The registration fee for PP-BOOT is US-$ 28,-. If you order more than one copy add US-$ 17,- for each additional floppy disk. The registration fee includes packing and postage. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ! ! ! ! ! To ! ! Peter Porsch ! ! Kalkstr. 11 ! ! ! ! 4300 Essen 11 ! ! Germany ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I would like to register as a user of the program PP-BOOT. ! ! Please send me the latest version and documentation. ! ! Disk size: ( ) 5,25" ( ) 3,5" ! ! Language: ( ) German ( ) English ! ! Number of Copies: ( ) ! ! ! ! I will pay the registration fee of US-$ 28,- (+ US-$ ...) ! ! ! ! ( ) Enclosing an Euro cheque ! ! ! ! ( ) Enclosing cash ! ! ! ! ( ) Cash on delivery (only in Germany) ! ! ! ! ( ) Money transfer to Postbank Essen, Germany, Account No 3310 25-435 ! ! ! ! Please inform me on price graduations for multiple users licences ! ! or licenses for distributors. (Yes / No) ! ! ! ! ! ! I received the test version by/through ........................ ! ! ! ! Comments and suggestions concerning PP-BOOT B02 020293 ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! Name ............................ ! ! ! ! Company ............................ ! ! ! ! Street ............................ ! ! ! ! City/State/ZIP ............................ ! ! ! ! Country ............................. ! ! ! ! ! ! Place, Date: ......................... Signature ................. ! ! ! ! ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --