---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE INFORMATION - PEEPWORKS Version 1.5 of PEEPSHOW!! 3/30/93 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a while since the last version (1.4) of PSHOW was released and it might take a little longer to add all the requests that have been suggested. Therefore, PEEPWORKS is releasing version 1.5 of PSHOW as it is for now. Future versions will hopefully have printing options (HP & Dot Matrix), minor editing, better file control, and all the other options that were requested. A few of the options have been added: Loading and saving of different file listings; autosizing of pictures, and a better interface. PEEPWORKS hopes to have the next version available before this summer with all of the requested options. A big thanks goes out to all registered users for your support and ideas. Hope you enjoy using PSHOW!! PEEPWORKS