═══ 1. Overview for Calculator ═══ This calculator is targetted directly for programmers. My hexidecimal, binary and octal arithmetic is not the hotest, after getting sick of looking up boring translation tables in obscure manuals all the time, I decided to write this program. I have used it ever since ! Note: The program will minimise automatically at startup time. I have done this deliberately. Is best for you to select it as an 'auto-start' program (featured in OS/2 1.3 or greater) so that it starts up when you boot your PC and stays in a minimised state (as an icon) until you want it. If you want to use it, simply double click on the icon ! ═══ 2. Colour Options ═══ You can change the colours associated with various parts of the calculator. By selecting the system menu icon, located in the extreme top left hand corner, then selecting the 'Colour Options' item. From the selections, you can change both the button foreground and background colours. The Buttons which you can change are: Text This sets the colour of the text which appears on the actual button. Button This changes the background colour of the button. Operators This changes the colour on the 'Operator' buttons. Bitwise This changes the colour on the 'Bitwise' buttons. Select the 'Text' button first, then choose the colour you want. When you are happy with this press the 'Text' button. This will then enable the 'Button' button, select the colour you want for this then select the 'Button' button. Repeat the same selection process for both the 'Operator' button and the 'Bitwise' button. When you are happy with your selections, select the 'Apply' button. This will update the calculator with the colours you have selected. Note: If you want to make your changes permanent, then select the 'Save' button. This will perform the permanent save and apply functions automatically. If you have really 'botched' it up then select the 'Cancel' button then you can start all over again. ═══ 3. Number Bases ═══ The Calculator program offers you 4 number bases to work with. Binary Base 2, to select this base, simply click on the 'Bin' radio button or by using the keyboard with the combination. Hexidecimal Base 16, to select this base, simply click on the 'Hex' radio button or by using the keyboard with the combination. Decimal Base 10, to select this base, simply click on the 'Dec' radio button or by using the keyboard with the combination. Octal Base 8, to select this base, simply click on the 'Oct' radio button or by using the keyboard with the combination. ═══ 4. Arithmetic Operators ═══ The Calculator program offers you 4 standard operators to work with. + (Addition) e.g. 1 + 1 = 2 - (Subtraction) e.g. 8 - 3 = 5 / (Division) e.g. 100 / 10 = 10 * (Multiplication) e.g. 3 * 2 = 6 then 6 extended arithmetic operators which are often used by programmers. AND (Logical AND) e.g. in C, this would look like 0xFE & 0x01 OR (Logical OR) e.g. in C, this would look like 0xFE | 0x01 XOR (Exclusive OR) e.g. in C, this would look like 0xFE ^ 0x01 MOD (Modulus Division) e.g. in C, this would look like 0xFE % 0x01 SHL (Bitwise Shift Left) e.g. in C, this would look like 0xFE << 8 SHR (Bitwise Shift Right) e.g. in C, this would look like 0xFE >> 8 ═══ 5. Operation of ═══ The calculator will default to Decimal (Base 10) initially at startup. Use the calculator as you would with any 'normal' scientific type calculator. Note: Real numbers (e.g. 1.234556 etc) are only supported when you are in decimal mode only. If you have a real number being displayed and then switch to a non-decimal base, the number will be truncated downwards to the nearest whole number. Upon reselecting the decimal base the complete real number will be re-instated as it was displayed before. To clear the display, select the Kill' button this clears the display and resets the calculator back to zero (as if you had turned the calculator off) Note: The base will remain unchanged when the 'Kill' button is selected. ═══ 6. Repetitve Operations ═══ Quite often I have needed to use the calculator as an Adding Machine. To perform the operation of say, adding 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 together then divide that result by 10.374, follow these sequence of keystrokes: Make sure the keyboard is in Num Lock mode. (Num Lock light is ON) 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 / 10.374 =