("cleaned up" by Ray Brown, TFDN_PL, @ 1:135/70) I wrote this a few months ago when TNG was playing 1 new episode followed by 2 repeats followed by 1 new followed by 2 repeats etc. I'd forgotten about it until the other night. I now present it for your reading edification. Enjoy. -Bob Lamothe, 324/127 (Somewhere in the neutral zone, aboard the Romulan Star Ship P'tok. Seyla is in the command chair surrounded by her crew. Her advisor enters) Tomar: Julan tru, Commander. Seyla: Julan tru, Tomar. What are the Preator's orders? Tomar: The Praetor is concerned, Commander. Things have been too quiet lately. He feels we should make our presence known. Seyla: What would the Praetor suggest, Tomar? Tomar: He has left that up to you, my Commander. Seyla: It is too soon to work against the Klingons again, and our attempt to conquer Vulcan has failed. What would you suggest? Tomar: Perhaps a show of strength would be in order, to boost the morale of the crew. Might I suggest we seek out the Enterprise? Victory against the Federation flagship would quite a coup. Seyla: A fools errand, Tomar, we would travel millions of light years to get there, be in violation of the treaty and Picard would only talk us out of attacking. No, set course for the Orion cluster, to let them know we are still active. Tomar: Very good, Commander. Julan tru. Seyla: Julan tru. (Cut to space. planets whirl and slide past our view. rear view of the Enterprise. Patrick Stewart's voice says, "Space - the Final frontier. These are the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seed out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.". Credits roll by as various views of the Enterprise are shown. Enterprise enters warp with a flash. cut to commercial) STAR TREK: THE PEPSI GENERATION Written by Robert L. Lamothe Captains log 2654.1. Starfleet Command has been monitoring a signal from the planet El Adril from a vessel recognized as from the Children of Tamar. The Enterprise has been ordered to investigate. Picard: Mr. Data, set course to El Adril. It seems the Tamarians wish to communicate. Data: Yes sir, course laid in. (pause) One question, sir. Picard: What is it, Mr. Data. Data: We have already established communication with the Tamarians - why would they wish us to meet them at El Adril again? Picard: Again? Are you suggesting we've done this before? Data: Yes sir. You were kidnapped by the Tamarians and placed with their Captain on El Adril. Even though Captain Dathan died, you were able to learn enough to communicate with Commander Tamak. Picard: Are you absolutely certain of this? Data: Yes, sir. Picard: Shaka. Very well, then perhaps this would be a good time to meet with the winners of the science fair. Data: You have already done that sir. Picard: Are you sure Mr. Data? Data: Yes sir. You were trapped in a turbo lift after the Enterprise struck a Quantum filament. You assisted the children from the lift before it gave way and fell. Counselor Troi assumed command in your absence and saved the ship. Picard: Hmmm, yes, that does sound familiar, now that you mention it. (Cut to turbo lift, Riker steps out with a big grin on his face) Picard: Welcome back, Number One. I trust you enjoyed your stay on Risa? Riker: Yes sir, and I brought back this game that I think you are going to like. Picard: I hope it's not like that soft drink you brought back last time, this ship was feuding for three months over that one. Riker: (smirking) Well more people seemed to like mine best. Data: Excuse me, sir. Picard: I'll field this, one Mr. Data. Let me guess Commander, this game of yours mind-washes us and almost causes us to turn the ship over to a group of Butt heads. Riker: (confusion on his face) How did you know, sir? Picard: According to Mr. Data, we seem to be doing the same things over again. Intercom: (Beverly's voice) Sick bay to bridge. Picard: Picard here, Dr., what can we do for you? Intercom: I understand Commander Riker has just returned from Risa, I'd like him to report for a physical. Picard: Commander Riker had a physical 2 months ago. Would you care to explain, Dr.? Intercom: When Will played host for Odan, I discovered he had, shall we say, an embarrassing social condition. It took me six weeks to get rid of it. I'd like to make sure the Commander is healthy. Picard: (to Riker) You and those alien women again. Riker: (smirking) Picard: Very well, Dr., I'll send him down as soon as I can. Picard out. Worf: Captain, I've received a subspace communique from Starfleet Command. Ambassador Spock has been located on Romulus. Should I contact the Klingon High Council and request a cloaked ship? Picard: Data? Data: Already accomplished sir. We managed to thwart a Romulan invasion, Sarek died and Spock chose to remain on Romulus. Picard: Assemble in my ready room, Mr. Worf. I want you and Commander LaForge to join us. Worf: Yes, sir. (Cut to ready room. Picard, Riker, Data, LaForge, Worf and Counselor Troi are seated at the table) Picard: According to Mr. Data, we seem to be repeating ourselves. Each time I order us on a mission, Data informs me that we have already completed the mission. Speculations? Riker: Perhaps we are stuck in some kind of time warp. Picard: Mr. LaForge? Geordi: I don't think so, sir. Down in engineering, every thing checks out. Picard: Worf, any ideas? Worf: Perhaps this is a test by some powerful alien force. We should attack. Picard: You mean like the Q. Counselor? Deanna: I don't think so, sir. I am sensing a malevolent presence, but nothing defined or focused. Picard: Mr. Data, you seem to be most familiar with what is going on. What do you think it is? Data: I believe it is syndication, sir. Riker: Synda-what? Data: Syndication.(breathy intake of air) It was a process that was popular during the old Earth calendar of the 1960's and 70's but did not realize its true potential until the 1980's and 90's. Picard: Data what exactly is this syndication? Data: It was a process used in the transmitted media entertainment industry of the late 20th century. Riker: You mean television. Data: (another breathy intake of air) Yes sir. Independent television stations purchased the right to air new broadcasts in an attempt to compete with the large networks. Picard: You make it sound like it was a good thing, Data. Data: I believe it was, sir. It allowed programs with broad national appeal but poor Nielsen results to remain on the air. Riker: Nielsen results? Picard: Yes, Number One. The nielsen results - I remember reading about them in history. Homes full of mindless people selecting what the nation would watch - an interesting study in statistics. Mr. Data, if this process was so good, then what went wrong? Data: Unlike the big networks of the time who controlled production and made sure a new episode appeared each week during the television season, the syndicates were at the mercy of the production studios who were not under the pressure to turn out something new on a weekly basis. Picard: And you think that is what happened to us? Data: It would seem most likely, sir. Have you never wondered why the stardates do not go in order? Picard: Data, how do we combat this syndication? Data: At the source, sir. Riker: Where is the source, Data? Data: Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, California, Earth, in the Sol system. Picard: Yes, Data I know where Earth is. Set course for Earth, warp factor nine. Mr. Worf, dispatch communication to Starfleet Command, informing them of what we have learned and what we intend to do about it. Number One, report to sick bay. Dismissed. (Cut to commercial, after two minutes of tedium we return to the bridge; every one is at their station) Data: Approaching Earth, sir. Picard: On main viewer, reduce speed to impulse power. (Shot of main view screen, Image of Earth rotating slowly against a field of stars. Cut back to Riker) Riker: If thats Earth, where is the Starbase? Picard: Data, scan for the Star base. Data: Starbase not present sir. This is 20th century Earth. The Starbase will not be built for another 200 years. Picard: I see. Assume standard orbit. Mr. Data, have you located Paramount Studios yet? Data: Yes sir. Coordinates have been transmitted to Transporter room three. Picard: (to ceiling) Picard to engineering. Geordi: (from ceiling) LaForge here, sir. Picard: Mr. LaForge, Commander Riker, Mr. Worf, Data and myself are beaming down to locate the source of the trouble. You have the con. Geordi: Aye, sir, I'll be right up. Picard: (heading towards turbo lift) Gentlemen. (Cut to transporter room) Picard: Chief O'Brian, do you have the coordinates Mr. Data sent down? O'Brian: Coordinates locked in sir, ready when you are. Riker: Keep close tabs on us, if there's trouble, we may need to leave quickly. O'Brian: Don't worry, sir, I'll have you out of there before you finish your sentence. Picard: Do you really think that's necessary, Number One? Riker: Just a precaution, sir. Picard: Very well, Number One. But you should realize after all these years that I can talk us out of anything. Riker: (crestfallen) Yes, sir. Picard: Good. Energize. (Image of away team vanishing, cut to Enterprise bridge, image of away team materializing) Picard: (confused, touching his communicator) Mr. O'Brien, are you sure you had the right coordinates? We seem to be on the bridge. O'Brian: (from thin air) Coordinates confirmed, sir. You should be smack dab in the middle of Paramount. Riker: (Grinning) Remarkable. Picard: Remarkable indeed. Data, any ideas? Data: This seems to be a facsimile, sir, the purpose of which eludes me. (part of the bridge slides away exposing several people, cameras and lights) Justman: Good, you're early and in costume, (walking over to Worf) Wow Mike, they did a really good job on you today. I can't even tell where the prosthesis stops and you start - good makeup! Worf: Klingons do not wear makeup. Justman: Good line, maybe we can get Dorothy to write that into one of the scripts. Looks like everyone is just about ready. Is Marina here? Sirtis: (from back stage) Back here, I'm all set. Justman: Ok, good. (turning back to camera and sound crew) We'll start with scene six, maybe we can get a few extra feet shot today. Camera and sound check. Riker: (to Picard) What's going on here? These people seem to know us. Picard: So it seems. Riker: What should we do? Picard: Lets play along with them for a while - perhaps we can learn something. Worf: Must we, sir? After that insult about makeup? Picard: Mr. Worf, we are here to find the cause of this syndication thing. This seems as good a place to start as any. Data: Sir, I am picking up power emanations nearby. Picard: Try and pinpoint the location. Justman: Ok, folks ,were starting on scene six. Since we rehearsed it yesterday I'd like to see if we can shoot it in one take. Places, everybody. (several people take their places on the set. Picard and co. remain huddled) Justman: (to Picard) Well? what are you waiting for? Riker: Just what exactly are we to do? Justman: What did you boys do? Stay up too late drinking Romulan ale? Riker: Romulan ale is illegal. Justman: (eyeing Riker) Right. You want to take your places so we can start? Picard: What places are those? Justman: (exasperated) This some kind of a joke? You the ring leader, Pat? Ok, I'll bite, Captain sits in the Captains seat, Riker sits beside him, Worf at ops and Data at the helm. Got it? (The crew takes their positions) Justman: Ok, quiet on the set, roll tape and action. (the turbo lift doors open with a rumble instead of a whoosh and Marina Sirtis steps out in her blue gown) Picard: Counselor, what are you doing here? I didn't order you to beam down. Justman: Cut! What do you mean, asking her what she's doing here. This is scene six, remember? You have an alien ship on the view screen, you're trying to establish communications, so you order Troi here to help. Data: There is nothing on the view screen. Justman: You're in on this too, Brent? Of course, there's nothing on the screen, imagery gets added later - you know that. Can we try this again? (after a pause) Quiet on the set. Roll tape and action. (again the turbo lift doors open and Sirtis steps out making her way to her chair) Picard: (playing along) Mr. Worf, open hailing frequencies. Counselor, are you getting anything? Sirtis: The Alderberans are apprehensive of our presence. They are uncertain of our motives. Picard: Mr. Worf, have you established communications yet? Worf: This equipment looks just like the ones on the Enterprise but does nothing. Communication is impossible. Justman: (loudly) Cut! Ok I get it - we're on Bloopers and Practical jokes, right? Everybody take five until these jokers want to do this right. (Justman wanders away muttering, Marinna joins him) Justman: Did you know anything about this? (Marinna shrugs and shakes her head no as they wander off) Picard: Gentlemen, in my ready room. (Picard heads for the ready room and walks full force into the doors causing the set to shake) Picard: (rubbing an injured nose) What's wrong with this thing? Data: (with tricorder in hand) These look like the doors on the Enterprise but are not, I detect no mechanism. Perhaps you could slide it open with your hand. (Riker places his palm on the door and pushes sideways, with a rumble the door opens and they pass through descending the curved ramp to the ready room only to find themselves behind the set wooden truss members and beams stand exposed along with gobs of electrical wiring.) Picard: Analysis, Mr. Data. Data: This mock-up and what we just participated in seems to be for Electronic Transmission Media Entertainment. Riker: You mean television. Data: Did I not just say that? Riker: (to Data) Right. (to Picard) What do we do now? Picard: Quite so, Number One, what do we do? Mr. Data, have you determined the location of those power emanations? Data: The source of the power emanations is 500 meters west of our present position sir. Picard: Lead the way, Mr. Data. (Cut to commercial; after 2 more tedious minutes we return. The Enterprise crew follows Data through Paramount studios, the word "intriguing" escapes his lips many times. Their search finally ends at a building marked "Paramount Post Production Facility") Data: Power emanations are within this building, sir. Picard: And you believe this to be the source of the syndication? Data: I would bet my life on it, if I had one. Picard: (noticing the troubled look on Riker's face) What seems to be the trouble, Number One? Riker: Captain, we're about to face an unknown that could have tremendous impact on our lives. I just couldn't help wishing Ensign Crusher were with us right now. Picard: Yes indeed.(smiling) Mr. Crusher could figure a way of getting us out of this. Unfortunately, we don't have time to go to the Academy to get him. Worf: Perhaps if we played Commander Rikers game, he would come. Riker: We already used that one. Besides, I threw it away. Picard: We'll just have to muddle through on our own, then. Worf: It is a good day to die. Riker: (muttering) Tomorrow would be better. (The away team enters the building and follow a long corridor with many labeled doors on each side. They come to a door at the end of the hallway) Data: Power emanations are located beyond that door. Picard: Very well then, phasers on stun. Let's go. (they step through the door only to find themselves in a modest 1950's style living room. A red headed woman is having an emotional discussion with a Cuban man) Riker: There seems to be something wrong with my eyes. Data: It is called black and white, obviously pre 1964. Woman: Bwaaaaaa, Ricky how come you won't let me be in your show, Bwaaaaaa. Ricky: Lucy, we've discussed this a thousand times, you can't be on the show! Lucy: But Ricky, why not, Bwaaaaaaaa. Picard: Excuse me - I'm Jean-Luc Picard of the Star Ship Enterprise. We are trying to locate the source of the syndication. Can you help us? Ricky: Can't you see I'm having a discussion with my wife. Just what are you doing in my living room any way? Get out of here. Data: Through this door, sir. Lucy: Bwwwaaaaaaa. (They pass through the door and find themselves on a well manicured lawn in front of an impressive mansion. A tall man in shorts and a flowered shirt with a bushy moustache and a Detroit Tigers cap is leaning against a red Farrari) Man: Hi there, you must be Higgins' friends. He's up at the main house. I can take you there if you like. (a short man with dark hair and Khaki shirt and pants approaches) Higgins: Oh my god, Magnum, what are you and these hooligans doing? Going to a masquerade party? Magnum: Hooligans, Higgins? I thought these were friends of yours. Higgins: You must be joking. I can assure you these are no friends of mine. Although this one (indicating Worf) reminds me of the time I was with the 5th regiment pulling garrison duty in the Belgian Congo. Dixby and I, a good chap Dixby, were out foraging in the underbrush, of course we were well fed, the Queen mother takes care of her own but military food tends to ruin the palette. Any way there we were trying to flush out some game when we came upon one of the natives, a magnificent fellow, resplendent in war garb. Magnum: Higgins... Higgins: Don't interrupt me Magnum, (to Picard) He's really quite crude, you know. Well, this chap turned out to be a marvelous hunter and we became fast friends. He made our stay much more enjoyable. Magnum: Higgins, don't you think we should find out what these fellows want? Higgins: Yes, quite. I'll leave that up to you, you're in charge of security around here. Just stay off the tennis courts and out of the wine cellar. Magnum: Ta ta, Higgins. Higgins: Really. Magnum: Don't mind Higgins - he's not a bad sort once you get to know him. (extending his hand) Thomas Magnum, Private Investigator. Picard: Jean-Luc Picard Captain of the Star Ship Enterprise. Magnum: (smirking) I thought that was supposed to be James T. Kirk? Picard: (to Riker) He smirks almost as well as you do, Number One. Data: (to Magnum) Actually, there was a James Kirk who commanded a Constitution Class Star Ship named Enterprise. We are from the Galaxy Class Enterprise - a much later design. Magnum: (still smirking) And what's this, a Romulan? (indicating Worf) Worf: Grrrrrr. Picard: At ease, Lieutenant. Worf: But, must I take such an insult? Picard: I'm sure no insult was intended. Magnum: Wait, Rick and T. C. put you up to this, didn't they? Riker: Rick? T. C.? Mr. Magnum, we are looking for the source of the syndication. Can you help us? Magnum: (chuckling) Oh, syndication - of course! Well, if you find it let me know. (walking off) Rick and T. C. - those guys'll do anything to get me (chuckle). Picard: Suggestions? Data: Power emanations are coming from the beach. Picard: Let's go. (As they set foot on the beach, a change takes place. The mansion and ground disappear and a jungle takes their place. The crew finds themselves face to face with a skinny man wearing a red shirt and a sailors cap) man: (stiff with terror at the sight of Worf) sk..sk..skipper (he whispers). Skipper! (this time shouting) (a heavy man in a blue shirt and captain's hat comes running out of the brush) Skipper: I'm coming, little buddy. (He stops short at the sight of Picard and crew) Skipper: Why their people, Gilligan! Gilligan: I know they're people, but what's that? (pointing to Worf) Picard: Mr. Worf is one of my crew. Skipper: You hear that Gilligan, one of his crew. Don't you know what this means. Gilligan: Yeh, he's going to eat us. Skipper: No, stupid (thumping Gilligan with his hat). It means we're rescued! Gilligan: Oh, maybe I should go tell the others. Skipper: Run along, Gilligan. Gilligan: (Running through the brush) Professor, Mary Anne, Ginger, Mr. Howell, Mrs. Howell we're rescued! Skipper: Don't mind Gilligan - he just gets a little excited some times. Boy, it's good to see people again. Do you know how long we've been here? I sometimes forget myself. Picard: Actually, Mr., uh...? Skipper: Grumby, Jonas Grumby but everybody calls me Skipper. Picard: Yes, Mr. Grumby. We are here to locate the source of the syndication. Skipper: Well, I don't know about any syndication but I bet the Professor could help. He knows all about this Island. Follow me. (They make their way to a small compound with thatched huts and bamboo furniture.) Gilligan: See, I told you. Big horny head and fangs. Blech. Professor: Why, it's a Homo Erectus Klingonus. I never thought to see one around here! Mr. Howell: Looks like a Yale man to me. Worf: Klingons are not Yale men. Mrs. Howell: Of all the impudence. Mr. Howell: Well, perhaps Dartmouth then. Ginger: (sidling up to Riker and running her hands over his chest) Is it true, you're going to rescue us? Riker: (Smirking) Any assistance we can offer. Picard: Number One, really. She's not even an Alien! You'll never break Kirk's record that way. Riker: Sorry, sir, just trying to stay in practice. Picard: There'll time enough for that later - right now, we need to find the syndication. Skipper: Thats right, Professor, They said they were looking for something called the syndication. Professor: Syndication? Data: Our ship is trapped by a force that makes us repeat things over and over again. We believe the source to be the syndication. Professor: I don't believe I recognize your species. Data: I'm an android, sir. Professor: Remarkable. This syndication, do you know what it looks like. Data: Negative. We have been following power emanations that led us here. We hoped you would be able to assist us. Professor: I don't know about a syndication. But what you've said has made sense. I've had the feeling I've been doing the same things over and over again for the past thirty years. You may want to try the other side of the Island. You may find what you're looking for there. Picard: Thank you Professor, and good luck. Professor: By all means, and good luck to you. (Cut again to commercial - some people use the bathroom, others go to the refrigerator. After another 2 minutes we return. As the away team makes its' way across the island, the terrain changes from lush forest to scrub brush and sand dotted by large rocks) Riker: You know, Captain, it's almost as if we're on one of our own holo decks. Picard: Hmmm. I've had the same feeling myself, the way the terrain keeps changing. Worf: Captain, look. Picard: What is it, Mr. Worf? Worf: It appears to be a space ship sir. Picard: Data? Data: Confirmed Captain, Power emanations are coming from beneath the craft. (The ship is a silver saucer shaped vessel half buried in the sand with one large window in the front. As they approach the ship they see 3 men, 2 women, a girl, a boy, and a robot. All are working except for one man lounging in the shade. One of the women goes up to one of the men and takes hold of his arm and points at the away team) Woman: John, look. John: Well, I'll be. (they all drop what they are doing and approach the party) John: Welcome to our camp. I'm Professor John Robinson, this is my wife (indicating the older woman), my daughter Judy (indicating the attractive blond), my daughter Penny (indicating a teenage brunette), and my son Will (the boy). Thats Don West, my pilot and navigator. Don: And that useless lump of flesh is Dr. Smith. Smith: After all the times I've tried to help and this is the thanks I get. Don: Help? If it wasn't for you we wouldn't be in this mess at all. Smith: Oh, the pain - the pain. John: Enough, Don, beating up on him won't help. Oh, and yes of course, our robot. Picard: Greetings, I'm Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Star Ship Enterprise. This is my first Officer William Riker, Lt. Commander Data and Lieutenant Worf, my tactical Officer. Riker: (smirking) Judy. Judy: (smiling) Commander. Don: Grrrrrr. Worf: Spoken like a true Klingon Picard: Enough, Will - haven't we already discussed this. Will: But we just met, sir. Picard: I meant the other Will. Riker: Sorry sir, but I thought she might be alien. John: You said you were from a Star Ship. How did you get here - thats supposed to be on NBC? Data: We believe it has to do with the syndication. Don: (to Data) Just what are you, anyway? Data: I am an android, sir. Will: Oh boy, an android, thats beats a robot any old day. Robot: Warning! Danger Will Robinson. (Will pulls the robots power pack) Robot: Dangerrrrrr(slump) Don: Well, Captain, it looks like we have something in common, we both have robots. Data: I am an android, not a robot. Don: Semantics. Will: (to Data) Do you want to go mess with alien machines? John: I'm sure Data has other duties to attend to. Will: But dad, he's an android. John: Why don't you and the robot go play. Will: Oh, all right. (plugging in power pack) Come on robot, lets go. Robot: Danger! Warning! Will: Don't worry, Robot, you're still my best friend. Robot: Shall we play melt down on Solaris 5? Will: (leaving with robot) Sure, but do you think you can get Deutronium ore to critical mass? John: What was it you were saying about a syndicate? Data: We have been forced to repeat the same things over and over again. The only logical explanation is the syndication. Our readings indicate that it is in or below your vessel. Mrs. Robinson: In the Jupiter Two? Data: We have reason to believe so, yes. John: What your looking for may be in the engine room. For as long as I've been on this show I never could understand how a ship this small could have such an enormous engine room. Picard: Professor, do you mind if we have a look around? John: Not at all, I'll show you the way. (They enter the Jupiter two, it does indeed seem larger on the inside than on the outside. they go to the lower level one at a time on a tiny elevator) Picard: You have a most impressive vessel John: You haven't seen anything yet (he opens a hatch) come in here. (They pass through the hatch and enter an engine room much too large for the size of the ship) John: What did I tell you. Picard: This room is indeed too large for the size of your ship. Mr. Data, any ideas? Data: Yes sir. The engine room was not featured until later episodes. By that time it was too late to change the outward appearance. So they added this room and hoped no one would notice. John: That makes sense. Picard: Data can you locate the source of the emanations? Data: They are coming from behind this hatch. John: Another hatch? I never noticed that before. Picard: Can you open it Data? (Data pulls the hatch away, exposing a passage way to another room) Data: The source of our troubles is in there. Picard: Thank you for your assistance, Professor Robinson, good luck to you and your family. John: My pleasure Captain, good luck to you as well. Picard: Let us proceed, gentlemen. (As they pass through the hatch they find themselves in a room with hundreds of television screens, each playing endless reruns of old shows. A man in a three piece suit is frantically working the equipment, he looks up and sees Picard and crew) Man: You're too late, too late. haa haaa haaa haaa haaa. Data: As I suspected. Picard: You recognize him, Data? Data: Yes sir. That is Brendan Tartikoff, President of NBC. Picard: The man responsible for killing Star Trek? Data: Not directly, no. Tartikoff: You thought you could take it away from me didn't you, but you were wrong. One little mistake, just one little mistake. We would have made it up to you but you went with someone else. All that profit should have been mine, MINE, but now you will pay. Picard: This must be the malevolent presence Counselor Troi felt. (hitting his communicator) Picard to Enterprise. Communicator: Enterprise here sir. Picard: We've found a man in a state of psychosis, please send down Dr. Crusher. Communicator: Affirmative, Captain, She's on her way. (moments later Beverly appears in the room) Picard: Dr., that man needs help, can you do anything? Beverly: I'll see what I can do. Picard: Mr. Data, is this equipment the cause of our troubles? Data: Yes sir, it must be destroyed. Picard: Dr., how are you coming? Beverly: With difficulty, Jean Luc. This man is not Human. Picard: Not Human? Beverly: No sir. He appears to be Ferengi. Riker: That explains things. Picard: Well, then, get him out of the way, we have work to do. Beverly: (touching communicator) Enterprise, two to beam directly to sick bay. (in flashes and sparkles the two disappear) Picard: Mr. Data, how do we destroy this thing. Data: A concentrated Phaser blast just to the right of that Dolphin should do the trick. Picard: Proceed. (in unison the quartet draws their phasers and blasts at the point indicated by data. Over the whine of the phasers they hear. "Flipper, Flipper, king of the ocean snap, sizzle, crackle, pop KAAABOOOOM". The blast knocks them all against the wall; the screens then go dead) Picard: Anybody hurt? Riker: I don't think so. Data: Fully functional sir. Picard: Mr. Worf, are you injured? Worf: I am fine, sir. Riker: Yeah, well, you wouldn't tell us any way. (Picards communicator trills) Picard: (slapping communicator) Picard here, what is it, Enterprise? Communicator: LaForge here sir, I don't know what you did, sir, but we're reading a static warp bubble and its shrinking rapidly. Picard: Any danger to the ship? Geordi :I should say so sir, if or should I say when it hits the antimatter pods we go boom. Picard: How much time? Geordi: About 5 minutes sir. Riker: Thats what he must of meant when he said it was too late. Picard: Beam us directly to the bridge. Geordi: Aye, sir. (Within moments their vision begins to sparkle, when it returns to normal they are on the bridge) Picard: Mr. Data, see if that wall moves. Data: The wall is solid sir. Picard: Do the doors work? Data: Yes sir, all doors read as functional. Picard: Good, then we're in the right place. How much time do we have? Spock: 4 minutes 30 seconds Captain. Picard: Spock? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on Romulus? Spock: Apparently not, since I am here. Picard: What happened to Riker. Spock: I am unable to answer that question since I don't know of whom you speak. Picard: Commander Riker, my First Officer! Spock: I am First Officer of the Enterprise. Picard: I don't understand. Data: It is due to the destruction of the syndication and the warp bubble sir. We are merging with the old series. Checkov: Yes, syndication - a Russian Inwention. Picard: How do we stop the warp bubble? Spock: A force chamber implosion of the matter-antimatter reactor at magnitude six should dispel the bubble with little danger to the ship. Picard: Will it work? Spock: I don't see why not, we used to do it all the time. Picard: Make it so. How long will it take? Spock: I'm feeding the formulas to engineering now. Intercom: Captin, yae gotta talk ta tha crazy Vulcan, me poor wee bairns canna take the strain. Picard: (to ceiling) Who is this and what happened to my chief engineer Mr. LaForge. Intercom: This is Lt. Commander Scott, sair, an I'm Chief engineer on tha Enterprise. Data: More results of the bubble sir. Picard: Well, Mr. Scott, or whoever you think you are. Just be ready to act on those formulas on my order. Scotty: But sair, tha engines canna take the poundin', theres no knowin what she'll do. Picard: Dammit, Scotty, we're running out of time, (mumbling to himself) how did Kirk ever put up with that man. Scotty: Aye sair, we'll be ready. (As the build up to reaction takes place, the Enterprise begins to shake violently) Intercom: (mans voice) Can't you folks keep it still up there? My God, I have a patient down here who needs rest. Picard: Who is this? Intercom: This is your Chief Medical Officer - who do you think it is? Picard: My Chief Medical Officer is supposed to be a woman. Intercom: Dammit Jim I'm a Doctor not a Transvestite. Leonard McCoy is Chief Medical Officer aboard the Enterprise. Now stop shaking this thing, will you? Picard: I don't know how much more of this I can take. Spock: Count down to Implosion beginning now. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Picard: Engage. (As the reaction takes over, a blinding white light surrounds the Enterprise, as it diminishes the Enterprise floats silently on a back ground of studded velvet) Picard: (to ceiling) Picard to sick bay, Dr. McCoy, how is our visitor doing? Intercom: (Beverly's voice) McCoy, sir? Picard: Sorry Dr.. How's our guest? Beverly: He's gone sir, he must have been connected to the bubble some how. Picard: I see. Mr. Spock - Status please. Riker: Beg your pardon, sir? Spock's on Romulus. Picard: Oh, sorry, Number One. What's our condition? Riker: Minor damage to some of the energy conduits on decks 3 through 17. But nothing we can't handle. Picard: (to ceiling) Engineering? intercom: LaForge here, sir. Picard: (muttering) Good thing I waited. Intercom: What's that, sir? Picard: Nothing Commander, how's the status down there? Intercom: She's purring like a kitten, sir. Picard: Very good. Mr. Data, take us home, warp factor six. Data: Warp factor six. Aye, sir. Picard: Engage. (Shot of Enterprise from space, as the end credits roll by neon blue increases around the warp nacelles, the ship moves forward and vanishes with a bright white flash) THE END