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Buhl Planetarium ramblings RTB tourbook RTB platinum re: them shirts Re: 01/12/93 - The National Midnight Star #595 Some Ramblings Euro Bootlegs, and First-time-callers.. ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1993 From: rush-mgr Subject: Administrivia There was no digest for yesterday, Jan 13. And we've hit 1500 subscribers! - rush-mgr ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1993 22:39:23 -0500 (EST) From: "Philip M. Simon" Subject: Rush bass lines Greetings- I am looking for any and all transcribed Rush bass lines. So far, I have one book with about ten songs (mostly from Signals and Moving Pictures). However, there are two problems with buying books, First, they cost about 15 dollars each. Second, from what I can tell some they aren't easily located. I would be willing to share the songs in my book. Additionally, I would be more than happy to pay for any and all copying and shipping expenses. Email me if interested. Phil Simon ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Jan 93 23:39:22 EST From: "Cygnus X-2 (Gerry Good)" Subject: catching up with TNMS Hello All, Now that I am back at school and reading all the NMSs from the last month, I see there are many new topics. Here is some input from me... #1...I hope that nobody thought that, in my last post, I was inferring that someone like Yngwie Malmsteen is a more talented musician than Alex, actually I meant the opposite. #2...Punani wanted suggestions on how to get Rush to go to Hawaii. I suggest a hunger strike. #3...The comment by rush-mgr to 'let us in on the new producer since we all know anyway' led me to speculate a bit. The hubbub over the new producer, since some people already know who it is, makes me think that it is a producer Rush has used in the past. I would guess that it is either Terry Brown, who produced most of the albums up to Signals, or else Peter Collins, who produced PoW and HYF, both superb albums IMO. Am I right? If so, a cookie is in order. Good night everyone. Gerry Good ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1993 01:01:07 -0500 From: Christopher Mermagen Subject: Howard Unger.... Hey Oliver, cool tidbit about seeing Howard U.. I was always used to seeing his name in the liner notes till lately. I think it is excellent that he is working with Queensryche. I enjoy them alot as well. In fact, it is not so strange, as Peter Collins and James "Jimbo" Barton produced the last two Q-Ryche albums after producing and engineering HYF. The fellows from Q-ryche always talk about Rush as being a large influence on them, also saying how they enjoy to warm up playing a few Rush songs. Enjoy - and welcome back to the hell of school! Chris ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 02:13:24 EST From: stimpy Subject: just a note... I know this isn't approved TNMS material, so I'll be brief: Does anybody have an ESL video that I could copy? I'd pay for the tape and the postage, of course. E-mail me if so. Thanks/Sorry!!! --Broon ************************************************ What I say is merely a matter of opinion. Anyone who believes otherwise is a damn fool. --Anonymous ************************************************ ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 08:37:23 -0500 From: blosskf@ttown.apci.com (Karl F. Bloss) Subject: Buhl Planetarium Any of you Pittsburgh people know if Buhl Planetarium still does the Laserush show occasionally? That one and Laserock Gold were pretty good. -Karl (blosskf@ttown.apci.com) ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 14:35:54 -0400 From: ron@convex.esd.mun.ca (Ron Wiseman) Subject: ramblings Hi all, I was listening to the radio last Friday or Saturday night, and Sabastion Bach of Skid Row was being interviewed. During the interview he mentioned Rush a couple of times (he is obviously a fan!). He told a story of going to Ronnie Hawkins' farm, where Hawkins' asked him if he had heard of a group called Rush. Sabastion said that he may have heard something about that group (with sarcasim). Hawkins then told him that the drums for Tom Sawyer were recorded in a barn on his farm. Sabastion then exclaimed something to the effect of "So that's where the most amazing drum sound on the planet was recorded!'. I though this was odd, because I assumed the drums were recorded at La Studio with the rest of the band, like in the TS video. Anybody have any information on this? I guess that they may have simply recorded the video at La Studio. There would be little point in either Ronnie Hawkins or Sabastion Bach lying about this. - Ron (ron@convex.esd.mun.ca / ron@sparky.esd.mun.ca) "The point of the journey / Is not to arrive" - NP ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Rohit Keswani Subject: RTB tourbook Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 13:05:46 EST I was just wondering if anyone had, or planned to, put the Roll the Bones tourbook on syrinx (in the 'special' directory). I never got a chance to look at that tourbook so I don't even know if there is any written information in it or not. If someone has a typed up version of it let me know. I suppose most people probably just bought it. [ The majority of it *is* on syrinx, in the rush/special directory called "row.the.boats.Z" -- all it's missing are the notes from each of the band members, otherwise it's the same as the tourbook. : rush-mgr ] Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Rohit Keswani Subject: RTB platinum Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 13:11:00 EST As I recall, the FAQ stated that, as of May 1992, the album (Roll the Bones) had gone gold. From what I understand now..it's platinum. At least that is what I read in Billboard Magazine (in the end of the year issue for '92, Atlantic took one page to congratulate all their artists - those who went gold, platinum, double, etc. and they had Roll the Bones listed as Platinum). ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 08:54:13 HST From: puanani@wana.pbrc.Hawaii.Edu (Puanani Akaka) Subject: re: them shirts Jello -- (Ugh, I start school again today...sigh. Haven't these people ever heard of a VACATION???!!! anyone else starting today??? :-) About them shirts -- I discussed with Meg about a month ago the sizes since an XL would be a dress on me :-) and I decided to hold out for the L's. I don't want to go over anyone's heads, but it might be a good idea, for those who don't want XL's, to wait for the smaller sizes -- but please talk to Meg about it first -- don't just take my word for it! :-) Just wanted to confirm what our rush-mgr mentioned before (!) :-) Happy shirting! (????????)... puanani ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1993 03:56:57 -0800 (PST) From: Kennedy Gazaway Subject: Re: 01/12/93 - The National Midnight Star #595 A JPEG viewer for DOS is available by ftp-ing to: sseop.jsc.nasa.gov. I believe it is in the root directory and the filename is DVPEG1l.EXE. The file is compressed but will automatically decompress the first time you try to run it. After the file decompresses, simply type DVPEG or DVPEG286 if you are running it on a 286. When you execute the program, a list of files in the current directory will be shown. Assuming your image files are in the same directory as the viewer, simply arrow down to the file you wish to display, and hit enter. A parameter menu will pop up and allow you to change various items (fairly self explanatory), you may change the parameter values by typing the Capitalized letter in the menu. Hit return again and you image is displayed (quite good on my mono VGA monitor). Hit F1 for help. Also available at this ftp site are mega space shuttle photos. See README.TXT, STS45IMAGES.TXT, and ABOUTIMAGE.WORD for more info on available images and the JPG viewer. !!WARNING!! THIS FTP SITE IS VAX/VMS. I ENCOUNTERED SOME PROBLEMS IN DOWNLOADING TO UNIX. IN PARTICULAR, UNIX HAS A PROBLEM WITH THE VMS VERSION NUMBERS APPENDED TO THE SITES FILENAMES. TRY DOWNLOADING TO A LOCAL FILENAME (e.g. if you want DVPEG1l.EXE;9, download it to DVPEG1l.EXE). ALSO, THE FILE NAME IS DVPEG1l.EXE THAT'S 'ONE-LOWER CASE L' AT THE END, NOT 'ONE-ONE' e-mail to gazaway@u.washington.edu if you have any problems. ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 93 14:49:23 -0500 From: meg (******* Meg *******) Subject: Some Ramblings Well I've been getting some great ideas for the NMS cd here! So many that perhaps it should be a double cd? :) But I need to know if *anyone* has the 1/23/88 show -- I heard Neil's drumset collapses, and I want to see if this is the show with the 'dead drums jam', although I had heard the mics just went out for that. I'm not asking for a copy or anything, just need some info on the show itself. Also, if you have any cool concert photos you (or a friend) has taken and wouldn't mind sending them to me for the cd booklet, please drop me a line. For the Rush CD boot list I still need help on filling in a bunch of stuff (esp. if you have "Atmospheric", "A New Reality", "Bravado", "Kaleidoscopic Harmonies") most importantly the length of the CDs. I need times and track numbers! And since I'm rambling here, just an interesting fact that has no meaning whatsoever: Those GK amps/speakers/whatever that Alex used, at least in the later part of the tour, are made by my second cousin (the K stands for Kruger, which is him -- don't remember the G person). So do you suppose he met Alex? :) -Meg meg@syrinx.umd.edu <-- mail here for NMS shirt info/Rush CD boot list/boot mail order list (please tell me *which* list!) ps. We're going to mail out another 12 shirts later tonight (and almost be caught up!) so if you're waiting for them, expect them by Monday. ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Jan 93 20:45 GMT From: "The Akond Of Swot.." Subject: Euro Bootlegs, and First-time-callers.. Errr... Hello? I'm a first-time-caller, so please be gentle. So which of you rushians knows all about bootlegs then? 'Cos over here in Middlesex Uni, London I have a few which I'd like identified. I've got Rush's Pink Pop Festival (on tape, from Radio1 FM quality) plus a show recorded on the 23rd May 1983 @ Wembley (or that's what it says on the label) with lots of Power-Windows songs. (PoW tour? Name? Quality? Info?) The tape I have (according to the woman in the shop) is a master copy, (Which is actually, a believable story) I'm soooo puzzled by it though... Its got SOR,Tom,Freewill,DigitalM,Subdiv,VitalSig,TCE,Closer,Analog and Trees. My >pride and joy< is a CD bootleg on X-rekords entitled "Red Stars of the Solar Federation" and is the best quality I have ever heard. I believe it to be mastered from a pukka RUSH tape, about the time of ESL. It says "Recorded @ Montreal Forum Canada, by the Alternative Mobile with assistance from the Doll Mobile" Kinda Kool..:-) I wonder if anybod could throw light on this and any of the others ?? (info about Pink Pop etc...) ALSO! Calling British RUSHIANS! (Hello Mr1cy1) Where do YOU buy your Boots?? :-)******************************************************************(-: * The Akond Of Swot is.. Ben Kelly @ Middlesex University. London. UK * * Freshman year in Drama and Information Technology. Trent Park Site. * * "The Blues is a man and a Woman" (John Lee Hooker) Alright! * *:-)******************************************************************(-: ---------------------------------------------------------- To submit material to The National Midnight Star, send mail to: rush@syrinx.umd.edu For administrative matters (subscription, unsubscription, changes, and questions), send mail to: rush-request@syrinx.umd.edu or rush-mgr@syrinx.umd.edu There is now anonymous ftp access available on Syrinx. The network address to ftp to is: syrinx.umd.edu or When you've connected, userid is "anonymous", password is . Once you've successfully logged on, change directory (cd) to 'rush'. There is also a mail server available (for those unable or unwilling to ftp). For more info, send email with the subject line of HELP to: server@ingr.com These requests are processed nightly. Use a subject line of MESSAGE to send a note to the server keeper or to deposit a file into the archive. The contents of The National Midnight Star are solely the opinions and comments of the individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the authors' management, or the mailing list management. Copyright The Rush Fans Mailing List, 1992. Editor, The National Midnight Star (Rush Fans Mailing List) ******************************************** End of The National Midnight Star Number 596 ********************************************