═══ 1. About PS Assistant ─ Tutorial ═══     IBM PS ASSISTANT (TM) Developed by Mark T. Chapman IBM PC Company Personal Systems HelpCenter Technical Support Group 2300 Windy Ridge Parkway, WC4G, Marietta, GA. 30067 PROFS ID: DAYVM2(MCHAPMAN) ─ Tie Line: 269-6432 Prodigy ID: JPJS05A ─ BBS: 404-835-6600 (C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1989-1993 OVERVIEW There are many sources of information available from IBM, including announcement letters, service manuals, programming and technical reference manuals, how-to "cookbooks," electronic bulletin boards (both public and IBM-use only), and others. The IBM PS Assistant is an attempt to bring much disparate and often difficult to find information together into one easy-to-use "electronic book." The IBM PS Assistant is an online help tool composed of PS/2 and OS/2-related marketing, service, technical and general information. The books include the: 1. IBM PS Marketing Assistant (filename PS2A_MKT.INF), which contains:  IBM hardware and software pricing part number lists and descriptions.  IBM publication ordering information.  Feature Code/Part Number cross-reference.  PCradio-PS/1-PS/2-PS/VP-ThinkPad features cross-reference.  Promotional and upgrade information.  Marketing Qs & As, and more. 2. IBM PS Service Assistant (PS2A_SVC.INF), which contains:  Hardware and OS/2 error code information.  Latest DOS and OS/2 CSD information.  Latest Reference and Diagnostic Diskettes list.  ADF file cross-reference.  Hardware and software service tips and Qs & As, and more. 3. IBM PS Technical Assistant (PS2A_TEC.INF), which contains:  Tutorials on Micro Channel Advantages, and Expanded vs. Extended Memory,  Hundreds of hardware and software technical tips and Qs & As. 4. IBM PS Technical Specifications Assistant #1 (PS1A_TSP.INF), which contains:  Lengthy technical specifications documents for all PS/1, PS/VP, and non-Micro Channel PS/2 systems and related displays, past and present. 5. IBM PS Technical Specifications Assistant #2 (PS2A_TSP.INF), which contains:  Lengthy technical specifications documents for all Micro Channel PS/2 and ThinkPad systems and related displays, past and present. 6. IBM PS General Information Assistant (PS2A_GEN.INF), which contains:  IBM and non-IBM telephone numbers.  A list of OS/2-related BBSes.  A list of OS/2-related PC User Groups.  An acronyms and abbreviations list. The reason for having a number of different books instead of just one large one is two-fold. First, there is so much information provided that it might be awkward to use, and would take longer to search through than smaller books. And second, by dividing up all of this information into related subject matter, those who don't need certain categories of information (such as service tips, for example), can delete entire books to save disk space. Besides, these files may be logically linked together and viewed or searched as one large book, at your preference. (This procedure is explained in the accompanying PS2ASST.TXT file.) For convenience, the files will be collectively called the "PS Assistant" throughout the rest of this document. Not only is the information more "centrally located" this way than distributed across all the individual documents, but due to its electronic nature, the specific information you seek can be found more quickly and easily. The source information is compiled into binary files that take roughly half as much disk space as ASCII files would. And since the compiler also creates a "data dictionary" of all words and numbers anywhere in the files, all occurrences can be found and displayed on-screen in only a few seconds via the search facility provided. In addition, hypertext links (hyperlinks) allow you to jump from section to section within a book without ever having to return to the Table of Contents. Hyperlinks are also used to display popup footnote windows at the point of the footnote reference, rather than making you have to scroll down to the bottom of a page, or the end of a chapter, to find the footnoted information. The PS Assistant is created by compiling a scripted ASCII text file, using the Information Presentation Facility (IPF) Tag Language and Compiler. They are included in the OS/2 V1.2 and 1.3 Programming Tools and Information toolkits (P/Ns 6024929 or 85F1671), as well as the OS/2 2.0 Developer's Toolkit (P/N 10G3355-3.5"; 10G4335-5.25"). The PS Assistant requires OS/2 1.2 or later to operate, because it uses the OS/2 VIEW.EXE command to access the files. This is the same command used to display the online OS/2 Command Reference. Since both files were created with the same compiler, and are displayed by the same command, they look and act very much alike. So if you know how to use one, you also know how to use the other. Note: The PS Assistant was tested, and does work, across an OS/2 LAN Server V1.2-V3.0 network, relieving the need for disk space on the requester, not to mention not having to keep all those requesters updated with the latest versions of the PS Assistant books. (For instructions on Setting Up an OS/2 LAN Server to Share Online Books, see the document by the same name in the Networking Tips section of the PS Technical Assistant.) HOW TO USE THE PS ASSISTANT Before you begin to use this tool, it is helpful to understand how to: o Expand the Contents to see all available topics o Obtain additional information for a highlighted word or phrase o Use action bar choices. How to use the Table of Contents When the Contents window first appears, some topics have a plus (+) sign beside them. The plus sign indicates that additional topics are available. To expand the Contents if you are using a mouse, click on the plus sign. If you are using the keyboard, use the Up or Down Arrow key to highlight the topic, and press the plus (+) key. For example, PS/2 Part Number / Pricing / Availability List has a plus sign beside it. To see the complete list of Part Numbers, etc, click on the plus sign or highlight that topic and press the plus (+) key. To view a topic, double-click on the topic (or press the Up or Down Arrow key to highlight the topic, and then press the Enter key). Note: To exit from any panel (window), including this one, simply press the ESC key, or double-click on the icon to the left of the panel title bar (NOT the one to the left of the PS Assistant title bar, or you will close the PS Assistant). This will return you to the point from which you entered the panel (either the Table Of Contents or another panel). This may be done a number of times in succession to step back through layers of panels, or until the TOC is reached. How to obtain additional information After you select a topic, the information for that topic appears in a window. Words, phrases, or numbers highlighted like this or this indicate that additional information is available, either in the form of a footnote, or sometimes an entire section. Hyperlinks are used in some areas to help you jump from one section of a document directly to another, without having to return to a menu. (If you don't find this color to be easily identifiable as a hyperlink, you may change the color, as described below.) Use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to move between all the hyperlinks within a document. For example: Certain words in the following section are highlighted in this way. If you are using a mouse, double-click on the highlighted words. If you are using a keyboard, press the Tab key to move from one highlighted word to the next, (or Shift-Tab to backup) and then press the Enter key. Additional information will appear in a pop-up window. Note: The windows that pop up when you double-click on a hypertext link are sizable. Simply drag the sides or corners of the windows to the desired size and shape, just as you would any other PM window. Note: Headings are assigned the color red throughout the PS Assistant. The Change Bars (|), which indicate additions or revisions since the last release of the PS Assistant, are also highlighted in red to make them easier to find. (All other colors are as set by your OS/2 Control Panel selections. If a color, or combination of colors, is not to your liking, you may change them to something more pleasing. The operative choices are: Help Text, Help Background, and Help Highlight.) Tip: An easy way to find ALL changes since the last version is to Search for the Change Bar character (|). This can be typed by holding the Shift key while typing the backslash key. How to use the Action Bar options A number of choices are available for managing information presented in the PS Assistant. If you want to see more information about these choices, click on the name of the choice (or press the Tab key to move to the choice and press Enter). Help Provides online help panels for using the Help facility. Bookmark Allows you to set a placeholder so you can retrieve information of interest to you. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Search Allows you to find occurrences of a word or phrase in the current topic, selected topics, or all topics. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Print Allows you to print one or more topics. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Copy Allows you to copy a topic you are viewing to a file you can edit. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Options Allows you to change the way your Contents is displayed. To see the PS Assistant Disclaimer and Trademark Information, select: Disclaimers & Trademarks ═══ 1.1. Disclaimer & Trademark Info ═══ To return to the About PS Assistant section, select: About PS Assistant * * * * * * * DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY * * * * * * * INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE EVALUATION AND USE OF THIS INFORMATION IS A CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY. IN NO EVENT WILL IBM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN EVEN IF IBM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. It is possible that this material contains references to, or information about, IBM products, programs, or services that are not announced or available in every country in which IBM operates. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce or make available such products, programs, or services in any country in which they are not currently announced or available. The information herein is intended for use only in the United States, notwithstanding there may be many similarities between products marketed worldwide. Any reference to an IBM product in this document is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product may be used. Any functionally equivalent product may be used instead, provided that use is in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines for that product. Prices and specifications are subject to change at any time without notice. Prices are provided for information purposes only, and shall not limit in any way the remarketers' ability to set their own prices for IBM products. The contents of this online book are copyrighted by International Business Machines Corporation. * * * * * * * TRADEMARKS * * * * * * * The following trademarks apply to all on-line information: o 1-2-3, Agenda, Freelance, Magellan, Notes, and Lotus are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. o 1-2-3/G and Symphony are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. o 386 MAX, 386 MAX Professional, and Qualitas are trademarks of Qualitas, Incorporated. o 3+ Open and 3Com are trademarks of 3Com Corporation. o 80286, 80386, 80486, and i486 are trademarks of Intel Corporation. o Adobe Type Manager and ATM are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. o ActionMedia and DVI are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. o AIX is a Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. o AIXwindows is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. o Aldus and Pagemaker are registered trademarks of Aldus Corporation. o Apple is a registered 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The enhancements of each version of the Assistant are listed below in reverse chronological order. Major changes are followed by minor changes. Inorder to minimize the size of this section, details of the minor changes are shown for just the three newest releases. Earlier versions, in the Archives section, include descriptionsof the major changes only. Tip An easy way to find ALL changes since the last version is to Search for the Change Bar character (|) from the Table of Contents. This can be typed by holding the Shift key while typing the backslash key. To jump to the Archives section, containing the remaining history information, double-click here. ─────────────────────── HISTORY ─────────────────────── 68th Edition──02/26/93 MAJOR CHANGES:  Added Technical Specs for PS/2 2121 Models A62/A82/B94/C92/G42/M82/S92  Added Technical Specs for PS/2 2123 Models 081/087/131/137/N81/N37  Added Technical Specs for PS/2 2133 Models G11/G13/P11/P13/S11/S13/W11/W13  Added Technical Specs for PS/2 2155 Models G14/P14/S14/W14 MINOR CHANGES: PS GENERAL INFO ASSISTANT  Non-IBM Vendor Phone Numbers section: - Added 4 phone numbers - Changed 1 phone number  OS/2-Related BBS Numbers section: - Added 2 BBS phone numbers - Changed 1 BBS phone number  FTN Broadcasts and Tapes section: - Added 3 FTN broadcasts PS MARKETING ASSISTANT  Operating System & Apps Part Number/Price List section: - Withdrew most Discover/Education courses - Changed FCS date for TCP/IP V2.1 for DOS NetBIOS Toolkit - Added announcement information for Workstation One for Windows, Macintosh, and OS/2 - Added announcement information for OASAS V2.0 - Added information about next OS/2 2.1 beta CD-ROM version  PS Hardware Part Number/Price List section: - Added announcement information for PS/note Model W82 notebook - Added withdrawal dates for all PS/2 Model 25/25LS systems (not 25SX) - Added withdrawal dates for all PS/2 Model 35LS systems - Reduced price of ThinkPad 300 notebook - Added withdrawal dates for all remaining PS/2 Model 70/80 systems - Reduced prices of several memory options - Withdrew 6091-019 color display - Changed descriptions of 6312/6314/6319/9515/9517/9518 color displays - Reduced the price of LAN Network Manager Entry upgrade - Added announcement information for Time and Place/2 - Reduced prices of NetWare from IBM V3.11 - Improved description of LANACS V2.0. and added announcement letter number - Changed descriptions of several ARTIC card software products to describe diskette size included - Improved description of ISDN 5ESS and DMS-100 products - Added announcement letter number for X.25 Coprocessor Support Program  PS-OS/2-DOS-AIX Publications section: - Added 2 OS/2 pubs  Marketing Qs & As section: - Added 1 ThinkPad Q & A - Added 3 OS/2 Qs & As PS SERVICE ASSISTANT  No Changes PS TECHNICAL ASSISTANT  Technical Tips section: - Added 3 OS/2 Tips - Updated 1 OS/2 Tip  Technical Qs & As section: - Added 1 ThinkPad Q & A - Added 9 OS/2 2.0 Qs & As - Corrected 1 OS/2 2.0 Q & A PS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ASSISTANT #1  PS/1 Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Added Technical Specs for PS/2 2121 Models A62/A82/B94/M82 to B82 document - Added Technical Specs for PS/2 2121 Models C92/G42/S92 to C42 document - Added Technical Specs document for PS/2 2123 Models 081/087/131/137/N81/N37 - Added Technical Specs document for PS/2 2133 Models G11/G13/P11/P13/S11/S13/W11/W13 - Added Technical Specs document for PS/2 2155 Models G14/P14/S14/W14 - Added graphics/video information to 2121-M01/C01, M34/C34 documents - Added graphics/video, tape drive, and memory information to A62/A82/B82/B94/M82 document - Added graphics/video, tape drive, and memory information to C42/C92/G42/S92 document - Added Speaker vs. Beeper information to all PS/VP documents, and PS/2 Models 30/30-286 documents  PS/VP Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Added Speaker vs. Beeper information to all PS/VP documents  PS/2 (85xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Added Speaker vs. Beeper information to PS/2 Models 30/30-286 documents  ThinkPad Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - No Changes PS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ASSISTANT #2  PS/2 Displays Features and Technical Specs section: - No changes  PS/2 (85xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Added Speaker vs. Beeper information to PS/2 Models 55/55LS documents - Clarified the maximum motherboard memory issue for PS/2 Model 80-041/071 documents  PS/2 (95xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Corrected mouse information in 8595-0Mx document  ThinkPad Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - No Changes 67th Edition──02/10/93 MAJOR CHANGES:  None MINOR CHANGES: PS GENERAL INFO ASSISTANT  IBM Voice Phone Numbers section: - Changed 1 phone number  OS/2-Related BBS Numbers section: - Added 4 BBS phone numbers  OS/2-Related PC User Groups section: - Updated 1 UG description  Acronyms and Abbreviations section: - Added 2 acronyms  FTN Broadcasts and Tapes section: - Added 5 FTN broadcasts PS MARKETING ASSISTANT  Operating System & Apps Part Number/Price List section: - Added withdrawal date for Windows Connection 2.0 - Added announcement information for OS/2 Comm Manager/2 and Database 2 OS/2 (DB2/2) - Added withdrawal date for DirecTalk/2 - Corrected part numbers for ES additional licenses  PS Hardware Part Number/Price List section: - Added announcement information for new PS/VP Models F23/F43/M43/M53/W53 - Withdrew all PS/2 Model 35SX systems - Reduced prices of all PS/2 Model 56 LS and SX systems - Withdrew both PS/2 Model N45 noteooks - Reduced prices of several PS/2 Models 56 and 57 SLC - Added ivory letter numbers to many products - Changed the descriptions of 9556-0BA, 9557-0BA, 9576-0UA, 9577-0UA, 9577-0NA to reflect new 208MB drive size - Withdrew 8512 color display - Added announcement information for 16-bit Fast SCSI Adapter - Changed descriptions of TMC-850IBM SCSI adapters to indicate 8-bit adapter - Added warranty period to 3514 SCSI disk array - Added announcement information for IBM keyboards with AT or PS/2 cables, with and without trackball - Added withdrawal date for Multi-terminal ASCII Emulator - Added availability date for DCAF V1.1 - Updated LAN Network Manager product information - Added announcement information for Entry LAN to LAN WAN Program - Withdrew Netview DM/2 - Added announcement information for ISDN Coprocessor Support Program V1.2  PS-OS/2-DOS-AIX Publications section: - Added 2 PS/VP pubs - Added 7 ISDN pubs - Added 13 OS/2 and Apps pubs - Changed 2 OS/2 and Apps pubs  F/C-P/N X-Ref section: - Added 2 F/Cs  PCradio-PS/2-PS/VP-PS/2-ThinkPad Features X-Reference section: - Deleted several withdrawn models - Corrected 6 PS/VP descriptions - Added 5 PS/VP models - Corrected 2 ThinkPad descriptions  Promotional Offerings section: - Added 1 offering - Updated 1 offerings - Deleted several expired offerings PS SERVICE ASSISTANT  Latest DOS and OS/2 CSD Levels section: - Added Networking Services/DOS CSD level PS TECHNICAL ASSISTANT  Technical Tips section: - Updated 3 PS Tips - Updated 2 OS/2 Tips  Technical Qs & As section: - Added 11 PS/VP Qs & As - Added 1 ThinkPad Q & A - Added 1 OS/2 2.0 Q & A PS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ASSISTANT #1  PS/1 Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Added IBM 16-bit Fast SCSI Adapter to all 386SX PS/1 documents - Created hyperlinks to footnotes describing both 8-bit Future Domain SCSI adapters and IBM 16-bit Fast SCSI Adapter to all 386SX PS/1 documents - Created "placeholders" for 386SL, 486SX, and 486DX PS/1 documents to come  PS/VP Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Created hyperlinks to footnotes describing both 8-bit Future Domain SCSI adapters and IBM 16-bit Fast SCSI Adapter to all PS/VP documents - Added additional SVGA tech specs to all PS/VP documents - Corrected description of UART used in all PS/VP documents - Corrected description of video memory used in all PS/VP documents - Added Models F23/F43/M43/M53/W53 to existing documents - Added footnotes describing ROM shadowing differences between models - Added BIOS Submodel byte info to Mxx/Wxx documents  PS/2 (85xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Created hyperlinks to footnotes describing both 8-bit Future Domain SCSI adapters and IBM 16-bit Fast SCSI Adapter to all AT-bus PS/2 documents - Added withdrawal notice to PS/2 Model N45 document  ThinkPad Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Moved ThinkPad 300 to book #1 - Corrected bus type for ThinkPad 300 - Added description of warranty type PS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ASSISTANT #2  PS/2 Displays Features and Technical Specs section: - No changes  PS/2 (85xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - No changes  PS/2 (95xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Changed the descriptions of 9556-0BA, 9557-0BA, 9576-0UA, 9577-0UA, 9577-0NA to reflect new 208MB drive size  ThinkPad Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Moved ThinkPad 300 to book #1 - Added description of warranty type 66th Edition──01/14/93 MAJOR CHANGES:  Moved all AT-bus PS/2 Technical Specs documents from the Tech Specs Assistant #2 to #1 (with the other AT-bus systems) MINOR CHANGES: PS GENERAL INFO ASSISTANT  IBM Voice Phone Numbers section: - Corrected 1 phone number  IBM Non-Voice Phone Numbers section: - Added 2 phone numbers - Changed 1 phone number  Non-IBM Phone Numbers section: - Added 3 phone numbers  OS/2-Related BBS Numbers section: - Added 1 BBS phone number  OS/2-Related PC User Groups section: - Changed 1 UG phone number - Reorganized the list by state  FTN Broadcasts and Tapes section: - Added 1 FTN broadcast PS MARKETING ASSISTANT  Operating System & Apps Part Number/Price List section: - Changed descriptions of some Personalized Learning Series products - Added announcement information for FaxRouter/2 software - Added announcement information for Columbus: Encounter, Discovery, and Beyond; and Illuminated Manuscripts - Added announcement information for AIX PS/2 V1.3 - Withdrew AIX PS/2 V1.2.1 products  PS Hardware Part Number/Price List section: - Withdrew PS/1 upgrade - Added warranty information to most PS/1 and 85xx PS/2 systems - Withdrew 25-286 systems - Withdrew 486SLC2 upgrade promo offer pricing - Corrected description of 8MB SIMM (6450130) - Withdrew ActionMedia Developer's Toolkit V1.1 - Withdrew old Dialogic voice communications kits - Added green letter number to VoiceType - Added announcement information for THINKable/2 1.0 for OS/2 - Added announcement information for Wide Area Connector adapters - Added announcement information for LAN Management Utilities/2 - Renamed LANfocus products to LAN NetView - Added announcement information for Network SignON Coordinator/2  PS-OS/2-DOS-AIX Publications section: - Added 7 Networking pubs - Added 5 OS/2 and Apps pubs  F/C-P/N X-Ref section: - Added 8 F/Cs - Updated 1 F/C  PCradio-PS/2-PS/VP-PS/2-ThinkPad Features X-Reference section: - Deleted several withdrawn models - Added an additional footnote to all floor-standing models  Promotional Offerings section: - Added 1 offering - Updated 3 offerings - Deleted several expired offerings PS SERVICE ASSISTANT  Latest PS Reference/Advanced Diagnostic Diskette Versions section: - Added versions for 76/77/M77, 85, and ThinkPad 300  Service Qs & As section: - Added PS/VP Qs & As section - Added 1 PS/VP Q & A - Added ThinkPad Qs & As section - Added 3 ThinkPad Qs & As PS TECHNICAL ASSISTANT  Technical Tips section: - Updated 3 OS/2 Tips  Technical Qs & As section: - Added 2 OS/2 2.0 Qs & As - Updated 2 OS/2 2.0 Qs & As PS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ASSISTANT  PS/1 Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - No Changes  PS/VP Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Added 486 Burst Mode line to all documents  PS/2 Displays Features and Technical Specs section: - None  PS/2 (85xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Corrected 256K Level 2 Cache information in 90-0L9/0LF document  PS/2 (95xx) Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Filled in missing specs for 104MB and 212MB SCSI drives in 56/57/M57/76/77/85 documents - Added ECC-P information to 85 document - Corrected VRAM, UART, and SCSI port information for 85 document - Corrected 256K Level 2 Cache information in 95-0LF document  ThinkPad Systems Features and Technical Specs section: - Added hyperlink with information about LCD indicators to 300 and 700/700C documents ═══ 2.1. Archives ═══ This section contains a list, in reverse chronological order, of all the older versions of the PS Assistant, with a brief description of the major changes (if any) incorporated into those versions. To return to the main History of Changes section, double-click here. ─────────────────────── Archives ─────────────────────── 65th Edition──12/22/92  Added tech specs for 8511/8515/9517/9518 color displays 64th Edition──12/08/92  Added PCradio-PS/2-PS/VP-PS/2-ThinkPad Features X-Reference section to Marketing Assistant  Added OS/2-Related User Groups section to General Info Assistant 63rd Edition──11/16/92  Changed the PS/2 Assistant name to PS Assistant to reflect the addition of PS/1 and PS/VP products  Divided the PS Technical Specs Assistant into two books (#1 and #2, clever, eh?), due to its size. #1 contains PS/1 and PS/VP systems and displays; #2 contains PS/2 products.  Added PS/VP and ThinkPad specs to the PS Technical Specs Assistant 62nd Edition──10/20/92  Added announcement information for new PS/ValuePoint systems and options  Divided System Units Pricing sections into PS/1-PS/VP and PS/2 sections 61st Edition──10/08/92  Added announcement information for new ThinkPad notebook and tablet computers, and options 60th Edition──09/25/92  Added announcement information for new 95xx PS/2 Models 56/57/M57/76/77/M77/85/90/95, PS/2 Server 295, 3514/3515 disk arrays, 9515/9517/9518 displays, and options  Added technical specs for new 95xx PS/2 Models 56/57/76/77 59th Edition──08/31/92 58th Edition──08/14/92 57th Edition──07/23/92  Reduced prices of nearly all PS/2 models 56th Edition──07/10/92  Changed the price list format of the PS/2 Marketing Assistant and made sundry other changes to improve printed output  Changed format of "old style" documents in the PS/2 Technical Specs Assistant to improve printed output 55th Edition──06/17/92 54th Edition──06/02/92 53rd Edition──05/11/92 52nd Edition──04/30/92  Added many OS/2 2.0-related Qs & As to PS/2 Technical Assistant 51st Edition──04/10/92 50th Edition──03/24/92 49th Edition──03/13/92  Added OS/2 2.0 Qs & As section to PS/2 Technical Assistant 48th Edition──02/25/92 47th Edition──02/17/92 46th Edition──01/31/92 45th Edition──01/15/92  Implemented price changes on nearly 200 products. 44th Edition──12/31/91  Added nearly 100 more OS/2 error codes. 43rd Edition──11/22/91 42nd Edition──11/13/91  Began adding NDD announcement letter numbers to PS/2 Marketing Assistant. 41st Edition──10/31/91 40th Edition──10/18/91  Added October 17th, 1991 announcement information 39th Edition──09/30/91  Added nearly 450 OS/2 error messages to PS/2 Service Assistant 38th Edition──09/06/91  Added PS/2 Displays Features and Technical Specifications Reference to PS/2 Technical Specifications Assistant 37th Edition──08/27/91  Divided PS/2 Technical Assistant into Technical Assistant and Technical Specifications Assistant 36th Edition──07/26/91  Added more than 180 OS/2 Error Messages to the Service Assistant Version 2.72──07/16/91  Added Promotional Offerings section to PS/2 Marketing Assistant Version 2.71──06/28/91  Added list of OS/2 CSD 5015 fixes to Service Assistant  Added list of NETxxxx error codes to Service Assistant Version 2.70──06/14/91  Added 14 Technical Specifications documents for new PS/2 Models 35/40/55/57/70 (now more than 70 total) to Technical Assistant  Added information for dozens of new products to Marketing Assistant Version 2.62──05/31/91  Added Service Tips section to PS/2 Service Assistant  Added PS/2 Assistant Tips section to PS/2 Technical Assistant Version 2.61──05/17/91  Major usability enhancements to PS/1 & PS/2 Features and Technical Specs section, including: - Reformatted 15 documents (30-E31/E41, L40-044, all 90/95 docs) to use proportional font, and left-adjusted columns, for better readability--the rest to follow. - Modified hyperlinks in the same documents, using left-adjusted columns, for better readability. Version 2.60──04/30/91  Major usability enhancements, including: - Removing "third column" from all Technical Specs documents, to both make them easier to read and to reduce the size of the data file - Merged the PS/1 systems in with the PS/2s in the Technical Assistant Technical Specs section - Merged the PS/1 products in with the PS/2 products in the Marketing Assistant Hardware Part Number and Price List - Added dozens of new hyperlinks between sections - Made Qs & As more compact, and easier to read - Moved "Minimizing OS/2 Fixed Disk and Memory Requirements" from Marketing Assistant main menu to OS/2 Tips section of Technical Assistant - Added Technical Specs documents for the four new PS/2 Model 90/95 XP 486SX systems, and the two new PS/2 Model 95 XP 486 systems Version 2.53──04/16/91  Added OS/2-Related BBS Phone Number section Version 2.52A──03/29/91 Version 2.51──03/07/91  Added "Qs & As" sections to Service Assistant Version 2.50──02/21/91  Added 14 Tips & Techniques documents to PS/2 Technical Assistant on AIX, Networking, Printers, PS/2 Hardware, and OS/2  Added "Qs & As" sections to Marketing and Technical Assistant (including 44 Qs & As on AIX, Networking, Printers, PS/2 Hardware, OS/2, and Miscellaneous)  Broke out Operating System/Application Software price list into separate Table of Contents entry Version 2.40──02/07/91  Added IBM Business Partner Classes subsection to IBM PS/2 General Info Assistant  Added IBM Software Upgrade Information section to IBM PS/2 Marketing Assistant  Added Latest IBM DOS and OS/2 CSD Levels section to IBM PS/2 Service Assistant Version 2.31──01/23/91  Included Usage & Satisfaction survey form (PS2ASURV.TXT) Version 2.30──01/08/91  More than 150 price changes made to PS/2 Marketing Assistant  More than 600 OS/2 error messages added to PS/2 Service Assistant  Added Other Vendor Voice Phone Number section to PS/2 General Info Assistant (more than 100 phone numbers) Version 2.22──12/13/90  Created PS/2 General Info Assistant, using the IBM Phone Number, Acronyms & Abbreviations, and IBM Education sections from the other PS/2 Assistant books. Version 2.21──11/28/90 Version 2.20──11/07/90  Added hundreds of new hardware, software, and documentation part numbers, and updated numerous other sections to reflect new products Version 2.12──10/23/90  Added Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations section  Added IBM Education (Classes/Self-study) section  Including OS/2 Classes and OS/2 Books subsections, and incorporating the FTN Broadcast Tapes section Version 2.11──10/10/90 Version 2.10──09/25/90  Added AIX Memory/Disk Requirements section to PS/2 Marketing Assistant  Added OS/2 FTN Broadcast Tapes section to PS/2 Marketing Assistant  Added ADM, MACH, NET, QRW, REX, TRAN, and UPM subsections to the OS/2 Messages section of PS/2 Service Assistant Version 2.02──09/11/90  Added Minimizing OS/2 Disk Storage Requirements section  Added hundreds of additional hyperlinks between sections within topics, and between topics, primarily in the Marketing and Technical Assistants Version 2.01──08/28/90  Added OS/2 CSD Fixes section Version 2.00──08/14/90  OS/2 SQL (DBM) Messages section added  SCSI Adapter and Cable Configuration document added  Divided PS/2 Assistant into 3 books: PS/2 Marketing Assistant, PS/2 Service Assistant, and PS/2 Technical Assistant. Version 1.42──07/24/90 Version 1.41──07/10/90  Added F/C information to Part # column  Added hyperlinks between all documents in a section  OS/2 ACS Messages section added Version 1.40──06/26/90  Added IBM Phone Number List section  Added Explanation of Expanded vs Extended Memory section  Added PS/1 Part Number/Pricing information  Added PS/1 Features and Technical Specs section Version 1.31──06/11/90  Added OS/2 System Limits section Version 1.30──05/24/90  Added OS/2 Performance Tuning subsection  Added Technical Specs documents for new 25-286, 65sx, P70, and 80 models Version 1.23──03/30/90  Added Processor/Memory/Disk X-Reference section Version 1.22──03/04/90 Version 1.21──02/13/90 Version 1.20──01/12/90  Added OS/2 PMVxxxx Error Codes section  Added Micro Channel vs. AT Bus section Version 1.10──01/03/90 Version 1.03──12/27/89  Added P/N-F/C X-Reference section Version 1.02──12/16/89  Added ADF File X-Reference section Version 1.01──11/27/89  Added POST/Diagnostic Error Codes section Version 1.00──Released 11/20/89 INCLUDED:  PS/2 Part Number/Pricing List section  PS/2 Features and Technical Specifications section * * * * ═══ 3.  ─ GENERAL INFORMATION ─  ═══ The following sections contain information that doesn't fit within the categories of marketing, technical, or service information. To exit to the Table of Contents, press the ESC key, or double-click on the system menu icon in the upper-left corner of this window. Or, to jump directly to the other documents in this section, use the mouse or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section to which you wish to jump, below: Main Sections IBM Phone Number List Computer Acronyms & Abbreviations Non-IBM Phone Number List IBM Education (Classes/Self-study) OS/2-Related BBS Numbers OS/2-Related User Groups ═══ 4. IBM Phone Numbers ═══ The following sections contain the voice and non-voice phone numbers for a number of IBM locations which are accessible to end-users and dealers. Reminder: To exit to the Table of Contents, press the ESC key, or double-click on the system menu icon in the upper-left corner of this window. Or, to jump directly to the other sections of this document, use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section to which you wish to jump, below: Other Sections IBM Voice Phone Numbers IBM Non-Voice Phone Numbers Return to the  ─ GENERAL INFORMATION ─  header. ═══ 4.1. IBM Voice Phone Numbers ═══ Jump directly to the IBM Non-Voice Phone Numbers section. Or, return to the IBM Phone Number List header. Note: Highlighted phone numbers indicate that there is additional information available. To view this information, use the Tab and Enter keys, or double-click on the phone number, using the mouse. Location Phone Number IBM 3151 ASCII Terminal Hotline 800-IBM-3151 IBM Academic Information Systems (ACIS) ordering information 800-222-7257 IBM Asia Pacific South Developer Assistance Program (Australia) 61-2-354-7684 IBM AIX Systems Support Center 800-547-1283 IBM Anti-Virus Services 800-742-2493 IBM Authorized Dealer Locator 800-447-4700 IBM CAD Support Center 303-924-7262 IBM Catalog Solutions Center 800-IBM-CALL (426-2255) IBM Credit Card Support Center 800-345-9186 IBM Credit Corporation (ICC) 800-IBM-7777 (426-7777) IBM Customer Education Schedules 800-IBM-TEACh(426-8322) IBM Customer Relations 201-930-3443 IBM Customized Operational Services 800-999-0052 IBM Desktop Software Product Information Center 800-IBM-7699 (426-7699) IBM Desktop Software Support Hotline 800-336-5430 IBM Developer Assistance Program (IDAP) Information/Registration 407-982-6408 IBM Direct (Supplies: place orders, get prices) 800-IBM-2468 (426-2468) IBM Direct Response Marketing (PCs, S/W, etc) 800-IBM-2YOU (426-2968) IBM DisplayWrite End-User Support 800-336-5430 IBM (NDD) Education Registration 800-937-3737 IBM End User Support--Fee Help Desk 800-964-8523 IBM Employee Sales 800-IBM-EMPL (426-3675) IBM Fax Information Service 800-IBM-4FAX (426-4329) IBM Field Television Network (FTN) Information and Broadcast Tape Ordering 800-282-0226 IBM Fulfillment Center (publications ordering) 800-626-9303 IBM General Information 800-IBM-3333 (426-3333) IBM Hardware Authorized Service Center Locator 800-237-4824 IBM Hardware Service Information 800-624-6875 IBM Hardware Service (placing service call) 800-IBM-SERV (426-7378) IBM Industrial PC Support 800-526-6602 IBM Information Network (IIN) Customer Assistance 800-727-2222 IBM International Sales Information (Voltages, etcetera) 800-IBM-1774 (426-1774) IBM Investments 800-IBM-7777 (426-7777) (InvestConnect - touchtone) 800-IBM-8000 (426-8000) (TDD: Hearing-impaired service) 203-352-5045 (Prospectus or other literature) 800-IBM-9876 (426-9876) IBM LAN Automated Distribution/2 800-547-1283 IBM Licensed Education Centers Information 800-PS2-2227 (772-2227) IBMLink Customer Support Center 800-543-3912 IBM Maintenance (Service) Agreements 800-624-6875 IBM Materials Safety Information 800-IBM-4333 (426-4333) IBM Media Relations (product-specific) 914-642-3000 IBM Multimedia Help Line 800-241-1620 IBM Multimedia Information Center 800-IBM-9402 (426-9402) Ext. 150 IBM Multivendor Consulting 800-742-2493 IBM National Education Fulfillment Center 800-IBM-3327 (426-3327) IBM NSC/Technical Advisor BBS Status 404-835-6804 IBM OS/2 Application Solutions Catalog Ordering 800-READ-OS2 (732-3672) IBM OS/2 Application Assistance Center (OS/2 AAC) 800-547-1283 IBM OS/2 BBS Registration Information 800-547-1283 IBM OS/2 Free Upgrade Order Status 800-677-2581 IBM OS/2 Information and Sales (U.S.) 800-3IBM-OS2 (342-6672) IBM OS/2 Information and Sales (Canada) 800-465-1234 IBM OS/2 OEM System Compatibility Testing CLICK HERE IBM OS/2 Promotional Items 914-273-6755 IBM OS/2 ServicePak Defective/Missing Diskette Replacement (NOT ServicePak ordering!) 800-879-2755 IBM OS/2 Support Line 800-237-5511 IBM Part Number ID and Lookup 303-924-4015 T/L 263-4015 IBM PartnerLink (CSS/RICS) Dealer Support Line 800-IBM-DEAL (426-3325) IBM Parts Order Center (Customer: PC and Typewriter) 303-924-4100 IBM PC Technical Books Hotline 800-IBM-PCTB (426-7282) IBM Personal Systems Developer Magazine Subscriptions 800-READ-OS2 (732-3672) IBM Personal Systems Direct Sales (PCs, S/W) 800-IBM-2YOU (426-2968) IBM Personal Systems Technical Presentations 800-547-1283 IBM Personal Systems HelpCenter 800-PS2-2227 (772-2227) 800-426-4238 (TDD/ASCII) IBM Platinum Accounting Software Support 800-333-5242 IBM Platinum OEM Add-on Database Product Info 800-999-1809 x1210 IBM PS/1 386SX Upgrade Trade-in 800-421-5448 IBM PS/1 Hardware Service 800-765-4747 IBM PS/1 Locator 800-IBM-3377 (426-3377) IBM PS/2 Direct Customer Sales 800-IBM-2YOU (426-2968) IBM PS/2 Lease from IBM Credit Corp. 800-237-4824 IBM PS/2 Loan For Learning Program 800-634-9308 IBM PS/2 Trade-in Program 800-331-0589 IBM Software and Publications Ordering (Dealers only) 800-327-5711 IBM Software Defect Support (Dealers/Tech Coordinator) 800-237-5511 IBM Software Manufacturing and Delivery Center (Order thousands of Mechanicsburg publications) 800-879-2755 (Press option 5 for publications ordering) IBM Solution Validation Lab 800-742-2493 IBM Special Needs Information and Referral Center 800-IBM-4832 (426-4832) IBM Supplies Technical Hotline 800-IBM-1484 (426-1484) IBM SystemXtra For Personal Systems 800-547-1283 IBM Tax Deferred Savings Plan (TDSP) Service Department 800-726-1000 IBM Technical Coordinator Program 800-547-1283 IBM Technical Solutions Magazine Circulation Department 800-551-2832 IBM Think Magazine Circulation Department 914-288-5800 T/L 351-5800 IBM Triumph! Workstation Manager Service and Support 214-644-1344 IBM Warranty Claims Center (Dealers only) 800-759-7483 EduQuest Software Ordering (IBM Subsidiary) 800-IBM-3327 (426-3327) EduQuest Technical Support (IBM Subsidiary) 800-IBM-6378 (426-6378) Lexmark International, Inc. Automated Fax System (IBM Subsidiary) 800-4LEX-FAX (453-9329) Lexmark Int'l, Inc. Customer Support Operations 800-258-8575 Lexmark Int'l, Inc. Printer Support Hotline 800-537-2540 Lexmark Int'l, Inc. Technical Support Center 800-4LEX-TSC (453-9872) PRODIGY Service Information (IBM Subsidiary) 800-PRODIGY (776-3449) Prospective IBM Industry Remarketer (IR) Info 800-IBM-VARS (426-8277) ═══ 4.2. IBM Non-Voice Phone Numbers ═══ The following list includes such dial-up numbers as Fax and BBS lines. Jump directly to the IBM Voice Phone Numbers section. Or, return to the IBM Phone Number List header. Note: Highlighted phone numbers indicate that there is additional information available. To view this information, use the Tab and Enter keys, or double-click on the phone number with the mouse. Location Phone Number IBM Asia Pacific South Developer Assistance Program Fax (Australia) 61-2-354-7766 IBM Automated Fax System (PC/mini/mainframe info) 800-IBM-4FAX (426-4329) IBM Fulfillment Center (publications ordering) Fax 800-447-5634 IBM National Parts Center Fax order Processing 800-666-3997 IBM NSC Automated Fax System (PC-related marketing and support info) 800-IBM-3395 (426-3395) IBM NSC (National Support Center) BBS 404-835-6600 (Internal Tie Line) T/L 269-6600 IBM OS/2 Forum on CompuServe (type GO IBMOS2) (your local CIS phone number) IBM Printers (Lexmark) BBS 606-232-5238 IBM Technical Advisor Fax access to the IBM NSC 800-426-3405 ═══ 5. Non-IBM Vendor Phone Number List ═══ Often, when diagnosing a problem, multiple hardware and software products from several different vendors may be involved. This can make resolving the problem more difficult. In order to simplify this process, the following list contains a number of vendors' technical support lines. Note: This is not intended to be a complete list of all industry hardware and software vendors. It is only a starting point, including many phone numbers published in the trade press, of vendors who provide products or services for IBM systems. The presence or absence of a vendor from the list should not be construed as anything more. Because these numbers are not provided directly to IBM by the vendors, IBM does not guarantee their accuracy. This list will be updated as new information is obtained. (To report additional or updated phone numbers, see the About PS Assistant tutorial section for contact information.) Note: All numbers are voice unless otherwise specified. Return to the  ─ GENERAL INFORMATION ─  header. Vendor Phone Number 3COM 800-876-3266 Above Software 714-545-1181 Adaptec, Inc. 408-945-8600 408-945-7727 (BBS) Adobe Systems, Inc. 415-961-0911 Advanced Business Microsystems 800-999-1809 Aldus Corporation 206-628-5737 (Fax) FreeHand 206-628-4532 Gallery Effects 610-695-6956 IntelliDraw 619-695-6956 PageMaker 206-628-4531 Personal Press 619-695-6956 Persuasion 206-628-4533 PhotoStyler 206-628-4537 Alloy Computer Products 508-875-6100 Always Technology 818-597-0275 (BBS) Amdek 408-435-2832 American Cybernetics 602-968-1082 (BBS) AOX, Inc. 800-232-1269 617-890-4402 ArtiSoft 602-293-6363 602-293-8065 (BBS) Ashton-Tate/Borland 408-438-7464 AST Research 714-727-9630 714-727-4723 (BBS) Asymetrix Corporation 206-637-1600 AT&T Support (PCs) 201-769-6397 (BBS) ATI Support 416-756-4591 (BBS) Autodesk, Inc. 800-445-5415 (Animator) 800-525-2763 (AutoSketch) 306-487-2233 Axonix 800-866-9797 Big Peach 404-446-6650 (BBS) BIOS Upgrades, Inc. 800-628-8620 Bit Bucket Software 303-693-4317 (BBS) Bitstream 617-497-6222 Black Box Corporation 412-746-5500 Boca Research, Inc. 305-997-6227 Borland International 800-841-8180 | (Framework) 408-438-7464 | Brightbill-Roberts 315-474-3400 Broderbund Software 415-382-4700 Buttonware 900-454-8000 Caere Corp. 408-395-7000 x389 Calera Recognition Systems 408-986-8746 California Software Products, Inc. 714-973-0440 Canon USA, Inc. 516-933-6300 (Fax, Printers) 714-979-6000 Central Point Software 503-690-8080 503-690-7133 (Fax) 503-690-6650 (BBS, 2400bps) 503-690-4777 (BBS, 9600bps) CH Products 619-598-2518 Cheyenne Software 800-243-9462 516-484-5110 (NY) 516-484-3446 (Fax) Chipsoft 619-453-4842 619-453-5232 (BBS) Citrix 800-437-7503 Claris Corp. 408-727-9004 CMS Enhancements 714-259-9555 714-549-4004 (Fax) Colorado Memory Systems 800-845-7905 303-669-8000 CompuServe 800-848-8990 Computer Associates 408-942-1727 Core International 407-997-6033 Corel Systems Corporation 613-728-8200 (Corel Draw) 613-728-1990 Cumulus Corporation 216-464-2211 DCA 404-740-0300 404-740-8428 (BBS) DeScribe, Inc. 916-646-1111 8am-5pm PST 916-929-3237 (BBS) Digi International, Inc. 612-943-5398 (Fax) DigiSpeech Corporation 415-494-8046 Digital Research 408-646-6464 Digivox Corporation 800-344-4869 | 415-494-6200 | 415-494-2351 (Fax) | Dow Jones News Retrieval 609-452-1511 Electronic Arts 415-572-2787 Enable 518-877-5040 Epson America 800-421-5426 Everex Systems 415-498-1115 Fido Software 415-863-2739 (BBS) Forth, Inc. 213-372-8493 Fox Software 419-874-0162 Funk Software 617-497-6339 Future Domain 714-253-0440 GammaLink 408-744-1430 Gilmore Systems 805-582-9306 (BBS) 818-706-9805 (BBS) Hayes Advanced Systems 800-874-2937 (BBS) Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. 404-441-1617 Hercules 415-540-0749 Hewlett-Packard Corporation 208-323-2551 Personal Peripherals Hotline 800-752-0900 Update Line (drivers) 208-344-4809 (Fax) Hitachi 800-447-2882 Infocom, Inc. 617-576-3190 Informix 800-274-8184 Integra Technologies 408-980-1371 Intel Corporation 408-987-8080 Intel PC Enhancement Operations 503-645-6275 (BBS) Intuit 415-322-2800 (Quicken) 415-858-6060 IOMEGA Corporation 801-778-3000 Irwin Magnetics 800-348-6242 JDR Microdevices 408-559-0253 (BBS) Jensen-Jones 800-289-1548 GO JJSUPPORT (CIS) Kodak/Diconix 800-344-0006 Kraft Systems 619-724-7146 Kurta 602-276-5533 Lattice 708-916-1100 Leading Edge 508-836-3967 (BBS) Logitech 510-795-0427 Lotus Development Corporation 800-223-1662 617-577-8500 MacroMind 415-442-0200 Maxtor 408-432-4777 303-678-2020 (BBS) Maynard Electronics 800-227-6296 McAfee Associates 408-988-4004 (BBS) Micro Design 407-677-8333 Micro Foundry, The 415-598-0398 (BBS) Micro Tech 314-334-6359 (BBS) Micrografx 214-234-2694 Microrim 206-883-0888 206-649-9836 (BBS) Microsoft Corporation 206-637-7098 | 206-646-9145 (BBS) Microway 508-746-7341 Microsystems Software Inc. 508-875-8009 (BBS) Miniscribe 800-356-5333 x2700 Mitsubishi Electronics 800-556-1234 (US/Canada) 800-441-2345 (California) Mountain Computer 800-458-0300 Mouse Systems Corporation 415-656-1117 Multi-Net Communications 503-883-8099 Mustang Software 805-395-0650 (BBS) NEC Electronics 508-264-4300 NoGate Consulting 616-530-3392 (BBS) Novell, Inc. 800-526-7937 Okidata 800-654-3282 Orchid Technology 510-683-0323 510-683-0327 (BBS) 510-683-0555 (BBS, 9600, V.32) Owl International 206-747-3203 OS/2 User Group 44-285-655888 (UK) Pacific Data Products 619-552-0880 x310 Panasonic 800-233-8182 Paperback Software 415-644-8249 Paradise/Western Digital 800-356-5787 415-960-3353 415-968-1834 (BBS) PC Enterprises 800-922-PCjr Phoenix (BIOS) 800-408-2407 617-551-4000 PKWare 414-354-8670 (BBS) Plus Development Corporation 800-826-8022 PowerNet 407-834-3326 (BBS) Practical Peripherals 818-991-8200 818-706-2467 (BBS) Princeton Graphic Systems 800-221-1490 ProComm 314-474-8477 (BBS) Proportional Software Corporation 800-666-4672 800-955-4672 (Fax) Quadram Products Group 404-551-1000 Quadron Service Corp. 805-962-7510 805-966-7396 (BBS) Qualitas 301-907-7400 301-907-8030 (BBS) Quarterdeck 213-392-9701 RasterOps 408-562-4200 Revelation Technologies 206-746-1629 Rodime 407-997-0774 Ryan McFarland 800-762-6265 Samsung 408-434-5479 Santa Cruz Operation 800-347-4381 SEA 201-473-1991 (BBS) Seagate 408-438-8771 (BBS) 408-438-8137 (Fax) Searchlight 516-689-2566 (BBS) SemWare 404-641-8968 (BBS) SofNet 800-432-9967 Software Publishing 408-988-7518 Solomon 419-423-3688 Sony 800-222-7669 Spectrum Holobyte 415-522-1164 Stac Electronics 800-522-7822 Storage Dimensions 408-879-0300 Sublogic 217-359-8482 Summagraphics 203-881-5318 Symantec 408-253-9600 (Norton products) 310-449-4900 Sysgen 408-263-1171 SYTRON 508-898-0100 Tallgrass Technologies 913-492-1496 Tecmar 800-344-4463 Telebit 408-734-5200 TeleWare West See Above Software Telix 416-439-8293 (BBS) Texas Instruments 713-274-2340 713 274-2558 (Fax) 713 274-2417 (BBS, 2400 bps) Toshiba 800-631-3811 Traveling Software 206-483-8088 Trinity 1 (UK distributor Boardwatch) 44-392-410210 (BBS) UnderWare, Inc. 800-343-7308 US Robotics 800-982-5151 708-982-5092 (BBS) Ven-Tel 800-538-5121 Ventura 408-227-4818 (BBS) Video Seven 800-248-1850 800-553-1850 (CA) Volkswriter 408-373-4904 Western Digital 800-832-4778 714-753-1068 (BBS) Word Perfect Corporation 800-541-5096 (DOS) 800-451-5151 (Windows) | 800-321-1230 (OS/2) 801-225-4444 (BBS) WordStar International 800-635-6861 Xerox Corporation 800-225-1013 Xircom 800-874-4428 XTree 805-546-9150 (BBS) XYquest 508-671-0888 508-667-5669 (BBS) Z-Soft 404-428-0008 Zenith 800-888-3058 (BBS) ═══ 6. OS/2-Related BBS Phone Numbers ═══ Because there are people in different parts of the world who are looking for help with OS/2, but for whom the long distance charges to reach the IBM National Support Center are too high, the following section lists, in phone number order, a number of independently run Bulletin Board Systems dedicated to OS/2, or featuring OS/2 conferences and download areas. Some of these may be closer geographically to the user, or have 800 numbers, resulting in lower costs; and also a wider variety of files, patches, etc to download. Most DOS and OS/2 async communications programs should be able to connect to these boards, using the information supplied with each phone number. Note: Highlighted phone numbers indicate that there is additional information available. To view this information, use the Tab and Enter keys, or double-click on the phone number with the mouse. U.S. & Canada Phone Numbers BBS Name 203-483-0348 (Connecticut) Fernwood BBS 205-883-1308 (Huntsville, Alabama) Occam's Razor 213-494-6168 (California) BLUEzz BBS 214-578-8774 (Dallas, Texas) Megasys BBS 215-584-5820 (California) Micro Shelf OS/2 BBS 215-879-3310 (California) Optical Illusion BBS 216-356-1772 (Cleveland, OH), or Nerd's Nook BBS 216-381-3320 (Cleveland, OH), or PC Ohio BBS 219-471-3918 (Ft. Wayne, IN), or The Fortress BBS | 301-680-7792 (Maryland) Medlantic BBS 302-477-0197 (Wilmington, Delaware) Delaware Valley OS/2 User's Group BBS | 306-789-9217 (Regina, Sask., Canada) The Green Zone BBS 306-966-4857 (Sasketoon, Sask., Canada) University of Saskatchewan BBS 313-295-7279 (Taylor, Michigan) The Ballroom BBS 314-554-9313 (St. Louis, Missouri), or Gateway/2 OS/2 BBS T/L 775-9313 (Internal Tie Line) 403-226-1157 (Calgary, Alberta, Canada), or Telekon/2 BBS 403-226-1158 Telekon/2 BBS, 2nd Line 403-253-5996 (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) ECS Net BBS 404-471-1549 (Atlanta, Georgia) Information Overload BBS 404-835-6600 (Atlanta, Georgia), or IBM National Support Center BBS T/L 269-6600 (Internal Tie Line) 416-283-0114 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Baudeville BBS 416-283-6059 Baudeville BBS, 2nd Line 416-635-1400 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) iKon View BBS 416-867-9663 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) RT Labs BBS 503-883-8197 (Lakeside, Oregon) Multi-Net BBS (Multi-Net Communications) 510-657-7948 (Fremont, California) Bay Area OS/2 BBS 514-374-9422 (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Logistique BBS (Logicomm) 514-769-5174 (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Home Front BBS 602-639-1039 Brass Cannon BBS | 604-244-8009 (Richmond, BC, Canada) The Nibble's Roost BBS 604-261-2347 (Vancouver, BC, Canada) The Cage BBS 604-275-0835 (Richmond, BC, Canada) The Idle Task BBS 604-275-6883 (Richmond, BC, Canada) BBS Council BBS 604-533-1867 (Langley, BC, Canada) Bear Garden BBS 604-944-6476 (Vancouver, BC, Canada), or Sound Stage BBS 604-944-6479 Sound Stage BBS, 2nd Line 613-722-0489 (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) The Locutory BBS 619-558-9475 (La Jolla, California) OS/2 Connection BBS 703-323-7654 (Fairfax, Virginia) System's Exchange BBS 703-385-4325 (Virginia), or OS/2 Shareware BBS (Free, open access line) 703-560-5616 (Virginia) Life's Like That BBS 708-895-4042 (Chicago, Illinois) Greater Chicago Area Online 713-437-2859 (Missouri City, Texas) Soldier's Bored BBS 714-963-8517 (California) Omega-point BBS 805-528-6829 (California) Beta Test BBS 817-485-8042 (Fort Worth, Texas) Ruck's Place/2 CBCS 818-706-9805 (California) Magnum BBS (Gilmore Systems) 901-386-4712 (Memphis, Tennesee) WSI BBS (Wilkes Database software) 904-682-1620 (Florida) Wizard's Opus BBS 916-929-3237 (Sacramento, California) DeTail BBS (DeScribe, Inc.) 919-226-6984 (North Carolina) Programmer's Oasis BBS (your local CIS phone number) IBM OS/2 Forum on CompuServe (type: GO IBMOS2) (your local Prodigy phone number) OS/2 Topic on Prodigy (JUMP Computer Club; Bulletin Board) International Phone Numbers BBS Name 31-1150-15245 (Terneuzen, Netherlands), or The Experiment BBS 31-1150-14498 The Experiment BBS, 2nd Line 31-1720-38558 (Alpen a/d Rijn, Netherlands) The TJD Support BBS 31-20-6974757 (Netherlands) IBM OS/2 Support BBS 31-4752-6200 (Netherlands) Infoboard BBS 31-79-424107 (Netherlands) PC-Square BBS (Fernwood Distribution Europe) 32-2-3872021 (Belgium) OS/2 Mania Belgium 32-3-3850748 (Belgium) Moving Sound OS/2 BBS 33-1-6066-0587 ( Orgenoy, France) The Lofty Cave BBS 33-1-6409-0460 (France) OS/2 Mania BBS 34-1-519-4645 (Madrid, Spain) Icaro BBS 39-11-8180069 (Torino, Italy) Italy Network BBS 39-363-302798 (Italy) Runnin' With The Devil BBS 39-823-812099 (Italy) FastForward BBS 41-0-56-321800 (Hausen, Switzerland) Hitline Communications BBS 41-1-3627339 (Zurich, Switzerland) Swiss OS/2 BBS 41-1-3637037 (Zurich, Switzerland) Gepard's Oracle Zuerich BBS 41-41-538607 (Lucerne, Switzerland) MICS OS/2 Paradise BBS 41-56-321800 (Hausen b/Brugg, Switzerland) Official IBM OS/2 BBS 41-61-9412204 (Titterten, Switzerland) PC-Info BBS 43-222-688971 (Vienna, Austria) La Bamba-1st Austrian OS/2 BBS 43-316-673237 (Graz, Austria) The Styrian OS/2 Jumbo BBS 44-0-454-633197 (Bristol, UK) MonuSci BBS 44-4545-633197 (Bristol, UK) MonuSci Opus BBS (OS/2 User Group BBS) 44-535-665345 (UK) The TJD Support BBS 44-772-828975 (Preston, UK) Ursus Fremens Rexx BBS 45-47-380120 (Denmark), or Josti BBS 45-47-380524 Josti BBS, 2nd Line 45-98451070 (Skagen, Denmark) OS/2 Task and FrontDoor Help 47-83-33003 (Norway) PerlePorten 54-1-742-3674 (Argentina) OS/2 & Sound BBS 61-2-234-2466 (Sydney, Australia) OS/2 Sydney BBS 61-2-449-2618 (Sydney, Australia), or Software Tools Mail Exchange BBS 61-2-449-9477 Software Tools Mail Exchange BBS, 2nd Line 61-2-498-9184 (Sydney, Australia) 3M Australia BBS 61-2-804-6412 (Sydney, Australia) The Poet's Dilemma BBS 61-2-875-1296 (Sydney, Australia) Programmer's BBS 61-6-259-1244 (Canberra, Australia) PC User's Group BBS 61-7-398-3759 (Brisbane, Australia) OZ-Share OS/2 BBS 65-274-0577 (Singapore) OS/2 Centre BBS 65-755-6463 (Singapore) Miqas/2 BBS ═══ 7. OS/2-Related User Groups ═══ The following is a very brief list of OS/2 User Groups, in alphabetical order, for those who are looking for additional support, but don't know where to turn. Additional UGs will be added over time. For more information about the respective groups, contact the UG officers below. ARIZONA Phoenix PC User Group and OS/2 SIG Address: P.O. Box 35637, Phoenix, AZ 85069 Phone: (602) 222-8511 Meetings: OS/2 Sig meets 4th Thurs. 7 p.m.; 6122 N. 7th St., #5, behind Computer Bay store CALIFORNIA Bay Area OS/2 User Group Meetings: 4th Monday at IBM in Mountain View Address: Software Architects, Inc., 2163 Jardin Drive, Mountain View, CA 94040, c/o Guy Scharf Phone: (415) 948-9186 GEORGIA Atlanta OS/2 Users Group Meetings: Meets at IBM town 14th & W. Peachtree, 5th fl, on 2nd Tues. President: Robert Cannon Phone: (404) 908-2121 ILLINOIS North Suburban Chicago OS/2 User Group Mission: Devoted to the exchange of of information related to all aspects of OS/2. We cater to both the beginner and serious advanced users. Membership Information: Membership is open to anyone with an interest in OS/2 and a willingness to participate in a User Group. Meetings: Meets on Tuesday preceeding 3rd Thursday of each month, 5:30-8:00 p.m. at William M. Mercer Inc., 1417 Lake Cook Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015 President: James R. Schmidt Phone: (708) 317-7405 INDIANA Fort Wayne OS/2 Users Group Meetings: Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month, Central Soya on Cook Rd., 7 p.m. EST Stephen Gutknecht Phone: (219) 484-0062 during business hours BBS: Fortress BBS: (219) 471-3918 MASSACHUSETTS BCS - IBM-PC Users' Group Address: 188 Needham St., Suite 230, Newton, MA 02164 Phone: (614) 964-2547 Boston Computer Society Address: One Kendall Square, Bldg. 1400, Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: (617) 967-2547 MICHIGAN West Michigan OS/2 User Group Meetings: Meets at IBM, 2900 Charlevoix Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI NEW YORK Westchester OS/2 Users Group Address: 81 Charter Circle, Suite 7B, Ossining, NY 10562 Phone: ( 914) 762-8950 OHIO Northeast Ohio OS/2 User Group Meetings: Meets at IBM, 3 Cascade Plaza, Akron, OH Address: Newark Area Computer Club, P.O. Box 474, Granville, OH 43023-0474 Phone: (614) 344-2323 TEXAS Dallas/Ft. Worth OS/2 User Group c/o Toby Pennycuff 70007,6267 Address: 1211 Wilshire Blvd., Arlington, TX 76012-4623 Meetings: Meets 1st Thurs. at American Airlines HQ 4255 Amon Carter Blvd. Return to the  ─ GENERAL INFORMATION ─  header. ═══ 8. Computer Acronyms & Abbreviations ═══ One of the more confusing aspects of the computer industry is the use of acronyms and abbreviations whose meanings are not immediately apparent. The following list is offered as a means of simplifying the task of translating these terms into something more understandable. Reminder: To exit to the Table of Contents, press the ESC key, or double-click on the system menu icon in the upper-left corner of this window. Or, to jump directly to the other sections of this document, use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section to which you wish to jump, below: Other Sections Acronyms & Abbreviations (A-L) Acronyms & Abbreviations (M-Z) Return to the  ─ GENERAL INFORMATION ─  header. ═══ 8.1. Acronyms & Abbreviations (A-L) ═══ To jump directly to the Acronyms & Abbreviations (M-Z) section of this document, use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section, above. Or, return to the Computer Acronyms & Abbreviations header. Abbreviation Explanation 4GL Fourth Generation Language 10Base-2 Ethernet thin-cable connection 10Base-5 Ethernet thick-cable connection 10Base-T Ethernet twisted pair connection ABCD Association of Business Computer Dealers ABEND ABnormal END of task ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced Basic Input/Output System (IBM) ACDI Asynchronous Communication Device Interface (IBM) ACE Advanced Computing Environment ACIS ACademic Information Systems (IBM) Ack Acknowledge ACSE Association Control Service Element (OSI) ADAPSO Association of DAta Processing Service Organizations ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter ADF Adapter Description File (IBM) ADP Adapter Description Program (IBM) ADSTAR ADvanced STorage And Retrieval (IBM subsidiary) AEA Asynchronous Emulation Adapter (IBM) AFP Advanced Function Printing (IBM) AI Artificial Intelligence AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive (IBM) ALGOL ALGOrithmic Language ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit ANSI American National Standards Institute ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report APCUG Association of PC User Groups APD Advanced Products Dealer (IBM) APDU Application Protocol Data Unit (OSI) API Application Programming Interface APL A Programming Language APPC Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (IBM) APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (IBM) ARDIS Advanced Data Radio Information Service (IBM/Motorola) ARP Address Resolution Protocol (TCP/IP) ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency ARTIC A RealTime Interface Coprocessor (IBM) AS/400 Application System/400 (IBM) ASC ASynchronous Communications (= Async) ASCII American national Standard Code for Information Interchange (ANSI) ASD Application Solutions Division (IBM) ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode (multiplexers) AVC Audio-Visual Connection (IBM) AVSS Audio/Visual Support System (IBM) BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code programming language BBS Bulletin Board System BCL Binary Compatibility Layer (for OS/2 2.0); now called WLO (Microsoft) BICARSA Billing, Inventory Control, Accounts Receivable, Sales Analysis BiCMOS Bipolar Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor BIOS Basic Input/Output System Bit BInary digiT BitBLT Bit BLock Transfer BMP Bitmap BSC Binary Synchronous Communications (= Bisynchronous = Bisync) BTU Basic Transmission Unit (SNA) BTU British Thermal Unit CAD Computer-Aided Design CAD/CAM Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing CAE Computer-Aided Engineering CAI Computer-Assisted Instruction CAM Common Access Method CAMP Corporate Association for Microcomputer Professionals CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering CAT Computer-Assisted Training CATIA Computer-graphics Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application CAU Controlled Access Unit (Token-Ring Network) CBEMA Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association CBT Computer-Based Training CBX Computerized Branch eXchange CCCCP Committee on Computer-to-Computer Communication Protocols CCITT ComitВ Consultatif International de TВlВgraphic et TВlВphonie (International Telegraph and Telephone Consulting Committee) CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory CD-ROM/XA Compact Disk Read-Only Memory/eXtended Architecture CEN ComitВ EuropВen de Normalisation CENELEC ComitВ EuropВen de Normalisation ELECtrotechnique CEPT Conference EuropВenne des administrations des Postes et des TВlВcommunications CES Certified Education Specialist (IBM) CGA Color Graphics Adapter (IBM) CGM Computer Graphics Metafile CICS Customer Information and Control System (IBM) CID Configuration, Installation, and Distribution utility for OS/2 (IBM) CIM Computer-Integrated Manufacturing CISC Complex Instruction-Set Computer CLI Command Line Interface (IBM ES Database Manager) CM Communication Manager (IBM OS/2 EE) CMAS Construction Management Accounting System (IBM) CMC Communications Management Configuration (IBM) CMIP Common Management Information Protocol CMIS(E) Common Management Information Service (Element) CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor CMOT Centrally Managed OSI protocol for TCP/IP CMP Communication Management Processor CNM Communication Network Management COBOL COmmon Business-Oriented Language CoCom COordinating COMmittee for Multilateral Export Control Codec Coder/decoder CODASYL COnference on DAta SYstems Languages COMDEX COMputer Dealer EXposition Comecon COuncil for Mutual ECONomic Assistance (Eastern Bloc) COMMON IBM 1130, 1620, 1800, S/360 User Group COS Corporation for Open Systems CPI Common Physical Interface (ISDN) CPI-C Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM) CPS Characters Per Second CPU Central Processing Unit CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CRT Cathode Ray Tube CSA Canadian Standards Association CSD Corrective Service Diskette CSD Customer Service Division (now National Service Division) (IBM) CSMA/CA Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance CSMA/CD Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detection (ISO 802.3) CTS Clear To Send CUA Common User Access CUT Control Unit Terminal (IBM) CXI Common X Interface D/L Download DAC Data Acquisition Controller (IBM) DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter DAP Developer Assistance Program (= IDAP) DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency dB Decibel(s) dBA Decibel(s) Adjusted DBA DataBase Administrator DBM DataBase Manager (IBM OS/2 EE) DBMS DataBase Management System DB2 DataBase 2 (IBM) DCA Document Content Architecture DCAF Distributed Console Access Facility (IBM) DCDB Domain Control DataBase migration utility (IBM) DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment (CCITT) DDCS/2 Distributed Database Connection Services for OS/2 (IBM) DEC Digital Equipment Corporation DES Data Encryption Standard (NIST) DFT Distributed Function Terminal (IBM) DIA Document Interchange Architecture (IBM) DIB Device Independent Bitmap DIP Dual Inline Package DIS Draft International Standard DLR DOS LAN Requester (IBM) DM Dialog Manager DMAS Distribution Management Accounting System DNS Domain Name Service (TCP/IP) DoD Department of Defense DOS Disk Operating System (IBM/Microsoft) DPA Demand Protocol Architecture (Microsoft) DPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface DPI Dots Per Inch DPPX Distributed Processing Programming eXecutive DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture (IBM) DSO Dealer Service Option (IBM) DSU/CSU Data Service Unit/Channel Service Unit DTE Data Terminal Equipment (CCITT) DVI Digital Video Interactive (Intel/IBM) EBCDIC Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code (IBM) ECF Enhanced Connectivity Facility (IBM) ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association EDI Electronic Data Interchange EDIFACT EDI For Administration, Commerce, and Transportation EdLAN Education LAN system (IBM) EduQuest IBM educational software subsidiary EE (OS/2 V1.x) Extended Edition (IBM) EEPROM Electronically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter (IBM) EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol (TCP/IP) EIS Executive Information System EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture ELORG ELectronORGtechnica (foreign trade organization--USSR) EMA Electronic Mail Association EMS Expanded Memory Specification (Lotus/Intel/Microsoft) EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory ES (OS/2 V1.x/2.x) Extended Services (IBM) ESCON Enterprise System CONnection architecture (IBM) ESDI Enhanced Small-systems Device Interface ESF Enhanced Spooling Facility (Product for IBM mainframes) ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute EWOS European Workshop on Open Systems ExCA Exchangeable Card Architecture (Intel) FAST Failure Analysis and Support Technology (IBM) FAT File Allocation Table (IBM/Microsoft) FCBS File Control BlockS FCC Federal Communications Commission FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface (ISO) FFST/2 First Failure Support Technology for OS/2 (IBM) FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FORTRAN FORmula TRANslation programing language FRU Field Replaceable Unit FST Flatter, Squarer Tube (IBM) FTAM File Transfer, Access, and Management (ISO) FTP File Transfer Protocol (TCP/IP) FTTERM PC/Host File Transfer and TERMinal Emulator Program (IBM) Gang of 14 Nickname for the fourteen companies that originally formed the Micro Channel Developers' Association Gang of 9 Nickname for the nine companies that originally formed the EISA specification Gb Gigabit (= 1,024Mb) GB Gigabyte (= 1,024MB) GDDM Graphical Data Display Manager (IBM) GGP Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol GOSIP Government OSI Profile. (USA and UK) GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus (= IEEE-488) GUI Graphical User Interface GUIDE Guidance for Users of Integrated Dp Equipment HDLC High-Level Data Link Control (ISO) HLLAPI High-Level Language Application Programming Interface HMA High Memory Area HONE Hands-On Network Environment (IBM) HP Hewlett-Packard Corporation HPFS High-Performance File System (IBM/Microsoft) HPSSL Highly Parallel Supercomputing Systems Laboratory (IBM) IBM International Business Machines Corporation IBU Independent Business Unit IC Integrated Circuit ICA Integrated Communications Adapter (IBM) ICI Interface Control Information (ISO) ICL International Computers Ltd. ICLAS IBM Classroom LAN Administration System (IBM) ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol (TCP/IP) ICRF Integrated CRyptographic Feature (IBM) IDAP IBM Developer Assistance Program IDAPI Integrated Database Application Programming Interface IDE Integrated Device Electronics IDI Initial Domain Identifier (ISO) IDU Interface Data Unit (ISO) IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) IFIP International Federation for Information Processing IIN IBM Information Network IMA Interactive Multimedia Association IOV Independent Option Vendor IP Internet Protocol (ISO and TCP/IP) IPABX ISDN Private Automatic Branch EXchange IPC Inter-Process Communications IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IBM) IPM Images Per Minute IMA Interactive Multimedia Association IML Initial Microcode Load IPL Initial Program Load IPX Internetwork Protocol eXchange (Novell) IR Industry Remarketer IS International Standard ISA Industry Standard Architecture ISAM Indexed Sequential Access Method ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISO International Standards Organization ISSC Integrated Systems Solutions Corporation (IBM subsidiary) ISV Independent Software Vendor IVD Interactive VideoDisc JES-2 Job Entry Subsystem 2 (IBM) JMT Job Management and Transfer (ISO) JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group Kb Kilobit (= 1,024 bits) KB Kilobyte (= 1,024 bytes) KVA KiloVolt Amperes L1 Cache Level 1 (internal) Cache (IBM) L2 Cache Level 2 (external) Cache (IBM) LAPB Link Access Procedure - Balanced (OSI) LAPM Link Access Procedure - Modem (OSI) LAPS LAN Adapter and Protocol Support (IBM) LAM Lobe Attachment Module LAN Local Area Network LANDA LAN Dealers Association PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange LANACS Local Area Network Asynchronous Connection Server (IBM) LEN Low-Entry Networking LIM EMS Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification LLC Logical Link Control LM/X Lan Manager for uniX LPM Lines Per Minute LRU Least Recently Used LSB Least Significant Bit LSI Large-Scale Integration LU Logical Unit (IBM) LUA Logical Unit Address LU2 Logical Unit 2 (cluster controller) LU6.2 Logical Unit 6.2 (= APPC) LS Lan Server V1.x (IBM) LS Lan Services V2.x (IBM) ═══ 8.2. Acronyms & Abbreviations (M-Z) ═══ To jump directly to the Acronyms & Abbreviations (A-L) section of this document, use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section, above. Or, return to the Computer Acronyms & Abbreviations header. Abbreviation Explanation M&ED Multimedia and Education Division (IBM) M&S Marketing and Services Division (IBM) Mac MacIntosh (Apple) MAC Media Access Control MAN Metropolitan Area Network MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors) MAPICS Management Accounting, Production, and Information Control System MAU Multistation Access Unit (IBM) MAU Medium Attachment Unit (802.3) MAVDM Multiple Application Virtual DOS Machine Mb Megabit (= 1,024 Kb = 1,048,560 bits) MB Megabyte (= 1,024 KB = 1,048,560 bytes) MCA Trademark of Music Corporation of America (but often used, incorrectly, to signify Micro Channel Architecture) MCDA Micro Channel Developers Association MCGA Multi-Color Graphics Array (IBM) MCI Media Control Interface (Microsoft) MDK Multimedia Development Kit (Microsoft) MDA Monochrome Display Adapter MDPA Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter (IBM) MDQ Market-Driven Quality Megapel 1024x1024 resolution (or higher) MFI MainFrame Interactive terminal (IBM) MFLOPS Millions of FLoating-point OPerations per Second MFM Modified Frequency Modulation MHS Message Handling System (ISO) MICR Magnetic Ink Character Reader MIDI Musical Instrument Device Interface MIPS Millions of Instructions Per Second MIS Management Information System MNP Microcom Networking Protocol MODCA Mixed-Object Document Content Architecture Modem MOdulation/DEModulation MOTIS Message Oriented Text Interchange System (ISO) MPC Multimedia Personal Computer (IBM, Intel, Microsoft, et al.) MPM/2 Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 (IBM) MPS Multiple Port Sharing (IBM) MQI Message Queue Interface (IBM) MSB Most Significant Bit MSCDEX MicroSoft CD EXtensions MTA Message Transfer Agent (X.400) MTBF Mean Time Between Failures MTS Message Transfer Service MTTR Mean Time To Repair MUX Multiplexer MVDM Multiple Virtual DOS Machines MVS Multiple Virtual Storage (IBM) MVS/XA Multiple Virtual Storage/eXtended Architecture (IBM) NBS National Bureau of Standards (= NIST) NCP Network Control Program (IBM) NDD National Distribution Division (IBM) NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification (3Com/Microsoft) NDM Network Data Mover (IBM) NEC Nippon Electric Corporation NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System (IBM) NFS Network File System (Sun) NIC Network Interface Card NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology (= NBS) NIU Network Interface Unit NJE Network Job Entry (IBM) NLDM Network Logical Data Management (IBM) NLM NetWare Loadable Module (Novell) NMPF Network Management Productivity Facility (IBM) NMR Network Management Reporter (IBM) NMVT Network Management Vector Transport (IBM) NOS Network Operating System NOSIP Norsk OSI Profile NPDA Network Problem Determination Application (IBM) NPM Network Performance Monitor (IBM) NPSI NCP Packet Switching Interface (IBM) NRZ Non-Return to Zero (IBM) NRZI Non-Return to Zero Inverted (IBM) NSAP Network Service Access Point (OSI) NSD National Service Division (IBM) NSP Name Service Protocol (TCP/IP) NSTL National Software Testing Laboratory ODA Office Document Architecture ODIF Office Document Interchange Format OEM Other Equipment Manufacturer (or Original Equipment Manufacturer) OLE Object Linking and Embedding (Microsoft) OLR OS/2 LAN Requester (IBM) OLTP Online Transaction Processing OMG Object Management Group OOP Object-Oriented Programming OOPS Object-Oriented Programming System OS/2 Operating System/2 (IBM/Microsoft) OS/2 EE Operating System/2 Extended Edition (IBM) OS/2 ES Operating System/2 Extended Services (IBM) OS/2 LS Operating System/2 LAN Server (IBM) OS/2 SE Operating System/2 Standard Edition (IBM) OSF Open Software Foundation OSF/1 OSF operating system based on UNIX/AIX OSI Open Systems Interconnection (ISO) OSNS OSI Subsystem Network Services (IBM) OSTS OSI Subsystem Transport Services (IBM) OV/2 OfficeVision/2 (IBM) PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler PARC Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox) PASF PROFS Applications Support Feature (IBM) PASR Problem Analysis and Status Report (IBM) PCD PC Dealer (IBM) PCM Plug-Compatible Manufacturer PCM Pulse Code Modulation PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association PDS Personal Decision Series (IBM) PDS Premises Distribution System (AT&T) PL/I Programming Language 1 PM Presentation Manager (Microsoft/IBM) PM/X Presentation Manager/X (Microsoft/HP) PMR Problem Management Report (IBM) PODA Piloting of ODA POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for uniX POWER Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC (IBM) PPM Pages Per Minute PQET Print Quality Enhancement Technology (Lexmark/IBM) PROFS PRofessional OFfice System (IBM) PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory PS/1 Personal System/1 (IBM) PS/2 Personal System/2 (IBM) PSDN Packet-Switched Data Network PSAP Presentation Service Access Point PT&I Programming Tools and Information (IBM) PTF Program Temporary Fix (IBM) PTR Program Trouble Report (IBM) PTS Personal Typing System (IBM) PU Physical Unit (IBM) QM Query Manager (IBM OS.2 EE) QMF Query Management Facility (IBM) RAID Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Drives (University of California Berkley) RAM Random Access Memory RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (TCP/IP) RDA Remote Database Access RDS Remote Data Services (OS/2 EE) REXX REstructured eXtended eXecutor procedure language RFC Request For Comment (DARPA) RFP Request For Proposal RFS Remote File System (AT&T) RFTDCA Revised Form Text Document Content Architecture RI Referential Integrity (relational databases) RIP Routing Information Protocol (TCP/IP) RIPL Remote Initial Program Load RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer RJE Remote Job Entry RLE Run Length Encoding RLL Run Length Limited ROECE IBM Regional Office for Europe, Central and East ROM Read Only Memory ROS Read Only Storage ROSE Remote Operations Service Element (OSI) RPC Remote Procedure Call RPG II Report Program Generator (language) II RPL Remote Program Load RPQ Request for Price Quotation RS/6000 RISC System/6000 (IBM) RTS Request To Send SAA System Application Architecture (IBM) SAP Service Access Point (ISO) SAPI Scanner Application Programming Interface SAVDM Single-Application Virtual DOS Machine SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface (ANSI) SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (IBM) SDK Software Developers Kit (Microsoft) SE (OS/2) Standard Edition (IBM) SFT III System Fault Tolerant III NetWare (Novell) SGMP Simple Gateway Management Protocol (TCP/IP) SHM Short Hold Mode (IBM) SHARE Society to Help Alleviate Redundant Effort SIDR Service Independent Data Requester (Novell) SIMM Single Inline Memory Module SIP Single Inline Package SLR Service Level Reporter (IBM) SLSS System Library Subscription Service (IBM) SMK Software Migration Kit (Microsoft) SMS Storage Management Services (Novell) SMT Surface-Mount Technology SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (TCP/IP) SNA System Network Architecture (IBM) SNADS SNA Distribution Services (IBM) SNAPDU SNA Protocol Data Unit (IBM) SNI SNA Interconnect (IBM) SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (Old name) (TCP/IP) SNMP Systems Network Management Protocol (TCP/IP) SOM System Object Model (IBM) PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange SPA Software Publisher's Association SPARC Scaleable Processor ARChitecture (Sun) SPECmark Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative benchmark SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange (Novell) SQL Structured Query Language SQL/DS Structured Query Language/Data System SRAM Static Random Access Memory SRI Stanford Research Institute SRPI Server Requester Programming Interface (IBM) SSG Service Support Guide (IBM) STN Super-Twisted Nematic STP Shielded Twisted Pair Sysplex SYStems comPLEX (IBM) SYTOS SYtron Tape Operating System Tb Terabit (= 1,024Gb = 1,048,560Mb) TB Terabyte (= 1,024GB = 1,048,560MB) TCF Transparent Computing Facility (IBM) TCM Thermal Conduction Module TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (USA, DoD, ARPANET) TDM Time-Division Multiplexing Telco Telephone company TFT Thin-Film Transistor (also called Active Matrix) TIC Token-Ring Interface Coupler (IBM) TIFF Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF files) TMN Telecommunications Management Network TMS Telecommunications Management System TOP Technical and Office Protocol TOS Tape Operating System TRN Token-Ring Network TSA Target Service Agent (Novell) TSO Time Sharing Option (IBM) TSR Terminate Stay Resident (memory resident) UDP User Datagram Protocol (TCP/IP) UII Unix International Inc. U/L Underwriter's Labratory (USA) U/L Upload UMB Upper Memory Block UNIX An operating system developed by AT&T USL UNIX System Laboratories Inc. (Previously USO) (AT&T) USO UNIX Software Operation (Old name) (AT&T) UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair VAD Value-Added Dealer (now IR--Industry Remarketer) VAN Value-Added Network VAR Value-Added Remarketer (now IR--Industry Remarketer) VCPI Virtual Control Program Interface VDB Virtual DOS Boot VDM Virtual DOS Machine VDT Video Display Terminal VDU Video Display Unit VGA Video Graphics Array (IBM) VLSI Very Large-Scale Integration VM Virtual Machine (IBM) VRAM Video Random Access Memory VT Virtual Terminal (ISO) VT-100 Terminal protocol (DEC) VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM) WAN Wide Area Network WLO Windows Libraries for OS/2 (Microsoft) WORM Write-Once, Read-Many WPS WorkPlace Shell X.121 Packet Addressing (CCITT) X.25 Packet Switching (CCITT) X.400 Message Handling (CCITT) X.500 The Directory Service (Address service) (CCITT) XGA eXtended Graphics Array (IBM) XI X.25 SNA Interconnect (IBM) XMA EXpanded Memory Adapter (IBM) XMS EXtended Memory Specification (Microsoft) XNS Xerox Network Services (Xerox) ═══ 9. IBM Education (Classes/Self-study) ═══ IBM offers a large variety of educational opportunities, ranging from traditional sit-down classes, to satellite broadcasts, to computer-based training, to books. A number of different options are provided here. To jump directly to the other sections of this document, use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section to which you wish to jump, below: Education Topics OS/2 Customer Classes FTN Broadcast Schedules & Tapes Business Partner Classes Return to the  ─ GENERAL INFORMATION ─  header. ═══ 9.1. OS/2 Customer Classes ═══ For the latest IBM customer class schedules, or to enroll in these classes, call 800-IBM-8322. Descriptions of these classes are contained in the Catalog of IBM Education, form number G320-1244. New classes recently added include: Introduction to DOS for OS/2 (0.5 days; $158.; Course Code P1042) OS/2 V2.0 Facilities and Installation Workshop (3 days; $945.; Course Code P1043) Introduction to OS/2 V2.0 Programming (5 days; $1575.; Course Code P1044) Advanced Programming Techniques for OS/2 V2.0 (5 days; $1575.; Course Code P1045) Note: In addition, IBM also offers a number of "private classes." These classes are limited to only those of the particular customer who has requested the class. Rather than charging per person, private classes are billed at a flat rate for the entire class. These classes may be held at the customer's site or any other appropriate location, including nearby IBM facilities. This can result in much lower per-student costs, as well as eliminating travel expenses, and provides greater flexibility in course scheduling. For more information on private classes, call 800-426-2468. To jump directly to the other sections of this document, use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section to which you wish to jump, below: Education Topics OS/2 Customer Classes FTN Broadcast Schedules & Tapes Business Partner Classes Or, return to the IBM Education (Classes/Self-study) header. ═══ 9.2. Business Partner Classes ═══ IBM Business Partner course descriptions are available electronically through the PartnerLink system. These descriptions are also contained in the catalog of NDD Business Partner Education. There may also be additional classes created since this list was last updated. For more information, or to enroll, call 800-937-3737. To jump directly to the other education topics: Other Sections OS/2 Customer Classes FTN Broadcast Schedules & Tapes Business Partner Classes Or, return to the IBM Education (Classes/Self-study) header. ═══ 9.3. FTN Broadcast Schedule & Tapes ═══ Periodically IBM broadcasts topics of interest via satellite on the IBM Field Television Network. Anyone who wishes may view these programs live by tuning a dish antenna to the following settings: Satellite SBS-5, at 123° West longitude, horizontal polarity, transponder 9, 12.117 GHz center frequency, and 6.8 MHz audio subchannel. In addition, these FTN broadcasts are videotaped, and tapes may be ordered for later viewing (VHS only). The following is the schedule of upcoming "in the clear" FTN broadcasts: FTN Broadcast Schedule Date Time (Eastern) Title (Broadcast Number) Mar. 3, 1992 - 9:30a-11:00a AS/400 Systems Management (93038) | Mar. 3, 1992 - 11:30a-1:00p AS/400 Systems Management (93038) | Mar. 11, 1992 - 9:30a-11:00a Communications Manager/2 V1.0 (93043) | Mar. 11, 1992 - 11:30a-1:00p Communications Manager/2 V1.0 (93043) | Mar. 17, 1992 - 9:30a-11:00a AS/400 to RS/6000 Connectivity (93049) | Mar. 17, 1992 - 11:30a-1:00p AS/400 to RS/6000 Connectivity (93049) | Customers can call 800-282-0226 to order copies of recent tapes and handouts. When ordering, be sure to give the date, title, and number of the broadcast (below). Charges are as follows: Handouts - $15.00 per copy One-tape program (Up to 2 hrs) - $30.00 per tape Two-tape program (Up to 4 hrs) - $50.00 per set Orders must be charged to Mastercard, Visa, or American Express (no direct billing or COD). These materials will be available for approximately 45 days after the broadcast date. After this period, tapes are archived and must be ordered in writing (by IBMers and T/Cs only), as shown below: IBM Technical Coordinator Program IBM Corporation 40-A2-04 One East Kirkwood Boulevard Roanoake, TX 76299-0015 To jump directly to the other sections of this document, use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to select the section to which you wish to jump, below: Education Topics OS/2 Customer Classes FTN Broadcast Schedules & Tapes Business Partner Classes Or, return to the IBM Education (Classes/Self-study) header. ═══ ═══ Footnotes:                                This - See how easy it is? Now press the ESC key (or double-click on the icon in the upper left corner of this window), to close this panel. ═══ ═══                                Help - The Action Bar Help option may be selected for information on using the Help facility. In addition, you may press the F1 key for more information on a specific topic. Help is context-sensitive, so if you highlight a menu option, and press F1, you will get help for that menu option. Pressing F1 on an entry panel will get help on those selection choices. ═══ ═══                                Bookmark - When you place a bookmark on a topic, it is added to a list of bookmarks you have previously set. You can view the list, and you can remove one or all bookmarks from the list. If you have not set any bookmarks, the list is empty. To set a bookmark, do the following: 1. Select a topic from the Contents. 2. When that topic appears, choose the Bookmark option from the Services pull-down. 3. If you want to change the name used for the bookmark, type the new name in the field. 4. Click on the Place radio button (or press the Up or Down Arrow key to select it). 5. Click on OK (or select it and press Enter). The bookmark is then added to the bookmark list. ═══ ═══                                Search - You can specify a word or phrase to be searched. You can also limit the search to a set of topics by first marking the topics on the Contents list. Multiple topics may be marked. To mark a topic, simply hold the Ctrl key and click on a topic with the mouse. You will notice that the topic highlighting bar will be enlarged. This indicates that the topic has been marked. To unmark a topic, just repeat this procedure. To search for a word or phrase in all topics, do the following: 1. Choose the Search option from the Services pulldown. 2. Type the word or words to be searched. (An asterisk (*) can be used before and/or after the search string to perform a wildcard search on a portion of a word.) 3. Click on All sections (or press the Up or Down Arrow keys to select it). 4. Click on Search (or select it and press Enter) to begin the search. 5. The list of topics where the word or phrase appears is displayed. If you do not get a "hit" on a phrase, try just one of the words in the phrase. You may have better luck that way. Double-clicking on a topic heading will display the contents of that section, and the search criteria will be highlighted in red, to make them easier to find. ═══ ═══                                Print - You can print one or more topics. You can also print a set of topics by first marking the topics on the Contents list. Multiple topics may be marked. To mark a topic, simply hold the Ctrl key and click on a topic with the mouse. You will notice that the topic highlighting will be enlarged. This indicates that the topic has been marked. To unmark a topic, just repeat this procedure. To print the document Contents list, do the following: 1. Choose Print from the Services pull-down. 2. Click on Contents (or press the Up or Down Arrow key to select it). 3. Click on Print (or select it and press Enter). 4. The Contents list is printed on your printer. ═══ ═══                                Copy - You can copy a topic you are viewing into a temporary file named TEXT.TMP. You can later edit that file by using the System Editor. To copy a topic, do the following: 1. Expand the Contents list and select a topic. 2. When the topic appears, choose Copy to file from the Services pull-down. 3. The system puts the text pertaining to that topic in the temporary TEXT.TMP file. For information on one of the other choices in the Services pull-down, highlight the choice and press the F1 key. ═══ ═══                                Options - You can control the appearance of the Contents list. To expand the Contents and show all levels for all topics, choose Expand All from the Options pulldown. You can also press the Ctrl and * keys together. For information on one of the other choices in the Options pull-down, highlight the choice and press the F1 key. ═══ ═══ IBM 3151 ASCII Terminal Hotline - Provides marketing and technical support for customers, dealers, and IBMers, including: o Model/Feature/Function questions o Installation questions o Problem Determination o Application assistance for support of IBM 3151 mode o Pricing o Locating authorized 3151 Distributors ═══ ═══ IBM Catalog Solutions Center - Call for information about, or to order, IBM PC software products. ═══ ═══ IBM Personal Systems HelpCenter - The HelpCenter will complement current support offered by NDD Business Partners and IBM Branches. The purpose is to provide end users with a point of contact if their requirements have not been met by established support systems. Hours are: 9:00am - 8:00pm, Eastern Time; Monday - Friday. ═══ ═══ IBM Desktop Software Product Information Center - The DSPIC was established to offer current and prospective customers with marketing information about IBM desktop software products, including: IBM Current IBM DisplayWrite Series IBM Hollywood IBM Platinum Accounting Series IBM Storyboard Live! IBM Storyboard Plus and other IBM desktop software products Hours are from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Eastern time; Monday through Friday. ═══ ═══ IBM Desktop Software Support Hotline - The DSPIC was established to provide current customers with technical support on the following IBM desktop software products: IBM Current IBM DisplayWrite Series IBM Hollywood IBM Storyboard Live! IBM Storyboard Plus Hours are from 9:00am to 8:00pm, Eastern time; Monday through Friday. ═══ ═══ IBM (NDD) Education Registration - IBM Business Partners and IBM employees may use this phone number to enroll in classes taught at the IBM Business Partner Education Centers in Atlanta, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Selected classes are conducted in other cities from time to time. Check the education schedule on PartnerLink for class dates, descriptions, and locations. You may also enroll via PartnerLink. ═══ ═══ EduQuest Technical Support - Installation and Technical Support for EduQuest software products (including Columbus and Illuminated Manuscripts & Books, among others), for 3 months after installation. Hours are from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Eastern time; Monday through Friday. ═══ ═══ IBM Employee Sales Information - IBM employees may order employee price lists and order forms for employee PS/2-related purchases. ═══ ═══ IBM End User Support Help Desk - The IBM EUS Help Desk is a toll-free support mechanism for customers, provided on a subscription basis. Charges are based on the number of customer workstations supported and the hours of coverage (Between 7:00am and 7:00pm, Monday through Friday; or 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). There is no limit to the number of calls a user can place. Support is provided for IBM PCs and compatibles, IBM PS/2s and compatibles, Apple computers, and a variety of IBM and non-IBM commercial software. For more information about the services provided, or the monthly charge per workstation, call the 800 # given, or (for IBMers) send a PROFS note to EUSHELP @ CARVM8. ═══ ═══ IBM Fax Information Service - IBM FAX has been implemented in response to the needs of customers and prospects to obtain up-to-date product information (specification sheets, brochures, etc.) through the use of a computerized fax machine and a voice response unit. The service allows a person to dial within the United States, select a document which contains product information of their choice and have it automatically sent to their fax machine. IBM FAX is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there is no charge associated with this service. IBM FAX is also available on tie line by dialing 8-465-4329. Individuals can benefit from this service by obtaining information on AS/400, RISC System/6000, personal systems, large systems, education, application software, IBM services, and general information. ═══ ═══ IBM Developer Assistance Program (IDAP) - Those who register for the IDAP program are eligible for discounts on IBM hardware and software, entrance into developer-only classes, electronic technical support, and a subscription to the IBM Personal Systems Developer magazine. Only those developing products for commercial sale (vs. in-house use) are eligible for the IDAP program. OEM In-house OS/2 applications developers may register, however, for the OS/2 Application Assistance Center. See the OS/2 AAC phone number for additional information. ═══ ═══ IBM General Information - Who do you call for help when you don't know who to call for help? The IBM General Information hotline is a good starting point. They will help direct you through the maze of IBM locations and functions. ═══ ═══ IBM Investments - The IBM Credit Corporation Investments line is available to all IBM employees, retirees, and spouses. It allows users to inquire into IBM Money Market and Mutual Fund account balances, current rates, and other similar information. ═══ ═══ IBM Authorized Dealer Locator - Customers may call this number, and by giving their zip code to the operator, receive the names and phone numbers of three IBM Authorized Dealers located within that zip code. ═══ ═══ IBM Maintenance Agreements - For information about IBM service offerings on the entire line of IBM typewriters through mainframes, including prices and terms and conditions. ═══ ═══ IBM Media Relations - This number is the main switchboard for the building housing several product-specific media relations groups (OS/2, PS/2, etc.). Just ask for media relations, and you will be prompted for the product you are asking about, and then transfered to the appropriate group. ═══ ═══ IBM Multimedia Help Line - Call here for after-sale technical support on IBM Multimedia products. If requested, an IBM marketing representative will return your call to discuss multimedia products not generally available, but orderable by special bid. The Multimedia Support Center is open Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:30 EST. To subscribe to the "IBM Multimedia Solutions" newsletter (or to submit articles), either send a PROFS note with your name and external mailing address to BARATTO @ ATLVM1, or write to: Larry Baratto IBM Multimedia Solutions PO Box 2150 Internal Zip H8F-19 Atlanta, GA 30301-2150 ═══ ═══ IBM Multimedia Information Center - Potential customers, creators, developers, business partners, and end-users can call this number for information about IBM's multimedia offerings, including the Ultimedia series. For after-sale technical support, use the Multimedia Help Line. ═══ ═══ IBM National Education Fulfillment Center - This center offers IBM PS/1 and PS/2 hardware discounts to K-12 and collegiate school faculty and staff. They also offer a limited selection of software offerings, including PALS. ═══ ═══ IBM Special Needs Information and Referral Center - This center acts as a clearinghouse of information about IBM and non-IBM products available for the disabled. The SNIRC may also be reached through the IBM NSC BBS (see the "IBM Non-Voice Phone Numbers" section of this document for more information about the BBS). ═══ ═══ IBM Hardware Service - For information about IBM service contracts for IBM PCs, PS/2s, mid-range, and mainframe computers and peripherals. ═══ ═══ IBM OS/2 Application Assistance Center - The OS/2 AAC, located in Dallas, offers application design workshops for customer application programmers to receive assistance in designing, developing, and implementing OS/2 applications (including some after-class support). Assistance is provided for Presentation Manager programming, tools (such as CASE/PM, EASEL, Choreographer and others) and languages (including REXX), the Communications and Database Managers, and LAN Manager. This is a fee service. ═══ ═══ OS/2 Application Solutions Catalog - This book contains listings of more than 1,400 currently-available OS/2 applications from IBM and other vendors. For more information about the individual products, contact the appropriate vendors with the phone numbers and addresses provided. The OS/2 Application Guide is published twice per year, in time for the Spring and Fall COMDEX shows. There is also a 32-bit supplement to this guide, listing more than 400 additional OS/2 32-bit applications. ═══ ═══ IBM OS/2 Information and Sales - The IBM OS/2 Information and Sales line can be used by customers to find out more about OS/2 1.3 and 2.0, and to place orders for OS/2 SE and EE 1.3, OS/2 2.0, and related products. Customers purchasing IBM OS/2 1.3 through this hotline will be given an IBM customer number entitling them to 90-days of free technical support via this 800#. OS/2 2.0 customers are entitled to technical and service support from another number, 800-237-5511. OS/2 1.3 technical support will be provided only for those purchasing OS/2 via this phone number. The customer number assigned will be used to determine entitlement. OS/2 1.3 customers who purchased their copy through a a software dealer, or elsewhere, must obtain support from their place of purchase. Hours are 10:00am-6:00pm Eastern Time, M-F (excluding IBM holidays). ═══ ═══ IBM OS/2 OEM System Compatibility Testing - The following numbers are ONLY to be used by system vendors seeking to test their products with OS/2 2.0. It is NOT for end-users looking for a list of systems 2.0 will run on. For such a list, see the OS/2 2.0 Technical Tips document entitled Systems Supported By OS/2 2.0 in the PS/2 Technical Assistant. The numbers for vendors to call are: 407-443-8440 (Ron Harp), or 407-982-1462 (Glenn Christensen) ═══ ═══ IBM OS/2 Promotional Items - IBM offers a number of items (through a fulfillment house) emblazoned with the OS/2 logo, as well as videotapes of OS/2 demos, for purchase. Items include coffee mugs, T-shirts, baseball caps, and others. This phone number puts you through to Lees/Keystone Company. The contact there is Lisa. ═══ ═══ PartnerLink (formerly called CSS/RICS) Dealer Support Line - FOR DEALERS ONLY! Dealers may call this number for help in using PartnerLink, or if they have any questions about order entry. Support is available Monday through Friday, between 8:30am and 8:00pm, Eastern Time. ═══ ═══ IBM PC Technical Books Hotline - This number may be used by customers to order IBM publications directly. The pubs offered are primarily for hardware products, and are mostly technical in nature. A free Technical Books catalog is also available upon request. Pubs which are not available through this number may be available through a Dealer (via the Software and Publication Order Hotline), or through an IBM Marketing Representative. ═══ ═══ IBM Platinum Accounting Software - The IBM Platinum Support group provides free dealer support, and end-user support for a fee. Contact the 800# for information on the fee structure and hours of operation. ═══ ═══ IBM Platinum OEM Add-on Database Products - The IBM Platinum Support group provides marketing information about non-IBM database products developed by OEMs for use with the IBM Platinum accounting software. ═══ ═══ Prodigy Services Corporation - The Prodigy Service charges a flat monthly rate for unlimited access to its news, online shopping, weather information, electronic conferencing, games, online encyclopedia, financial information, and hundreds of other features. Prodigy is compatible with IBM PC, PS/1, and PS/2 computers, or compatibles, and Apple MacIntosh. New enhancements include support for EGA/VGA graphics, mice, and 64-column text in some screens on PCs; support for Multifinder and color on the MacIntosh; and better performance on all systems. Prodigy is now available nationwide (except Alaska) by local phone call. Note: Prodigy is a partnership of IBM Corporation and Sears Corporation. ═══ ═══ IBM Personal Systems Developer -The IBM Personal Systems Developer is a quarterly publication (in magazine format) written primarily for OS/2 application programmers. The Developer features a variety of technical articles, such as programming tips and techniques, product reviews of new software tools, application development case studies, and interviews with OS/2 industry leaders. IBM employees, customers, and software vendors write articles for the Developer. The magazine is published as part of IBM's Developer Assistance Program, which offers a variety of support services for companies that are writing OS/2 applications for resale. Subscriptions can be ordered by calling the publisher at 1-800-READ-OS2. IBM employees can subscribe through SLSS using order number G362-0001. Articles from the first seven issues of the IBM Personal Systems Developer have been published in a 770-page book titled OS/2 Notebook: The Best of the IBM Personal Systems Developer. This book can be purchased at a local book store, or by calling Microsoft Press at 1-800-MS-PRESS. ═══ ═══ IBM PS/1 Authorized Reseller Locator - Customers may call this number, and by giving their zip code to the operator, receive the names and phone numbers of up to three IBM Authorized PS/2 resellers (dealers and department stores) located within that zip code. ═══ ═══ IBM PS/1 386SX Upgrade Trade-in - Customers may call this number to upgrade from a 286-based PS/1 system (all models) to the 386SX-based B82 model, with 2MB of RAM (upgradeable to 6MB on the motherboard) a color display, two 11" AT-style adapter slots, an 80MB fixed disk drive, and room for another fixed disk drive, either 80MB or 129MB. Call this number for details on how to return your existing 286-based PS/1. This upgrade/trade-in cannot be done through a dealer ═══ ═══ IBM PS/2 Direct Customer Sales - The IBM PS/2 Direct Sales line can be used by customers to find out more about the specific PS/2 models sold through this number, and place orders for them directly with IBM. At present, the only models offered through this line are the PS/2 Models 35, 40 and L40 (laptop). Hours are 10:00am-6:00pm Eastern Time, M-F (excluding IBM holidays). ═══ ═══ IBM NSC/Technical Advisor BBS Status - If you have trouble contacting either the IBM National Support Center BBS or the IBM Technical Advisor BBS, and want to know for sure whether the BBS is down or not, call this number for a recorded message. ═══ ═══ IBM Tax Deferred Savings Plan (TDSP) Service Department - The IBM TDSP Service Department is available to all IBM employees and spouses. It allows touch-tone phone users to inquire into TDSP account balances, current rates, and other similar information. Touch-tone and rotary phone users may also speak to a service representative. Hours of operation are 6am-11pm Eastern time, weekdays; and 6am-6pm Eastern time, weekends and IBM holidays. ═══ ═══ IBM Customer Education Schedules - Customers may call this number to find out the latest schedules for, and enroll in, IBM customer classes, as well as ordering self-study courses. ═══ ═══ IBM Triumph! Workstation Manager Service and Support - This product is supported by Micronyx, the vendor. ServiceLink, and SupportLink, within IBMLink, may also be available. These links provide the ability to search product information and defect databases, report defects, order defect corrections, and ask questions related to installing or operating this application. ═══ ═══ IBM Automated Fax System - Nearly 4,000 marketing and technical documents related to the IBM PS product line (hardware and software). You can request to have a catalog of documents faxed to you so that you can scan the list to find documents of interest. Documents are requested by document number. Up to five documents can be requested per phone call. You will be prompted for the fax number to which you want the documents sent. This service requires a touch-tone phone, and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ═══ ═══ IBM National Parts Center Fax order Processing - For Dealers Only! Either the NPC Parts Order form may be used, or dealers may use their own form, providing the form contains the following information, and is on 8.5x11 inch paper: 1. Company name 2. Dealer identification number 3. Customer number 4. Company bill-to address 5. Company ship-to address 6. Name and phone number of person placing order 7. Part number 8. Part description 9. Quantity ordered 10. Whether the order is "Regular" or "Emergency" 11. Purchasing agent signature 12. Dealer's fax number for receipt/acknowledgement NPC orders received via facsimile will receive a receipt acknowledgement via return fax no later than the following business work day. For more information about the NPC fax order procedure, refer to the April 1990 update to the Parts Ordering section of the Service Support Guide (SSG). ═══ ═══ IBM National Support Center BBS - The IBM NSC BBS features product conferences on PC and PS/2 products, DOS and OS/2, AIX and RS/6000, and more. There are also product announcements, downloadable program and text files, and OS/2 device drivers. The latest version of the PS Assistant can always be found on this BBS. The IBM NSC BBS runs on an OS/2 LAN Server V1.3 Token-Ring network. Connection information: o Modem Speeds: 300-9600 bps o Modems Available: Hayes Ultra V.32 9600 bps; IBM 7855 V.32 9600 bps; and USR Dual-Standard V.32/HST 9600 bps o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week o BBS Software: Multi-Net (OS/2-based) o SysOps: Wyn Easton, Tony Reed o Usage Charge: None (however your phone company may charge for long distance call) ═══ ═══ IBM Printers (Lexmark) BBS - Lexmark International, Inc. runs a BBS providing support for IBM printers, including downloadable device drivers. ═══ ═══ IBM Technical Advisor FAX Access to the IBM NSC Dealers who are registered as IBM Technical Advisors, and who wish to send information to the IBM National Support Center via Facsimile may do so. These FAXes will be given the same priority as telephone calls to the NSC 800# by TAs. Note: Only Technical Advisors may use this FAX number. ═══ ═══ FOOTNOTE: California Software Products supports the IBM RPG Application Platform, until July 2, 1992, and sells a CSPI-logoed version called Baby/400. ═══ ═══ FOOTNOTES: The Ballroom BBS - Carries OS/2 patches. Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown o Modem Speeds: Unknown o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Unknown o BBS Software: TAG (DOS-based) o Fidonet Address: Unknown o SysOp: Unknown o Usage Charge: Unknown ═══ ═══ OS/2 BBS - Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown o Modem Speeds: 300-2400 o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Unknown o BBS Software: Unknown o SysOp: Unknown o Usage Charge: Unknown ═══ ═══ Beta Test BBS - Carries OS/2 shareware and IBM patches. Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown o Modem Speeds: o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Unknown o BBS Software: Unknown o Fidonet Address: Unknown o SysOp: Unknown o Usage Charge: Unknown ═══ ═══ Brass Cannon BBS - Has OS/2 and 32-Bit conferences; text files and .CMD files. Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown o Modem Speeds: 2400-14.4Kbps o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Unknown o BBS Software: Wildcat, Front Door o Fidonet Address: 1:304/8 o SysOp: Keith Wood o Usage Charge: No charge for basic access; donations requested for QWK-mail door, longer online time/more downloads. ═══ ═══ Greater Chicago Online BBS - Catering to OS/2 users. Home of the Chicago OS/2 User Group. Full access given on first call with lenient upload/download ratios. Mission is to assist OS/2 users with a complete file selection of OS/2 freeware and shareware. Connection information: o Modems Available: Hayes V.32 14.4Kbps, Node 1; Hayes V.32 9.6Kbps, Node 2. o Modem Speeds: 300-14,400 bps o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: Wildcat 3.02, OS/2, Novell 3.11 server o Fidonet Address: None o SysOp: Bill Cook o Usage Charge: Subscribers - $10.00/year for 90 minutes/day access. Non-Subscribers - no charge for 35 minutes/day. ═══ ═══ Delaware Valley OS/2 User's Group BBS - The BBS is an independent forum for the open exchange of information about the OS/2 operating System, its applications, languages and development tools among the users, developers, and suppliers of these products. Features online newsletter and articles, forums, tech tips and more! Connection information: o Modems Available: USR Courier HST Dual Standard o Modem Speeds: 1200-14,400 bps o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 Hours o BBS Software: Magnum (OS/2-based) o SysOp: Chuck Giglia (302-477-0190; 1129 Webster Drive, Wilmington, DE 19803.) | o Usage Charge: None (PCUG members get 3 hr/day access; non-members get 30 min/day) ═══ ═══ DeTail BBS - DeScribe Inc., which produces the DeScribe Word Processor OS/2-based software, runs this bulletin board for the support of their OS/2 products. Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown o Modem Speeds: 300-2400 o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Hours Unknown o BBS Software: Mitchtron (OS/2-based) o SysOp: Unknown o Usage Charge: Unknown ═══ ═══ The Fortress BBS - Supports OS/2 users and the Fort Wayne OS/2 User Group. Contains OS/2-related files. Connection information: o Additional Line: 219-471-4016 o Modems Available: Supra (V.32bis/V.42bis) o Modem Speeds: 14.4Kbps o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 Hours o BBS Software: Unknown o SysOp: Stephen Gutknecht o Usage Charge: None ═══ ═══ Gateway/2 OS/2 BBS - Home of the St. Louis OS/2 User's Group and home of the OS2NET BBS Network. More than 100MB of OS/2 shareware programs available for download, and over 20 networked OS/2 conferences Connection information: o Modems Available: Intel 9600EX o Modem Speeds: 1200-9600 bps (V.32, V.42bis) o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 22 hours (5:00am-3:00am) o BBS Software: Wildcat 3.02; OS/2 LAN Server o Fidonet Address: 1:100/220 o OS2NET Address: 81:200/1 o Othernets: SMARTNET, USENET, TOADNET o SysOp: Ron Gines o Usage Charge: 30 days free access. St. Louis UG members free ($50/year dues). All other callers, $15/six-months. First call has limited access (for protection from pranksters). Access upgrade is available to all completing the logon questionnaire. ═══ ═══ Hitline Communications BBS - Connection information: o Modems Available (Main Phone Line): USR Dual Standard (21 lines) o Modem Speeds: 14.4 Kbps (V.32, V.42bis) o Additional Line: 41-0-56-320589 (ISDN Solis 38.4 Kbps) o Additional Line: 41-0-56-321588 (ISDN SLink 115.2 Kbps) o Additional Line: 41-0-56-321628 (FIDO Mailer) o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: PCBoard (DOS-based) o Fidonet Addresses: 2:302/213 o SysOp: Ueli Maurer o Usage Charge: Unknown ═══ ═══ Icaro BBS - Home of Spain's national OS/2 conference. Carries international OS/2 conferences (OS/2, OS/2 BBSs, OS/2 programming and OS/2 LANs). Many megabytes of OS/2 programs available for download. Connection information: o Modems Available: USR Dual Standard 14.4Kbps with V.32bis and ASL o Modem Speeds: 1200-9600 bps (V.32bis) o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: Unknown o Fidonet Address: 2:341/1 o SysOps: Jose Pedro Moro (also reachable on CIS as 100021,176 and internet as 100021.176@compuserve.com), and Emilio Castellano o Usage Charge: 3000 pesetas (around US$30) annual fee, for unlimited access and file downloading ═══ ═══ Micro Shelf OS/2 BBS - Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown (14.4kbps) o Modem Speeds: o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: Unknown o Fidonet Address: Unknown o SysOps: Alan Buck o Usage Charge: Unknown ═══ ═══ MonuSci CBCS - The MonuSci CBCS provides a service to members and non-members alike who need help on OS/2 and its applications. The board also holds the latest utilities for OS/2 and DOS and makes them available to all callers. News of user group activities and special offers are provided online. Connection information: o Modems Available: Courier HST-DS+ (two lines) o Modem Speeds: HST, V.21/22/22bis, V.32/32bis, MNP5, V.42/V.42bis. o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 22 Hours (4:00am-2:00am) o BBS Software: Maximus 2.0 (OS/2-based) o SysOp: Mike Gove (CIS ID 10031,2246) o Usage Charge: None (MonuSci user group members have access to special areas) ═══ ═══ Multi-Net BBS - Multi-Net Communications, which produces the Multi-Net OS/2-based BBS software, as well as the Pmcomm async communications program, runs this bulletin board for the support of their OS/2 products. Connection information: o Modems Available: Intel V.32 o Modem Speeds: 300-9600 o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Hours Unknown o BBS Software: Multi-Net (OS/2-based) o Sysop: Paul o Usage Charge: None o Voice Support: (503)883-8099 ═══ ═══ Nerd's Nook BBS - Features 4 phone lines, 210 conferences, over 100MB of OS/2-related files, and a total of over 1GB of storage overall. Nerd's Nook is sponsored by Helpnet for the Impaired, and features more than 60 impairment-related conferences. Connection information: o Additional Line: 216-356-1431 o Modems Available: USR Dual Standard o Modem Speeds: 2400-14.4K bps (V.32, V.42bis) o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: PCBoard (DOS-based) o Fidonet Addresses: 157/2 and 157/3 o Sysop: Butch Walker o Usage Charge: No charge for base usage (1/2 hour per day) with optional usage charges for expanded services. ═══ ═══ Occam's Razor BBS - Carries all Fidonet OS/2 conferences: OS/2, OS2DOS, OS2LAN, OS2HW, OS2PROG, and OS2BBS (plus other, non-OS/2, conferences). Also 15 local conferences, including OS/2. 200MB of downloadable files (including 40MB of OS/2 files). Connection information: o Modems Available: USR Dual Standard o Modem Speeds: 1200-38.4K bps o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: PCBoard (DOS-based) o Fidonet Address: 373/18 o Sysop: Conan Dickson o Usage Charge: None ═══ ═══ OS/2 & Sound BBS - A multi-purpose BBS, containing an OS/2 conference. Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown (MNP Class 4) o Modem Speeds: 300-2400 o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: RBBS (DOS-based) o Sysop: ??? o Usage Charge: None ═══ ═══ OS/2 Sydney BBS - The OS/2 Sydney BBS carries all fixes for OS/2 and DOS, on day of announce. It also carries about 50MB of OS/2 shareware. Connection information: o Modems Available: Unknown o Modem Speeds: Unknown o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Unknown o BBS Software: Maximus 2.0 (OS/2-based) o Fidonet Address: Unknown o SysOp: Jim Cantor o Usage Charge: None ═══ ═══ PC Ohio BBS - PC Ohio is the club BBS for the Greater Cleveland PC User's Group (GCPCUG), and Cleveland PC Business Users Group (PC BUG). Voted Best BBS in America for 1990 and 1991, by Computer Shopper magazine. Twelve CR-ROM drives, 1,500 conferences, 400 download directories, and over 100,000 files online (16GB of storage space), total. Featuring more than 30 OS/2 conferences with >77MB of OS/2-related files. Connection information: o Modems Available: USR Dual Standard (35 lines) o Modem Speeds: 2400-16800 bps (V.32, V.42bis) o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 24 hours o BBS Software: PCboard (DOS-based) o Fidonet Address: 1&157/200 o Othernets: Intelec, Internet, Nanet, Racenet, Rime, Smartnet, Uninet o SysOp: Norm Henke o Usage Charge: $48/year for one hour access per day; limited privileges of 30 minutes per day for first 30 days. 30% discount for members of the GCPCUG or Cleveland PC BUG. o Address: PC Ohio, P.O. Box 21411, Cleveland, OH 44121 ═══ ═══ The Prodigy Service - The Prodigy service contains many bulletin board conferences discussing many different topics. To follow the discussions of OS/2, JUMP "Computer Club" and select the topic(s) you wish to read through. At present there are two topics that contain OS/2 discussions: "OS/2" and "Operating Systems." ═══ ═══ Rucks Place/2 BBS - OS/2 shareware software, example code, and programming tools are available for download. OS/2 messaging areas online are tied to the international echomail network. Separate areas for general OS/2 discussion, OS/2 BBSes, LANs, technical talk, and programming are carried, as well as several areas specific to Dallas-Ft. Worth area users. First-time callers receive full access privileges. Connection Information: o Modems Available: USR Dual Standard 14.4K baud with V.32bis and ASL o Modem Speeds: 1,200-14,400 o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: Unknown o BBS Software: Unknown o Fidonet Address: 1:130/65@fidonet.org o Sysop: Ken Rucker o Usage Charge: None ═══ ═══ OS/2 Shareware BBS - Catering to OS/2 users and developers openly available on two phone lines with an additional line for contributing callers. Over 1800 OS/2 specific files available for download. Full access given on first call with no upload/download ratios enforced. Also a member of the Fidonet international computer network, carrying the OS2, OS2BBS, OS2Lan, and OS2Prog echomail conferences. Connection information: o Additional Line: 703-385-0931 (Only for callers with level 1/level 2 access) o Additional Line: 703-385-8450 (Only for callers with level 2 access) o Modems Available: USR Dual Standard 14.4K bps; all 3 nodes o Modem Speeds: 300-14,400 o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 703-385-4325 - 22 hrs; 703-385-0931 - 24 hrs; Subscriber Line - 24 hrs. o BBS Software: Maximus (OS/2-based) o Fidonet Address: 1:109/347 and 1:109/357 o Sysop: Pete Norloff o Usage Charge: (see below) Access levels 1 and 2 are reserved for contributors. The following contributions are requested for access: 6 months 12 months access access Access level 1 $18 $30 Access level 2 $27 $48 Download Minutes Mbytes Phone Per Day Per day Lines Non-contributor access: 30 1.0 2 Access level 1 45 3.0 3 Access level 2 90 6.0 5 New callers have immediate full free access on the open nodes, with the above time and download limits. ═══ ═══ Soldier's Bored BBS - Catering to OS/2 users. A selection of OS/2 PD/Shareware available for download. New users get download priveleges on the first call. Also a member of the Fidonet international computer network, carrying four OS/2 FidoNet conferences: OS/2, OS/2 LAN, OS/2 Programming, and OS/2 BBS. Connection information: o Modems Available: USR Dual Standard (HST/V.32). o Modem Speeds: 300-9600 o Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N/8/1 o Operation: 23 Hours (5AM-6AM EDT set aside for mail only) o BBS Software: Maximus (OS/2-based), Binkleyterm OS/2 mailer o AlterNet Address: 7:49/437 o Fidonet Address: 1:106/437 o Sysop: Art Fellner o Usage Charge: None