Instructions for installing S3 drivers for 911, 924, 80X & 928 chipsets. 1. Unpack the S3 drivers to a temporary subdirectory (x:\S3) 2. From an OS/2 prompt issue: x:&cd x:\S3, then invoke DSPINSTL (Make sure it is executing the one from the S3 Drivers) 3. The "display Driver Install" dialog box will be displayed. Select the Primary Display Adapter option. 4. Under the "Primary Display Adapter Type menu, select: "S3 86c911/ 924/80X/928 ". 5. Select the type of display device. The following are the available frequencies: . 1024 x 768 43 Hz, interlaced, 800 x 600 56 Hz . 1024 x 768 60 Hz, 800 x 600 60 Hz . 1024 x 768 70 Hz, 800 x 600 72 Hz 6. Select the desired display resolution. The following are the available options: . 800 x 600 x 256 VGA Upgrade . 1024 x 768 x 256 VGA Upgrade 7. The "Source Directory" menu will be displayed. Set the source directory to the appropriate drive and directory ( i.e. A: ) and proceed with the install. 8. The installation may pause and display prompts to overwrite certain files. Please answer YES for each file. 9. When the installation is done, the "Display Driver Install dialog" will be displayed. Choose the "CANCEL" button in order to correctly proceed. 10. Select "OK" in the next displayed menu. 11. Edit CONFIG.SYS, find the line that starts with: SET VIDEO_DEVICES=xxxxxx Make sure xxxxxxx is VIO_VGA, if it is VIO_SVGA change it back to VIO_VGA. If DEVICE=x:\OS2\MDOS\VSVGA.SYS is present, comment it out. The install will add or modify an existing SET VIO_VGA=(....,....) statement, it misses the SET VIO_SVGA=(..,..) that may have been present, that is why the above must be done. Now, shut down the system and reboot. You should come up in your selected mode. I have run these drivers on OS/2 2.1 beta, I have not tried them on 2.0 or 2.0+SP. The following are problems I've encountered. At 1024x768 mode windows are not alway correctly redrawn, especially prevelent on changing settings pages, I haven't used 800x600 mode. A dos windowed session can not be started, it just hangs during initialization, however a dos full screen session can be started and then made windowed with alt+home. Screen switching between a DOS/FS display to WPS and then back to the DOS FS will corrupt the DOS fullscreen. Dos Graphics are very slow (ie WOLF3D) , turing on or off XGA_8514IO does not make a difference.