes the palette shift problem that some systems have been experiencing. Look for SI_UP2.EXE on any of the Online Information Services listed in Appendix E that have download capabilities. Both of these patches can be obtained on disk by calling our Customer Service department at (818) 841-3326. Q: Why is the sea pink and red in Stunt Island? A: This is a bug! We discovered that certain video cards displayed the ocean and lakes in Stunt Island in red or pink. There is now a patch for this problem available by calling our Customer Service department at (818) 841-3326, or our BBS at (818) 567-4027. The file to download is SI_UP2.EXE, and it can be found on from any of the Online Information Services listed in Appendix E that have download capabilities. Q: Are there any plans to allow for an easier to control flight model? The current model is too realistic for me. A: Yes, it will be part of the upcoming Patch #3 which will add Rudder Pedal support, and the new EASY/HARD flight model. Q: When will Stunt Island be released in Europe and England? A: We are not sure at this time, but it will be handled by Infogrammes. Q: What is planned for add-on disks? A: Helicopters, planes, advanced editing tools, animation macros, and a few other items. You will just have to be patient while we cook up a new batch of goodies! Q: How does the doctor know I have a bad haircut? A: It's our new TOP SECRET Artificial Intelligence Software! Chapter 2: Setting Up The Program --------------------------------- Q: The INSTALL program locks up, what is wrong? A: On some systems the install program locks up. We are trying to figure out the problem and create a patch. If your experience this problem, please contact our customer service department. Try to provide us with a detailed description of the screen where the program locked up. UPDATE: A patch for this problem is now available by calling our Customer Service department at 818-841-3326 or downloading it from any of the Online Information Services listed in Appendix E that have download capabilities. The file name is SI_UP1.EXE and it contains a new INSTALL.EXE file that replaces the current INSTALL.EXE file. Q: I use STACKER on my hard drive. When I installed the program, it reported that I had plenty of free disk space, however, the install terminated before completion and I only had 84000 Bytes left. Is this a Bug? A: No. STACKER reports the estimated amount of disk space free, if the files being copied to the hard disk can be compressed. Since our files come compressed already, it messes up Stacker's estimate. To install Stunt Island on a stacked drive, we don't recommend installing to a drive that has less than 20MB free. Q: I have a 386-16SX computer with 2 MB of RAM, how will Stunt Island run on my system? A: Your computer meets the minimum requirements for the program. While it will run adequately on your system, the program performs best on a 386-33 or higher system. Caching Data ------------ A few users have reported terrible frame rates and long drawn out pauses in game play in Stunt Island. Almost all of these users were not caching any program data into EMS or XMS memory, and therefore would suffer this problem. Using a boot disk, use the following CONFIG.SYS file to allocate some XMS memory for the program to use to cache it's data FILES=40 BUFFERS=20 DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS < This driver manages your extended memory. This should improve game play significantly. Q: Does Stunt Island support rudder control systems like the Thrustmaster rudder control system? A: Not currently, but this is being added in the first update disk. Q: I have an Ad-Lib card, and I can't get any digital Sound FX to play. How come? A: An Ad-Lib card does not have a DAC (Digital Audio Converter) to play digital effects, therefore you will only hear synthesized musical effects. You may wish to purchase a Disney Sound Source to add a digital sound device to your system. (<---Shameless plug! ) Q: I use QEMM to allocate EMS and XMS at the same time is there a way to force Stunt Island to use extended instead of expanded memory. A: Stunt Island will use whichever portion of memory it sees the most of. Try allocating slightly more XMS than EMS, and it should default to extended memory. Q: Do I need Expanded memory for Stunt Island? A: No, Stunt Island will also use Extended memory to cache it's data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sound Blaster and Expanded Memory --------------------------------- On some 386 and 486 system using a driver to simulate expanded memory (EMS) and a Sound Blaster (or 100% compatible sound card) that does not employ a FIFO (First In/First Out) buffer, you may experience difficulties with digital sound effects. This is due to the presence of the expanded memory manager driver, which conflicts with Stunt Island's access to the Direct Memory Access (DMA) channel. This portion of the hardware is simulated by the expanded memory manager, rather than allowing direct access to it. Systems with a physical expanded memory board will not experience this problem since their hardware handles expanded memory allocation rather than having a device driver in your CONFIG.SYS file to handle the expanded memory. This problem will not occur on all systems, however, if it does occur there is a quick solution. Stunt Island will cache it's program data to both extended memory and expanded memory. If the expanded memory is causing the digital sound effects to waver and sound unclear, changing from expanded to extended memory should solve the problem. The following example is for computers running DOS 5.0 and using it's built in memory management software, users of QEMM 386 and other memory management programs should consult their manuals for more information on switching to an extended memory only setup. To change your system to an extended memory only setup, open your CONFIG.SYS file with a text editor. You should see something similar to the following: FILES=40 BUFFERS=20 DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS < This driver manages your extended memory. DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 < This driver manages your expanded memory. To change to extended memory only, simply place a REMark statement in front of line four to disable it temporarily. If you wish to change it back again later, all you have to do is delete the REM and the space at the beginning of the line, save it and reboot to restore your expanded memory settings. To REMark out the line, use a text editor and change line four to look like this: REM DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 When you save the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot your computer, your system will have only extended memory allocated, and everything should sound normal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: What graphics mode does Stunt Island use? A: 320x200x256 color graphics. Q: I only have a Disney Sound Source, what kind of sounds will I hear in Stunt Island? A: You will get crisp digital sound effects like voices, explosions, jet sounds and music, but the synthesized music available on some advanced sound cards will not be available. The digital sound effects are far superior to synthesized effects for realism. Q: I am using the PC Speaker for sound, what kind of sound effects will I hear in Stunt Island? A: Very limited effects. There are just some things the PC speaker can't do, so a lot of sound effects are not available when using this sound option. To experience the full range of sounds in Stunt Island, a Sound Source or Sound Blaster card is required. Q: Will Stunt Island work with my Pro Audio Spectrum 16 Sound Board? A: Some users have had problems with this sound board. We were unable to test with one during our testing period. We have now obtained a PAS 16 and are looking into possible compatibility problems. As we come up with more information we will post it here. UPDATE: We have tested with a PAS 16, and found the following settings work with Stunt Island. Pro Audio Spectrum Side: Sound Blaster Side: Port = None Port = 220 Interrupt = 3 Interrupt = 5 DMA Channel = 3 DMA Channel = 1 (Must be 1) The PAS 16 consists of two sections, and the Sound Blaster section should use the settings shown above. You may be able to use a different IRQ, but the DMA channel must be 1. ADDITIONAL INFO: We have found (just by reading the PAS 16 manual and listening to users) that the majority of the problems with the PAS 16 card are due to the two sides of the card sharing a port, Interrupt or DMA Channel. The two sides of the card must have different settings, or the card will cause the system to lock up. Q: Will Stunt Island work with my ATI Stereo/FX sound card? A: Yes, we have obtained and tried an ATI sound board here, and it works fine. The settings we used were as follows: Audio Port Address : 220h Audio IRQ Level : IRQ 5 Game Port : Slow Audio Mix : Off Audio Input Level : Mic Buffered DMA Plan : Enabled I know that others have gotten the cards to work with other settings. The most common reason for the cards not working that we have found is IRQ conflict. Having the IRQ set to an option that SI doesn't support or sharing an IRQ with another card or device in your system. Stunt Island makes heavy use of system interrupts (IRQs) and if two devices are trying to share one, it can cause lockups and other problems. Disney Software sound drivers do not support the use of non-standard interrupts, we only support IRQs 3, 5 and 7. We can also make use of IRQ 2 in systems where it is not used as a cascaded interrupt. Q: I am experiencing static in the sound for Stunt Island, can this be fixed? A: This problem has been reported by several people, and in a few cases, it has turned out to be an Interrupt (IRQ) conflct. This was discovered by running the SB-TEST program included with Sound Blaster Pro several times by a user who goes by the handle Major Mudd (Prodigy ID GRCM13A if you want to write to him) and it locked up on the Digital Sound test at both IRQ 5 and 7. Once he switched the sound board to IRQ 2, the sound cleared up and the game ran fine. Other possibilities may be speaker volume, connection or power level. Some folks have reported sound problems, and they were running their sound card through a stereo and it's speakers, once they switched to a pair of speakersconnected directly to the sound card the sound cleared up. Also bear in mind that we recommend removing expanded memory drivers, they may also conflict with the sound in the program. UPDATE: One other potential solution is to select Joystick rather than Joystick w/Throttle, some users have reported sound problems when this option is selected. Q: My frame rate is very choppy, what can I do to improve it? A: Using ALT-P, bring up the Preferences screen. Turn the detail level down until the frame rate improves. The lower the detail, the faster the frame rate. Q: I have the video go out many times while I play, what is wrong? A: Please see Appendix E for information on contacting our Customer Service Department. Please have the information requested ready, and try to be at your computer when you call. we will try to help you diagnose the problem. (FYI: The person who reported this problem had a defective video card! This was not a bug!) Q: Can Stunt Island make use of a math co-processor? A: No, all math in the program is integer based, a math co-processor would not help. Q: I couldn't get my Thrustmaster FCS to properly calibrate and the small amount of drift I was getting caused flight control to be lousy. A: Try using the dead zone adjustment in the joystick calibration screen until you find a setting that works for you. Q: I hate that film at the beginning of Stunt Island, is there any way to get rid of it? A: You can do one of two things, go into the VAULT subdirectory and delete the file INTRO.FLM, and it will never come up again, or, rename one of your own .FLM files to INTRO.FLM and personalize the Intro with your own movie. Q: Will Stunt Island work under OS/2? A: We don't design for or support OS/2, but the game has been reported to work quite well by several OS/2 fans. The following settings were submitted to us by Bob Grady. EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT 0 HW_TIMER ON INT_DURING_IO ON VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION OFF Bob reports that the only real problem he gets is some choppiness in his sound during memory swaps. Chapter 3: Aircraft Checkout Procedures --------------------------------------- The Inertia Problem ------------------- There has been a lot of discussion about the effect of inertia on the aircraft in Stunt Island. Many users have used terms like "Bleech!", "Flying A Brick" and "Screwed Up" when referring to this problem. We have looked into all of these complaints, and some potential solutions have come up. 1. When you have trouble pulling out of a dive, drop your flaps and roll slightly from side-to-side. Also cut back on the throttle. This helps to lessen the effect of the inertia. A lot of the users I have talked to try to fly at full speed throughout the stunts, and that is not always the best method. 2. A few people have complained about out of control rolling as they bank the aircraft they are flying. This has mainly been reported on slower CPUs. I know it happens for some folks on fast machines too, but part of the problem may be in the level of detail set for the program. On a slower computer, setting the game for 100% detail will cause pauses, and loss of some control in the aircraft due to the massive amount of calculations the CPU has to make to try to keep up. By pressing ALT-P and reducing the detail level, this problem will lessen somewhat. 3. Another possibility is the sensitivity level of your joystick. The default "dead zone" for Stunt Island is 20%. That gives you a little bit of play in the joystick before it actually moves the aircraft. Try lowering it down to 7% to make your joystick a bit more responsive. You can fiddle with it to find a setting that suits you, but this should also help to lessen the effect of inertia. One way that Disney Software is working to meet the demands of users is to add a selectable flight model to the program. The current flight model will continue on as the "HARD" option, and a new "EASY" flight model with no inertia whatsoever will be part of the upcoming rudder pedal patch. We hope this will put an end to this problem by allowing users the freedom to choose how they want to fly. Keep those suggestions coming! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: There is a great deal of inertia to the planes in Stunt Island, I have a hard time pulling out of a dive, is there a fix to this? A: We are looking at making some improvements to the flight dynamics of some planes. One possible solution to the problem may be that you are going too fast however. Many users are going full speed in a dive or turn, and just by dropping the speed a bit your controls become easier to handle. Q: I selected the Pterodactyl at the Airfield to take a test spin around the island. It just sits on the runway and spins around in a circle, why? A: To fly the Pterodactyl from the airfield you need to do one of the following steps to give it acceleration. Since the Pterodactyl is not an aircraft in the same fashion as a Cessna, it flys a bit differently. It has a free-form flight model that allows you to make really sharp turns and to go as fast as you want to. We are looking into why it sits and spins, but you can use the following steps to make it move. Joystick Fliers: Push forward on your joystick and press button #2 at the same time. This will cause the Pterodactyl to accellerate and when you have hit the speed you want, just let up on the button. Mouse Fliers: Press and hold the left button on your mouse to make the Pterodactyl accellerate to the speed you want, then let up on the button. Keyboard Fliers: Press and hold the ENTER key to make the Pterodactyl accelerate. When you reach the speed you want, let up on the ENTER key. Q: I can't use the function keys to change my view when I am flying, why? A: It is possible that one of your shift keys is stuck. If the shift key is depressed or stuck down, the Function Keys to change your flight view will not work properly. Q: The elevator control is really sluggish in the propeller driven aircraft, are there any plans to fix this? A: Yes, we are looking at the flight model data to see if we can improve the performance of these aircraft. Q: What exactly is gouraud shading and why couldn't I tell the difference (when viewing my plane) between having it on and having it dithered? Is dithered the optimal setting for fast machines? A: There are two types of gouraud shading, regular and dithered. Try placing the Pitts Special at the airport, then press F6 to get the spotter plane view and turn the shading on and off in preferences by pressing ALT-P to bring up the preferences menu. Q: The SR71's port wing is bent up at a 15 degree angle, is this a bug? A: Yes, and we have no idea how that slipped through!!! We will fix it as soon as possible. Q: I can loop a 747, do you call that a realistic flight model? A: No, but after all, this is about making movies, and Hollywood does live by "suspension of disbelief"! Q: Whenever I land on an object that is not on the ground, like on top of tall buildings, the plane vibrates or bounces, why? A: This is a math rounding error in large numbers. The top of one building is 800 feet off of the ground and the calculation is imperfect, yielding the bouncing effect. Q: The hangars at the airport are open, but I crash as I try to fly through, is it possible to fly through them? A: Yes. Make sure that the plane you are flying is small enough to fit into them. Try placing a plane inside the hangar in Set Design, and then fly it out of the hangar. Q: I selected a plane from the airfield, and I took off and pressed R to record my flight. When I took the film into the editing room, the only sounds I got were the explosions from when I crashed at the end. Why? A: The solution is in the way you record your flight. Once you select the aircraft, and you are sitting still on the runway ready to take off, press R to record your flight. Then after you have done that, press 0 to make the aircraft accelerate, this will record the start of the engine sounds onto your film. If you start the engines first, the sound's starting point will not be recorded onto the film, and won't be available in the editing room. Q: I can't get my plane to level out in time, is there something I can do to get level faster? A: Yes, press the A button to go into AUTOPILOT mode. Your plane will immediately get flat and level at the press of the A key. The only problem is that it doesn't always look realistic in a film. Q: The Mig 25 is supposed to do Mach 2.8, in Stunt Island it tops out at about 700 Mph, why? A: While it is true that the Mig 25 was developed to chase the XB-70A Valkyrie (Projected speed Mach 3+), according to Jane's All The World's Aircraft, 1991-1992 Edition - Page 260, the maximum level speed for the Foxbat A is Mach 0.85 (703.8 Mph). Obviously we are a little slower than Janes, I am not sure if this will be adjusted. For all aircraft we use the maximum level speed, not the Never Exceed Speed (Vne), because most of the aircraft are not able to obtain those speeds in level flight. Chapter 4: Stunt Pilot of the Year Contest ------------------------------------------ Stunt 19: Error in Stunt Description ------------------------------------ The description in the book says you cannot go above 50 feet in your plane, the screen in the Stunt Coordinator's office says you cannot go above 40 feet. The Stunt Coordinator is correct, the description for Stunt 19 on Page 53 of the manual should say "You must keep your Piper Cherokee within 20 feet of each truck and fly no higher than 40 feet", not "50 feet" as it says now. Q: I am having trouble learning to fly the stunt, is there a way to practice? A: Yes, in the stunt descriptions starting on page 47 of the manual, each stunt has a file name listed of the set used to create it. Load these files in set design, and you can practice without it affecting your contest standing. You can use this list to find the right files: Stunt File ----- ---- Another way to practice without affecting you standings is to select NO when you are asked if you want to be in the competition. Now when you go to the Stunt Coordinater he will still offer you assignments, but you can scan throught the entire list of assignments and do them as many times as you want to without affecting your standings. Q: When performing the Burger Stand stunt, I found that as I was turning left off the main road, my plane would rise up off the ground to the height of the buildings adjacent to me if my right wing happened to collide with them. Is this a bug in the software, or a problem in the burger set design? A: Yes, this is a bug! The program is unable to define the exact ground level, prior to colliding with the wall the program thinks that you landed on top of that building, hence the lifting effect. This bug may not be fixable, but we will look into it. Chapter 5: Production - Set Creation and Filming ------------------------------------------------ TYPESET: The Unknown Utility -------------------------------- If you have a problem with a set, and you want a quick way to lay it all out in front of you, then you need to read this section. A lot of users have been commenting lately on the undocumented utility included with Stunt Island called TYPESET. Typeset will read the contents of a .SET file and print it to the screen, printer or a text file. To simplify the use of TYPESET, we also put in two small batch (.BAT) files called SETINFO.BAT and PRINTSET.BAT. These are especially handy for evaluating your sets on paper and trying to figure out little glitches in your SETs. To print a SET to the screen, just type the following (you must run all of these commands from the directory where Stunt Island is installed): TYPESET SETS\ALCATRAZ.SET | MORE The SETS\ALCATRAZ.SET portion of the command is the path to the SET file you want to display. Most .SET files are stored in the SETS subdirectory of Stunt Island, if yours are located elswhere, please substitute the complete path after the TYPESET command. The SETINFO.BAT file will use TYPESET.EXE to send the information about a .SET file to a plain ASCII text (.TXT) file. The following shows the usage for SETINFO.BAT: Usage: SETINFO Example: SETINFO SETS\ALCATRAZ Don't include the .SET extension, the batch file does that for you. SETINFO.BAT will take all of the information in ALCATRAZ.SET and store it in an ASCII text file called ALCATRAZ.TXT in your \STUNTISL directory. This file can now be edited with any text editor, or printed at a later date. The PRINTSET.BAT file will use TYPESET.EXE to send the information about a .SET file to your printer. The following shows the usage for PRINTSET.BAT: Usage: PRINTSET Example: PRINTSET SETS\ALCATRAZ Don't include the .SET extension, the batch file does that for you. SETINFO.BAT will take all of the information in ALCATRAZ.SET and send it to your printer. This file can now be used to trouble shoot you set, or to send to a friend to try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: Why is it that the propellers on other aircraft will not turn unless my engine is running? A: This was one of those little programming issues that could not be resolved before we shipped Stunt Island. We had to set it up so that Rotors and Landing Gear on all aircraft are dependant upon the position and speed of the primary object in prop slot #1. Q: How did the helicopter in the demo end up flying like a helicopter since it doesn't have a helicopter flight model? (See LOCATION.FLM) A: It's magic! (Just kidding) Actually that was all done with the Event Programming feature. I have included a sample .SET here to demonstrate how to do this. Since the helicopters are props, and not part of the aircraft included in the "Planes" section, they do not have flight models of their own. They use a generic flight model. File Name :SETS\HELICOPT.SET Printed at :Mon Feb 22 22:14:05 1993 Stunt Title :User Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :Black Hawk Heli.#2 Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :28947 E/W :110855 Altitude :1327 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :750 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :9 Watch :On Watch Object :9 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :104 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :41 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #9 Prop Name :Black Hawk Heli.#2 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :28947 E/W :110855 Altitude :7 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :150 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :1 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On This event controls all of the helicopter's movements. Since the helicopter is a prop, and not an aircraft with it's own flight model in this release of Stunt Island, you would have to use this method to make it appear to take off vertically. Event#1 One Shot If 3 seconds have elapsed And nothing And nothing Then change Black Hawk Heli.#2(9)'s heading pitch to 50 And change Black Hawk Heli.#2(9)'s acceleration to 3 And wait 2 seconds And change Black Hawk Heli.#2(9)'s pitch anim to -5 And wait 3 seconds And change Black Hawk Heli.#2(9)'s pitch anim to 0 And change Black Hawk Heli.#2(9)'s heading yaw to 150 And change Black Hawk Heli.#2(9)'s heading pitch to 0 Q: Why can't I view an object I am trying to adjust from one of my camera views? A: Quite simply, because it wasn't designed into the program. This suggestion has been passed on to our Product Development department for consideration. Q: I want to fly through the city like I can in the Pterodactyl, but I want to use another plane. Is there any way to give another plane the same flight characteristics as the Pterodactyl? A: Yes. Actually there are two ways to accomplish this trick, and I must give the credit for this discovery to the users of Prodigy and Compuserve for coming up with it! Method 1: (You can substitute other aicraft for the Mig if you like) Place the Pterodactyl in prop slot #1 as the primary flying object. Turn it's visibility OFF. Place the Mig 29 Fulcrum in prop slot #9, and change it's method to ATTACH, attach it to prop #1 (the Pterodactyl). What this does is show the Mig 29 as the primary aircraft while using the flight characteristics of the Pterodactyl which is the actual primary aircraft. You can now zig and zag through the sets just like you can with the Pterodactyl, but your films will show you flying a Mig 29. Use this set as an example. File Name :SETS\MIG291.SET Printed at :Fri Feb 05 14:19:59 1993 Stunt Title :User Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Up Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :Gun Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :Pterodactyl Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :100000 E/W :100000 Altitude :421 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :510 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #9 Prop Name :MiG 29 Fulcrum Method :Attach Method Object :1 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Distance :27 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Event#1 One Shot If 0.5 seconds have elapsed And nothing And nothing Then play 'Jet Idle' on chan 1, vol= 4, and loop. And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Method 2: Place the Pterodactyl in prop slot #1, then set an event to change the appearance of the Pterodactyl into another aircraft. This will achieve the same effect as above without using an extra prop slot. Use this set as an example. File Name :SETS\MIG292.SET Printed at :Fri Feb 05 14:20:13 1993 Stunt Title :User Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Up Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Spotter Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :Gun Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :Pterodactyl Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :100000 E/W :100000 Altitude :421 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :510 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Event#1 One Shot If 0.5 seconds have elapsed And nothing And nothing Then play 'Jet Idle' on chan 1, vol= 4, and loop. And change Pterodactyl(1)'s shape to MiG 29 Fulcrum And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Q: I can't fire any weapons! I just made a stunt and I have all of my objects set, but I am not able to fire weapons, why? A: Weapons (IE: Bullets, Bombs and Missiles) take up a prop slot. If you placed 40 props (the maximum) there is no open prop slot to be used by the weapon, therefore it won't fire. If you plan on using a certain weapon, leave at least one prop slot open in your set. Q: Is it possible to have an invisible camera? A: Yes, go to the object you want to change to invisible in the Set Design section of the program. Select ADJ from the menu of options on the right of your screen. At the bottom of the ADJ menu you will see a button marked VIS. That button should not be pressed down if you want the object to be invisible. If it is pressed down, simply press it again to change the object to invisible. Q: I don't understand how to make an object explode, can someone show me a simple way to do this? A: There are several ways to make an object explode. The simplest is to turn the COLL and EXPL features for the object ON in the ADJ menu of Set Design. Then when you fly it into another object that has it's collideability set to ON, it will explode. Try placing an A-10 in Prop Slot #1, and a 00500x00500 Collision Window about 200 feet in front of it. In the Adjust menu, set the A-10 to COLL-ON and EXPL-ON and the Collision Window to COLL-ON. Then fly the stunt. When your A-10 hits Collision Window, it will explode. Another way is to use an Event. Go back into Set Design and use the same set we just used. In the Adjust menu for the A-10, change EXPL to OFF. Select EVENTS and program an event to read like this..... IF COLLISION Object1 WITH Object3 THEN WAIT 5 Seconds AND EXPLODE Object1 Now select Fly Stunt again, and this time when you hit the Collision Window you will keep flying for 5 seconds and then your A-10 will explode. Q: Sometimes I can see background objects in front of foreground objects, how come? A: This is a sorting problem for the computer, and it is placing background data in front of foreground data. We cannot fix this problem at this time. You can minimize this effect by adjusting camera angles slightly higher or lower or farther away than the objects. Q: Where are the helicopters? A: They are under military equipment. Only Blackhawk Helo #2 has rotors that spin. We are planning to add helicopters in a later release of Stunt Island with accurate helicopter flight models. Check the Prop List in Appendix A for a complete listing of current props. Q: Why can't I drive cars in Stunt Island? A: Stunt Island: The Flying and Filming Simulation, the game's title should be all the explanation needed. We realize that a driving simulator would be great too, but we did not design driving features into Stunt Island. Q: Why is it when I try to drive a car up a ramp it passes right through the ramp? A: If you try driving a car, it will handle like a plane, since the program expects a plane as the main prop rather than a car. Some of the ramps and bridges do not have crash data, and you can pass right through them. You can make cars appear to drive more realistically by using system events and placing them in prop spots 9-40. For example, you could place a collision window at the base of ramp to cause a car to change it's angle to appear like it is driving up the ramp, and another collision window at the top to level it out again. Q: Designing a stunt is hard, is there any way to simplify programming a stunt? A: We will develop macros for animation in add on disks. Things like TUMBLE, TURN, EXPLODE MULTIPLE and other features to make this aspect easier for you. Q: Can the planes be programmed to kill you? A: Yes, you can create a set design that has planes seek and fire at you. An example of this will soon be available on any of the Online Information Services listed in Appendix E that have download capabilities. Q: When going through the set design tutorial, I found that I couldn't use GoTo to go to the spot plane position. Is this a function of the spot plane, a result of the spot plane using the same coordinates as the primary plane, or a bug? A: This is a special case. The spotter plane is not an actual prop. It cannot be deleted or changed with another prop, but you can adjust it's viewpoint by going to Object 2 in Set Design, or press F6 while you are flying. Q: Is there any way to destroy the permanent scenery? A: Well, aside from the damaging effect that would have on the delicate ecosphere of Stunt Island, no, we haven't added that yet! Q: Can I change the time of day on Stunt Island? A: Yes, use the global button in Set Design to set the time of day, or press ALT-T while you are flying. Q: I want fire in my stunt, is there an object for flames? A: No, but maybe in a future release. For an idea on simulating flames, take a look at the final section of Demo Film Number 3. When the tanks are destroyed and the radar site blows up, Leonard D'Ambrosio did a nice job of simulating burning wreckage. Q: What's the difference between the Camera #1 and Camera #2 props? Do they operate differently? A: The only difference is in appearance, in case you want a camera visible in one of your films. Q: Is there an easy way to calculate the altitude for an object so that it's resting on the ground? Having to calculate this altitude as half the object's height is a little unreasonable. A: This should happen automatically. If an object does not do this automatically, please let us know which object it is so we can investigate for bugs. Every object in the program has a centerpoint. It is at the middle of the object and gives the object a minimum altitude when you place it in a set. EXAMPLE: A 3000x3000 foot collision window has a default altitude of 1500 feet since it's center point is 1500 feet from each of it's four sides. When you place it in a set and select ADJ, you will see that it's altitude is listed as 1500 feet. This is true for all objects. Q: How can I get my aircraft to leave a smoke trail? A: There is no feature for this in the program, but you can simulate it by placing the Smoke Prop as an object, and attaching it to prop #1. Then use Events to toggle it's visibility ON and OFF when you want smoke trails to appear. See the tutorials section for an idea on how to accomplish this. TIP: I discovered this handy technique while setting up a formation flying stunt that will shortly become Tutorial 6 or 7. I placed my aircraft, an F-18, in prop slot #1 and attatched three other F-18s to it, one 60 feet behind me and two others right and left behind me in a diamond formation. As I completed a few events, I realized I needed the planes METHOD to be FREE. So, I went back into Set Design and switched them all, expecting to have to relocate them to their original positions in the diamond. Lo and behold, switching them to FREE objects left them right in those exact same coordinates, and I didn't have to refigure their positions. The point of all this is as follows, if your stunt relies heavily on the location of an aircraft in relation to yours, use the ATTACH Method to place the plane, and then switch it to FREE to achieve easier positioning. Chapter 6: Setting Up Special Events ------------------------------------ Q: Does anybody know how the CHANGE METHOD line works? When I use it to change and object that's moving and has a FACE method to a FREE object (but still moving) it stopped and no command will make it move again. What do I do? A: WILO Q: There is no weapon to trigger an event when I am flying the pterodactyl. It would also be nice if other non-combat aircraft had a way of triggering events the way the same way that combat aircraft do. What can you do about this? A: The solution to this problem is all in your imagination. We included the collision windows and events to allow you the freedom to make any event happen. Through creative placement of these props and using special events, you can literally make anything happen within the confines of the Stunt Island world. Any plane can have a weapon, simply turn that option on in Set Design under the GLOBAL settings. If you want that weapon to trigger an event, then you need to place collision windows or use an event to do that. If you want a weapon to trigger an event, but don't want it to appear on-screen, try the following set. It's all in your imagination! File Name :SETS\INVPOWER.SET Printed at :Thu Feb 18 16:39:56 1993 Stunt Title :The Invisible Power! Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :Black Hawk Heli.#2 Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :102002 E/W :138349 Altitude :157 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :210 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :300 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Seek Method Object :4 Watch :On Watch Object :4 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :102152 E/W :138346 Altitude :131 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #4 Prop Name :Sidewinder Method :Attach Method Object :13 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :21 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :90 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #9 Prop Name :Hardware Store Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :102094 E/W :138302 Altitude :10 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #10 Prop Name :Hotel Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :102031 E/W :138280 Altitude :29 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #11 Prop Name :Laundromat Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :101974 E/W :138310 Altitude :7 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #12 Prop Name :Bank Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :101896 E/W :138279 Altitude :30 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #13 Prop Name :Black Hawk Heli.#2 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :102002 E/W :138349 Altitude :163 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :300 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #14 Prop Name :Backhoe Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :102095 E/W :138358 Altitude :7 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :330 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #15 Prop Name :Bulldozer Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :102039 E/W :138333 Altitude :3 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :30 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #16 Prop Name :Cement Truck Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :102001 E/W :138368 Altitude :5 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #17 Prop Name :Crate Truck Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :101956 E/W :138339 Altitude :7 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :90 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :300 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #18 Prop Name :Gas Truck Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :101895 E/W :138349 Altitude :4 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Event#1 One Shot If 5 seconds have elapsed And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s speed to 10 And change Sidewinder(4)'s method to Seek And change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 14 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 14 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#2 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Backhoe(14) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 15 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 15 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#3 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Bulldozer(15) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 16 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 16 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#4 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Cement Truck(16) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 17 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 17 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#5 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Crate Truck(17) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 18 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 18 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#6 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Gas Truck(18) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 12 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 12 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#7 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Bank(12) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 11 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 11 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#8 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Laundromat(11) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 10 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 10 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#9 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Hotel(10) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 9 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 9 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#10 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Hardware Store(9) And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(4)'s method obj to 13 And change Black Hawk Heli.#2(13)'s collideability to 1 And change Sidewinder(4)'s watch obj to 13 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#11 One Shot If Sidewinder(4) hits Black Hawk Heli.#2(13) And nothing And nothing Then wait 2 seconds And explode Black Hawk Heli.#2(13) And explode Sidewinder(4) And wait 3 seconds And finish - success And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Q: How come when I use an event to change object 1 into another object, the new object keeps the same flight characteristics as the object I started with? A: You are only changing the external shape (or appearance) of the object. It will continue to use the flight data that was loaded for the original object in Prop Slot #1. See Chapter 5 for more on this subject. Q: Are the IF statements required in Events programming? A: Yes, in order for an event to occur, an IF statement must be occur in order for other statements in the event to occur. Q: Do you have to pass through a collision window to trigger events attached to it. A: Yes, in order to trigger an event related to a collision windows, the object specified in the IF COLLISION statement must pass through it. Chapter 7: Tutorial - Creating Sets and Events ---------------------------------------------- Subject: Innacurate Tutorial in Chapter 7 of Stunt Island Handbook This section is being included to assist users with some information not provided in the Chapter 7 tutorial. The lower section of the Adjust feature is where you can set the object to be Collideable, Visible, Explodeable, and set it's Shadow. How these variables are set can greatly affect the outcome of the stunt. In the case of someone who is completely new to the program, this can cause very confusing results. There are two default settings in the Adjust menu. For ANY object in Prop Slot Box #1 (The prop you will fly) the default settings are Visibility-ON and Shadow-ON. Everything else is toggled OFF. For any object in Prop Slot Boxes 3-40 the default setting is Visibility-ON, and everything else is toggled OFF. Prop Slot Box #2 is reserved for the spotter camera, and the default settings are all toggled OFF, you can change these, but erratic results may occur when running the program. The following changes should be incorporated if you are attempting to re-create the Burger Set using the Tutorial example given in Chapter 7 of the Stunt Island Handbook. Please be advised that the button is said to be in the ON position when it appears to be pushed in on the menu screen. 1. Prop 1 Piper Cherokee (Page 104) Coll Button in Adjust Menu should be ON. 2. Prop 3 Camera #1 (Page 105) Vis Button in Adjust Menu should be OFF. 3. Prop 4 Camera #1 (Page 106) Vis Button in Adjust Menu should be OFF. 4. Prop 11 00010x00010 (Page 106) Vis Button in Adjust Menu should be OFF. 5. Prop 11 00010x00010 (Page 106) Coll Button in Adjust Menu should be ON. 6. Prop 12 Sphere 6r (Page 106) Vis Button in Adjust Menu should be OFF. 7. Prop 25 Police Wagon (Page 111) Coll Button in Adjust Menu should be ON. 8. Prop 31 00500x00500 (Page 112) Vis Button in Adjust Menu should be OFF. 9. Prop 31 00500x00500 (Page 112) Coll Button in Adjust Menu should be ON. 10. Prop 32 00500x00500 (Page 112) Vis Button in Adjust Menu should be OFF. 11. Prop 32 00500x00500 (Page 112) Coll Button in Adjust Menu should be ON. 12. Prop 33 00500x00500 (Page 112) Vis Button in Adjust Menu should be OFF. 13. Prop 33 00500x00500 (Page 112) Coll Button in Adjust Menu should be ON. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Stunt Island Tutorials -------------------------- Q: Is there a way to fly the planes in Stunt Island by Remote/Radio Control? A: There is not a specific feature to do this, but yes, it can be done! The following set data should give you an idea of how to build a set to allow you to do this. Stunt Island Tutorial #1: Radio Control Flying ---------------------------------------------- Someone was asking me about R/C flying, which I think I understand as Remote or Radio Control flying. What these people wanted was a way to watch their plane from a static ground location as they flew it, or at least I think that's what they wanted. The enclosed .SET and .FLM file demonstrate a way to do this. I set a Camera in prop slot 3, and turned on it's watch attribute, and made it watch prop 1 which is the plane I am flying. I also changed it's method to SEEK Prop 1. When I fly the stunt, all I have to do is press CTRL-F3 to see from the view of the camera in prop slot 3, and I have my remote control view for flying. You can expand on this idea and place cameras in several locations for multiple remote views of your flight. As you move out of range of one, you can switch to the next, and never have to even use the pilot view. I hope the following .SET helps some of you out. I will try to do more of these in the future. This .SET and a short .FLM can be downloaded from all the locations listed in Appendix E that have download capability in the file REMOTE.ZIP. File Name :SETS\REMOTE\REMOTE.SET Printed at :Mon Jan 18 08:40:22 1993 Stunt Title :User Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :Curtis Jenny Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :97771 E/W :129569 Altitude :300 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :60 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :120 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Seek Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :102359 E/W :135143 Altitude :2 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: I seem to be having trouble bombing things. I activate the control to switch to the bomb weapon, and I drop bombs, but nothing seems to happen. I don't see any bombs from the cockpit of the bombsight view, and nothing blows up beneath my plane, how come? A: Take a look at how we did it here in this set! Stunt Island Tutorial #2: Bombing A Ground Target ------------------------------------------------- A .FLM and .SET files for these examples can be found at any of the locations listed in Appendix E that have download cpabilities in the file BOMBING.ZIP. Tutorial 2A: Bombing a C&W Bar! File Name :\DISNEY\STUNTISL\SETS\BOMBING.SET Printed at :Thu Jan 21 15:56:19 1993 Stunt Title :How to Bomb a C&W Bar! Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :08:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :Bomb Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65807 E/W :144065 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :11 Watch :On Watch Object :11 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :156 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :11 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #4 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65807 E/W :159892 Altitude :2 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #5 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :11 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65211 E/W :159875 Altitude :110 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #6 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65211 E/W :159875 Altitude :10 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #11 Prop Name :C&W Bar Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :65807 E/W :160000 Altitude :35 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On I have left Prop #12 visible so that you can see what happens. In a normal film, you can turn the visibility off, and the same effect will occur. You just have to hit the Window. Prop #12 Prop Name :hz 0120X0120 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :65807 E/W :160000 Altitude :10 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is the only event that I needed to accomplish a bombing run. I tell the program that any weapon that hits the 120x120 Horizontal Collision Window around the Country & Western Bar will blow up the bar! Event#1 One Shot If Any Weapon hits hz 0120X0120(12) And nothing And nothing Then explode C&W Bar(11) And play 'Explosion #06' on chan 2, vol= 4. And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Tutorial 2B: Hit The Cathedral This is the second method that can be used for larger targets that are easier to hit. All you have to do is make the large target EXPLODEABLE, and make sure you hit it with a bomb! I placed a large cathedral where the C&W Bar had been, and used the same setup to complete this second part of the tutorial. Either of these methods should demonstrate how to bomb a ground target. File Name :SETS\BOMBING2.SET Printed at :Tue Feb 09 12:45:46 1993 Stunt Title :How to Bomb a Cathedral! Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :08:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :Bomb Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65807 E/W :144065 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :11 Watch :On Watch Object :11 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :639 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-17 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #4 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65807 E/W :159592 Altitude :2 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #5 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :11 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65211 E/W :159875 Altitude :609 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #6 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :65211 E/W :159875 Altitude :10 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #11 Prop Name :Cathedral Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :65807 E/W :160000 Altitude :97 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :30 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On The only purpose for this event is to play an explosion sound at the exact moment of impact, saving me from having to do it in the editing room! Event#1 One Shot If Any Weapon hits Cathedral(11) And nothing And nothing Then play 'Explosion #06' on chan 2, vol= 4. And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: I would like to know if it is possible to "trail" horizontal smoke and/or fire on an aircraft? A: Yes, it can be done. The following .SET information should show you how to do it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunt Island Tutorial #3: Smoke Trails Behind a Plane ----------------------------------------------------- Some people have asked us if there is a way to have smoke trail behind an aircraft that has been struck by a missile. We are hoping a smoke trail feature will be added in the next version of Stunt Island, but in the meantime, try this set for one idea on how to do it. Created by: Leonard D'Ambrosio and Dave Arnspiger File Name :SETS\SMOKE.SET Printed at :Tue Jan 26 14:41:24 1993 Stunt Title :Making a smoke trail. Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Up Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :A6E Intruder Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :92092 E/W :97346 Altitude :2000 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :330 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :132 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-23 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :54 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :11 Zoom :1 Autozoom :On N/S :91486 E/W :110364 Altitude :120 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #4 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :91962 E/W :110619 Altitude :76 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :-1 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #10 Prop Name :Frigate Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :91486 E/W :110130 Altitude :23 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is a missile I will have chase down the plane and hit it, causing it to smoke. Prop #11 Prop Name :Ground/Air Missile Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :91486 E/W :110130 Altitude :58 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This collision window will trigger the launch of the missile. I purposely made it huge so the A6 would not miss it. Prop #12 Prop Name :06000X06000 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :91451 E/W :110134 Altitude :3000 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is the smoke trail I will have appear when the plane gets hit. It starts the stunt in an invisible state, notice it is spotting a sphere, not to the plane in slot 1. Prop #13 Prop Name :Smoke Method :Spot Method Object :14 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Pitch :90 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Distance :0 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is a small sphere I attatched to object 1 and moved to just behind the tail of the plane. The smoke in prop slot 13 is spotting this object in order to turn the smoke to the angle we needed it at, and to have it appear just behind the plane instead of directly under it. Prop #14 Prop Name :Sphere 00001r Method :Attach Method Object :1 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Distance :38 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This collision window follows the A6 in Prop Slot 1 and triggers Camera 3 to zoom in on the missile strike. Prop #15 Prop Name :01000X01000 Method :Follow Method Object :1 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Distance :400 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is the event to tell the missile to take off and achieve a maximum speed of 700 Mph. Event#1 One Shot If A6E Intruder(1) hits 06000X06000(12) And nothing And nothing Then change Ground/Air Missile(11)'s method to Seek And change Ground/Air Missile(11)'s method obj to 1 And change Ground/Air Missile(11)'s acceleration to 100 And play 'Missile Fire' on chan 2, vol= 4. And wait 7 seconds And change Ground/Air Missile(11)'s acceleration to 0 And change Ground/Air Missile(11)'s speed to 700 And do nothing This is the event to tell Camera 3 to zoom in on the missile striking the A6 Intruder. Event#2 One Shot If Ground/Air Missile(11) hits 01000X01000(15) And nothing And nothing Then change Camera#1(3)'s zoom to 0.5 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing This event turns the visibility of the smoke trail on after the missile hits it. The plane flys on for 8 seconds while the pilot tries to discover where he went wrong, and then KABLOOEY! Event#3 One Shot If Ground/Air Missile(11) hits A6E Intruder(1) And nothing And nothing Then explode Ground/Air Missile(11) And change Smoke(13)'s visibility to 1 And play 'Missile Explosion' on chan 2, vol= 4. And play 'Wait a minute...' on chan 1, vol= 4. And wait 8 seconds And explode A6E Intruder(1) And play 'Explosion #06' on chan 2, vol= 4. And kill Smoke(13) We hope this helps, you may need to play with the smoke trail even further in events to get it to twirl around behind an out of control aircraft. Our method here is only good if the plane doesn't change direction too much. Good luck fellow Stunt Islanders! Len & Dave ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunt Island Lesson #4: Realism in Set Design --------------------------------------------- Some people have been telling me there is no realism to Stunt Island. That couldn't be further from the truth. The realism is all in your imagination. If you visualize a scene in your head, and then sit down and logically plan it out in Set Design, you can create it. All I wanted to accomplish here was to get a Lockheed TR-1 to roll out of a hangar and onto the runway. I succeeded in doing that after about two hours of fiddling to get it just right. Then I spent another hour or two playing with other props, and animating several vehicles in my film. I think the results will demonstrate my point really well. It IS possible to achieve realism in Stunt Island sets. A short .FLM, .ALL and .SET files can be found in the file REALISM.ZIP on any of the Online Information Services listed in Appendix E that have download capabilities. Created by David Arnspiger, 1/29/93 File Name :SETS\REALISM.SET Printed at :Sat Jan 30 01:42:06 1993 Stunt Title :A TR-1 rolls out to runway. Initial Recorder :On First Take :220 Crash Penalty :180 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :18:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :90 Prop #1 Prop Name :Lockheed U2 Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :168878 E/W :50426 Altitude :4 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :156 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :168542 E/W :50711 Altitude :392 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #4 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :168878 E/W :50846 Altitude :57 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #5 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :On N/S :169299 E/W :46516 Altitude :92 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :180 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #6 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :On N/S :168598 E/W :48799 Altitude :32 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #7 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :168878 E/W :50426 Altitude :9 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #8 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :11 Zoom :1.58 Autozoom :On N/S :168485 E/W :48297 Altitude :119 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #10 Prop Name :Lockheed Tr1 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168540 E/W :50876 Altitude :4 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :270 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #11 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :169193 E/W :44292 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #12 Prop Name :E3 AWACS Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168563 E/W :47768 Altitude :12 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #13 Prop Name :E3 AWACS Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168558 E/W :48026 Altitude :12 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #14 Prop Name :Gas Truck Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168579 E/W :47803 Altitude :4 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :330 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :330 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #15 Prop Name :Pickup Truck Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168631 E/W :47631 Altitude :3 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #16 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48276 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #17 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48366 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #18 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48456 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #19 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48546 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #20 Prop Name :F86 Sabre Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48696 Altitude :5 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #21 Prop Name :F86 Sabre Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48756 Altitude :5 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #22 Prop Name :F86 Sabre Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48816 Altitude :5 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #23 Prop Name :F86 Sabre Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168600 E/W :48876 Altitude :5 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #24 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168683 E/W :47464 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :30 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #25 Prop Name :00120X00120 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168678 E/W :50264 Altitude :0 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #26 Prop Name :00120X00120 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168880 E/W :49285 Altitude :60 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #27 Prop Name :Humvee Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168377 E/W :49001 Altitude :5 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #28 Prop Name :00120X00120 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168640 E/W :49001 Altitude :0 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #29 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168753 E/W :44111 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #30 Prop Name :F4E Phantom Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168409 E/W :44095 Altitude :11 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :30 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #31 Prop Name :Jeep Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168491 E/W :44071 Altitude :4 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :30 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :30 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #32 Prop Name :Tank #2 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168727 E/W :43996 Altitude :4 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :30 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #33 Prop Name :US Rocket Launch. Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168752 E/W :43973 Altitude :3 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :330 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #34 Prop Name :Medic Truck Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168610 E/W :44236 Altitude :3 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :180 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #35 Prop Name :M.A.S.H Tent Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :168564 E/W :44254 Altitude :13 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #36 Prop Name :Bunker Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :169054 E/W :44219 Altitude :4 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :270 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #37 Prop Name :00120X00120 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :169193 E/W :47180 Altitude :60 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #38 Prop Name :Union Station Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :169460 E/W :46384 Altitude :49 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :180 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :180 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #39 Prop Name :Drive-In Theater Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :169485 E/W :46763 Altitude :74 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #40 Prop Name :Fire House Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :169399 E/W :46973 Altitude :25 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :180 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :180 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This first event starts the TR-1 moving out of it's hangar. Rather than using collision windows to test when I was at a certain point, I decided to use time statements and flags to demonstrate how to turn an object in a realistic manner. See the lesson on driving a car for other ideas. Event#1 One Shot If 3 seconds have elapsed And nothing And nothing Then change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s speed to 5 And wait 11 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to 7 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to 7 And wait 14 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And set flag #1 to 1 This event is my second turn onto the access road next to the runway. Event#2 One Shot If 1 seconds have elapsed And flag #1 = 1 And nothing Then wait 5 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to -8 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to -8 And wait 10 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And set flag #1 to 2 And do nothing This is my third turn onto the runway from the access road. Event#3 One Shot If 1 seconds have elapsed And flag #1 = 2 And nothing Then wait 6 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to 8 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to 8 And wait 10 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And set flag #1 to 3 And do nothing This is my final turn in behind the U2 waiting on the runway. I started the U2 down the runway for takeoff just as the TR-1 started this last turn by pressing 0 to accelerate. Event#4 One Shot If 1 seconds have elapsed And flag #1 = 3 And nothing Then wait 9 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to -8 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to -8 And wait 11 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And wait 8 seconds And change Lockheed Tr1(10)'s speed to 0 This event slows and stops the f4 Phantom I have driving down the access road towards the TR-1 as it taxis out to the runway. Event#5 One Shot If F4E Phantom(24) hits 00120X00120(25) And nothing And nothing Then wait 2 seconds And change F4E Phantom(24)'s acceleration to -5 And wait 6 seconds And change F4E Phantom(24)'s acceleration to 0 And change F4E Phantom(24)'s speed to 0 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing This was just to achieve some beauty shots of the U2. Event#6 One Shot If Lockheed U2(1) hits 00120X00120(26) And nothing And nothing Then change Camera#1(6)'s acceleration to 1 And wait 1 seconds And change Camera#1(6)'s zoom to 2.5 And wait 1 seconds And change Camera#1(6)'s zoom to -3.5 And wait 1 seconds And change Camera#1(6)'s zoom to -1.5 And do nothing This event animates a Humvee I have placed between two buildings. It will drive out to the access road. See next event. Event#7 One Shot If 30 seconds have elapsed And nothing And nothing Then change Humvee(27)'s acceleration to 1 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing This event tells the Humvee to turn, and head out onto the grass next to the runway. The driver probably wants to see a U2 take off up close. Event#8 One Shot If Humvee(27) hits 00120X00120(28) And nothing And nothing Then change Humvee(27)'s yaw anim to -45 And change Humvee(27)'s heading yaw anim to -45 And wait 1.5 seconds And change Humvee(27)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Humvee(27)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And wait 10 seconds And change Humvee(27)'s acceleration to 0 And change Humvee(27)'s speed to 0 This event causes a second Phantom on another runway to start accelerating for takeoff. Notice that this event relys on a totally unrelated object raching it's destination. I didn't want this jet to leave until the jet driving down the access road came to a complete stop at the other end. See next event. Event#9 One Shot If F4E Phantom(24) hits 00120X00120(25) And nothing And nothing Then change F4E Phantom(11)'s acceleration to 30 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing This last event changes the animation of the Phantom from the previous event to make it appear to take off. Event#10 One Shot If F4E Phantom(11) hits 00120X00120(37) And nothing And nothing Then change F4E Phantom(11)'s pitch anim to 1 And change F4E Phantom(11)'s heading pitch anim to 1 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunt Island Tutorial #5: Intercepting And Colliding With Another Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlos Ribas of Prodigy asked about having another aircraft hunt you down and ram into you. He was doing a set where the chasing aircraft had no weapons and had to ram the other aircraft. There are two ways to do this. The first method has you flying the lead aircraft, and you use events to have the chasing plane catch up to you and ram into you. As you will see, this does not achieve a realistic effect. When an aircraft SEEKs another, it proceeds in a straight line without any pitch or yaw. If you fly in a straight line without any twists or turns, you can achieve a fairly realistic scene, but who wants an action sequence without any twists and turns! Created by Dave Arnspiger, 2/9/93. File Name :SETS\FIND&HIT.SET Printed at :Tue Feb 09 10:14:10 1993 Stunt Title :Have an object ram you. Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :Curtis Jenny Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :100947 E/W :88178 Altitude :63 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :90 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :91 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :359 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is the chase aircraft, and to make sure it does as much animating towards your aircraft, turn it's Watch ON, and make sure it's watch object is your aircraft. This will ensure that it point towards your aircraft as it is ramming into it! It starts off in the FOLLOW method, and through the use of a collision window and events programming, I changed it to hunt down the aircraft in prop slot 1. Prop #9 Prop Name :Curtis Jenny Method :Follow Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Distance :639 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #10 Prop Name :18000X18000 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :100947 E/W :88928 Altitude :0 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This event tells the chase aircraft to switch it's method to FREE, and start accelerating towards the other aircraft. After I get it's speed and acceleration set, I change it's METHOD to SEEK and it's METHOD OBJECT to the aircraft in Prop Slot 1. The reason for setting the speed is that the aircraft was initially set to FOLLOW, and was using the SPEED of the aircraft in prop slot 1. When it is switched to FREE, it has no SPEED, so one must be set immediately in order for the plane to keep flying. Event#1 One Shot If Curtis Jenny(1) hits 18000X18000(10) And nothing And nothing Then change Curtis Jenny(9)'s method to Free And change Curtis Jenny(9)'s speed to 90 And change Curtis Jenny(9)'s acceleration to 2 And change Curtis Jenny(9)'s method to Seek And change Curtis Jenny(9)'s method obj to 1 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing I think the point of this next event is obvious. Since I used a collision window, I couldn't just set the planes to COLLIDEABLE and EXPLODEABLE. Event#2 One Shot If Curtis Jenny(9) hits Curtis Jenny(1) And nothing And nothing Then explode Curtis Jenny(1) And explode Curtis Jenny(9) And play 'Explosion#7' on chan 1, vol= 4. And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing In this version of the set, you are now flying the chase plane. It is up to you to hit the other plane. I didn't provide a lot of twists and turns in this one either since I am flying with a mouse temporarily, and it is hard to do a smooth bank with a mouse on my PC. You could use events to program the pursued aircraft to bank and turn and pitch up or down to look like it's trying to get away from you. That would add some realism to the stunt. It's up to you how you want that to look, just experiment a little with events and collision windows. File Name :SETS\FIND&HT2.SET Printed at :Tue Feb 09 10:15:14 1993 Stunt Title :Have an object ram you. #2 Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 In this set, there are no collision windows, so you can set EXPLODEABILTY ON for both aircraft so that they explode on impact. Prop #1 Prop Name :Fokker DR.1 Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :100947 E/W :88178 Altitude :64 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :90 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :25 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :9 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :41 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :11 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :9 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #9 Prop Name :Curtis Jenny Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :100947 E/W :88817 Altitude :63 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :80 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :On Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On I just threw in one event to make the lead Jenny pitch up a little as you pursue it. You could take this example a lot farther and really make the Jenny twist and turn to get away. Event#1 One Shot If 1 seconds have elapsed And nothing And nothing Then change Curtis Jenny(9)'s heading pitch to 2 And change Curtis Jenny(9)'s heading pitch anim to 2 And wait 3 seconds And change Curtis Jenny(9)'s heading pitch to 0 And change Curtis Jenny(9)'s heading pitch anim to 0 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#2 One Shot If Curtis Jenny(9) hits Fokker DR.1(1) And nothing And nothing Then play 'Explosion#7' on chan 1, vol= 4. And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunt Island Tutorial #6: Making A Car Turn A Corner ---------------------------------------------------- In response to the multiple requests we get about making a car turn a corner, I have prepared this tutorial. The portion you are concerned with is really only the first part, the rest was added to create a short .FLM to go with it! I hope this helps those of you doing driving stunts! For the complete .SET file and a short film made from this set, please download DRIVING.ZIP from any of the information services listed in Appendix E that provide download capabilities. File Name :SETS\DRIVING.SET Printed at :Mon Feb 22 20:20:21 1993 Stunt Title :How to make a car turn! Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Down Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 The Learjet is waiting at the terminal at LAX for the limo (Prop 10) to arrive at the terminal. Prop #1 Prop Name :Learjet 60 Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :57812 E/W :34639 Altitude :5 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This camera is a view from directly behind the limo as it drives. Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Attach Method Object :10 Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :30 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-8 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This camera provides an overhead view of the first turn. Prop #4 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :57165 E/W :36758 Altitude :92 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This camera provides an overhead view of the second turn. Prop #5 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Free Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :57462 E/W :36780 Altitude :92 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This camera is just for my film. Prop #6 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :10 Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :15 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-24 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :281 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is the limo that will drive from about a mile outside the airport, make two turns and pull up to a terminal at LAX. Prop #10 Prop Name :Limousine #2 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57152 E/W :38782 Altitude :3 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :60 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :270 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On All of the following collision windows are necessary to facilitate the turns along the highway into LAX. You will see how I used them in Events later on in this tutorial. Prop #11 Prop Name :00060X00060 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57160 E/W :36827 Altitude :30 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :90 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #12 Prop Name :00060X00060 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57227 E/W :36770 Altitude :30 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #13 Prop Name :00060X00060 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57462 E/W :36780 Altitude :30 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #14 Prop Name :00060X00060 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57526 E/W :36738 Altitude :0 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :135 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #15 Prop Name :00060X00060 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57582 E/W :36683 Altitude :30 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :299 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #16 Prop Name :00060X00060 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57579 E/W :34976 Altitude :0 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :90 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On The following props are just for my movie....but you never know if they might be interesting to someone! Prop #17 Prop Name :Bad Guy Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57598 E/W :34723 Altitude :3 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :270 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #18 Prop Name :00030X00030 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :57680 E/W :34735 Altitude :15 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On As the limo performs each of the following events, it will appear to turn along the road to LAX. This first event tells the limo to make a 90 degree turn to the right. Event#1 One Shot If Limousine #2(10) hits 00060X00060(11) And nothing And nothing Then change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw anim to 90 And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw anim to 90 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing This event was kind of a pain, since I had to adjust the position of Prop #12 until the car made the full turn. You could actually have better results if you used a time statement to wait long enough for the car to have turned 90 degrees, and then perform everything in the THEN stement. I had a slight problem getting the car straight after the turn, so since it was heading north anyway, I just changed it's HEADING YAW and YAW to 0 which is due north in Stunt Island. That made the car appear to drive straight. Event#2 One Shot If Limousine #2(10) hits 00060X00060(12) And nothing And nothing Then change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw to 0 And change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw to 0 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing These next three events cause the limo to make the slightly more complex turn towards the terminal. Since this turn is a radius, rather than a corner, I placed collision windows at point along the curve and made the limo turn as smoothly as I could. I think it looks pretty good. Again, in Event 5 I had trouble getting the car straight, so I simply changed the Heading Yaw and Yaw to 270, which was the new direction for the limo. Event#3 One Shot If Limousine #2(10) hits 00060X00060(13) And nothing And nothing Then change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw anim to -50 And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw anim to -50 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#4 One Shot If Limousine #2(10) hits 00060X00060(14) And nothing And nothing Then change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Event#5 One Shot If Limousine #2(10) hits 00060X00060(15) And nothing And nothing Then change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw anim to -80 And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw anim to -80 And wait 0.6 seconds And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw to 270 And change Limousine #2(10)'s heading yaw anim to 0 And change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw anim to 0 And change Limousine #2(10)'s yaw to 270 And do nothing This event was for my movie, but demonstrates a neat principal. I needed the limo to slow down and stop in front of the terminal. The car is travelling at 60 Mph throughout the stunt. So, I used this event to tell the limo that when it hits the collision window in Prop Slot 16, to start slowing down by 10 miles per second. Then, after six seconds, I simply change SPEED and ACCELERATION to 0 and I get a nice smooth slowdown and stop right in front of the terminal. I figured the placement of the collision window by trail and error. Event#6 One Shot If Limousine #2(10) hits 00060X00060(16) And nothing And nothing Then change Limousine #2(10)'s acceleration to -10 And wait 6 seconds And change Limousine #2(10)'s acceleration to 0 And change Limousine #2(10)'s speed to 0 And set flag #1 to 1 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing These events were just for my film. Event#7 One Shot If 1 seconds have elapsed And flag #1 = 1 And nothing Then change Bad Guy(17)'s visibility to 1 And change Bad Guy(17)'s yaw anim to 1 And wait 3 seconds And change Bad Guy(17)'s yaw to 0 And change Bad Guy(17)'s speed to 3 And change Camera#1(6)'s watch obj to 17 And do nothing And do nothing Event#8 One Shot If Bad Guy(17) hits 00030X00030(18) And nothing And nothing Then change Bad Guy(17)'s heading yaw to 359 And change Bad Guy(17)'s heading yaw anim to -1 And wait 3 seconds And kill Bad Guy(17) And change Camera#1(6)'s watch obj to 1 And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing This should give you some ideas on how to make a vehicle turn. It all has to do with two features, Heading Yaw Animation and Yaw Animation. By figuring the types of angles you are turning at, aand the speed you are going to turn at you can make any object appear to turn smoothly and realistically! I hope this has helped! Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tutorial #7: Heat Seeking Missiles This is a pretty simple tutorial. However it is also one of the most requested items from our users. I hope this brief tutorial will help some of you to solve your difficulties with this type of set. For a short .FLM and the .SET file, download HEATSEEK.ZIP from any of the online services in Appendix E that have download capability. File Name :SETS\HEATSEEK.SET Printed at :Tue Feb 23 11:13:13 1993 Stunt Title :User Initial Recorder :On First Take :600 Crash Penalty :1260 Equipment Status :Gear Up Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :15:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :Gun Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :600 Prop #1 Prop Name :A10 Thunderbolt Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :53136 E/W :105638 Altitude :1205 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :300 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :52 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :23 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :297 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This camera sits just behind and right of my sidewinder missile. This allows a neat camera view of the missile in flight to it's target. Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Follow Method Object :10 Watch :On Watch Object :9 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :9 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :3 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :347 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #4 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :9 Watch :On Watch Object :10 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :43 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-10 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :9 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #9 Prop Name :Hawk Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :69303 E/W :105638 Altitude :1205 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :0 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :240 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On I have the missile attatched to the A-10 just below it's left wing. You need to use an Event to change the missile to SEEK the Hawk in prop slot 9. Prop #10 Prop Name :Sidewinder Method :Attach Method Object :1 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Distance :9 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :15 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :61 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Here is my event to control the flight of the missile. After I have fired 40 shots from my guns, the missile is fired. I change it's METHOD to SEEK, and it's METHOD OBJECT to 9, the Hawk. In order to get a fairly realistic looking launch, I had to increase the missile's speed to 1000, and have it accelerate by 200 miles per second. I let it do this for 3 seconds to reach 1600 Mph, and then I stop the accelleration. Event#1 One Shot If weapon count = 40 And nothing And nothing Then change Sidewinder(10)'s method to Seek And change Sidewinder(10)'s method obj to 9 And change Sidewinder(10)'s speed to 1000 And change Sidewinder(10)'s acceleration to 200 And play 'Missile Fire' on chan 1, vol= 4. And wait 3 seconds And change Sidewinder(10)'s acceleration to 0 And change Sidewinder(10)'s speed to 1600 This one makes it all go BOOM! Event#2 One Shot If Sidewinder(10) hits Hawk(9) And nothing And nothing Then explode Hawk(9) And explode Sidewinder(10) And play 'Explosion#7' on chan 1, vol= 4. And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing And do nothing Good luck! I hope this helps! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tutorial #8: Making Cameras Pan Around Objects Some users on GENIE were wondering about how to get a camera to pan around another object while it's moving. Here is their solution, I took some liberties in order to demonstrate the idea here, but the credit goes to Tod Hagan (T.HAGAN) of GEnie. File Name :SETS\SPINPAN.SET Printed at :Tue Feb 23 12:20:33 1993 Stunt Title :User Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Up Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :Junkers 87D Stuka Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :145368 E/W :109783 Altitude :96 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :180 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :300 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :84 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :71 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On This is the camera that will pan around the Stuka as it flies. The key to doing this is to set your camera to SPOT the STUKA (or whatever object you want filmed). Once you have it positioned for the proper view, then press the ANIM button and adjust the OFFSET YAW ANIM setting to make the camera yaw around the aircraft at the distance you set it from the aircraft. This provides a nice effect for a film. Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :60 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-29 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :-9 Visible :On Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keith Heitmann's Tutorial #1 ---------------------------- A Simple Stunt Island Tutorial: If you are like me and new to Stunt Island, you are more than likely a bit bewildered with the complexity of the program and are itching to create your own sets. However, you are probably having a few difficulties understanding exactly how to make props behave the way you would like them to. For me, it was a problem of making a prop that was in motion turn a 90 degree corner smoothly. Unfortunately, the manual isn't much help on actual "how to's" beyond the one example they show and it didn't have any moving props except for the Bonanza you flew. Even animating the one police car answered this simple question. After some experimentation and multiple tries, I've finally accomplished this simple task and will endevour to pass this information along to you all with informaton that I learned in the process. I will explain, to the best of my ability, how the settings I use work and why they work that way in layman's terms. For this tutorial, I will be making on A-10 taxi a short distance, turn slowly 90 degrees to the left, taxi further and then turn another 90 degrees to the left, wait three seconds, begin to roll down the runway, accelerating, and then at a set point I will have the plane take off and continue to climb at a steady speed. The plane you as the "user" will be in will actually be plane number 2 behind this computer controlled prop so you can observe the action. There will be seven cameras used for this simple set. Also several collision windows will be set and sound effects will be used throughout. The setup: Global setting left untouched and all set for defaults. Prop #1: A-10 Thunderbolt No Anim or Watch settings. N/S setting: 55799 E/W setting: 28725 Method: Face Altitude: 5 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 Yaw: 270 Speed: 0 Visible on Collision off Shadow on Prop #2: Spotter Plane Method: Spot Method Object: 1 Watch: On Watch Object: 1 Zoom: 1 Autozoom: off Distance: 160 No Anim settings Offset Pitch: -14 Collision off Offset Yaw: 180 Shadow off Visible, Explosion, Locked off. Prop #3: Camera#1 Method: Follow Method Object: 12 Watch: Off No Anim or Watch settings Zoom: 1 Collision, Shadow off Distance: 88 Offset Pitch: -11 Offset Yaw: 0 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #4: Camera#1 Method: Free Watch object: 12 Watch: On Autozoom: On Zoom: 1 Acceleration: 0 N/S setting: 55410 No Anim settings E/W setting: 28300 Collision, Shadow off Altitude: 31 Speed: 0 Heading pitch & yaw: 0 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #5: Camera#1 Method: Free Watch Object: 12 Watch: On Autozoom: On Zoom: 1 Acceleration: 0 N/S setting: 55896 No Anim settings E/W setting: 28354 Collison, Shadow off Altitude: 98 Speed: 0 Heading pitch & yaw: 0 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #6: Camera#1 Method: Free Watch Object: 12 Watch: On Autozoom: On Zoom: 1.5 Acceleration: 0 N/S setting: 55107 No Anim settings E/W setting: 32136 Collision, Shadow off Altitude: 10 Speed: 0 Heading pitch & yaw: 0 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #7: Camera#1 Method: Spot Method Object: 1 Watch: On Watch Object: 1 Zoom: 2 Autozoom: On Distance: 161 No Anim settings Offset Pitch: -3 Collision, Shadow off Offset Yaw: 359 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #11: 120x120 (collision window) Method: Free Watch: Off No Anim or Watch settings N/S setting: 55809 Collision ON E/W setting: 28360 Altitude: 0 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 Yaw: 270 Speed: 0 Heading pitch and yaw: 0 Visible off Prop #12: A-10 Thunderbolt Mehod: Face No Anim or Watch settings Watch: Off Collision ON N/S setting: 55802 Shadow ON E/W setting: 28544 Altitude: 5 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 Yaw: 270 Speed: 10 Visible on Explosion, Locked off Prop #13: Sphere 00006r Method: Attach Method Object: 12 Watch: Off No Anim or Watch settings Distance: 22 Collision ON Offset pitch: 0 Shadow off Offset yaw: 180 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #14: 120x120 (collision window) Method: Free No Anim or Watch settings Watch: Off Collision ON N/S setting: 55438 Shadow off E/W setting: 28367 Altitude: 0 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 Yaw: 180 Speed: 0 Heading pitch & yaw: 0 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #15: 500x500 (collision window) Method: Free No Anim or Watch settings Watch: Off Collision ON N/S setting: 55443 Shadow off E/W setting: 28610 Altitude: 0 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 Yaw: 270 Speed: 0 Heading pitch & yaw: 0 Visible, Explosion, Locked off Prop #16: 500x500 (collision window) Method: Free No Anim or Watch settings Watch: Off Collision ON N/S setting: 55439 Shadow off E/W setting: 32142 Altitude: 0 Pitch: 0 Roll: 0 Yaw: 270 Speed: 0 Heading pitch & yaw: 0 Visible, Explosion, Locked off That is it for the props. Now before I go any further, I'll describe the general setup given in the prop settings. The set takes place at the western end of the island at the large airport. Props #12 and #1, the A-10s, will be at the western end of runway 9 Left facing 270 degrees West, with prop #12 ahead of prop #1 by a short distance. A sphere has been attached to the nose of the lead A-10, prop #12. The Offset yaw of 180 degrees turns the direction 180 degrees in the opposite direction when you start adding to the DISTANCE setting. This moves the sphere to the left (270) instead of the right which would put the sphere at the tail instead of the nose. The sphere doesn't actually have to be touching the plane to work. However for finer control of the planes movement it should touch the nose of the plane and setting the distance to 22 feet is a good point to place the sphere on the nose of the lead A-10 (prop #12). Since prop #1 (A-10) is controlled by you, no sphere is needed, but one could be placed to trigger automatic events and sound effects. For this example and tutorial I choose to leave it out for simplicity sake. The sphere on attached to the nose of prop #12 will trigger some automatic events that the computer will control such as turning, sound effects, and the actual liftoff from the runway. The sphere has its collision setting ON. If it did not it would be incapable of triggering the automatic events when it collides with a collision window. Prop #11 is the 120x120 collision window and is placed at mid-point of the taxi way that runs north and south at the end of the two major runways. The window is placed directly ahead of the two A-10s. It is set so that the window faces the A-10s, a setting of 270 is used but 90 will work the same. The window won't move, and is set to be invisible during the actual shooting of the set. It will remain visible during the entire setup of the set we are building. The window has its collsions setting ON. This is required for making automatic events and sounds occur by means of one of the events in the event program when it is contacted by a selected prop that is also has its collisions setting turned on. So remember to set the collision window's and the prop that is going to contact that window collision settings to ON. Prop #12 will begin to move forward at a heading of 270 degrees the direction it is facing as soon as the take is begun. Since this prop is set for a setting of FACE it will continue to move straight ahead in whatever direction the prop is pointing. In this case the nose of the plane is consider the FACE so it will move ahead at a heading of 270 degrees. It will not stop unless you have it set to stop, explode, collides, or be killed off by its prop settings and the events program. It will also react to a collision with a collision window to carry out some other action that is set in the events program. Our event program will have the aircraft turn to the left when it contacts the collision window via the sphere that is attached to the nose of the A-10 (prop #12). The use of a sphere just ensures that a large enough object is available to contact the collision window. One could more than likely just set the A-10 itself for the collision and react with contact with the collision window for this simple tutorial, but it is better to get used to using spheres for such things so you have the experience of setting them up for use in more detailed event programs. Prop #14 is a 120x120 collision window that is place on the taxiway at the west end of runway 9 right. It is set so that it is directly in the path any aircraft that is on a heading of 180 (south) from the taxiway to the the north of its position. The window is turned so that it has a yaw of 180, but a yaw of 360 could be used. This window is place at a point that intersects the middle of runway 9 right, so when the plane collides with this window, the A-10 (prop #12) will make a left turn again and line itself up on the center stripe of runway 9 right. Prop #15 is a 500x500 collision window. This prop is a bit oversized, but it makes it easy for a plane that is slightly off the mark to still collide with it. It is placed just short of the white dots on the west end of runway 9 right. When prop #12 hits this window, it will come to a halt, wait a few seconds, as if doing a last second check and getting takeoff clearance, then it will accelerate down the runway with the appropriate sound effects. Prop #16 is another 500x500 collision window. This prop is placed about 1/2 way down the runway giving prop #12 a good takeoff run down the runway before the next action is to take place. When prop #12 hits this window it will change it pitch and lift off the runway and trigger other things in the event program. You in prop #1 can taxi along behind #12. You will start the take withou any power and a speed of zero. You should wait until the lead A-10 makes its turn at the end of your runway and is heading south before you start engines. To maintain a safe distance, tap the plus key '+' three times. This should give you a speed of 12 mph for a nice slow but easily controlled taxi. Make your turns and get positioned behind the lead A-10. Hit your brakes and wait. When the lead A-10 goes, hit zero '0' and release the brakes. That is the general action that will take place during this set/take. All the actions of the lead A-10 will be completely controlled by the functions of the collision windows, the sphere, and the events program. We'll get into the events program a bit later on, but first I'll discuss the cameras just a bit. Prop #1, while it is not actually a "camera" it does have recording capability. It will be #1 on the camera deck in the editing room. This view is the pilots view of the second A-10 in this tutorial. Prop #2 is the spotter plane view and #2 on the camera deck in the editing room. Normally this starts out behind the user's vehicle, prop #1. You can change the angle of the view by changing the altitude, yaw, and pitch. This angle can also be changed manually durin flight, but pressing F6 and then moving the mouse or joystick around to a new viewing angle. This new angle will be recorded as it is being moved so be gentle! Prop #3 is a camera this tutorial is setup to ride above and behind prop #12 the lead A-10 like a spotter plane for that prop. It will follow along directly behind that prop and remain in position as the prop moves along the ground and in the air. It is camera three in the editing room. Prop #4 is another camera, that is set in a fixed position at an altitude of 31 feet above the ground at the west end of runway 9 right, the runway to the south of the one you and prop #12 start on. This camera is setup to WATCH prop #12. It will focus on the lead A-10 as the take starts and follow it through the first turn and its second and all the way down the runway and into the air. This prop will not move. It is camera fourin the editing room. Prop #5 is a camera setup at the west end of runway 9 left. However, it is set in a position to the north of the end of that runway instead of directly at the end of 9 left. It is set to WATCH prop #12 and will follow the plane through its first turn at a closer angle and then watch it through the rest of the take from that fixed position. This will be camera number five on the deck in the editing room. Prop #6 is a camera place halfway down runway 9 right, the takeoff runway, near prop #16 the last collision window. It will be too far away to actually see prop #12 at the start of the take, but it will follow its progress as the plane goes through its paces. It's main purpose is to catch the lead A-10, prop #12, as it takes off so you can see how the collison window works at this point. It too is fixed and will not move except to pan along as prop #12 streaks past it on the runway and into the air. It will be camera number six on the deck in the editing room. Prop #7 is set to WATCH prop #1, your plane. It is set at a point out ahead and looking back at your plane. This camera will move with your plane as it taxis, rolls down the runway, and finally takes off. It will be camera number seven on the deck in the editing room. Now that we have all the props and cameras placed and I've given you an idea of what is going to happen in general terms, we are ready to make it come to life via the event programmer. This will not be a very complex program, so don't worry. I'm not that advanced in this program myself just yet. No doubt there will be other ways of accomplishing the same things I explain in my event program for this set. I don't claim this is the only way to do it, but it is the way that I did it to make it work for me. The trickiest part of this whole set for me was getting the lead A-10 to make its turns at the proper point and end up where I wanted it to be. I was having problems with getting the plane to make its 90 degree turn. I kept playing around with yaw, yaw anim, heading yaw, heading anim yaw settings without much luck. So I went back to the drawing board, and changed the lead A-10s method to FACE instead of FREE. At least with a setting of FACE the plane would head in the direction it was pointed instead of sliding off sideways to the North as I was experiencing previously. The next trick was finding a way to make it turn the required angle and head down the taxiway at the west end of the two runways. I tried using several methods and only two worked. I have incorporated both methods in this tutorial so you can see for yourself how they work and what they look like. One method looks much nicer than the other. I originally used one method for both turns but they were rather "choppy" in appearance. I played with the anim yaw setting, but ended up with a plane that spun around in place in a flat spin without heading south on the taxi way. I had to figure out how to get the plane to turn then stop turning and then head south. I'll get get into that in moment. The first method, was simply a matter of having prop #12 run into the collision window with its attached sphere and then simply turn 90 degrees and head south. This worked, but the plane didn't look natural, because it spun so quickly in place. I used a line in my event program that orginally looked like this: IF 00120x00120(11) hits Sphere 00006r(13) THEN change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw to 180 I used a similar line to make the plane turn left again on to runway 9 right when it hit the second collision window. Not very natural or asthetically pleasing. So I tried a different method. Instead of having the plane turn all 90 degrees at once, I broke it into two segments of 45 degrees. To make the plane turn in two segments I changed the event to read: IF 00120x00120(11) hits Sphere 00006r(13) THEN change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw to 220 AND WAIT 1 seconds AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw to 180 Better but still too choppy and too fast and it didn't look natural at all. So if two was better then I reasoned three should be best. I changed the event to: IF 00120x00120(11) hits Sphere 00006r(13) THEN change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw to 230 AND WAIT 1 seconds AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw to 200 AND WAIT 1 seconds AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw to 180 Again, it was better but not smooth like one would expect. And the turns were still pretty abrupt. I tried playing with the heading anim yaw and others, but ran into the spinning plane problem. But then I finally figured it out, or at least a method that I found to work for me and I thought looked good. I changed the event to read: IF 00120x00120(11) hits Sphere 00006r(13) THEN wait 1 seconds THEN change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw anim to -45 AND WAIT 1.4 seconds AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw anim to 0 AND WAIT 1 seconds AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw anim to -45 AND WAIT 0.5 seconds AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s yaw anim to 0 This is EVENT #1 in your event program. This event waits for the collision window directly ahead of the lead A-10 to contact the sphere attached to its nose. This triggers the event timer to wait 1 second, then turn prop #12, the A-10, to turn to the left (indicated by the minus sign) 45 degrees. It waits one point four tenths seconds and makes the yaw anim 0 degrees. This stops the spin. Then it waits one second and turns the plane to the left another 45 degrees for one half second to complete the turn. The number of seconds was adusted to make the plane end up centered in the taxiway heading directly south. It took a few attempts of trial and error to get the correct value to use for the delays. The placement of the collision window itself will play a major roll in determining how much delay to include with the WAIT command. These are the values that I found to work the best for me in this tutorial. Now that we have event one programmed for a nice smooth turn, we'll use the older cruder method for the turn at the second collision window so you can see for yourself how it looks in comparison. Event #2: IF 00120x00120(14) hits Sphere 00006r(13) THEN change A10 Thundebolt(12)'s yaw to 155 AND WAIT 1 seconds AND change A10 Thundebolt(12)'s yaw to 120 AND WAIT 1 seconds AND change A10 Thundebolt(12)'s yaw to 90 This even will turn the aircraft in the lead position from the its heading south on the taxiway at the west end of runway 9 right onto the runway at a position that should line it up on the center line of the runway itself. It will roll forward until it hits the next collision window at a point just beyond the multiple stripes and runway number and just before the small white hold position spots on the west end of runway 9 right. This collision window is prop #15. Event #3: IF 00120x00120(15) hits Sphere 00006r(13) THEN change A10 Thundebolt(12)'s speed to 0 AND WAIT 3 seconds AND change A10 Thundebolt(12)'s acceleration to 5 AND play 'Taxiing Jet #2' on chan 1, vol=3. AND WAIT 5 seconds AND play 'Jet Idle' on chan 1, vol=3, and loop. This event stops the prop #12, the lead A-10, at a point just at the hold spots on the runway for 3 seconds to simulate a last second check before takeoff. The plane's acceration code is set to 5, which will increase the speed of the plane at 5 mph per second as it rolls down the runway. At the same time, the sound effect is played to simulate the jet engines spooling up to full power for takeoff on channel 1, but at volume 3, because the sound should be muted a bit because you are observing it from inside your cockpit. After letting the sound effect of the jet engine screaming to life runs for 5 seconds, the sound effect is switch to one that I prefer to use for all jets running down the runway or in flight, since it is a steady sound without fade- ins or fade-outs. Again it is muted by using volume level 3 and set to LOOP for a continous sound. You will also note that all prop #12 sounds are fed through channel 1, your aircraft sounds is simulated by another event on channel 2. This gives you overlapping sound effects. Now that prop #12 is on its way down the runway, we just have to make it liftoff the runway. To get the plane off the runway once it reaches the right spot, we have to program event #4. Event #4: IF 00500x00500(16) hits Sphere 00006r(13) THEN play 'Jet Takeoff #2' on chan 1, vol= 2. AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s speed to 230 AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s pitch anim to 5 AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s heading pitch to 5 AND play 'Jet Idle' on chan 1, vol= 2, and loop. AND wait 3 seconds AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s pitch anim to 0 AND change A10 Thunderbolt(12)'s heading pitch to 0 This event waits for the leadig A-10 to hit the collision window halfway down the runway. When it does, the takeoff sound effect is played on channel 1 at a low volume, since this plane is at a distance from you now. The planes speed is set to 230 mph at this point. The planes graphics are set to change direction in +5 degree climb and its path in the direction of its travel is also increased by +5 degrees to get the plane off the runway and climing into the air. This pitch slowly increases by +5 degrees, to stop this from becoming a loop at the far end of the runway, you must wait a short period of time (3 seconds here) then change the two settings to zero '0'. This will keep the plane in a steeper climbout than it took off at but it will prevent the plane from going into a complete loop. The plane will continue to climb out towards the east and clear the mountain peak at the east end of runway 9 right with a margin to spare. Now all we need to do is give your plane and the prop #12 some sound when the take starts to simulate taxiing planes. This is handled in event #5. Event #5: IF 0.2 seconds have elapsed THEN play 'Taxiing Jet #1' on chan 1, vol= 3, and loop. AND play 'Jet Idle' on chan 2, vol= 1, and loop. The first sound supplies the jet engine sounds for the lead A10 while it taxiis to the takeoff window, where a new sound will be played by event #3. The sound on channel two will be muted because you are listening to your own engine through your cockpit and sounds behind you tend to be a bit softer anyway. That's it folks all done! I hope this explains how some of the things work in the set designer. If I make any more discoveries I may do another tutorial in the future. You should be able to duplicate this entire set and get identical results. I hope this helps someone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith Heitmann's Tutorial #2 ---------------------------- Stunt Island Tutorial #2 - Making a guided weapon: In this simple tutorial I'll explain how to make a guided weapon, in this case a missile fired by your plane. The fired missile will lock on and track the target aircraft, which is a Tupolev Tu-95 "Bear". There is one limitation added to this tutorial and that is that you must be beyond a certain fixed point roughly halfway between the two starting points before you can fire your weapon. I'll try to explain all these following steps in layman's terms so they are easy to follow and understand. I'll also point out a couple of options that you can incorporate yourself to automate things just a bit and a couple of options you have for determining the firing range. The setup: File Name :SETS\TEMP.SET Printed at :Tue Dec 08 06:40:24 1992 Stunt Title :User Initial Recorder :On First Take :0 Crash Penalty :0 Equipment Status :Gear Up Flaps Up Brakes Off Time of Day :12:00 Init Play View :Pilot w/Cockpit Init Camera View :1 Initial Weapon :None Maximum Takes :99 Take Penalty :0 Prop #1 Prop Name :F16C Falcon Method :Face Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off N/S :31607 E/W :227 Altitude :9000 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :60 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :600 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #2 Prop Name :Spotter Plane Method :Spot Method Object :1 Watch :On Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :160 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-14 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #3 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Follow Method Object :12 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :217 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-15 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #4 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :12 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Pitch :4 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :331 Yawing Anim :0 Distance :128 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :-6 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :91 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #5 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Follow Method Object :20 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Distance :17 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :22 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #6 Prop Name :Camera#1 Method :Spot Method Object :12 Watch :Off Watch Object :12 Zoom :1 Autozoom :Off Pitch :4 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :130 Yawing Anim :0 Distance :314 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :255 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #11 Prop Name :00060X00020 Method :Follow Method Object :1 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Distance :1 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :180 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #12 Prop Name :Tupolev 142 Bear Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :41005 E/W :8483 Altitude :9000 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :60 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :300 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :On Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #13 Prop Name :18000X18000 Method :Free Watch :Off Watch Object :1 N/S :38127 E/W :5368 Altitude :0 Pitch :0 Pitch Anim :0 Roll :0 Roll Anim :0 Yaw :41 Yawing Anim :0 Speed :0 Acceleration :0 Heading Pitch :0 Heading Pitch Anim :0 Heading Yaw :0 Heading Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #16 Prop Name :Sphere 00075r Method :Attach Method Object :12 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Distance :0 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :0 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :On Explosion :Off Shadow :Off Locked :Off Placed :On Prop #20 Prop Name :AIM-7 Sparrow Method :Attach Method Object :1 Watch :Off Watch Object :1 Distance :0 Distance Anim :0 Offset Pitch :0 Offset Pitch Anim :0 Offset Yaw :46 Offset Yaw Anim :0 Visible :Off Collision :Off Explosion :Off Shadow :On Locked :Off Placed :On Both aircraft start offshore of the large airport near the west part of the island. Since these are the major props these are visible, and collision is turned on for both of these props. The sphere is attached to the Tu-95 (prop#12) and will serve to trigger the event program when the missile (prop#20) strikes it at any point. The sphere's visibility is turned off so it is not seen or filmed. However, it remains visible in the set designer at all times. All cameras have their visibility turned off as do the two collision windows, since these are merely production tools and not something you want to actually see in the finished process. You may have noticed that the missile (prop#20) has most its settings at the bottom turned "off", i.e., visibility, collision, explode. All except the shadow. This is so the missile remains invisible until fired. It also prevents it from exploding from having contact with your fighter. An explosion won't hurt your plane, since it is not set to explode in the event program nor in its own settings, but having the missile explode as the take starts removes it from use and spoils the cameral shots of your fighter. The shadow is left on, so that when fired it will have a shadow, but since the missile is pretty well hidden by your plane its shadow is hidden by the shadow of your own plane before it is fired. The next thing you will note is that there is a collision window (prop#11) actually attached to your aircraft! The reason for this is to intercept those "stupid" missiles fired by your plane when the weapons selector is set to fire missiles. Although I didn't try it, it may even do the same thing for the guns. This effectively makes them harmless. Placing this collision window where I did, keeps the "stupid" missiles from assuming a normal flight path ahead of your plane. All you will see is a flash when they are fired. This is due to the fact that they are detonating on the attached collision window. As specified by one of the events in the event program. This flash can also be used to enhance the illusion of your "smart" missile being fired. Prop #13 is the second collison window, 18000x18000 in size. This window determines if the F-16 has approached within the specified distance you want the user to be at before he can successfully launch his missile. This collision between this window and the F-16 is checked for in the event program. Any attempt to fire the weapons before you contact this window results in a failure. The second collision window (prop#13) is stationary. For a more sophisticated method you can attach a huge sphere to either plane, and when the sphere contacts the opposite plane in the tutorial it allows you to fire weapons succussfully. Spheres do to their nature are not a good choice for realism however. Since a sphere is round it allows you to make contact at any angle. You could actually be above the target plane and be allowed to fire a weapon successfully. A better and more reailist prop to use would be a huge collision window attached to your plane, much like prop #11 is attach to your plane, but in this case this window would be placed at a distance from your plane, say at maximum distance allowed 999 feet. This window would be set to collide, but not be visible and no shadow. It would be place ahead of your plane, so that you would actually would have to be facing the target plane before you could fire. 999 feet is a bit close though, so a second prop could be used. As described above a huge sphere could be placed around the target plane. The radius of the sphere if it is big enough and the distance the collision window is from your plane would give you a more realistic distance to fire from. The use of the sphere would allow the fixed collision window to make contact with it from any angle, while the window itself would limit you to facing the target. An event would have to be programmed that checked for a collision between the window and the sphere and allow the firing of the missile, either by setting a flag or modifying one. As stated, I kept the actual setup simple and did not use these methods. I also kept the event program simple by not having the program check to see if the plane was facing the target when the missile if fired. With this tutorial, the event program only checks to make sure that you contacted the fixed window at least one time. If you have then you can fire your missile even if you are not heading for the target. However, the missile, prop#20, will only "seek" in the direction it is facing when launched, so in a sense you do have to face the target aircraft in order to destroy it. Props set to "seek" will head in the direction they are facing and then when arriving at the sought prop it will circle it endlessly. So you have to "kill" the missile after you set it to explode on the target, and the target will have to be set to "kill" after being struck. I tried using just "explode" and the Tu-95 still remained in view after the explosion. Event program: Event#1 One Shot If AIM-7 Sparrow(20) hits Sphere 00075r(16) And nothing And nothing Then explode Tupolev 142 Bear(12) And change Sphere 00075r(16)'s method to Free And play 'Explosion#7' on chan 2, vol= 4. And kill AIM-7 Sparrow(20) And wait 5 seconds And fade to 0% And finish - success This event checks to see if the sphere attached to the target and the missile (prop#20) have collided. It then explodes the target prope, plays an explosion, and kills the graphic of the missile. It then waits 5 seconds, fades to black and exits to a success message. Event#2 One Shot If weapon count = 1 And nothing And nothing Then change AIM-7 Sparrow(20)'s visibility to 1 And change AIM-7 Sparrow(20)'s speed to 1500 And play 'Missile Fire' on chan 2, vol= 4. And wait 2 seconds And change AIM-7 Sparrow(20)'s method to Seek And change AIM-7 Sparrow(20)'s method obj to 12 And change AIM-7 Sparrow(20)'s collideability to 1 This even checks the weapon count to see if a weapon has been fired. If it has it changes the weapon's visibility to ON, changes the speed of the weapon to 1500 mph, plays the weapon firing sound, waits two seconds to change it from an "attach" to a "seek" prop to enable it to find the target aircraft on its own, which is set in the following line with the method obj line, and then it finally sets its collideability to "on" so it can actually collide with the sphere around the target plane. This event is what makes the missile "smart". Event#3 One Shot If Any Weapon hits 00060X00020(11) And nothing And nothing Then kill 1st Object This event's only purpose is to check for any weapon hitting that attached collision window to your aircraft. This is what kills the "stupid" missiles as they are fired and gives you the "flash" effect as they explode. Event#4 One Shot If 18000X18000(13) hits F16C Falcon(1) And nothing And nothing Then set flag #1 to 1 This event's purpose is to check to see if the Falcon has hit the large collision window and sets a flag to 1 if it has. Flag 1 doesn't actually do anything, but something was needed in the THEN spot. Event#5 One Shot If weapon count = 1 And event #4 hasnt happened And nothing Then set flag #0 to 0 And finish - too early This is the event that cuts to a failure message when you fire a weapon before you reach the large collision window in event 4. This simple tutorial did not take into account the use of guns instead of missile, but I suspect that it will function in the same manner as the event program makes no distinction between missiles and guns. I'm not even sure that the missile (prop#20) won't fire when you select guns. More event programming will have to be incorporated should you desire that the guns not be used, but it is nothing that I'm going to go into here and now. Well, that's it for this little tutorial. I kept it pretty simple, and it may have a number of holes like I explained but my main purpose was to show you how to get a weapon to seek out a specified target. Camera angles can also be triggered by the collision windows as long as you don't choose "NO" when asked if you want use autoedit when you start Stunt Island. I hope this helps someone out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 8: Post Production - Editing and Special Effects -------------------------------------------------------- CORRECTION TO PAGE 135; PARAGRAPH 4 When you use the Audio option to put audio on a segment of footage, it actually places a single mark at the start of the marked footage, rather than marking the entire footage with audio. That's why you can't start the mark for Audio at 00:00.00. The program needs to encounter the mark as the film runs, so that mark must occur no sooner than 00:02.00 for it to be recognized. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .ALL Files ---------- Let's take a look at .ALL files. Most of the users of Stunt Island do not seem to understand their function or importance. If you import your own VOC files into the program for sound effects, you need to use .ALL files. If you want to share your films with other users, you need to use .ALL files. Some users have taken to including their USERSND*.SMP files with their films when they upload them so that other users can place these files in their \STUNTISL\RES subdirectory to get the same sounds. The problem with this method is that potential viewers who don't own the program can't use the film due to the lack of an .ALL file. The second part of the problem is that users will have to temporarily replace their own USERSND*.SMP files with yours every time they want to see your film. The purpose of the .ALL file is to hold all of the relevant sound effects and resources related to your film. It is mostly sound effects. By creating an .ALL file, you allow any user with the full program or just the player utility to enjoy the film you worked so hard to put together in the way that you intended it to be viewed. There have been complaints from people who don't want to buy the program, but would like to view your films. They feel left out. The point of the film making aspect of the game is for you to be able to share your films with other people who would like to see them, not to limit it to those who already have the program. Cmon, you owe it to your public, make the .ALL file! One suggestion if you are uploading to the Disney BBS. If you have only used default sounds included originally with the program, just upload the film and tell me, and I will make the .ALL file. That will save on some upload time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: Can I add my own .VOC files and use them as sound effects in Stunt Island? A: Yes. Any .VOC file of less than 120K (122,880 bytes) can be imported into Stunt Island and used as a sound effect in your films via the ADDSOUND utility that was included with the program. Q: I get a "Block Unreadable" message when I try to edit anything. Is this a bug? A: First, make sure you have the section you are editing correctly marked. It must have a beginning and an end. If the problem persists, please see the Customer Service section for information on what we need to know about your computer to research a bug, and then call us. Q: I downloaded a .FLM from the Disney BBS, and when I run it in the program I get sound effects from my USER Sound file that are not supposed to be in the film. A: A lot of people are missing the point here. We give you the ability to import your own sound effects into Stunt Island so you are not limited to the hundreds of sounds we supplied. You can use your sound effects in your films, but if you want others to hear them you need to create an .ALL file to go with your film. To do this, you must run your .FLM file through the MAKEONE utility. This procedure will slowly run the entire film through the process of creating the .ALL file. The film will appear to run very slowly, and sounds will seem off their marks, don't worry, this is normal! The program must do this in order to record your digital sound effects into the .ALL file, so others can hear them. We realize that the .ALL files are quite large, but if you want others to hear your sounds, you must use them. Once you have the .ALL file and the .FLM file you can upload them to any BBS that you want, and others can download them and play them in PLAYONE, which is the player utility we included with the program. If you were to play a film that has sound effects from a USER Sound file in the theatre of Stunt Island, you would hear sound effects from your own USER sound files. Q: When I play my films in the MAKEONE utility, the timing of all my sound effects and music is off, how come? A: The MAKEONE utility is used to create the .ALL files that hold all of the resources for your finished films. This utility does not alter your edited film in any way, it merely stores necessary system resources like your sounds and music in the .ALL file so that you don't have to distribute the huge sound libraries with your finished films. Once you have completed the MAKEONE step, view your film with PLAYONE, and you will see it as you originally created it in the Editing room. Q: I have finished editing my film, but I don't know how to save it to a .FLM file. What do I do? A: In the editing room, at the bottom of Deck #2, you will see a button called PRINT. Click on this button to bring up the save file requester, and you can now save your film to a finished .FLM file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 9: Tutorial - Editing a Film ------------------------------------ There is currently nothing in this section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendices Appendix A: Prop List --------------------- Here it is, just like you asked. The complete prop list for Stunt Island. I have Alphabetized the list, so some props may no appear in the same order as they do in the program. This list is only to give a general idea of where to find the props you need. Mammals and Plants ------------------ Ash #1 Ash #2 Ash #3 Bad Guy Birch #1 Birch #2 Birch #3 Boom Mike Cactus #1 Cactus #2 Camera Man #1 Camera Man #2 Camera Man #3 Clipboard Guy #1 Clipboard Guy #2 Clipboard Guy #3 Cornstalk Cow #1 Cow #2 Desert Flower Desert Plant Duck Elm #1 Elm #2 Elm #3 Fir #1 Fir #2 Fir #3 Fir #4 Fir #5 Hanging Guy Hook Man #1 Hook Man #1 180 Hook Man #2 Hook Man #2 180 Horse #1 Horse #2 Horse #3 Larch #1 Larch #2 Larch #3 Lime #1 Lime #2 Lime #3 Maple #1 Maple #2 Maple #3 Palm Tree Person #1 Person #2 Pig #1 Pig #2 Pine Tree Poplar #1 Poplar #2 Poplar #3 Radio Person #1 Radio Person #2 Record Man #1 Record Man #2 Running Person Slate Person Willow #1 Willow #2 Willow #3 Wing Walker #1 Wing Walker #2 Letters and Numbers ------------------- , ! # $ % & ( ) * + - . / : < = > ? @ \ _ { } 0 1 2 2-D , 2-D ! 2-D # 2-D $ 2-D % 2-D & 2-D ( 2-D ) 2-D * 2-D + 2-D - 2-D . 2-D / 2-D : 2-D ; 2-D < 2-D = 2-D > 2-D ? 2-D @ 2-D \ 2-D _ 2-D { 2-D } 2-D 0 2-D 1 2-D 2 2-D 3 2-D 4 2-D 5 2-D 6 2-D 7 2-D 8 2-D 9 2-D A 2-D a 2-D B 2-D b 2-D C 2-D c 2-D D 2-D d 2-D Down Arrow 2-D E 2-D e 2-D F 2-D f 2-D G 2-D g 2-D H 2-D h 2-D I 2-D i 2-D J 2-D j 2-D K 2-D k 2-D L 2-D l 2-D Left Arrow 2-D M 2-D m 2-D N 2-D n 2-D O 2-D o 2-D P 2-D p 2-D Q 2-D q 2-D R 2-D r 2-D Right Arrow 2-D S 2-D s 2-D T 2-D t 2-D U 2-D u 2-D Up Arrow 2-D V 2-D v 2-D W 2-D w 2-D X 2-D x 2-D Y 2-D y 2-D Z 2-D z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A a B b C c D d Down Arrow E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l Left Arrow M m N n O o P p Q q R r Right Arrow S s T t U u Up Arrow V v W w X x Y y Z z Markers and Signs ----------------- Australia Flag Austria Flag Bahamas Flag Bahrain Flag Bar Sign Barbados Flag Belgium Flag Billboard #1 Billboard #2 Billboard Broken Billboard Piece Border Sign Brazilia Flag Bull's Eye Bus Stop Sign Canada Flag Caution Sign Chile Flag Coaster Billboard Columbia Flag Curve Sign Czech. Flag Denmark Flag Do Not Enter Drugstore Sign Estonia Flag Finland Flag Flag #1 Flag #2 Flag #3 Flag #4 France Flag Fwy 210 Sign Fwy 405 Sign Fwy 5 Sign Fwy 605 Sign Fwy 710 Sign Fwy 91 Sign Gabon Flag German Flag Greece Flag Hungary Flag Hwy 101 Sign Hwy 134 Sign Hwy 55 Sign Ireland Flag Israel Flag Italy Flag Ivory Coast Flag Jail Sign Japan Flag Kuwait Flag Latvia Flag Left Finger Left Finger Big Lithuania Flag Luxembourg Flag Mali Flag Merge Sign Mexico Flag Monaco Flag Motel Sign Neon Eat Sign Neon Gas Sign Neon Hotel Sign Netherlands Flag New Zealand Flag Nigeria Flag No U Turn Sign Norway Flag Philippines Flag Pylon #1 Pylon #2 Pylon #3 Qatar Flag Right Finger Right Finger Big Right Turn Only Route 66 Sign South Korea Flag Spain Flag Stop Sign Street Sign Sudan Flag Sweden Flag Target Thumb's Up Totem Pole #1 Totem Pole #2 Totem Pole #3 Totem Pole #4 Toxic Sign Turn Sign U.K. Flag U.S. Flag United Arab Flag Yemen Flag Military Equipment ------------------ Abrams Tank AIM-7 Sparrow Aircraft Carr. #1 Aircraft Carr. #2 Aircraft Gun Amphibious Hover Craft Anti Sat. Sat. Armored P. Carr. Battleship Black Hawk Heli.#1 Black Hawk Heli.#2 BMP 2 Soviet Bomb #1 Bomb #2 Bomb #3 Bomb #4 Bradely Fighting Veh. Cannon Catapult Catapult Arm Control Center Destroyer #1 Destroyer #2 Destroyer #3 Exper. Missile Flat Sub Frigate Ground/Air Missile Helicopter Humvee ICBM #1 ICBM #2 ICBM #3 ICBM #4 Jeep Landing Craft Large Radio Trans. Launcher M.A.S.H Tent Machine Gunner Medic Truck Military Truck Mine Mine Sweeper Missile Launcher Missile Submarine Mobile SAM Launcher Mobile SAM Radar Mortar Patriot Lnch. Down Patriot Lnch. Up Periscope PT Boat Rus. Battle Tank Rus. Tank Body Rus. Tank Turret SCUD Launcher SCUD Missile Self Prop. Artillery Sidewinder Sov. 152mm Howitzer Sov. Destroyer Sov. Missile #1 Sov. Missile #2 Sov. Mobile ICBM Sov. Rocket Launch Sov. Self Propelled Sov. X-Gun SS 25 Missle Strike Missile Submarine #1 Submarine #2 Tank #1 Tank #2 Tank #3 Tank Body Tank Hauler Tank Turret Tarawa Amph. Ship Troop Transport Truck US Cruise Missile US M60 Tank US Missile #1 US Missile #2 US Person. Trans. US Rocket Launch. Miscellaneous ------------- Beach Towel #1 Beach Towel #2 Beach Towel #3 Beach Towel #4 Beach Towel #5 Boom Box Border Stop Sign Boulder #1 Boulder #2 Boulder #3 Bus Stop Bench Call Box Camouflage Tent Cloud #1 Cloud #2 Cloud #3 Cloud #4 Cloud #5 Coffin Corner Hedge Crop Circle #1 Crop Circle #2 Crop Circle #3 Dumpster Fairway #1 Fairway #2 Fairway #3 Fairway #4 Fairway #5 Fairway #6 Fairway #7 Fresnel Lamp Gold Schlusher Graveyard Green Hand Pump Haybail Haystack Hedge Hitching Post I-Beams (2) I-Beams (4) Ice Chest Landing Strip Mailbox Maze Hedge Mechanical Bull Open Grave Park Bench Phone Booth Phone Pole #1 Phone Pole #2 Picnic Table Portable Toilet Radar Relay Satellite Sand Box Scoreboard Searchlight Signal #1 Signal #2 Signal #3 Slide Stadium Lights Street Lamp #1 Street Lamp #2 Street Lamp #3 Supply Cover Swing Set Tombstone #1 Tombstone #2 Tombstone #3 Tombstone #4 Tombstone #5 Toxic Drum Trash Box Trashcan Trough Volley Ball Court Water Fountain Waterslide Wheat Field Planes (Aircraft) ----------------- A10 Thunderbolt A6E Intruder B2 Stealth Bomber Boeing 727 Boeing 737 Boeing 747 Bristol Bulldog Cessna 172 Curtis Jenny Curtis June Bug Douglas DC10 Duck E3 AWACS F/A18 Hornet F117A Stealth F15C Eagle F16C Falcon F4E Phantom F4U Corsair F86 Sabre Fokker DR.1 Hang Glider Hawk Jenny 1 Jenny 2 Jenny 3 Junkers 87D Stuka Junkers JU88A Learjet 60 Lockheed Tr1 Lockheed U2 Messer. BF109G Messer. BF110 MiG 15 Midget MiG 25 Foxbat MiG 29 Fulcrum Military P51 Mirage 2000 Mitsubishi Zero P38 Lightning P51D Mustang Paraglider Piper Cherokee Pitts Special Pterodactyl Red Hawk Shuttle on 747 Silver Falcon Sopwith Camel Sopwith Triplane Space Shuttle Spitfire SR71 Blackbird Tupolev 142 Bear V-35 Bonanza Production Tools ---------------- 00010X00002 00010X00003 00010X00005 00010X00010 00030X00007 00030X00010 00030X00015 00030X00030 00060X00015 00060X00020 00060X00030 00060X00060 00120X00030 00120X00040 00120X00060 00120X00120 00250X00062 00250X00083 00250X00125 00250X00250 00500X00125 00500X00167 00500X00250 00500X00500 01000X00250 01000X00333 01000X00500 01000X01000 03000X00750 03000X01000 03000X01500 03000X03000 06000X01500 06000X02000 06000X03000 06000X06000 12000X12000 18000X18000 24000X24000 30000X30000 36000X36000 Camera#1 Camera#2 hz 0010X0002 hz 0010X0003 hz 0010X0005 hz 0010X0010 hz 0030X0007 hz 0030X0010 hz 0030X0015 hz 0030X0030 hz 0060X0015 hz 0060X0020 hz 0060X0030 hz 0060X0060 hz 0120X0030 hz 0120X0040 hz 0120X0060 hz 0120X0120 hz 0250X0062 hz 0250X0083 hz 0250X0125 hz 0250X0250 hz 0500X0125 hz 0500X0167 hz 0500X0250 hz 0500X0500 hz 1000X0250 hz 1000X0333 hz 1000X0500 hz 1000X1000 hz 3000X0750 hz 3000X1000 hz 3000X1500 hz 3000X3000 hz 6000X1500 hz 6000X2000 hz 6000X3000 hz 6000X6000 Smoke Sphere 00001r Sphere 00002r Sphere 00003r Sphere 00005r Sphere 00006r Sphere 00007r Sphere 00008r Sphere 00009r Sphere 00010r Sphere 00012r Sphere 00015r Sphere 00017r Sphere 00020r Sphere 00025r Sphere 00050r Sphere 00075r Sphere 00100r Sphere 00200r Sphere 00250r Sphere 00300r Sphere 00400r Sphere 00500r Sphere 00600r Sphere 00700r Sphere 00800r Sphere 00900r Sphere 01000r Sphere 01250r Sphere 01500r Sphere 01750r Sphere 02000r Sphere 02250r Sphere 02500r Sphere 02750r Sphere 03000r Sphere 03250r Sphere 03500r Sphere 03750r Sphere 04000r Sphere 04250r Sphere 04500r Sphere 04750r Sphere 05000r Sphere 07500r Sphere 10000r Sphere 12500r Sphere 15000r vt 0010X0002 vt 0010X0003 vt 0010X0005 vt 0010X0010 vt 0030X0007 vt 0030X0010 vt 0030X0015 vt 0030X0030 vt 0060X0015 vt 0060X0020 vt 0060X0030 vt 0060X0060 vt 0120X0030 vt 0120X0040 vt 0120X0060 vt 0120X0120 vt 0250X0062 vt 0250X0083 vt 0250X0125 vt 0250X0250 vt 0500X0125 vt 0500X0167 vt 0500X0250 vt 0500X0500 vt 1000X0250 vt 1000X0333 vt 1000X0500 vt 1000X1000 vt 3000X0750 vt 3000X1000 vt 3000X1500 vt 3000X3000 vt 6000X1500 vt 6000X2000 vt 6000X3000 vt 6000X6000 Structures ---------- Alcatraz Island Arch Bank Bank of Stunt Isl. Baseball Field #1 Baseball Field #2 Baseball Stadium Beach Toilet Beauty Salon Big Ben Bijou Theater Border Gate Buddhist Temple Bulldog Cafe Bunker C&W Bar Cabana #1 Cabana #2 Cabana #3 Carwash Castle #1 Castle #2 Cathedral Chinese Rest. Chrysler Building Church Circus Booth Circus Cage Circus Tent City Hall Cocktail Bar Coit Tower #1 Coit Tower #2 Cvrd Bridge #1 Cvrd Bridge #2 Derby Devil's Tower Dog Donut Draw Bridge Drive-In Theater Drugstore Easter Isl. Statue Eiffel Tower Empire State Bldg. English Pub Farm Warehouse Fence Ferris Wheel Fire House Frwy. Barrier Frwy. Overpass #1 Frwy. Overpass #2 Gallows Gas Station Greenhouse Guard Tower Hanger Hanger Door #1 Hanger Door #2 Hardware Store Horsetrack Hospital Hotel House Jail Jungle Hut L.A. Coliseum Laundromat Lifeguard Tower Lighthouse Luggage Cart Mansion Mausoleum Mayan Pyramid Mill House Mini-Mart News Stand Observatory #1 Observatory #2 Oil Derrick Oil Platform Old West Church Old West Facade Outdoor Cafe Outhouse Pan Pacific Bldg. Parking Deck #1 Parking Deck #2 Parking Lot #1 Parking Lot #2 Parking Lot Booth Parthenon Pentagon Police Station Pool #1 Pool #2 Pool #3 Prison #1 Prison #2 Pyramid #1 Pyramid #2 Pyramid #3 Quanset Hut #1 Quanset Hut #2 Resort Hotel Restaurant Rope Bridge Ruins #1 Ruins #2 Ruins #3 Ruins #4 Ruins #5 Ruins #6 Ruins #7 Saloon Shack Silo Smoke Stack Soundstage #1 Soundstage #2 Sphinx St. Louis Arch Stadium #1 Stadium #2 Statue of Liberty Stonehenge #1 Stonehenge #2 Stonehenge #3 Studio Tower Suspens. Bridge Sydney Landmark Taj Mahal Tent Tepee TNT Shed Tower Tower Bridge Train Station Train Tunnel Transamer. Bldg. TV/Radio Tower Twin Towers Union Station Warehouse #1 Warehouse #2 Water Tower White House Windmill #1 Windmill #2 Windmill #3 Zeppelin Tower Vehicles -------- Amtrak Car Amtrak Head Armored Truck Backhoe Balloon Big Crane Box Car #1 Box Car #2 Box Car #3 Box Car #4 Box Car #5 Box Car #6 Box Car #7 Bulldozer Caboose #1 Caboose #2 Caboose #3 Catering Truck #1 Catering Truck #2 Cement Truck Clipper #1 Clipper #2 Clipper #3 Clipper #4 Combine Covered Wagon Crate Truck Delivery Truck Delivery Van Diesel Train Dragster #1 Dragster #2 Dragster #3 Dragster #4 Dump Truck Earth Mover Flat Bed Car #1 Flat Bed Car #2 Formula 1 Car #1 Formula 1 Car #2 Garbage Truck Gas Car Gas Truck Hay Truck Hay Wagon Hot Air Balloon #1 Hot Air Balloon #2 Hot Air Balloon #3 Hot Air Balloon #4 Hot Rod Car Junk Boat Limousine #1 Limousine #2 Log Car Mail Truck Military Train Car Military Train Head Milk Truck Monster Truck #1 Monster Truck #2 Motorcyclist Nuke Train Oceanliner Oil Tanker Old Steam Locomotive Ore Car Paddleboat Paddy Wagon Pickup Truck Pirate Ship Police Car Police Wagon Porsche Racecar #1 Range Rover Rd. Maint. Truck#1 Rd. Maint. Truck#2 Rescue Vehicle Rig #1 Rig #2 Rowboat Sailboat #1 Sailboat #2 Schoolbus Shot Truck Shuttle Van #1 Shuttle Van #2 Sloop Speedboat Sports Car Star Trailer Step Van Stock Car Street Sweeper Subway Car Tanker Car Taxi Cab Tractor Train Car #1 Train Car #2 Train Car Closed Train Car ICBM Train Car ICBM Clsd Train Car Rocket Lnch Trolley Tugboat UFO #1 UFO #2 UFO #2 (2X) UFO #2 (4X) Water Truck WWII Motorcycle Z Boat Zeppelin #1 Zeppelin #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix B: Locations and Altitudes List ---------------------------------------- Q: Why don't you provide the altitudes of the various landmarks around Stunt Island? A: Finding the altitudes you need are dependant on the stunts you design. The following chart supplies some of the altitudes at various points on the island. We will continue adding to this list as time permits. LOCATION ALTITUDE S/N COORD. W/E COORD. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle (dead center) 750 92981 105757 Doorway of Castle 750 92539 105760 Castle Main Towers 918 Various Castle Short Towers 851 Various Castle Walls 834 Various Alcatraz (Top of Guard Tower) 168.5 90536 119689 Alcatraz (Boat Dock) 9 90387 119469 Alcatraz (Boathouse Grounds) 19 90431 119514 Alcatraz (Base of Guard Tower/Grounds) 77 90496 119689 Golden Gate Bridge (Bridge Deck) 211 91327 133286 Golden Gate Bridge (North Tower) 811 93000 133279 Golden Gate Bridge (South Tower) 811 89080 133279 United Nations (Top of Bldg.) 484 99040 141159 United Nations (Roof) 469 99040 141106 United Nations (Top of Dome) 63 99160 141396 United Nations (Smaller Bldg. Roof) 50 99160 141396 United Nations (Top of Flagpoles) 37 Various United Nations (Nearest Mountain Peak) 6000 109450 156393 Stonehenge (Top of Monuments) 43 136168 42000 Lexington Dam (Top of Dam) 1050 59246 57434 Snow Capped Mountain 2999 41130 153787 Plateaus in Lynch Canyon 1000 Various Small Sandy Area in Lynch Canyon 501 48699 158590 Canyon Bridge (Top) 1000 52094 154729 Wilman Dam 753 55528 151165 Wilman Reservoir 751 57506 151930 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix C: Sound File Information ---------------------------------- Q: Can I use MIDI and .MOD music files in Stunt Island? A: Not currently, but we are looking at adding it to a future release. Q: What sampling rate was used for Stunt Island's sound FX? A: 7000 Samples per second. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix D: Files available for Stunt Island -------------------------------------------- Due to Compuserve rules, the complete version of this option is temporarily not available to Compuserve users. The files normally listed in this area will be uploaded to the Flight Simulator Forum (GO FSFORUM) in Library 10 - Other Flight Sims, and Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) in Library 6 - Disney/Buena Vista Software. If you would like the complete version of this file with the full list, you can contact our Disney Software representative on Compuserve at 71333,14 and ask to have it sent to you via U.S. Mail. This will place you on the Stunt Island mailing list and you will receive the SIUPDATE monthly for FREE. This is a listing of known Stunt Island related files on Compuserve, The Disney Software BBS and other systems. This is to assist you in locating and downloading files faster. The file details at the beginning of each listing are from the Disney BBS, and are only for reference. File listing date: 02/19/93 **** Stunt Island IBM File: AIRSALL.ZIP Date: 12/14/92 Downloads: 43 Size: 282,077 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: BRIAN LAWLER Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "F-18 Airshow" by Brian Lawler. File can be found as: AIRSHOW2.ZIP on GEnie (Aviation Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: AIRSFLM.ZIP Date: 12/14/92 Downloads: 79 Size: 43,605 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: BRIAN LAWLER Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "F-18 Airshow" by Brian Lawler This file contains only the .FLM file for "F-18 Airshow" by Brian Lawler. Ifyou are using the PLAYONE utility to view films, you will want to download AIRSALL.ZIP which includes an .ALL file for this film as well as the .FLM file. File can be found as: AIRSHOW1.ZIP on GEnie (AVIATION Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: APERNSTY.ZIP Date: 02/03/93 Downloads: 15 Size: 924,334 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: EDWARD RENO Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: DRAGONMEN, PERN, SPINOFF. Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Pterodactylmen of Pern" by Edward Reno. This is a fantastic film. Shows great imagination, and an obvious love of these great books! -=SYSOP=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: APPROACH.ZIP Date: 01/26/93 Downloads: 13 Size: 331,296 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Final Approach" by Gene Davis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: AQUA_JET.ZIP Date: 12/14/92 Downloads: 68 Size: 14,527 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: JEREMY REABAN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Aquaduct Jet Chase" by Jeremy Reaban. File can be found as: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: ATTACK.ZIP Date: 11/17/92 Downloads: 53 Size: 277,694 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "P-38 Attack" by Eric Moody. File can be found as: ATTACK.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BACKSTB1.ZIP Date: 12/24/92 Downloads: 83 Size: 252,599 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: LANCE MICKLUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Back Stab" by Lance Micklus. 20 minute movie! This is a 20 minute action-adventure feature .FLM file only. If you are viewing the films outside of Stunt Island with PLAYONE.EXE, you will need to download BACKSTB2.ZIP also, It contains the .ALL file needed for PLAYONE. File can be found as: BACKSTAB.ZIP on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BACKSTB2.ZIP Date: 12/24/92 Downloads: 14 Size: 945,977 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: LANCE MICKLUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .ALL File. "Back Stab" by Lance Micklus. (for BACKSTB1.ZIP) Do NOT download this file unless you don't own Stunt Island and need to use the viewer. This is just the .ALL file for BACKSTB1.ZIP. Hope you have a 9600 baud modem. Sorry it's so big but the film is 20 minutes long - which is about how long it'll take you to download it at 9600 baud. Remember, you can view BACKSTB1.ZIP in the theater and make your own .ALL file if you own the Stunt Island program. File can be found as: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BADLAND.ZIP Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 18 Size: 42,850 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, SI Desc: .FLM File. "No Place To Land" by Ikbal Bliss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BANDIT.ZIP Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 19 Size: 23,965 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Highway Bandit" by Ikbal Bliss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BEAR.ZIP Date: 12/13/92 Downloads: 49 Size: 57,798 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: JAMES FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Tupolev Bombing Run" by James Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BEARSET.ZIP Date: 02/15/93 Downloads: 2 Size: 1,280 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: KURT FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .SET, FILE, P-51, SHOOTING, DOWN, TWO Desc: .SET File. "P-51 Shooting Down Two Bears" By Kurt Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BIGFOOT.ZIP Date: 02/03/93 Downloads: 4 Size: 2,742 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: CRAIG WEINMAN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: BIGFOOT, CRAIG, WEINMAN, FIRST, FILM, ATTEMPT Desc: .FLM File. "Bigfoot" by Craig Weinman. Here's my first film attempt and it is very simple, but original since I haven't seen any other films like it. In it a bigfoot sorta kills a car. Runs only about 11 seconds and is so small its definitely worth the download. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BOMBING.ZIP Date: 02/09/93 Downloads: 38 Size: 23,380 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, TUTORIAL Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Bombing Tutorial" by Dave & Leonard This is a short example to demonstrate how to bomb a ground target. It demonstrates how to place props and collision windows and program and event to achieve the desired results. File can be found as: BOMBING.ZIP on America On Line PC Games Forum (CTRL-K: PC GAMES) BOMBIN.ZIP on Compuserve, Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BOMRUN.ZIP Date: 12/14/92 Downloads: 33 Size: 451,118 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: PETE PAGLIA Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Way Cool A-10 Mission" by Pete Paglia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BOMRUN1.ZIP Date: 01/23/93 Downloads: 11 Size: 88,673 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: PETE PAGLIA Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE, ONLY, BOMRUN Desc: .FLM File. "Bombing Run" by Pete Paglia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BONDO.ZIP Date: 02/16/93 Downloads: 5 Size: 267,841 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, NOPLAYER Desc: .FLM File. "Jimmy Bondo" by George White. File can be found as: BONDOS.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BRNTRI.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 21 Size: 92,211 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL/.SET Files. "Barn To the Future" by Phil "BW" Camp File can be found as: BRNTRI.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BUSDRIVR.ZIP Date: 12/05/92 Downloads: 99 Size: 91,387 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: LANCE MICKLUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Insane Bus Driver" by Lance Micklus. Includes .ALL file and is only 35 seconds. One unusual thing about this feature is that there is no flying - proving that you can make a film without flying something. It's all done with event scripts. File can be found as: BUSDRIVR.EXE on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) SIBUSDRV.EXE on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: CAN.ZIP Date: 11/23/92 Downloads: 71 Size: 146,685 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: MARC SIPE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL File. "F18A Canyon Flying" by Marc Sipe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: CARRIER.ZIP Date: 02/16/93 Downloads: 3 Size: 26,624 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: KURT FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, NOPLAYER Desc: .FLM File. "Carrier" by Kurt Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: CATCH.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 15 Size: 16,231 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM/.SET, FILES., ", ?. Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Catch That Guy" by Jim "Jimbo" Ross. File can be found as: CATCH.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: CHASE.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 15 Size: 192,078 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE., ", ?. Desc: .FLM File. "The Chase" by Larry Schneider. File can be found as: CHASE.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: CNTRSTRK.ZIP Date: 02/13/93 Downloads: 4 Size: 143,616 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: BRIAN KEY Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, NOPLAYER, FILM, BRIAN, KEY Desc: .FLM File. "COUNTERSTRIKE" by Brian Key This film is about the US retaliation against Iraq because of Saddam Hussein.AWESOME! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: COLISEUM.ZIP Date: 11/11/92 Downloads: 96 Size: 266,944 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: SCOTT STEPHENS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.SET/.TKE Files. "Save the Coliseum" by Scott Stephens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: COLLECTN.ZIP Date: 02/16/93 Downloads: 2 Size: 126,208 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: KURT FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM-, KURT, FRYMIRES, COLLECTION, FILMS Desc: .FLM File. "The Kurt Frymire Collection" by Kurt Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DAGS09.ZIP Date: 11/17/92 Downloads: 21 Size: 273,653 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL File. "The Last Warbird" by Dave Goodwin. File can be found as: DAGS09.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Froum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DEMOALL.ZIP Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 12 Size: 1,052,867 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, DEMO, FILM, SI, ALL Desc: .ALL File. "Stunt Island Official Demo Disk Film" by Disney. This is the .ALL file for the official demo film distributed by Disney software on the Stunt Island Demo disk. Requires DEMO.FLM to play. Use SILPLAY.EXE for in-store displays. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DEMOFLM.ZIP Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 33 Size: 53,446 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, SI, DEMO Desc: .FLM File. "Stunt Island Official Demo Disk Film" by Disney. This is the official demo .FLM file distributed by Disney Software on the Stunt Island Demo disk. It requires DEMOALL.ZIP to be viewed with either of the player utilities. Use SILPLAY.EXE for in-store displays. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DESTR.ZIP Date: 02/11/93 Downloads: 2 Size: 18,302 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, NOPLAYER Desc: .FLM File. "Destruction On The Bridge" by Jeff Haas. File can be found as: DESTR.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DHIWAY.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 69 Size: 172,308 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL File. "The Highway" Stunt Island Film, Dig. Vers. This is one of the canned sequences included with Stunt Island. File can be found as: DHIWAY.ZIP on America On Line PC Games Forum (CTRL-K: PC GAMES) DHIWAY.ZIP on Compuserve, Game Publishers B Forum. (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DINTRO.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 52 Size: 360,759 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Stunt Island Intro" Digital Music Version This is one of the canned films included with Stunt Island. This files can be found as: DINTRO.ZIP on America On Line PC Games Forum (CTRL-K: PC GAMES) DINTRO.ZIP on Compuserve, Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DOGFITE.ZIP Date: 12/23/92 Downloads: 67 Size: 36,357 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: CHRISTINE FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "F-18/Mig-29 Dogfight" by Kurt Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DPLANES.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 29 Size: 390,791 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "The Planes" Digital Music Version. File can be found as: DPLANE.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DRUGALL.ZIP Date: 12/14/92 Downloads: 31 Size: 292,339 Last access: 02/16/93 Cost: 0 From: BRIAN LAWLER Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL/.SET Files. "Drug Wars" by Brain Lawler. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DRUGSET.ZIP Date: 12/14/92 Downloads: 55 Size: 47,503 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: BRIAN LAWLER Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Drug Wars" by Brian Lawler. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: DUCKHUNT.ZIP Date: 11/13/92 Downloads: 33 Size: 122,246 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: MIKE CORNELIUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Duck Hunting Trip" by Mike Cornelius. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: EAGLE.ZIP Date: 02/19/93 Downloads: 0 Size: 196,693 Last access: 01/01/00 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, NOPLAYER Desc: .FLM File. "Eagle" by Charles Hamilton File can be found as: EAGLE.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: ELECTRO.ZIP Date: 02/03/93 Downloads: 24 Size: 202,870 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: ALBERTO NASTI Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: FILM, EPIC:, "ELECTRO, MAN", (12+, MINUTE Desc: .FLM File. "Electro Man" by Ikbal Bliss (12+ minute film) Well this is my fim opus. It was created from mostly all original sets. The challenge was to try to sustain a kind of complex story line using mostly visuals and as little text as possible. Stunt Island is great for pretending to be Frans Ford Coppola for a couple of hours every now and then... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: ESCAPE.ZIP Date: 11/17/92 Downloads: 26 Size: 15,059 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "The Escape" by Chris Brook. File can be found as: ESCAPE.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ESCAPE.ZIP on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: F15.ZIP Date: 11/25/92 Downloads: 32 Size: 328,133 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: STEVE BRUNDLER Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "F-15 EAGLE" by Steve Brundler. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: F162.ZIP Date: 11/16/92 Downloads: 48 Size: 242,045 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: AXEL GUILOFF Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "F16" by Axel Guiloff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: FIELD.ZIP Date: 02/04/93 Downloads: 2 Size: 8,178 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: CRAIG WEINMAN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE., "THE, BAD, FIELD, TRIP" Desc: .FLM File. "The Bad Field Trip" by Craig Weinman This is my 3rd film, very dumb one where some ignorant people have a school bus stalled on train tracks, and you can guess the rest, actually not to bad, might give you ideas to watch it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: FIND&HIT.ZIP Date: 02/09/93 Downloads: 19 Size: 11,581 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILMS, SI, TUTORIAL Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Tutorial #5: Intercept & Collide" This is the fifth tutorial for the SIUPDATE newsletter. This was suggested by Carlos Ribas on Prodigy. He wanted to know how to make an aircraft seek out and collide with another aircraft. Here are two possible (and simple) solutions. You can expand on these further to achieve the results you require. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: FISHTRIP.ZIP Date: 11/13/92 Downloads: 52 Size: 29,559 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: MIKE CORNELIUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "A Fishing Trip" by Mike Cornelius. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: FLYARCH.ZIP Date: 11/30/92 Downloads: 26 Size: 145,944 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: MYLES VILLORIA Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "A Short Film" by Myles Villoria. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: FLYBY.ZIP Date: 01/27/93 Downloads: 11 Size: 26,850 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM/.SET, FILES., ", ?. Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Flyby" by Eric Moody. File can be found as: FLYBY.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: FLYTHRU.ZIP Date: 11/27/92 Downloads: 40 Size: 15,095 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: BRAD ELLIOTT Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.SET/.TKE Files. "Stunt Island Film" by Brad Elliot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: FUTURE.ZIP Date: 01/27/93 Downloads: 40 Size: 22,831 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Back To The Future" by Larry Schneider. File can be found as: FUTURE.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: HANGIN.ZIP Date: 11/16/92 Downloads: 67 Size: 369,993 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Hang In There" by Chris McNulty. This was done by one of our testers when he was bored with the regular beta testing regimen. There is also an exclusive featurette at the end of this film called "Farmstorming" that I think you will all enjoy! Look for a sequel called "Farm Air Warriors" soon! -SYSOP- File can be found as: HANGIN.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: HELPCK.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 8 Size: 2,985 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .SET, FILE., ", ?. Desc: .SET File. "Get The Towel Stunt" by Jim Ross. File can be found as: HELPCK.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: INCOMMIN.ZIP Date: 12/03/92 Downloads: 18 Size: 549,413 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: TOM MINTON Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Incomming" by Tom Minton. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: LAND.ZIP Date: 02/15/93 Downloads: 3 Size: 1,664 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: KURT FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .SET, FILE, LANDING, YORKTOWN, (PRETTY, SLICK!) Desc: .SET File. "Landing on the Yorktown" by Kurt Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: LAXCRACH.ZIP Date: 01/26/93 Downloads: 18 Size: 21,187 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "LAX Crash" by Unknown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: LIMITS.ZIP Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 16 Size: 21,490 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Limitations" by Ikbal Bliss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: MAXX1.ZIP Date: 12/10/92 Downloads: 28 Size: 575,321 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: COURTNEY JACKSON Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Meet Maxx Stunt" by Courtney Jackson. Maxx Stunt turns up in the strangest places. (Normally he turns up dirt when he crashes). Film and All file included for extra sounds. 5 minutes run time File can be found as: MAXX1.ZIP on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: MOVIE.ZIP Date: 11/15/92 Downloads: 81 Size: 99,576 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: YEN CHEN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "The UFO" by Yen Chen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: PARAES.ZIP Date: 02/19/93 Downloads: 0 Size: 30,720 Last access: 01/01/00 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, NOPLAYER Desc: .FLM File. "Parachute Escape" by Paul Rydell/Tom Scharfeld. File can be found as: PARAES.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: PETRO.ZIP Date: 11/14/92 Downloads: 31 Size: 116,571 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: TOM MINTON Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Ze Petrol Intercept" By Tom Minton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: PICKUP.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 8 Size: 207,167 Last access: 02/15/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: FILES., ", ?. Desc: .FLM/.ALL/.SET Files. "Revenge of the Ptery" by D. Willens. File can be found as: PICKUP.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: PKACKTUS.ZIP Date: 11/18/92 Downloads: 43 Size: 513,265 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: LANCE MICKLUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL/.TKE/.SET Files. "Desert Escape" by Lance Micklus. File can be found as: PKACKTUS.ZIP on GEnie (Aviation Libraries & Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: POLICE.ZIP Date: 11/28/92 Downloads: 61 Size: 37,906 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: YEN CHEN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Super Police Car" by Yen Chen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: REALISM.ZIP Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 25 Size: 359,152 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, FILM, SI, TUTORIAL Desc: .FLM/.ALL/.SET/.TKE Files. SIUPDATE Tutorial #4: Set Realism This is the fourth tutorial I created to show users how to get a little realism into their sets. I hope you will enjoy it! Dave Arnspiger - Disney SYSOP. File can be found as: REALIS.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: REDALRT1.ZIP Date: 02/16/93 Downloads: 6 Size: 61,791 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: Desc: .FLM File. "Red Alert" by Keith Heitmann. File 1 of 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: REDALRT2.ZIP Date: 02/16/93 Downloads: 3 Size: 322,637 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: KEITH HEITMANN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: FILES, PART Desc: .ALL File. "Red Alert" by Keith Heitmann. File 2 of 2. This file contains the ALL file and the rest of the viewing files for the REDALERT.ZIP file. You only need this file if you do not own Stunt Island. Created and edited by Keith Heitmann, Prodigy GVXV90A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: REMOTE.ZIP Date: 01/05/93 Downloads: 67 Size: 14,332 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.SET Files. "Radio Control Flying DEMO" by SYSOP. This is a short tutorial to demonstrate Radio Control Flying. It included a .SET and .FLM file for your use. File can be found as: REMOTE.ZIP on America On Line PC Games Forum (CTRL-K: PC GAMES) REMOTE.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: REV2PREV.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 24 Size: 49,294 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: BRIAN ZAN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE, MICKEYS, REVENGE, 2, PREVIEW Desc: .FLM File. "Mickey's Revenge 2-PREVIEW" by Christian Zane. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: REVENGE.ZIP Date: 01/20/93 Downloads: 112 Size: 171,569 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: BRIAN ZAN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM file. "Mickey's Revenge" by Christian Zane. This is the HOTTEST Stunt Island movie ever made. It's a MOVIE that is almost eight minutes long, and includes AWESOME dogfighting, aerial combat and a host of Stunt Island tricks that you WILL NOT BELIEVE!!! This is PROFESSIONAL quality!!! Brian really needs to speak up more, he's so shy! This really is an amazing movie. Congrats to Brian on a job extremely well done!! -=SYSOP=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SHIWAY.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 53 Size: 114,431 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "The Highway" Synthesized Music Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SHUTTLE.ZIP Date: 01/26/93 Downloads: 21 Size: 34,276 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE., ", ?. Desc: .FLM File. "Shuttle Takeoff" by Unknown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SI-CAR.ZIP Date: 11/16/92 Downloads: 42 Size: 351,464 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: LANCE MICKLUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL/.SET Files. "Save The Stealth" by Scott Stephens. File can be found as: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SICR1.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 6 Size: 493,329 Last access: 02/16/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM/.ALL, FILES., ", ?. Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Carrier Strike" by Glen "Wiley" Wilson. File can be found as: SICR1.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDEM1D.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 28 Size: 971,956 Last access: 02/14/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Demo #1: Scouting Locations" Digital Music This is the first of three demos for Stunt Island. This one shows off the scenery in the program. Demo # 2 will show off the planes, and Demo #3 will be a movie created with the program. Download SIPLAY to view this film. This version was created with digital music for the Sound Source, a second version for Sound Blaster users with synthesized music is also available. File can be found as: SIDEM1.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDEM1S.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 73 Size: 541,337 Last access: 01/30/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Demo #1: Scouting Locations" Synth Version This is the first of three demos for Stunt Island. This one shows off the scenery in the program. Demo # 2 will show off the planes, and Demo #3 will be a movie created with the program. Download SIPLAY to view this film. This version was created with synthesized music for the Sound Blaster, a second version for Sound Source users with digital music is also available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDEM2D.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 42 Size: 665,116 Last access: 02/14/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Demo #2: The Aircraft" Digital Music Vers. This is Stunt Island Demo #2: The Aircraft. This version was recorded with digital music and sound effects. It will work on sound devices that support digital sound, like the Sound Source, Sound Blaster and Thunder Board. You will need SIPLAY.EXE to view this file. File can be found as: SIDEM2.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDEM2S.ZIP Date: 10/29/92 Downloads: 18 Size: 411,329 Last access: 01/28/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL File. "Demo #2: The Aircraft" Synthesized Music. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDEM3D.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 76 Size: 1,183,003 Last access: 02/11/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Demo #3: Our Movie" Digital Music Version. This is the complete version of Stunt Island Demo #3: Our Movie! This was created by members of the Beta Test Team. Each section was crafted by a different person, and the stories were brought together in the editing room of the program. We hope you like it! This is the Digital Music Version, a Synthesized music version is also available. Since this is a very large file, it can also be downloaded in three separate sections in files SIDM3AD.ZIP, SIDM3BD.ZIP and SIDM3CD.ZIP. File can be found as: SIDEM3.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDEM3S.ZIP Date: 10/29/92 Downloads: 24 Size: 992,265 Last access: 02/13/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Demo #3: Our Movie" Synthesized Music Vers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDM3AD.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 14 Size: 824,387 Last access: 01/31/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "SI Demo #3 - Section A" Digital Music This file is the first section of Stunt Island Demo #3. This is the digital music version. For the entire demo, download SIDEM3D.ZIP, or for users of slower modems, download this file and SIDM3BD.ZIP and SIDM3CD.ZIP which are the three separate sections of demo #3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDM3BD.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 15 Size: 371,088 Last access: 02/05/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "SI Demo #3 - Section B" Digital Music This is Section B of Stunt Island Demo #3. Sections A and C are in files SIDM3AD.ZIP and SIDM3CD.ZIP. The entire demo is in the file SIDEM3D.ZIP. This is the digital music version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIDM3CD.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 13 Size: 493,335 Last access: 01/31/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "SI Demo #3 - Section C" Digital Music This is Section C of Stunt Island Demo #3. Sections A and B are available inthe files SIDM3AD.ZIP and SIDM3BD.ZIP. The entire demo is avaialble in SIDEM3D.ZIP. This is the digital music version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SILPLAY.EXE Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 18 Size: 197,324 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, ISLAND, PLAYER, UTILITY, STORES, DEMO Desc: DEMO: Stunt Island Looping Player Utility for Stores. This is a looping version of the player utility for Stunt Island. It will play a .FLM and .ALL file over and over again. It does not have motion controls like SIPLAY.EXE. This is excellent for displaying films in store displays, at PC User Group meetinga or anywhere you want to show off your films! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SINTRO.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 34 Size: 254,861 Last access: 02/14/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Stunt Island Intro" Synthesized Music. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIPIC1.GIF Date: 02/19/93 Downloads: 0 Size: 14,336 Last access: 01/01/00 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: GIF, STUNT, ISLAND, PREVIEW Desc: .GIF File. "Stunt Island" Preview Shot for Compuserve. File can be found as: SIPIC1.GIF on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIPLAY.EXE Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 286 Size: 199,929 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, UTILITY, PLAYER Desc: UTILITY: Stunt Island Film Player. NEW VERSION - SEE INFO! This is the player utility for Stunt Island filmes. Please read the README.1ST file enclosed for directions on setting this up. These files can be copied freely as long as all files in SIPLAY.EXE are included. There was a "stupidity" bug in my setup for installing this player, that has been remedied. This version has a corrected batch file for setting up, and includes the INSTALL patch to allow setup on systems where the INSTALL hardware detect sequence was locking up! -=SYSOP=- File can be found as: SIPLAY.EXE on America On-Line PC Games Forum (CTRL-K: PC GAMES) SIPLAY.EXE on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) SIPLAY.EXE on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIPREV.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 16 Size: 21,714 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Jimmy Bondo" by George White. File can be found as: SIPREV.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SITUTOR1.TXT Date: 01/19/93 Downloads: 70 Size: 23,759 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, INFO, TUTORIAL Desc: INFO: Keith Heitmann's Stunt Island Tutorial #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SITUTOR2.TXT Date: 01/19/93 Downloads: 70 Size: 16,301 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, INFO, TUTORIAL Desc: INFO: Keith Heitmann's Stunt Island Tutorial #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SIUPDATE.ZIP Date: 02/05/93 Downloads: 714 Size: 53,116 Last access: 02/19/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, INFO, TUTORIAL Desc: INFO: Stunt Island Update. Latest Problems and Solutions. This file contains all the latest breaking news about Stunt Island. We will be updating it frequently over the next few weeks. If you have a problem that is not covered in SIUPDATE, please let us know. -SYSOP- File can be found as: SIUPDATE.ZIP on America On Line PC Games Forum (CTRL-K: PC GAMES) SIUPDA.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) SIUPDATE.ZIP on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SI_UP1.EXE Date: 11/25/92 Downloads: 107 Size: 61,934 Last access: 02/15/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, PATCH, BUG FIX Desc: PATCH: Fix for the auto-detect crash in INSTALL.EXE. This file contains a new INSTALL.EXE for Stunt Island that allows you to install the program without the usual auto-detect sequence that checks your system hardware configuration. This was causing lockups on some systems and the game could not be installed. This file and the directions included will help you get past that and get the game installed! SELF-EXTRACTING Archive file. File can be found as: SIUP1.EXE on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SI_UP2.EXE Date: 12/11/92 Downloads: 73 Size: 147,653 Last access: 02/15/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, PATCH, BUG FIX Desc: PATCH: For palette shift problem on some systems. This is a FULL VERSION of the new STUNT.EXE file. This version should correct the palette shifting problem that some users have been experiencing on Local Bus machines and some SVGA adapters. This is the full version. Please read the TXT file enclosed in this archive. File can be found as: SIUP2.ZIP on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SMUGGL.ZIP Date: 01/22/93 Downloads: 8 Size: 129,961 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: FILES., ", ?. Desc: .FLM/.ALL/.SET Files. "Get Those Smugglers" by Jim Ross. File can be found as: SMUGGL.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SPLANES.ZIP Date: 10/12/92 Downloads: 38 Size: 325,276 Last access: 02/14/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "The Planes" Synthesized Music Version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SPY1.ZIP Date: 01/26/93 Downloads: 9 Size: 55,232 Last access: 02/13/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE., ", ?. Desc: .FLM File. "Spy Planes" by Unknown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SR71.ZIP Date: 02/04/93 Downloads: 1 Size: 13,870 Last access: 02/16/93 Cost: 0 From: CRAIG WEINMAN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE., "SR-71S, UNDER, GOLDEN, GATE" Desc: .FLM File. "SR-71s Under the Golden Gate" By Craig Weinman. Heres my second attempt at films. This one is a sequel to my non set created SR-71 Under the Golden Gate, this one has two SR-71s, some cool camera angles, and some other things, worth a look! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: SR71UNDR.ZIP Date: 01/19/93 Downloads: 21 Size: 123,860 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: CRAIG WEINMAN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "SR-71 Under Golden Gate" by Craig Weinman. This is a sequel to the previous feature SR71.ZIP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: STEALTHY.ZIP Date: 02/10/93 Downloads: 9 Size: 318,123 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: JEAN LADUE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: F117, FILM, SUPER, COOL, INTRO, MUSIC Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Stealth Fighter" by Jean Ladue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: STUNT#1.ZIP Date: 01/04/93 Downloads: 60 Size: 3,107 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: JIM WYNN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .SET File. Props shoot back in this set by Jim Wynn. This is a .SET file for Stunt Island that has a mission objective, explained in a text file, and props that will fire on you. Give it a try, it sounds like fun! -=SYSOP=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: STUNTISL.TXT Date: 10/20/92 Downloads: 157 Size: 3,428 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI, INFO Desc: INFO: Stunt Island. Product Information. File can be found as: STUNTI.TXT on Compuserve Game Publishers B Forum (GO GAMBPUB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: TAKEADIP.ZIP Date: 02/16/93 Downloads: 1 Size: 34,852 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: CHUCK KADISH Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: FILM, "TAKE, DIP", CHARLIE.K Desc: .FLM File. "Take A Dip" by Chuck Kadish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: TAKELEAD.ZIP Date: 11/27/92 Downloads: 39 Size: 510,065 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: LANCE MICKLUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Take Me To Your Leader" by Lance Micklus. A visitor from outer space comes to Earth and receives a warm welcome. In other words, what we got here are some really good special effects, a UFO, and the military trying to toast this little guy. Requires PLAYONE.EXE to view as some of the sound effects came from a private collection. By Lance Micklus, running time about 3 minutes. File can be found as: TAKELEAD.ZIP on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: TERMIN.ZIP Date: 11/13/92 Downloads: 112 Size: 90,255 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "The Terminator Redone" by Eric J. Floehr. File can be found as: TERMIN.ZIP on Compuserve Flight Simulation Forum (GO FSFORUM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: THE-TRIP.ZIP Date: 02/09/93 Downloads: 0 Size: 186,780 Last access: 02/09/93 Cost: 0 From: TOM MINTON Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM/FILE, "A, TRAIN, TRIP", BY:, TOM Desc: .FLM File. "A Train Trip" by Tom Minton. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: THEUFO.ZIP Date: 12/23/92 Downloads: 30 Size: 60,211 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: CHRISTINE FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "The UFO Encounter" by Kurt Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: TLL.ZIP Date: 01/26/93 Downloads: 14 Size: 23,596 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Tim Loves Linda" by Tim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: TOWER.ZIP Date: 12/23/92 Downloads: 38 Size: 16,061 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: CHRISTINE FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "The Devils Tower" by Kurt Frymire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: UFO_1.ZIP Date: 11/19/92 Downloads: 39 Size: 99,576 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: YEN CHEN Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "UFO" by Yen Chin. File can be found as: UFO-1.ZIP on GEnie (Scorpia Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: UNDERBRG.ZIP Date: 11/13/92 Downloads: 48 Size: 126,168 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: LANCE MICKLUS Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "Flying Under Golden Gate" by Lance Micklus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: WAR.ZIP Date: 12/13/92 Downloads: 49 Size: 142,382 Last access: 02/17/93 Cost: 0 From: JAMES FRYMIRE Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "First Day Of The War" by James Frymire. File can be found as: KURTWAR1.ZIP on GEnie (Aviation Libraries) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: WW1.ZIP Date: 01/26/93 Downloads: 11 Size: 198,341 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM/.ALL, FILES., ", ?. Desc: .FLM/.ALL Files. "WW1: The Zeppelin Attack" by Gene Davis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: ZEPPELIN.ZIP Date: 01/26/93 Downloads: 14 Size: 125,283 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: DISNEY SYSOP Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: .FLM, FILE., ", ?. Desc: .FLM File. "Zeppelin" by Tim Grey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: ZERODALL.ZIP Date: 11/23/92 Downloads: 9 Size: 517,891 Last access: 01/26/93 Cost: 0 From: SHOGO IWAI Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .ALL File. "ZEROFILM.ZIP" Digital Sound by Shogo Iwai. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: ZEROFILM.ZIP Date: 11/23/92 Downloads: 29 Size: 51,745 Last access: 02/18/93 Cost: 0 From: SHOGO IWAI Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .FLM File. "Zero Stunt" by Shogo Iwai. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: ZEROSALL.ZIP Date: 11/23/92 Downloads: 4 Size: 262,252 Last access: 02/14/93 Cost: 0 From: SHOGO IWAI Free DL: No Area: Stunt Island IBM Offline: No Keys: STUNT, FILMS, ISLAND, SI Desc: .ALL File. "ZEROFILM.ZIP" MT-32 or AdLib by Shogo Iwai. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix E: Contacting Disney Software Customer Service ------------------------------------------------------- Disney Software Customer Service Department (818) 841-3326 Voice Line (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST, Voice Mail is available after hours.) (818) 846-0454 FAX (Available 24 hours a day) (818) 567-4027 Disney Software BBS (24 hours a day, 2 lines, 300-9600 BPS, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No Parity) AMERICA ON-LINE: Disney Software can be contacted on America On-Line by writing to the ID DaveDisney. Our Customer Support area will soon be found in the PC Games area of this service. COMPUSERVE: Disney Software can be reached at Compuserve ID # 71333,14. For online support of Stunt Island and other Disney/Buena Vista Computer Software products, call 1-800-524-3388 and ask for Representative 362 to get your FREE introductory membership, $15.00 usage credit and one month's free use of basic services. Once online with Compuserve, type GO GAMBPUB and select Disney/Buena Vista's support area located in the Game Publishers B Forum. In addition to reading the messages for game tips, hints, strategies and "walk-thru's", you can download files from the "Libraries (Files)" menu. WHAT IS COMPUSERVE: CompuServe is the world's largest international network of personal computer users (over 1,100,000 worldwide) and has over 1,400 products and services to choose from. You can communicate directly to software publishers and hardware vendors for product support, download free software, and get the latest news and sports of interest with a personal clipping service. Check out the weather forecast with Accu-Weather maps. Plan, schedule and book your own flights, do your own research with an online encyclopedia, and look at the latest up-to-the-minute financial reports. Utilize international electronic mail capabilities and much, much more. DELPHI: We are working on this system too! Details as they become available! GENIE: We are now on the Games Round Table on GEnie. You can Contact us there by writing to the account name DISNEY. We can be found in the Games Round Table by typing M805 at any prompt, and moving to Scorpia's area. PRODIGY: Disney Software representatives can be found in Software Connections. FIDONET: We are quickly becoming aware of the large presence of Disney fans on this network. We are currently answering messages through another BBS system, but hope to link it to the Disney BBS soon. Look for the ID DISNEY SYSOP to contact us. RIMENET: We are quickly becoming aware of the large presence of Disney fans on this network. We are currently answering messages through another BBS system, but hope to link it to the Disney BBS soon. Look for the ID DISNEY SYSOP to contact us. INTERNET: I know very little about this system, other than there are a lot of people with questions about Stunt Island. As soon as I find out how to get into it, I will! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix F: The Future of SIUPDATE ---------------------------------- Items to be added to this SIUPDATE at some point in the future. 1. Information of how to program a plane to hunt you down and blow you out of the sky. (This has been delayed again due to an incredible amount of difficulty in designing this .SET - I hope to have it soon, I will most likely send it out as a separate addendum to this version of SIUPDATE) 2. Lengths of music and sound effects. (This is another one of those HUGE projects that just doesn't seem to fit into my schedule. I have to do charts for AdLib and Digital Sounds, as well as all the Roland Sounds. This one will take some more time, sorry!) 3. Additional location altitudes. (Added some this issue!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *****IMPORTANT NOTICE***** Randy Kung's invaluable assitance in testing Stunt Island was overlooked in the credits section of the Handbook. We apologize for this oversight! ************************** Stunt Island Update is written and prepared by Members of Walt Disney Computer Software's Customer Service Department. Written by: Dave Arnspiger Additional assistance provided by: Joe Adney Leonard D'Ambrosio Ron Fortier Gary Graeper Cary Hara Roger Kung Randy Kung Amy Steiner Ann Wolanski Assistance also provided by the following individuals from the "real world": Keith Heitmann Tod Hagan Don Aldrich