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Power Windows lyrics and Richard Feynman survey question rec'd NMS shirt :-) rush boots/prices/locations ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 19:13:33 -0500 From: ba080@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Jim B. Stevenson) Subject: Shirts and such Howdy! Well, I just received my NMS shirt, and all I can say is WOW! It's great! It really surpasses my expectations! Good job! I especially like the little pack-in articles! Now if only we can get the NMS Tape/CD going as well as these shirts did! Well, until later! -- [][][] [] [] [][][] [] ba080@cleveland.Freenet.Edu |"Why are we here? [] [] [] []____ []____ Jim `SnowDog' Stevenson | Because we're [] [] [] ~~~~[] []~~[] HAIL DIRK,LERXST,AND PRATT! | here! [] [][][] [][][] [] [] "Nowhere is the dreamer..." | Roll dem bones!" ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 21:42:14 -0500 From: ngupta@mtl.mit.edu Subject: NMS T-shirt I got mine today. I just wanted to drop a note and say that Meg has done one hell of a job. I am very impressed! If you haven't ordered one, do it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nitin Gupta MIT Submicron Structures Laboratory ngupta@mtl.mit.edu NeXT Mail Encouraged 617 253 0721 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: Rush as a unit Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 19:13:34 PST From: Will Hartung - Master Rallyeist > I am beginning to wonder whether Rush is considered by the listening public as > an individual group of musicians, or a working unit. Well, I've personally always considered Rush as One. The fact that the members were notable in their own right is, maybe, a bonus. On the other side of the coin, I've enjoyed the lack of notoriety that the members have, at least in the press. I don't read any of the assorted Music Magazines (whether it be Modern Drummer or something like Rip...), but as I glance by them on the magazine racks, Rush and it's members are almost never mentioned. I hear almost zero about them on the radio (save their music), and their personal lives are a complete blank to me. And that's GREAT! I would hope that they appreciate that as well. I recently had to drive 8 hours in a car with no music whatsoever, so I picked up Chronicles on tape to listen to. I've never really listened to the 'Rush' album, I don't own it. Of course, there are two songs on Chronicles, and as you can imagine I listened to these tapes probably over ten times. The songs are OK, but it's not Rush. I don't think that Geddy says 'Baby! Oh Oh Oh!' in anything after 'Rush'. So it got me thinking about what the band might be like without Neil. I know I wouldn't be listening to them like I do today. And for me, that's an interesting statement. Neil is the lyricist and 'percussion'. What really grabs me about Rush is the music. Rushes music can consistently get my adrenalin pumping and blood rushing. Their music has a lot of power, and for me it has a notably emotional response. But I don't think the music would have this power or strength if it didn't have to keep up with what Neil wants to say. I know that Geddy and Alex work on the music in one room, while Neil writes in another...and then they magically shuffle the two together to get, well, Rush. But one side has to mold the other, and somehow I don't see the music changing the lyrics as much as the other way around. So, if Neil never showed up, would Red Barchetta be about something less? Same music, different lyrics? Would it exist at all? I would think not. In fact, I imagine that if they didn't happen to come together, Rush would not have lasted at all. Another band with some party tunes knocking themselves out playing formulas. Geddy and Alex found someone that could take their music and give it a reason and a path, Neil found somebody that could bring the thoughts in his head to life....Apart they're not much, but together they shine. Will (me@zipbang.socal.com) "One for all and none for one..." Syrinx Priests... ---------------------------------------------------------- Subject: MFSL Moving Pictures Error Date: Tue, 05 Jan 93 11:07:26 EST From: kadath!krothman@hico2.att.com! The way the error is on my copy, which also creates a sensible explanation for the others is that the if you use music search to go forward to the track, the very beginning is cut off, however if you play it through from YYZ, it is fine. Apparently the first second (half second - whatever) is in negative time, like an intro, but it shouldn't be an intro. Strangely enough, Sony's Mastersound of Born to Run does that on every song, I think they're all getting a bit sloppy. Too bad. Ken krothman@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1993 15:07:54 -0500 (EST) From: Chad H Hutchinson <06819@brahms.udel.edu> Subject: YYZ Credits and "Tough Break" Hi all, Well, I'm back for Winter Session at the ol' U of D. But the good news is that I have a class entitled "Philosophical Ideas in Rock Lyrics" and the professor loves Neil Peart. BONUS!! Back to business. I wa flipping through the booklet to my Moving Pictures CD when I noticed that the song writing credits fro "YYZ" said "Music by Lee and Peart". This hit me strange. Is this a misprint, was Alex asleep, what's going on? I assume it's a faux pas by the printer because Geddy and Alex have written the music together since the beginning of time. Let me know, eh? Something I forgot about. Remember back in the days of Signals when Rush recorded a song called "Tough Break" with Jack Secret? Well, did anything ever come of that? In other words, does anyone in the vast reach of us Rush fans happen to have a copy of this tune? I am seriously doubting that anyone does, but I'm just curious. Does anyone have a copy of "You Can't Fight It"? I have "Not Fade Away" on tape, but I don't have and have never heard the B-side. If someone has it, let me know, I'd really like a copy. Thanks. Some Terry Brown news for you. I recently picked up the new Triumph album (sans Rik Emmett) and Terry Brown produced the second track entitled "Troublemaker". Good fast tune, definitely for driving. For those of you who have mentioned Dream Theater, thanks again. I saw them live two weeks ago and they were amazing! If anyone has any questions or comments concerning Triumph or Dream Theater, please contact me personally. (06819@brahms.udel.edu) Hast luego, mein froinds. Ghost ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: 05 Jan 1993 16:05:25 -0400 (EDT) From: A spider wanders aimlessly within the warmth of a shadow Subject: next album What is the latest word on the release of the next Rush album? Does anyone have a clue as to the title? Also, can any of the drummers out there play the rythum method? ian livingston p.s. "If anyone wants to talk about dream theatre, e-mail me." ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 14:01:36 -0800 From: mikes@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Rocinante) Subject: T-Shirts.... Hey all! I just got my T-shirts today..... and 1st: Thanks Meg! They came out GREAT! I didn't really know what to expect, and they are very well done. Bravo! :)) 2nd: To all of you who don't have them.. seriuosly think about getting one.. they are real nice.. not TOO terribly Fancy/Flashy.. just a very nice and something you can see yourself wearing. Anyway.. just wanted to voice my Thanks and opinions on the Shirts. Thanks again Meg.. [ GeE, MiKe, LetS Not ForgIt who ELse Help eh? :) :rush-mgr ] -=- Mike ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 93 07:12 GMT From: Cyber Surfer Subject: Power Windows lyrics and Richard Feynman In-Reply-To: <9301042330.AA13781@syrinx.umd.edu> > I can't say that I think that Neil quoted or paraphrased Feynman (or his > biographer), but if _Genius_ is anywhere near as good as _Surely You're > Joking, Mr. Feynman_ (may have that title a bit off) or _What Do You Care > What Other People Think?_, I would recommend it highly. I would dare to I think there may have been a small misunderstanding. The "quotes" in GD are not from Genius, but were around already. NP must have just done some research and found them in some other book. The other books you mention are also very good, and make a good introduction. Genius adds background and detail. There are a lot of things RF obviously didn't feel needed saying, or never revealed to anyone, but which have their place in a bio. The letter to his dead wife on p221 for example. It's certainly given me a new perspective on a Rush song, and that is a good enough reason, but the books are of interest to me anyway. > say that Feynman and Peart are kindred souls in that they are intense, > curious, and disciplined without taking themselves seriously. The two I fully agree with this. Their views on religion coincide. While RF was oblivious to "culture" and music, he had an obsession with rhythum and drumming. The army medical examination that RF tells in SYJMF appears in Genius, but with more detail and perspective. RF was also highly sceptical about psychiatrists! "And *this* is medicine?" I wonder if NP was ever drafted? (Does/did Canada have/had a draft?) Maybe he would have enountered the same stupid questions. In either case, it would have been a great loss to have lost such talent to the army, who wouldn't know how to use it anyway. > Well worth the $10 for the pair. Go for it! You'll ROFL 'til your sides hurt, I promise. Then you can decide whether to spend $27.50 on the bio. I can also recommend watching the BBC Horizon programmes about RF, one of which is an interview. Well, that's enough about one song! Martin Rodgers ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 93 02:57:12 EST From: Chris Anderson Subject: survey question I posted this query quite some time ago in alt.music.rush and was disappointed by the response -- so, here we go again.... *if* you could suggest a song topic/theme to neil, what would you suggest and why? Cheers, Chris -- Chris Anderson cander@sodium.mps.ohio-state.edu The Ohio State University andersonc@kcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu I) I I <^ I_I I\ I_I _> I I life is the words; government is the punctuation. ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 93 11:46:19 EST From: Doug White Subject: rec'd NMS shirt :-) Hullo! A short post to say that my shirt made it to Maryland. (I think someone asked for this info to be posted...) I'm very pleased - now WHEN'S THE NEXT CONCERT I CAN WEAR IT TO? :-) a believer in the freedom of email, Doug ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 93 13:09:14 EST From: jedinkle@mosaic.uncc.edu (James E Dinkler) Subject: rush boots/prices/locations I have been reading about all the boots that are out, I decided that I must go in search of them. Lucklly, I had little trouble finding them. A small shop here in Charlotte carries them. In fact, the fellow I talked to was a BIG Rush fan, and was able to tell me which ones he thought were the best. At the time only three were in stock: The Fly - $25.00 Mardi Gras - $38.00 <== much less than $59, Ian :( New Rhythms(?) - $25.00 <== Toronto, May '92, I believe >From what I have seen, these are good prices. The guy also said they should be getting RFtF in sometime this month. What I would do for $100 right now...:) Another thing. What would everyone think of creating a list of places they have found Rush boots (or other bands). It can sometimes be hard to find a good music store when you have to move; it could also give a list of places to go on vacation. Fav bands-- 1. RUSH 2. Queensryche, (old) Metallica, (old) Ozzy Others - Tyketto, Wagner (yes, the composer), Nirvana, Pink Floyd ************************************************************** Jim Dinkler ** The whole wide world's ** an endless universe, jedinkle@mosaic.uncc.edu ** yet we keep looking through ** the eyeglass in reverse ** -Rush ************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------- To submit material to The National Midnight Star, send mail to: rush@syrinx.umd.edu For administrative matters (subscription, unsubscription, changes, and questions), send mail to: rush-request@syrinx.umd.edu or rush-mgr@syrinx.umd.edu There is now anonymous ftp access available on Syrinx. The network address to ftp to is: syrinx.umd.edu or When you've connected, userid is "anonymous", password is . Once you've successfully logged on, change directory (cd) to 'rush'. There is also a mail server available (for those unable or unwilling to ftp). For more info, send email with the subject line of HELP to: server@ingr.com These requests are processed nightly. Use a subject line of MESSAGE to send a note to the server keeper or to deposit a file into the archive. The contents of The National Midnight Star are solely the opinions and comments of the individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the authors' management, or the mailing list management. Copyright The Rush Fans Mailing List, 1992. Editor, The National Midnight Star (Rush Fans Mailing List) ******************************************** End of The National Midnight Star Number 591 ********************************************