Purchase Order System --------------------- Version 3.1 Copyright (C) 1987 (User-Supported) Ronald Bryan Byxbe 4594 Providence Place New Orleans, LA 70126 Forward ------- Purchase Order System --------------------- This Program was written under the "ShareWare" concept. You are free to copy this program and share it with others. If you like the program and find it useful you are asked to send a donation to the author and register your copy. Upon receipt of the requested donation you will receive full user support and any additional documentation that is needed to run the system. Ronald Byxbe makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, and will not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special, or consequential arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the user, nor will be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused directly or indirectly by use of this program. To register your program send $45.00 to: Ronald Bryan Byxbe 4594 Providence Place New Orleans, LA 70126 ========================================================================= Mail to: Ronald Bryan Byxbe 4594 Providence Place New Orleans, LA 70126 Program Name: (Purchase Order System) Version No. 3.1 Amount $_________ Where did you get a copy of this program? ___________________________________________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Compatability This Version of "Purchase Order System" is NOT compatible with older versions(1.x - 2.x). Please remove all files from the older versions BEFORE installing this version. If you have any questions please contact Ron Byxbe (504) 283-1179. Version 1.6 . Added 123 Style Menus Version 2.0 . Corrected print bug in 1.6 Version 3.0 . Added Item Description File . Added 3 decimal points to amounts Version 3.1 . Added option to print Purchase Orders to Disk Table of Contents ----------------- 0.0 Installation 0.1 Config.SYS 0.2 Ansi.SYS 0.3 Install Procedures 0.4 Program Execution 0.5 Data Files 0.6 Index Files 1.0 System Menu 1.1 Edit System 1.1.1 Change Company Name 1.1.2 Change Beginning P/O # 1.1.3 Change Printer Codes 1.2 Create New Data Files 1.3 Rebuild File Indexes 2.0 Vendor Menu 2.1 Create New Vendor Account 2.2 Edit Vendor Account 2.3 Delete Vendor Account 2.4 Browse Vendor Accounts 2.5 Print Vendor Master List 3.0 Item Description Menu 3.1 Create New Item Description 3.2 Edit Item Description 3.3 Delete Item Description 3.4 Browse Item Descriptions 3.5 Print Item Description Report 4.0 Purchases Menu 4.1 Enter Purchase Orders 4.2 Edit Purchase Orders 4.3 Print Purchase Orders 4.4 Print Purchase Orders to Disk 4.5 Finalize Purchase Orders 5.0 Maintenance Menu 5.1 View Purchase Transactions 5.2 Clear Purchases Received 5.3 Delete All Cleared 6.0 Reports Menu (Outstanding Purchases) 6.1 By Vendor Name 6.2 By Ship To Name 7.0 I/O Errors 0.0 Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.1 Config.SYS You must have a Config.SYS file on you boot disk or in your root directory if you have a hard disk. The Config.SYS file must have the following commands: FILES=20 (May be higher) BUFFERS=20 (May be higher) This file has been supplied on the Purchase Order Disk if you wish to examine it. 0.2 Ansi.SYS The file ANSI.SYS should also be part of your Config.SYS file. The command is: Device=ANSI.SYS 0.3 Install Procedures 0.3.1 Floppy Disk Make a backup copy of the Purchase Order Disk. Format a blank diskette for a DATA Disk 0.3.2 Hard Disk Copy the files to your hard disk. 0.4 Program Execution 0.4.1 Floppy Diskette Systems: Modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT File to include the following command. This will tell the program where to find its Overlay FIles. SET PUROVR=A: Place Program Disk in Drive A: Place Data Disk in Drive B: From Drive B: type A:PURCHASE 0.4.2 Hard Disk System: Type Purchase If you wish to run multiple data files in different subdirectories you must place the following statements in your AUTOEXEC.BAT File. PATH C:\PURCHASE <- name of your program directory SET PUROVR=C:\PURCHASE <- location of Overlay FIles Log on to your DATA subdirectory or diskette drive and type PURCHASE NEW data files will then be created. To use the Automatic Execution function simply press the F1 Key. To turn it off Press the F1 Key again. Otherwise, place the cursor bar over the desired option and press enter. If this is the first installation of this system then the Edit System menu will appear. See 1.1 Edit System. 0.5 Data Files All necessary data files will be created upon execution if they do not exist. 0.6 Index Files An option is supplied on the System menu for Re-Indexing Data Files. 1.0 System Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 Edit System 1.1.1 Change Company Name This option allows you to change the name of your company. Enter the corrected name and press . 1.1.2 Change Beginning Purchase Order Number This option allows you to enter the beginning Purchase Order Number for your company. Any number from 0 to 32767 is valid. When the P/O Number reaches 32767 it is automatically reset to 1. 1.1.3 Change Printer Codes This option is mandantory. You must tell the system what codes are used to set your printer to condensed print. You must also give to codes needed to cancel condensed print. These codes can be found in your printer reference manual. The condensed print codes are for 15cpi (15 characters per inch). Most printers will allow the 10cpi (10 characters per inch) to cancel the condensed print mode. If your printer allows 15cpi and 17cpi use the 15cpi codes. If you have a wide carriage printer set these values to zero (0). 1.2 Create New Data Files This option allows you to create new data files. Use this command with caution. All data files will be deleted and recreated and any existing data will be Destroyed. A flag has been set to ask if you really want to do this. If so respond by saying yes and the system will create new data files. Otherwise, press and the system will return to the Main Menu. 1.3 Rebuild Data File Indexes This option is used to rebuild all data file indexes. You may execute this option as often as you wish. If you feel that the system is not finding Vendors that have been entered into the system then execute this option. 2.0 Accounts Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Create New Vendor Account This option allows the user to create a new vendor account. If the vendor exists an error will be generated stating that the vendor number is already in the file. Issue a new vendor number and rekey the vendor. Use the key or the to enter the record. Use the key to exit without entering the vendor. 2.2 Edit Vendor Account This option allows the user to change information about a vendor. However, it does not allow you to change the vendor number. To do this you must first delete the vendor and and then re-enter him under a new number. Use the key to select a particular vendor, the and keys to step forward and backwards thru the file. Use the key to abort editing. 2.3 Delete Vendor Account This option allows the user to delete vendor records from the vendor file. Use the key to select a particular vendor, the and keys to step forward and backwards thru the file. To delete a vendor enter the letter 'Y' and press . HOWEVER, delete vendors with caution. If any transactions are still outstanding in the transaction file they will exist without a vendor header. It is best to wait for an extended period of time before deleting a vendor from the vendor file. 2.4 Browse Vendor Account This option allows the user to browse through the vendor file displaying the vendor number, vendor name, and vendor telephone number. The key will allow the user to select a particular vendor number to be displayed first. The and keys allow forward and backward browsing. Use the key to exit the browse function. 2.5 Print Vendor Master List This option allows the user to print a hard copy of all the vendors in the vendor file. All information is printed. The list is printed on 8 1/2" x 11" standard with paper. 3.0 Item Description Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Create New Item Description This option allows the user to create a new Item Description. If the Item exists an error will be generated stating that the Item number is already in the file. Issue a new Item number and rekey the Item. Use the key or the to enter the record. Use the key to exit without entering the Item Description. 3.2 Edit Item Description This option allows the user to change information about an Item. However, it does not allow you to change the Item number. To do this you must first delete the Item and and then re-enter it under a new number. Use the key to select a particular Item, the and keys to step forward and backwards thru the file. Use the key to abort editing. 3.3 Delete Item Description This option allows the user to delete Item records from the Item file. Use the key to select a particular Item, the and keys to step forward and backwards thru the file. To delete an Item enter the letter 'Y' and press . 3.4 Browse Item Description This option allows the user to browse through the Item file displaying all information in the Item Description File. The key will allow the user to select a particular Item number to be displayed first. The and keys allow forward and backward browsing. Use the key to exit the browse function. 3.5 Print Item Description Report This option allows the user to print a hard copy of all the Items in the Item file. All information is printed. The list is printed on 8 1/2" x 11" standard with paper. 4.0 Purchases Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1 Enter Purchase orders Use this option to enter all purchase orders. Purchase orders can be entered at any time. You may exit the program, return and continue at a later time. If a Vendor Code has been entered that does not exist in the vendor master file and error will occur. You can either EXIT and create the vendor account or press the space bar and re-enter the Vendor Code. The Item information will be automatically entered if you have created an Item Description for the Item Number that you enter. 4.2 Edit Purchase orders Use this option to make changes to purchase orders. You must make all changes before executing the finalize command. Use the key to select a particular purchase order. 4.3 Print Purchase Orders Use this option to print purchase orders. Purchase orders are printed on plain 8 1/2" x 11" paper. If a mistake is made you can reprint the purchase orders before you finalize them to the transaction file. 4.4 Print Purchase Orders to Disk Use this option to print Purchases Orders to Disk. The system will ask for a File Name. Enter any VALID File Name up to 14 characters. Example: ORDERS.TXT or ORDERS.ORD or A:ORDERS Caution: Be sure not to give a name of an existing file. If you do the system will write over it. 4.5 Finalize Purchase Orders You MUST execute this option after you have printed the purchase orders. This option will post all purchase order transactions to the transaction file. After the finalize is complete the system will reset the purchase order file to null. (Empty). 5.0 Maintenance Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.1 View Purchase Transactions This option allows the user to browse through the purchase orders that have been sent out. Keys: F1 Used to Find a particular Purchase Order F2 Used to see the Status of the Purchase Order Page Up Used to Step back one Purchase Order Page Down Used to Step forward one Purchase Order ESC Used to Exit 5.2 Clear/UnClear Purchases Received This option is used to clear the purchase transactions once the item has been received. The transaction will appear on the screen. To browse simply press the ENTER key and the next transaction for that Purchase Order will appear on the screen. Information is given as to the status of the transaction. It will display 'OPEN' or 'CLEARED'. Open means that the Purchase transaction is still outstanding. Cleared means that it has been received. To clear a transaction press the F9 Key. This key will also UNCLEAR a transaction that has been previously cleared. The sounding of the BELL means that there are no more transactions for this Purchase Order. Keys: F1 Used to Find a particular Purchase Order Page Up Used to Step back one Purchase Order Page Down Used to Step forward one Purchase Order ESC Used to Exit F9 Used to CLEAR/UNCLEAR a transaction Enter Used to step forward one transaction 5.3 Delete All Cleared This option is used to delete all Purchase Orders that have been received and cleared. The system will ask you a date. Enter the date in which you wish all prior Purchases deleted. Example: If you wanted to delete all Purchases prior to January 1, 1987 then enter 01/01/87. This would delete all transactions up to and including December 31, 1986. Once a Purchase Order has been deleted it is gone forever. 6.0 Reports Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 Print OutStanding Purchases By Vendor Name This option will print outstanding purchase transactions by Vendor Name. 6.2 Print OutStanding Purchases by Ship To Name This option will print cleared purchase transactions by the Person Shipped To. * You can terminate printing at any time by pressing any key. 7.0 I/O Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I/O Error 01 = File does not Exist. Check to see if all files are on the disk. If not copy them from the master disk. I/O Error 153 = Unexpected end-of-file. You have either filled up the disk or you have a bad sector on the disk. If you are using a diskette then format a new diskette and copy all the files to the new diskette. ** Use the COPY command - not DISKCOPY I/O Error 241 = Directory is full. You have too many files in the disk directory. I/O Error 242 = Disk write error. Disk is full. I/O Error 243 = Too many files open. You have too many files open. Check you BOOT disk and be sure you have a CONFIG.SYS file. This file should have the following statements: FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 If this file does not exist then create it using any text processor. Place it on your BOOT disk and then REBOOT the computer. RUN-TIME ERRORS. Run-time Error 240 = Overlay file not found. Check the disk and make sure that the file PURCHASE.000 is on the disk. If not copy it from your diskette.