Closing remarks to "MCVSIBM2.TXT" February 5th, 1993 Sorry, but I can't let your last file (mentioned above) go without comment. In response to your remarks: "Take away "Microslop" and the PC is SEVERELY weakened" Hmmm, take away Apple, and what's a Quadra (or Mac?)??? Also, I disagree, take a look at high end modeling and rendering software from Alias and Intergraph etc... I mention this since I work primarily on graphics software and thats what I know--that kind of stuff was not made to work in the windows environment. Luckily you can run anything under windows you want. I'd also like to point out some features that Apple is trying to catch up with, like their advanced forms of OLE, portable environments, handwriting recognition etc... What do you use YOUR Mac for anyway? If its not graphics or word processing... Also, I'm very much aware that Apple didn't force users into Sys7--but couldn't they make it a little easier? I suppose it doesn't matter since Apple's not competing with anyone--therefore, they can do whatever they want! (This is NOT a compliment!) As for "getting out more often" I'm quite informed when it comes to multimedia--I know what both platforms are offering, and I suggest you read my first letter more carefully: Multimedia is all in the software, and what I said about the graphic design field I believe to be true. As for the article you read on the "250 Mhz 386" first of all, thats a FOUR-eight six not THREE! Second, there WAS no article, just a news brief (a sentance or two.) As for fringe technologies like VR, most of it spawns of PC's because of the versitality in hardware and programming! I'm not talking commercial stuff here! And T2 graphics? Macs were only a part of it! Right now the STANDARD in animation are workstations from Silicon Graphics (Go RISC!) As for Quick Time: I think the standard sucks, It takes up too much power and space to make any effect on myself. I just recently downloaded MS' "Video for Windows" player along with an AVI file--great! JUST like what I've seen in QuickTime...then I proceeded to delete both! But if you're curious: Quick Time does exist on the PC, as well as Video FW, as well as standard .FLI files. So... if you're into making training videos or bad "convention booth" multimedia shows, use it! But I'd use an PC controlled external device like a videodisc player for some good, fast, BIG analog video! As for Mail-order PC companies, if you check out the back cover of PC Magazine sometime (a Dell Ad) you'll notice that Apple Came third to users in overall satisfaction, reliability, Price, Technical support etc.. (After Dell and Compaq & occasionally even Big Blue!) And Apple outselling PC's? NEVER! Also, your comment that they're the "same product/different box" was faaar off. Check em' out sometime! Finally, as for my disclaimer of bad grammer, I said so because I was only downloading about 20 min. worth of files--I wrote the document before they finished. You'd be quite amazed at how you DON'T EVEN NOTICE a background transfer along with 6 more open applications on a unaccelerated 386sx 16Mhz... I'll be soon slapping a 486 motherboard in there to more than quintuple my home computing speed (and OH SO CHEAP--no labor or shipping costs either!) In summary, I find your uneducated arrogance not only insulting, but not worth the time to argue with. I enjoy Macintoshes, but I'd never buy one myself and I think these last three documents should speak for themselves. Signing off for good:C.Gielow, who no longer wants to be part of a pointless argument thats been burning for years, and will continue for years... (I hope this argument opened some eyes out there! I'm getting sick of it all!) Grrr! Argh!