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General stuff The Rhythm Method Re: Rush as a Unit YYZ & DT Rush on Tap Another rec'd T-shirt Shirts & Boots ALEX ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1993 From: rush-mgr Subject: Administrivia I cleaned up some of the ftp incoming directories -- there's several postscript files of lyric sheets designed to fit in a CD case: Rush, FBN, COS, 2112, and Chronicles. They're in rush/lyrics/PostScript; check out README for more info on the files. Also, there's an addition to the special directory (see meg's post below), and a "Rivendell" guitar tab in the tab directory. - rush-mgr ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1993 15:30:28 -0500 From: Scott David Daly Subject: boot CDs Hello all! Hope everyone had GREAT holidays! There's been a LOT of discussion lately about boot CDs...so I thought I'd just pop in my 2 cents worth about the ones I have or have seen: "Over The Europe"--Rotterdam 5/3/92-- This is the BEST RTB boot I've heard yet! Possibly a soundboard (we're all still arguing). It is a complete show and includes Cygnus at the end! Great booklet, cool pictures, neat looking discs with dice design! It usually goes for around $45 or $50...but it's a great sounding COMPLETE show...so if you're gonna spring for one, this is the one to get! "Bravado"--Long Island,NY 3/15/92-- Not bad audience recording...double CD, full show. Decent sound, but if you're gonna spend $50 anyway, go with "Over The Europe"! "The Fly"--New York,NY 12/7/91-- Nothing to write home about...incomplete, OK audience recording. Single disc. 70min. Force Ten-The Pass. Buy a different one unless you were at this show or something. Nice looking blue, designed disc though... "Run From The Fans"--"USA '92" (possibly New Orleans 2/23/92) Single disc. Includes stuff like Xanadu-->Superconductor, Tom Sawyer, Ghost Of A Chance, but no Dreamline, Bravado, or encore stuff. GREAT sound, but this disc plays about 5% SLOW! "Pensacola" and "Mardi Gras"--Pensacola and New Orleans 2/92 I don't have either of these on disc, but I have both shows on tape. The sound on tape is pretty awesome (especially Pensacola...it was a DAT I believe). The beef I have with these boots is this: they are both two-disc sets, but neither is a complete show! They both cut out the encore! Again: If you're gonna pay $50 for a boot, get "Over The Europe"...it's COMPLETE and probably has better sound anyway! "Atmospheric"--(I THINK this is Rotterdam also) I don't have this one, so I can't comment too much...Dave A...care to fill us in? I'm pretty sure this is the same show as "Over The Europe"... "A New Reality"--Montreal '81---Exit...video! Can't comment on the sound, cause I don't ever want to make the mistake of buying a cd that is just the video soundtrack! "La Villa Strangiato"--St. Louis, 1980-- The same as the old vinly boot "Xanadu". This is the complete version, from radio broadcast. The sound is INCREDIBLE. Single disc. Around 80 min I think. Contains Natural Science. A MUST HAVE!! $25.00 I know there are zillons of other boot cds out there, but this is taking longer than I thought...and these are the main ones I can think of that people have been asking about. We really ought to have an ACCURATE "BOOT REVIEW and DESCRIPTION" list containing set lists and all kept on FTP...don't you think? I know Nate was trying to do this a while back...did it ever get finished?...I'd be willing to work on it with people if anybody's interested...this is just a very ROUGH list I put down here. We ought to put down an ACCURATE and COMPLETE description of each boot. ACCURACY is VERY hard to come by in these things...that Hot Wacks book really is BAD, for example...just FILLED with mistakes! These things should be put together by people who KNOW THE MATERIAL! [ See meg's post below. : rush-mgr ] Sorry to take up so much space. Take Care... Skip ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: 06 Jan 1993 18:54:18 -0500 (EST) From: "Joshua A. Vaughn" Subject: YYZ by Geddy and Neil? The Ghost last issue was asking if the credits for YYZ were a misprint. This is all speculation, but I would assume that they are not. Here's my reasoning: the song YYZ is based on that morse code riff for YYZ at the beginning of the song. I would think that would be something Neil would think of doing. Also, right before the place where they put the drum solo on ESL, Ged and Neil trade off little one measure fills, and they give Alex a solo at the end. Compare this tune with Where's My Thing and La Villa, which are a little bit more melody-oriented while YYZ is a little more rythym-oriented. Just speculation, of course. Anyway, Josh ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1993 18:22:17 -0600 From: Brian E. Saunders Subject: Credits for music/lyrics I saw a post saying "why did Peart get credit for the music in YYZ" and it got me thinking. I searched the FAQ for this, but couldn't find it. Anyway, it seems to me that Peart must write the drum parts for all the Rush songs (except the album "Rush", of course). Geddy and Alex could come up with basic rhythm ideas and such, but it almost seems impossible to me that they come up with Neil's intricate drum parts. Therefore, wouldn't be more accurate to credit the whole band for the music? Or are drums not part of "music"? :^) Also, Neil mentioned that the other two often provide input on the lyrics, such they theoretically could receive credit for the lyrics. This has been another "Who really cares, and why was this even submitted?" post brought to you by: Brian E. Saunders saunders@luther.che.wisc.edu ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1993 19:45:11 -0500 (EST) From: Chad H Hutchinson <06819@brahms.udel.edu> Subject: Over the Europe and Ian Livingston Hi kids, For the first time today, I saw a copy of OtE.....FOR $64!!! What a damn rip off!!! If it's gone the next time I go into that store, I'm going to laugh at the poor sap who shelled out THAT MUCH cash. Ouch. If there's anyone out there who has OtE and is willing to make a copy of it for me, let me know and I'll send you the tape(s) of the proper length(s). I wouldn't buy OtE only because I already bought Mardi Gras and can't rationalize spending another $50+ on the same tour. Thanks. Ian Livingston, what is your E-mail address? I would like to talk about Dream Theater. Mail me at (06819@brahms.udel.edu). "...nevermore to grace the night." -Cygnus X-1 Ghost ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 93 17:34:56 -0800 From: mikes@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Rocinante) Subject: T-Shirts.... Hey All..... rush-mgr said ' GeE, MiKe, LetS Not ForgIt who Else Help eh? :) ' Oh yeah... Good Work Jim!!!! ** Gives rush-mgr a Pat on the head ** ciao -=- Mike ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 06 Jan 93 21:10:25 CST From: UC512052@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu Subject: Rush w/o Neil Good comments from Will (me@whizbang...) about Geddy and Alex without Neil. I have to say that they exemplify the definition of synergy: the sum being greater than it's parts. Interdependence also comes to mind. Regards, David K. Drum uc512052@mizzou1.missouri.edu ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Benkamin Bowles Nevile Subject: Bass lines/Alex Lifeson Date: Wed, 6 Jan 93 21:39:45 CST Scott Josephson: > 1.) The analog kid (those amazin' triplets) > 2.) FreeWill (during solo) > 3.) La Villa Strangiato (bass riff,VI - The Ghost of the Aragon) > 4.) YYZ (some of the bass riffs) > 5.) The Big Money (some of the riffs) > 6.) Marathon > 7.) Show Don't Tell (during solo) > 8.) Where's My Thing? (some of the riffs) Now THAT'S really strange. I'm only a bass player of four years, but I like to think of myself as being fairly good right now.. good enough to play almost all of what Geddy does. The first thing that I >EVER< learned how to play on bass was the solo part of Freewill. I picked it up by ear, off of the radio. I think that it's a very easy line to play.. some of the stuff he does under Alex's guitar is hard to pick out by ear, but once I got it I found it.. well, not too tough. Strange how different people find different things hard. That solo in La Villa is a bitch, agreed. I think Marathon is easy once you get the quick right hand movement down. I can't say I remember the bass line in The Analog Kid.. I think I'll head down to my basement for a bit! What about Turn The Page? I've never tried to play it, but it's always sounded difficult to me. YYZ is the hardest I've ever attempted to learn. Alex Slotkin: > While Rush contains two highly talented musicians, > Neil and Geddy, the group sound and compositional approach is what makes Rush > truly great. I know people will jump all over me for saying this, but Lifeson > is not nearly as good an overall musician as the rhythm section is. This, I > think accounts for the fact that the most interesting facets of Rush's > music lies in the rhythmic elements. Take, for example, YYZ. The entire > basis of this piece is the odd time meter., and interesting bass-drum > approach. Ah! But you chose a song that Geddy and Neil wrote, and Alex did not. Still, I agree with you somewhat. I've always found it strange the way that Rush began as such a guitar oriented group, where Alex was, without a doubt, the main attraction, and that now Geddy and Neil have totally outpaced him. Strange. Still, put Alex in context; he was shredding a LONG time ago, and he may seem tattered when compared to the likes of Joe Satriani, but guitar has come a long way.. Alex was a guitar god in his own right in the 70s. Think about it! Eddie V.H. didn't pop up mainstream until the mid 80's. Derek Lichter: Whenever I try to play Rush at parties, I get lynched! I must not be going to the right parties. > +============== my navel is an interdimensional portal ================+ Hey, so is mine! ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: 06 Jan 1993 23:53:51 -0500 (EST) From: jdell@titan.ucc.umass.edu (Joe Dell) Subject: those wonderful teeshirt, and bootlegs... Well, as usual, when I got home from work, I had to read the newest issue of the N.M.S. Granted I've skipped 1 or 2 because of lack of time, but what I would like to know is where can I purchase a N.M.S. teeshirt? They sound great Could someone please make the information public? Thanks. On to another topic, which I love... [ See meg's post below. : rush-mgr ] Rush bootl. I am in need of some more. I have an addiction of buying all the ones I listen to. What I have is the following: Mardi-Gras (great) Over the Europe (Great) Run from the fans (great collection, but lacking a little) Pensicola (very good) Bravado (Weak) Currently in vogue (great) Red Barachetta (great) La Villa Strangiato (very good) Metal Memories <1979> good but only 45 min. I want to find one from some tour not covered. If anyone has any suggestions, please post. Favorite Bands: 1. Rush 2. Pink Floyd 3. Social Distortion 4. Jane's Addiction 5. Ramones -=Joe --Boundary (ID yu66Im2RB7//3lmLYPOSqA)-- ---------------------------------------------------------- Subject: General stuff Date: Thu, 07 Jan 93 16:13:00 From: SMills@ncagccsu.telecom.com.au Weel guys, first post in a while. Work is getting boring. Just a few responses. I didn't order a T-shirt because the cost of shipping to Oz is high but I saw the responses and I think I may change my mind! To Meg: remember I ordered some stuff from the States before from you? Stuart Mills? Well maybe I'll do it again. What I am REALLY after (and other people can help here) is some of these bootlegs running around. You guys in the great US of A get a *LOT* of stuff about the band. I have to go to import shops just to buy the LEGAL albums! I'm also after any drum scores put down by Rush (I already have TECHNIQUES up to GuP) but I was wondering if there were any more. NO I CAN't PLAY THE Rhythm Method! Its BLOODY HARD! (Although I am learning Tom Sawyer slowly at the moment...can't get the double kick and 12' 13' tom sextets yet though....! :) ) Anyway, I would consider ordering a heap of stuff again if I could get some value from the postage. Say $150-$200 American dollars worth + postage. This would include a T-Shirt. Can anyone help suggest what I might want (mostly non-standard stuff) and I might get my ass in gear and order a T-Shirt. Thanks folks. Yours from OZ, tanned and drinking Fosters on Bondi Beach! Stum ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 00:59:58 EST From: Greg.Andrade@um.cc.umich.edu Subject: The Rhythm Method Someone asked if any drummers are able to play the Rhythm Method. I believe I would be able to play the ASOH version, but not the new one, because I don't have thousands of dollars worth of electronic drums and samplers. I say would be able to play the ASOH version because a chart of the solo would be helpful. Does anyone know how I can get a transcription of the Rhythm Method? I have both Rush drum transcription books, but neither of them feature it. ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 08:02:13 CST From: main@Trade_Zone.msfc.nasa.gov (john main) Subject: Re: Rush as a Unit Hello, In response to an article in the latest NMS (received 1/7) : > Subject: Re: Rush as a unit > Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 19:13:34 PST > From: Will Hartung - Master Rallyeist > > I know that Geddy and Alex work on the music in one room, while Neil > writes in another...and then they magically shuffle the two together > to get, well, Rush. But one side has to mold the other, and somehow I > don't see the music changing the lyrics as much as the other way > around. > > Will > (me@zipbang.socal.com) > "One for all and none for one..." Syrinx Priests... I read in a recent NMS, or heard on _The Story of Kings_, or somewhere, that the way they write songs is: Geddy & Alex go off and write music and Neil goes off and writes lyrics. At the end of the day, they come together and Geddy & Alex work from Neil's lyrics, and Neil works from Geddy & Alex's music. So, it works both ways. And BTW, I'm am NOT trying to downplay Neil's role, just telling you what I have read. I Hate Bama main@Trade_Zone.msfc.nasa.gov ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1993 11:18:00 +0000 From: "Oliver (O.R.) Sampson" Subject: YYZ & DT Hello, I also noticed that the authorship of YYZ on my copy of MP is by Lifeson & Peart. My music transcription shows that it was written by all three...What gives? And, I would like to offer my address for anyone wanting to discuss Dream Theater. Later all, ************************************************************************ Oliver R. Sampson "I used to be indecisive, but now I'm Member Scientific Staff not sure." -- Benny Hill BNR, Inc. Internet: olsam@bnr.ca "All opinions expressed here are the opinions solely of the author, and they are in no way a reflection of opinions or policies of BNR, Inc. or Northern Telecom." -- The boss says I have to put this in here. ************************************************************************ ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 12:43:59 PST From: changed@robotics.berkeley.edu (Chang... Ed Chang.) Subject: Rush on Tap Did anyone catch the "Spinal Tap Reunion" Special on last weekend? In one of their songs, "The Majesty of Rock" (?), they sing, "The more things stay the same, the less they change." And near the end of the song, there's a guitar riff that sounds suspiciously like the one in the Rush song. Circumstantial evidence? I think not... Ed ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 15:55:31 -0500 From: blosskf@ttown.apci.com (Karl F. Bloss) Subject: Another rec'd T-shirt Just a quick note to thank all involved with the T-shirt production. I like it....it's understated, yet to the point. If you didn't get one, order one! -Karl (blosskf@ttown.apci.com) ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 15:58:34 -0500 From: meg (******* Meg *******) Subject: Shirts & Boots On the shirts, we mailed off 8 more on Tuesday, so some of you should be getting them today! We're going to pick up the other 50 shirts tonight and will mail off another shipment Fri or Sat. Glad to see everyone likes them! Since there have been quite a few discussions on Rush CD boots, I've made up a list of them (but I need MAJOR help on it from those of you who have some!) -- it contains the song listing, length of cds, general comments, sound quality and the source. It's at syrinx on anonymous ftp in the rush/special directory, called CD-boots.list.Z For those of you without ftp ability, mail ME and NOT the rush-mgr and I will mail a copy to you. Someone was keeping a list like this, but has since left the mailing list. Let me know what you think about the list! -Meg meg@syrinx.umd.edu <-- mail here for NMS shirt info ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: 07 Jan 93 16:32:54 EST From: "Will Geeslin" Subject: ALEX Alex Lifeson is a very good guitar player. I am a professional player that Rolling Stone magazine described as having "lots of technical flash..." and "high velocity fretwork...".(Oct '91 issue, Brainsalad review, College band section). I know I'm tooting my own horn but I just want to let you know that I have some grasp of the subject. Alex Lifeson has written some of the most moving rock guitar solos ever and yes "La Villa Strangiato" is a testament to his playing and compositional skills. However, he is not in the same caliber technically as for example Steve Vai. He also isn't on the same technical level as Geddy and Neil are on their respective instruments. This does not in the least take away from his place as a truly great guitar player which encom- passes two elements: Technical prowess and Compositional ability. Having only the former does not make you a great guitarist (look at Yngwie Malmsteen) but having the latter does (look at the Edge). Alex Lifeson has the best of both worlds: technical(try playing the Spirit of Radio, which I still use as a warm up exercise) and compositional ability (insert your favorite Rush song here). ---------------------------------------------------------- To submit material to The National Midnight Star, send mail to: rush@syrinx.umd.edu For administrative matters (subscription, unsubscription, changes, and questions), send mail to: rush-request@syrinx.umd.edu or rush-mgr@syrinx.umd.edu There is now anonymous ftp access available on Syrinx. The network address to ftp to is: syrinx.umd.edu or When you've connected, userid is "anonymous", password is . Once you've successfully logged on, change directory (cd) to 'rush'. There is also a mail server available (for those unable or unwilling to ftp). For more info, send email with the subject line of HELP to: server@ingr.com These requests are processed nightly. Use a subject line of MESSAGE to send a note to the server keeper or to deposit a file into the archive. The contents of The National Midnight Star are solely the opinions and comments of the individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the authors' management, or the mailing list management. Copyright The Rush Fans Mailing List, 1992. Editor, The National Midnight Star (Rush Fans Mailing List) ******************************************** End of The National Midnight Star Number 592 ********************************************