------ SIO/VSIO Problem Report ------ This form should be used to report suspected problems with the communications drivers SIO/VSIO to the author, Ray Gwinn. This form is a modified (for SIO/VSIO) version of the OS/2 problem report form. If you have How-to or other questions about SIO/VSIO, please refer to these sources: - The SIOUSER.TXT file that is distributed with SIO/VSIO. - Many bulletin board systems contain user forums where OS/2 users share information and ideas about SIO/VSIO. Please provide as much information as possible on your problem. Feel free to add additional space, or remove sections of the form that are not relevant to your problem. CONTACT PERSON (Name and mailing address): __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Your Email addresses (if any): __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS: Days: (___) ___-____ x____ Evening: (___) ___-____ x____ Fax: (___) ___-____ x____ Modem: (___) ___-____ x____ Note: Contacts will normally be handled electronically through Email when convenient. You may be contacted via voice telephone if it appears it will expedite resolution to the problem. Would you rather be contacted by voice phone? Y _ N _ ONE LINE DESCRIPTION OF THE OS/2 PROBLEM: ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILED PROBLEM DESCRIPTION - If possible, provide step-by-step recreation scenario. Also, please include any fixes or work arounds you may have already tried. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Enter any SYS error messages that occur: __________________________ Select the appropriate answers by placing an "X" in the space indicated. Can you recreate the problem? Y _ N _ Has the problem occurred on more than one system? Y _ N _ Have you commented (REMed) out or removed COM/VCOM from your CONFIG.SYS? Y _ N _ OS/2 OPERATING SYSTEM SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION: OS/2 Version 2.0 .........: _ CSD Level: _______ OS/2 Version 2.0 GRE......: _ CSD Level: _______ OS/2 Version 2.1 Beta.....: _ CSD Level: _______ NOTE - CSD = Corrective Service Diskette. Use the SYSLEVEL command to determine, if unknown. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION (provide as much as possible): Brand and model of PC: ____________________________________ Microprocessor: Intel _ Other (specify) _______________ Type: 286 _ 386SX _ 386 _ 486SX _ 486 _ Speed: __ MHz Total RAM ....: __ MB Disk drive ...: ____ MB File System: FAT _ HPFS _ Manufacturer: ___________________ Model # _______ Type: IDE _ SCSI _ MFM _ RLL _ Unknown _ Manufacturer and model # of disk controller: ______________________ Manufacturer, revision #, and date of System BIOS: __________________ Manufacturer and model # of video adapter: __________________________ Manufacturer and model # of display: ________________________________ Memory installed on video adapter: _____ EGA _ VGA _ SVGA _ XGA _ Diskette Drive A: 3 1/2" _ 5 1/4" _ Diskette Drive B: 3 1/2" _ 5 1/4" _ List other adapters installed: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ TRAP INFORMATION - If a TRAP occurs and results in the 16 bit trap display similar to the following, enter any of the register values that you recorded: SESSION TITLE: __________________________________________________ TRAP____ AX=____ BX=____ CX=____ DX=____ BP= ____ SI=____ DI=____ DS=____ ES=____ FLG=____ CS=____ IP=____ SS=____ SP=____ MSW=____ CSLIM=____ SSLIM=___ DSLIM=___ ESLIM=____ CSACC=__ SSACC=__ DSACC=__ ESACC=__ ERRCD=____ ERLIM=____ ERACC=__ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ If a TRAP occurs and results in the 32 bit trap display similar to the following, enter any of the register values that you recorded: TRAP ____ ERRCD=____ ERACC=____ ERLIM=________ EAC=________ EBX=________ ECX=________ EDX=________ ESI=________ EDI=________ EBP=________ FLG=________ CS:EIP=____:________ CSACC=____ CSLIM=________ SS:ESP=____:________ SSACC=____ SSLIM=________ DS=____ DSACC=____ DSLIM=________ CR0=________ ES=____ ESACC=____ ESLIM=________ CR2=________ FS=____ FSACC=____ FSLIM=________ GS=____ GSACC=____ GSLIM=________ THE SYSTEM DETECTED AN INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR AT LOCATION ##____:________ - ____:____. _____, ____ ________ INTERNAL REVISION _.___, __/__/__ SIO/VSIO version __________________ CONFIG.SYS - What are the exact lines (DEVICE=) from your CONFIG.SYS that load SIO/VSIO? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Serial I/O Adapter: Vendor: __________________ Model ....: ________________ First Port : UART = ____________ I/O port address = ____h IRQ = _ Second Port : UART = ____________ I/O port address = ____h IRQ = _ Third Port : UART = ____________ I/O port address = ____h IRQ = _ Fourth Port : UART = ____________ I/O port address = ____h IRQ = _ PRINTER - If this is a serial printer problem, please provide the following: Printer Vendor: __________________ Model ....: ________________ Driver Name ..: __________________ SIO Port : ________________ MODEM: Manufacturer _____________ Model ___________________ Maximum baud rate ________ Communications application program that demonstrates the problem? Program: _________________________ Version: _______ Author or vendor: ________________ Have you reported your problem to the program provider? Y _ N _ PLEASE REVIEW ALL OF THIS PROBLEM REPORT BEFORE SENDING. When you are ready to send this SIO Problem Report, send the form as a file or a message to Ray Gwinn at one of the following addresses: CompuServe 72570,157 FidoNet 1:265/104 (Host routing) Internet 72570.157@compuserve.com US Mail Raymond L. Gwinn 12469 Cavalier Drive Woodbridge, VA 22192