Kathleen Kennedy was considered the most lively and vivacious of the Kennedy sisters. Nicknamed "Kick" by her father, the name seemed to reflect her love of life. While in England during her father's time as Ambassador, she fell in love with William Cavendish, the Marquess of Hartington. Though her family strongly opposed, they were married in 1944. Only her brother Joe attended from her side of the family. Kick's new husband was killed just 5 weeks later. After she began dating again she met Peter Fitzwilliam, another aristocratic Protestant. Because he was already married they kept their affair secret. In May of 1948 they decided to fly to Cannes for a long weekend. They ignored the pilot's warning that the weather was bad and they should cancel their trip. While flying over the Rhone valley, a storm pushed the small plane into the side of a mountain, killing all aboard.