ŽÜÜÜÜÜÜŻ ŽÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŻ The Arsenal š Topeka's Largest File Source ŽŪŪŻ ŽŪŪŻ ŽŪŪŻ Over 14 Gigabytes š Multiline š High Speed Support ŽŪŪŪŪŻ ŽŪŪŪŻŽŪŪŪŻ CD-ROM Retail, Wholesale, and Production ŚŽß߯ÄÄÄÄŽß߯ÄÄŽß߯Äæ P.O. Box 5723, Topeka, KS 66605-0723 ĄŽÜÜŻÄÄÄÄŽÜÜŻÄÄŽÜÜŻÄ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ ĄÄÄ(913) 266-0067 1200-14400ÄÄÄ(913) 267-9624 1200-2400ÄÄŁ This file has been inspected automatically for Virii, CRC problems, and illegal material prior to it's being offered for distribution. The Arsenal uses the latest Shareware Scanners to provide the utmost in safety available. However, Please be aware that no scanner or procedure can insure total safety, so the end user assumes all responsiblity for the safety of this file. CHECK IT OUT BEFORE YOU RUN IT! The sysops of The Arsenal take no responsiblity for your use of this file, or for it's integrety. Although every reasonable effort has been taken to insure it's safety, no BBS and no sysop can insure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a file is "safe". New virii could be developed and spread before viral scanners get a signature on it, and so called "Trojan Horse" programs will never be detected by a viral Scanner. There should be a PKZip Authenticity Verification on this file, with either FREMONT ARSENAL on it, or the original Authors -AV stamp. If either one of these stamps are on the file, you can be reasonably sure that it has been not tampered with. If in doubt, please download this file again from the Arsenal. It falls on the end user of these files to determine their safety before using said files. FREMONT ARSENAL takes no responsibility for them. Use these files at your own risk.